Saturday, July 13, 2019

op ed review 7/14

In President Trump's First Two-and-a-Half Years He's Already Outperformed Every President in US Stock Market History
Winning: $10-12 trillion In Wealth Created Since President Trump Took Office

“You’ve probably heard a lot overnight about President Trump backing down on trying to get a citizenship question on the census questionnaire next year. Trump says he’s devised another path to the same information, which won’t be tied up for months with obstructionist lawsuits.”
Even 55% of Hispanic voters approve citizenship question on census: Harvard poll
Citizenship question more popular than the media would lead you to believe
Poll: Majority Wants Mass Deportations Following Congressional Inaction

Whoops! Finally some honesty:  AOC's Chief of Staff Admits the Green New Deal Is Not About “Saving the Planet”:   “..the true motivation….is to overhaul the “entire economy.” (i.e.:advance socialism)
AOC's Green New Deal would boost gas tax $10-$13, 'destroy economy'

American Psychological Association Pushes Polyamory “Multiple Sex Partner Status as Legally Protected Class”
“All-Ages” Drag Show in Denver Draws Controversy, Protests

Video: Texas Reporter Watches 300 Migrants Cross Border in Six Hours “continuous stream”
California Gives Green Light to Health Care for Illegal Aliens
But when Mexico enforces its own laws, illegal immigration drops

Why is this not obstruction of justice? Hillary Clinton Posts Instructions for Illegal Immigrants to Evade ICE Agents
And Pelosi Gives 'Legal Advice' on How to Evade ICE Agents

Elizabeth Warren Promises to Import at Least 700 Percent More Refugees to U.S.

One Federal Department Now Spending $100 Billion Per Month (>$1T/yr)

Minnesota City Council drops Pledge of Allegiance. “We concluded that in order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community we’re going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance..”

Remember Christine Blasey Ford, portrayed as politically moderate?  “..her acquaintances reported Ford’s profile on social media “had been notable for its extreme antipathy to President Trump,” so she scrubbed her social media profile before detailing alleged sexual assault.”

Ross Perot donated to Trump’s re-election campaign just before his death.

Undercover video proves Google interfered in Irish abortion referendum.

GoFundMe shuts down legal defense fund for cop who was sued for on-duty shooting. Site claimed the page supported a ‘hate crime.’

Star Parker  7/3
No Democrats, America Works!

With the first round of Democratic Party debates behind us, Americans have now heard from their candidates why they think they should run the country. One theme permeates the messages of all these Democrats. America is not fair, and they aspire to be president to make things fair.

Elizabeth Warren: "When you've got an economy that does great for those with money and isn't doing great for everyone else, that is corruption, pure and simple. We need to call it out. We need to attack it head on."

Kamala Harris: "For too long, the rules have been written in the favor of the people who have the most and not in favor of the people who work the most. ... on day one, I will repeal that tax bill that benefits the top 1 percent and the biggest corporations of America."

Bernie Sanders: "Well, President Trump, you're not standing up for working families ... 83 percent of your tax benefits go to the top 1 percent. That's how we beat Trump: We expose him for the fraud that he is."

There are, of course, more candidates and more issues. But this generally sums it all up.
Per the Democrats, America is rigged for the wealthy; everyone else is a getting a raw deal; and we need government to straighten everything out. The challenge for President Trump and Republicans in the upcoming elections is to make clear to voters that the Democrats' message is not true and to communicate what is true.

Who are these wealthy Americans who, according to Democrats, control everything? The answer is that those who are wealthy are changing all the time, because contrary to what we hear from Democrats, America works.

Every year, Forbes Magazine publishes a list of the 400 wealthiest Americans. In 2018, 43 percent of those on this list were not on it 10 years before. Forbes notes who among these 400 inherited their wealth and who are self-made. In 1984, according to Forbes, less than half of those on the list were self-made. In 2018, 67 percent "created their own fortunes."

"Over the past 30-plus years," says Forbes, "the number of Forbes 400 members who have forged their own path, using entrepreneurial capitalism as a means to attain a vast fortune, has increased dramatically. This tells us many things, but one should stand taller than the rest: The American Dream, it seems, is alive and well."

What about all the tax unfairness that Democrats tell us about? According to the Tax Foundation, in 2016, the latest data available, taxpayers earning in the top 1 percent paid 37.3 percent of all federal taxes. Those earning in the top 5 percent paid 58.2 percent of all federal taxes. Those earning in the bottom 50 percent paid 3 percent of all federal taxes.

At less than 250 years old, the USA is one of the planet's youngest countries. Yet at $20.5 trillion gross domestic product, its economy is by far the world's largest. It's 60 percent larger than China's, the second-largest economy, and more than 400 percent larger than Japan's, the third-largest. Those who want to lead the country should be talking about what has created America's enormous wealth and success, how to keep it going and how to assure that as many Americans as possible participate.

Freedom and entrepreneurial capitalism have been the mother's milk of the magnificent American success story. The poor are not poor because the rich are rich or because the system is rigged. If we want to help them, let's honestly examine why they are not participating and try to help them help themselves.

Certainly, many things don't work as well as they could. Health care, education, housing, our entitlement programs. Almost invariably, their dysfunction comes from too much government, not too little. If Republicans convey these truths in 2020, they will win.


“Two summers ago on a visit to Budapest, I asked the spokesman for the Hungarian government about the growing problem of migrants coming into Europe. He told me Hungary doesn’t have a migrant problem because they don’t have welfare programs. So, he said, migrants continue their travels to other European countries that do. That’s not the end of it, though. Hungary has created programs to help migrants stay in their own countries so they won’t feel the need to flee to Europe. It is a model the U.S. should consider adopting beyond dwindling and often misdirected foreign aid.”
           -Cal Thomas

“So here we have the captain of the American women’s soccer team reluctant to sing the national anthem. You know what I think [Megan Rapinoe] may be angling for? Kaepernick. She wants a Kaepernick deal with Nike. … She’s showing Nike she can be just as anti-American as Kaepernick. Give me a chance. Let me do the LGBTQ angle of Kaepernick.”
           -Rush Limbaugh

“DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America” by David Horowitz.  "An eye-opening account of the left's sixty-year war against America’s Christian foundations.   If you want to understand the political crisis our country is facing, read this book." - Gary Bauer, former Reagan Chief Domestic Policy Adviser

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez surprised to learn that being a congresswoman involves ... work.

Billionaire Tom Steyer to join crowded 2020 presidential race

Nice Work, Rapinoe! US Soccer Final Viewership Down by ALMOST HALF Thanks to Trump-Bashing, Far Left National Team

Scientists in Finland go off script,  find "practically no anthropogenic [man-made] climate change" after a series of studies.  ”..Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

Why Wind and Solar Will Never Work

Democrats 2020: We’re currently witnessing one of the greatest attempts at mass bribery in history. With each passing week the Democrats running for the 2020 nomination offer yet another bribe for winning more votes. The most recent is Senator Kamala Harris’s $100 billion dollar plan for black home ownership. But this is child’s play compared to everything else the Democrats have either proposed or endorsed. “Trillions and Trillions and Trillions More”

Pelosi says Trump is trying to ‘Make America White Again’ with census question.

Circular firing squad:  AOC accuses Pelosi of racism.
Dems lose patience with ‘complete fraud’ AOC, rally to Pelosi’s side

Tired, Irrelevant Democratic Candidates Point To Trump Reelection

“Congressional districts are allocated by CITIZEN population based upon the 10-year census. That’s why Democrats and the media are now so opposed to having a citizen question included in the census. They don’t want Americans to know how many illegals are directly influencing the U.S. government. These millions of illegals are canceling out the votes of citizens and reshaping Congress, meaning those illegals are creating a Congress that works for them and not for you. If you’re okay with this go ahead and move on. If you think this is a serious breach of representative democracy then you would do well to share this information with others…”

Candace Owens on Breaking the Victimhood Mindset
Harmeet Dhillon Launches 'Publius Lex' Legal Fund to Fight Antifa and Big Tech

A look at all of Trump's enemies
Street Smarts in the White House
The Trump Stealth Engine Fueling The Economic Boom

Steyn:  “Rip Van Woken in a Land of Non-Binary Oreos”

3 Ignorant Myths About The Betsy Ross Flag, Dispelled

Tucker: The Democratic Party is now a religious cult

Feel good story:  Country music icon Lee Greenwood helps gift double-amputee veteran a customized home.

“Here comes the orator! With his flood of words, and his drop of reason.”
             -Benjamin Franklin


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