op ed review 7/7
President Trump honored American history and heroes ranging
from George Washington to Martin Luther King Jr. during a rousing Fourth of
July speech punctuated by displays of the country’s military air power.
Media Predictions of “Tiny Crowd” For Trump July 4 Speech
Proven Spectacularly Wrong.
Nike Ditches 'Betsy Ross Flag' Sneaker After Colin
Kaepernick Raises Concerns over the Flag's Connection to Slavery.
“Why is the Betsy Ross flag “painful”? What, exactly, is
“that pain”? What are we not “glorifying” or “celebrating”?....Nobody has
answered these questions. Nobody can. The Party has spoken, and the
apparatchiks are enforcing the new line. It’s creepy as hell.”
Why Doesn't The Far Left Complain About Nike Sweatshops
Anymore? Answer: because of capitulation like this.
Charlottesville, VA drops Thomas Jefferson’s birthday as
San Francisco will spend up to $600,000 to paint over
historical artwork at a public school depicting the life of George Washington,
a mural once seen as educational and innovative but now criticized as “racist.”
The New York Times contribution for the 4th of
July? A video on “The myth of America as the greatest nation on earth.”
More evidence progressives hate America: First-year congresswomen Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and
Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts retweeted a Salon article contending the
Declaration of Independence is a racist and sexist document because it doesn’t
address slavery or women’s rights.
A recent Gallup poll that measured American's patriotism in
relation to political identity is revealing.
Right-wingers' sense of patriotism is virtually unchanged based on the
occupant of the Oval Office. Left-wingers, by contrast, flipped dramatically
when Pres. Obama left office. “Why the
Left hates symbols of patriotism”
Reporter Andy Ngo Hospitalized With Brain Bleed From Brutal
Antifa Attack in Portland
Sen. Ted Cruz Calls on Federal Law Enforcement to
Investigate, Bring Legal Action Against Portland Mayor - Who Ordered Police
"To let Citizens Be Attacked"
Portland police chief calls for anti-mask laws following
recent brawl
The family of an 8 year old girl who went viral on YouTube
for mocking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shut down all of her social accounts
Wednesday, after receiving death threats and harassing phone calls.
Oberlin College has refused to apologize to Gibson’s Bakery
after losing to the bakery in a multi-million dollar libel lawsuit to avoid
offending leftie students with “different perspectives.”
A baby with five ‘parents’? Coming to Washington State with
the “Uniform Parentage Act”. This bill
legalizes commercial surrogacy in Washington, incentivizes the rental of wombs
and endorses the sale of children. And because this bill doesn’t even require
any of the parties involved be residents of Washington - not the donors, nor
the surrogate, nor those purchasing the child - Washington will become a global
destination for the trafficking of children.
Quietly, the US just became the world’s largest oil producer.
Dunkin' Donuts cracking down on stores that hire undocumented
Here’s how much Silicon Valley tech workers actually make. MEDIAN annual pay of Google employees in 2018
was $246,804.
California poised to ban hairstyle discrimination
California Democrats Move To Allow Illegal Aliens To Hold
Party Leadership Positions
Healthcare for Illegals Likely to Spur Migration of Sick
Foreigners to U.S.
Obama's DHS Secretary admits the truth: “Cages or Whatever
You Want to Call Them, Weren't Invented by Trump”
This is worrisome: Texas
may cost Trump 2020
CNN Ratings Tank
Will Race-Baiting Kamala Harris Acknowledge She Is A
Descendent Of A Slave Owner?
Michael Bauerlein 6/29
just heard a fellow on CNN say that Donald Trump has radicalized the
Republicans. Let’s be clear on what is and isn’t radical.
well-patrolled border is not a radical policy. An open border is a radical
policy. To believe in two genders is not radical. To insert gender identity
into Title IX is. To praise Western Civilization as a legacy of political
freedom and artistic genius is not a radical opinion. To regard it as promotion
of white supremacy is a radical opinion.
love America as an exceptional creation is not radical. To see America as
founded on slavery and imperialism is radical. For a president to express
support for the outcome of a vote in a foreign country is not radical. For a
president to threaten a unique ally with economic hardship if a popular vote
goes in a certain way, as Barack Obama did before Brexit—that’s radical.
cancel student debt is radical. To make college free is radical. To demand
reparations 150 years after the end of slavery and 60 years after the end of
Jim Crow is radical. To demand more public attention to the tiny population that fits the
label “transgender” is radical.
introduce 5-year-olds to drag queens is radical. To award a Pulitzer Prize to a rapper whose award-winning record
includes the lyrics “I’m diagnosed with real n**** conditions….Today is the day
I follow my intuition….Keep the family close, get money, f*** b****es”. . .is
mount campaigns to get people fired from their jobs because they donated money to a political
campaign that ended up winning—that’s radical. To deny a
popular food franchise a license to operate because its owner upholds a biblical
conception of marriage is radical.
may appear ironic or hypocritical for liberals to charge the president with
radicalism, but it quite predictably follows the Alinsky-like rule that says:
“Always accuse your opponents of the foul play that you commit.”
wilder the Democrat candidates get in their championship of pet projects of the
hard Left, the more they and their mouthpieces in the media have to tar the
other side with a worse extremism. That’s one way to legitimate a far-left
proposal: concoct a far-right that blocks it, a far-right that is patently
stupid and vicious. The way is then paved for more “justice” or, at any rate,
more change.
keep pushing, get louder, never stop centralizing what is radical, normalizing
the abnormal, defining deviancy downward. Eventually, the return of common
sense does indeed look radical. Seize the institutions—schools, the press, the
Boy Scouts, the Olympics—and punish participants who won’t go with the flow.
Take a few scalps, publicize them well, and most everyone conforms.
doesn’t matter if now and then it all looks nutty and barbaric. The maestros
out to “transform” America expect it. They know that the occasional Jussie
Smollett and Nathan
Phillips embarrassment is
bound to happen. When you are as venturesome as the Left is today, some rockets
will fizzle. But so what? The fact that the entire establishment, both
Right and Left,
jumped on the Covington Boys straight away, and that so many public voices
credited so outlandish a tale as Smollett’s, proves that the tactic is working.
is what “tolerance” is for. It softens up the people, conservatives included,
for another overturning of common sense. It’s all so exciting, too, so edgy.
Common sense is just that—common, ordinary, routine, unimaginative. Only two
genders? Let’s try three, or four . . . oohh, interesting. Who’s more fun, the
young gals in the House or the old white guys in the Senate? AOC isn’t an
irresponsible Millennial who mutters “like” too much. No, she thinks outside
the box, which makes what she has to say so much more camera-friendly than the
laconic replies of Mitch McConnell.
culture sphere sets it up that way. Many years ago, gender theorist Judith
Butler explained
in the New York Times: “….scholars
are obliged to question common sense…..For decades of American history, it was
”common sense” in some quarters for white people to own slaves and for women
not to vote.”
that? Common sense, you see, isn’t based in nature or human nature or
time-tested traditions. It is a form of repression, and once it is
lifted, to reinstate common sense is to restore that repression. Common sense
is disguised ideology. It must be fought tirelessly, not least because human
beings are ever disposed to slip back into bias and scapegoating (so the
progressive thinks). We need to find new occasions by which to take down
commonsensical notions, the “trans community” being the current favorite.
culture sphere gives progressive politicians and commentators the vocabulary
for doing so. Go into a modern art exhibition and check the wall text.
“Subvert,” “transgress,” “challenge,” and “question” are everywhere, and common
sense is the target. The schools constantly talk about instilling “critical
thinking,” critical thinking usually meaning “interrogating” ordinary notions
of life, history, nation, God, and humanity held by the man on the street. The
1960s gave us one “experiment in living” after another, and all the cool people
went along with it even if they forged bourgeois lives in the ’80s and ’90s. They
are at it again, this time with the powers of America behind them, from Yale to
corporations to the Democratic Party leadership.
course, then, Donald Trump sounds radical to them. They see him as an anomaly,
as atavistic. The current of History flows toward a sea of total openness—open
borders, open sexualities, open access to all resources and pleasures—and they
swim happily within it. Throwbacks such as Donald Trump are just boulders in
river; we will pass them soon.
profound confidence has been given to them by a thousand Hollywood films,
Antifa, required courses and orientations in gender and diversity, women’s
marches, blabbering musicians and celebrities, Pride Month, advertisers who
pulled out of Tucker Carlson’s show, corporations and the NCAA that threatened
Indiana if it held to its religious freedom restoration law, and, not least of
all, the weak-kneed posture of peacetime conservatives.
accuse Donald Trump of radicalism, or of just plain off-the-chart
outrageousness, not because of the substance of what he says. They do it
because he stands up for common sense without apology or conciliation. Progressives
have managed to persuade a good portion of the citizenry that certain off-the-wall
ideas are salient and practicable. They know it is a fragile consensus among
every group except the social justice brigades. Trump’s common sense, launched
with an equal and opposite confidence, raises a sharp needle to the identity
politics/gender theory/socialism balloon. By now, we should have dozens of
Republican politicians doing the same thing.
“As Ben Franklin says, ‘Democracy is two wolves and a lamb
voting on what to have for lunch.’ Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the
“If you cheat to get into college you go to jail; if you
cheat getting into America you get free college.”
-Tucker Carlson
Another powerful Tucker Carlson monologue on July 4th.
IHOP is boycotting advertising on Tucker Carlson’s show
after facing pressure from left-wing activists. IHOP cited its company “values” to justify the
boycott, but is still happy to do business in Saudi Arabia, an oppressive
regime with a lengthy record of human rights abuses.
Tell IHOP what you think here:
“Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money” “One
of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all
downhill from there. Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar
shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on
unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry
but could barely sink a nail…Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist
rags, writing about "masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a
story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working
windshield wipers. Friends said he was "always poor" and his
“electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a
messy apartment -- and this is what his friends had to say about him…The only
thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich
were ripping everybody off. “The whole quality of life in America is based on
greed,” the bitter layabout said. “I believe in the redistribution of wealth in
this nation.”
Antifa Is Mostly Made Up Of Privileged White Dudes
Venezuela′s army death squads kill thousands of enemies of
CNN Wildly Exaggerates the 'Explosion' of Hate
Educating Kids to Debate Alarming Climate Claims
The “Magic Wand of Fudging” Produces Global Warming
This Fourth of July, why patriotism is worth defending
America has established itself as a force for good and a
beacon of freedom
Democrats Reveal They Do Not Really Like Celebrating America
“No, Democrats, America Works”
A pair of Bernies, one running for president, the other a
wealthy corporate executive and philanthropist, are on opposite sides of the
political spectrum, as well as the cultural divide. One has made life better
for many. The other wants to suck the life out of as many as he can.
“Something San Francisco This Way Comes: West
Coast craziness coming to a community near you.”
They Don’t Hate Donald Trump—They Hate You
Mark Steyn: Portlantifa
Spit on Trump's son, pass GoFundMe, and collect $5,000.
Let the White House hear from you on the need for a
citizenship question in the 2020 Census.
An official White House petition has been created today that
you can sign by clicking, adding your name and email address, and then
responding to a confirmation email.
Blue Angels Fly Over Lincoln Memorial During President
Trump's 4th of July Celebration, to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic
"In this country of ours took place THE GREATEST
REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY -- Every other
revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another ...Here for THE FIRST
TIME in all the THOUSANDS OF YEARS of man's relation to man ... the founding
fathers established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the GOD-GIVEN
“…I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by
succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be
commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God
Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games,
Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent
to the other from this Time forward forever more.”
-John Adams, in
a letter to his wife, July 3, 1776.
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