Saturday, August 24, 2019

op ed review 8/25

President Trump order forgives student loan debt for disabled veterans
Trump Defeats Planned Parenthood in Ninth Circuit
Trump moves to end Flores Settlement illegal immigrant family loophole.
Cheap US energy leads to $1B Ohio steel mill expansion.

New York Times gives up on Russia hoax; the project from now to the election is stirring up racial resentment with a ‘Reframe' of American history. In the Times' view (which it hopes to make the view of millions of Americans), the country was actually founded in 1619, when the first Africans were brought to North America, to Virginia, to be sold as slaves.
The New York Times is trying to rewrite history to fit its biases (and defeat Trump).  And of course, “…there isn’t a solitary mention that slavery and segregation were the party of Democrats.” This is a large in-kind contribution to the Democratic Party, which benefits from racial division.
NYT is trying to counter this trend:  Zogby: ‘Poor performances’ of Democrats boost Trump’s approval to 51%, up with blacks and Hispanics.
Poll: Trump Ahead in 2020 Matchup Against Top Democrat Candidates
Not exactly a ringing endorsement: “Jill Biden Is Begging You to Hold Your Nose and Vote for Her Husband”

DNC Chair Tom Perez fundraises in Mexico

Rep Dan Crenshaw: “In Hong Kong, Protesters Wave American Flags. In America, Antifa Burns Them”

Americans Apply for Jobs Left Open by ICE Raids in Mississippi
Justice: 64% of federal arrests are noncitizens, with a 200% increase in the last 20 years.
New York City mayor makes it easier for illegal immigrants to live in affordable housing.
New Jersey Awarded $3.8 Million in College Financial Aid to Illegal Aliens

The Obama Family Is Purchasing Massive Martha’s Vineyard Mansion.  29 beachfront acres, 7 bedrooms, listed at $14,850,000.
“So while President Obama was lecturing the country about the “excesses” of capitalism and how we don’t need large mansions, expansive property, and a multimillion dollar bank account, it’s become patently obvious that private citizen Obama wasn’t talking about himself —just us.”
And wait a minute!  We’re told rising temperatures will melt the polar icecaps and the sea levels will rise to never-before-seen levels, resulting in massive flooding and loss of life. So why would the Obama’s plunk down a cool $15 million on a beachfront property instead of a mansion high atop a mountain somewhere?

Bernie Sanders proposes nationalizing the energy industry at a cost of $16.3 trillion.
After Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Kamala Harris at the last debate, Democrats have found a way to remove her from the next debate.
Maybe he’ll have more time for Washington now:  Gov. Jay Inslee drops out of the 2020 presidential race.

San Francisco board rebrands 'convicted felon' as 'justice-involved person,' sanitizes other crime lingo.
California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’
Democrats in Congress want to solve homelessness by expanding Section 8 housing.

Harvard professor crudely calls Trump a 'racist' who wants to 'reverse outcome of the Civil War'
Rob Reiner (AKA ‘Meathead’): ‘The President of the United States is a Lying Racist Criminal’
No big deal, just a simulated assassination of President Trump at a fundraiser for an Illinois Democrat
MSNBC: Border Enforcement is a 'White Supremacist Domestic Terror Campaign'

Reporter wastes 2 days trying to show how easy it is to buy a gun; finally gives up.

?In what is perhaps the biggest collective virtue signal in American history, the CEOs of 180 U.S. companies issued a “statement of purpose” in which they claim that corporations should prioritize social responsibility over profits.

Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump
Bryan Preston, PJ Media

Why do some evangelical Christians support President Trump? What's the appeal, to people who profess family values, of a man whose life includes multiple marriages and affairs and who tends to be crude? Let's dive into this alleged mystery.

Turn with me if you will to the book of Isaiah, chapter 45. We come to the story of Cyrus the Great. He was not a king of Israel or Judah. He was emperor of Persia from 539-530 BC. Persia tended to be an enemy of the children of Israel. It's now called Iran, and continues to be an enemy of Israel. But Cyrus himself was not; God called Cyrus "my servant" and Cyrus followed through. Cyrus decreed that the Jewish exiles in Babylon could return to their homes and re-establish their country. He also allowed them to rebuild the temple. This was a big deal; Judah had been subjugated and exiled for 70 years, their ability to worship disrupted by the destruction of their temple in Jerusalem. Yet here was Cyrus, who was not one of them, playing a major role in fostering the Jews' return home…

NeverTrumper Ben Howe has a book out called “The Immoral Majority: Why Evangelicals Chose Political Power over Christian Values.”….The thesis smears evangelicals.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him,  and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing. But by the time he won the Republican primary in 2016, and he wasn't my first or second or third choice then, a few things were clear. One: Donald Trump could win the presidency (though it looked unlikely).

Two: He seemed to have grasped a fact that eluded Jeb Bush and John Kasich; namely, that if you run as a Republican you shouldn't spend most of your time insulting Republicans. Not, at least, if you want them to vote for you (or applaud your speeches). You should probably spend the bulk of your time articulating a positive conservative vision and lambasting the left's rage and socialism. Trump did that. His passion suggested he might actually put up a fight against the left. The worse they treated him, the more he seemed to be readying for a fight.

Three: However flawed Trump might be, and he is, he was obviously better for the country and for evangelicals than any Democrat would be. Recall that Trump was running after eight years of President Obama. Those eight years saw the federal government attempt to force nuns, literally the Little Sisters of the Poor, to violate their consciences and fund birth control. Obama took 'em to court over that. The eight years of Obama saw activist leftists haul Christian cake bakers to court and destroy their livelihood. The eight years of Obama saw a very emboldened left vent its hatred for everyone to their right, and evangelicals knew we were in their crosshairs. They went after Christian-owned Hobby Lobby, they used our tax dollars to fund abortion, they made their disdain for our faith abundantly clear. The Democrats' 2016 appeal to us amounted to "Vote for us, you stupid, racist, bucktoothed haters!" That's terrible marketing anywhere outside the New York Times newsroom.

Their 2020 message is worse. They're pushing failed 19th-century socialism paired with anti-Semitism (while calling us "racist"), along with the policy plan that just finished killing Venezuela. They want to erase our borders and take away our guns. They'll betray Israel at the first opportunity…Plus: they still hate evangelicals and want us to pay for abortion on demand.

Hillary Clinton did not offer a break from any of that. She called us "deplorable" and relished cranking Obama's hostility up a notch….So Trump emerged as a kind of Cyrus figure: Not necessarily "one of us," but not someone who would not go out of his way to smear or hurt us either. Somebody is going to misread that previous line, so as Obama would say, let me be clear: Trump would be benign toward evangelicals, and might even be helpful, as Cyrus was helpful toward Israel…

Speaking for myself and the evangelicals I know, Trump earned our votes by articulating many of our ideals fearlessly. This suggested he might actually follow through, unlike many who have called themselves "conservative" for their entire lives but "grow" left once they get to Washington. If we got some policy wins out of him, all the better.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns. Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.

Bryan Preston is a 5th generation Texan, a veteran, co-founder of Hot Air with Michelle Malkin, producer of the Laura Ingraham Show, and a former communications director for The Alamo and it’s exhibits.

“The (New York) Times does not seek to tell the story of the United States. Nor does it seek to add to the story. Instead, the Times has a conclusion and is working backward to contort facts to fit the conclusion. This is activism. The Times is not reporting but rather building narratives in which they must ignore or fabricate facts. … Americans could use more knowledge about slavery, but this effort is not it. Instead, the Times has chosen to reframe American history to divide us along racial lines and exploit that division for progressive politics. The Times is behaving as its editors claim the President behaves.”
         -Erick Erickson

 “….what Trump has accomplished more boldly and triumphantly than he has anything else is his exposure of the various vessels of the mainstream media — that most supercilious and intellectually sheltered of institutions — for being the barely veiled partisan hacks that they so manifestly are.”
          -Josh Hammer

The unhinged left-wing reaction to Log Cabin Republicans’ Trump endorsement

Chicago Teachers Union group’s trip to Venezuela, praise of socialist leader slammed as ‘propaganda tour’

The Ghost Of John C. Calhoun Haunts Today's American Left

Abortion industry hopes renaming abortion ‘reproductive freedom’ will win over voters.

Mom of 3 in UK, Arrested, Jailed for Putting Recycling in Wrong Color Bag

Government agency recommends setting home thermostats at 78 degrees to save the planet.

Two mass murders a world apart share a common theme: 'ecofascism'

“Green” Energy Is Sinister

Coulter: “Even before The New York Times launched its "All Slavery, All the Time" project, no one could accuse that paper of skimping on its race coverage, particularly stories about black males killed by white(ish) police officers. Here's one you haven't heard about:  Antwon Rose II was a 17-year-old boy shot by an East Pittsburgh police officer in June 2018 after he bolted from a car that had been stopped by the officer. The Times published about a half-dozen stories on Antwon Rose -- or as the Times calls him, "Antwon, who was unarmed." After the officer was acquitted on all charges in March of this year, the Times ran an article on the verdict. Here's what you would learn from the Times: Antwon was unarmed, "was in his high school's honors program”, "played basketball and the saxophone”, "volunteered for a local charity”, wrote a poem which included these lines: I see mothers bury their sons, I want my Mom to never feel that pain, a policeman stopped the car he "was riding in" because it "matched the description" of a car "involved" in a drive-by shooting minutes earlier, the jury consisted of nine whites and three African Americans. If you read the Times piece, all you would know is that an honor student who loved his mom...was KILLED for the crime of riding in a car similar to one that had just been used in a crime.  Here’s what the Times conveniently left out of the story…..(Example of outrageous journalistic malpractice.)
LA Times joins the narrative: 'Getting Killed by Police Is a Leading Cause of Death for Young Black Men.'
Gingrich spurns New York Times history project as 'propaganda'
Jeffrey Lord:  “New York Times is ‘Stalinizing’ America, the left wants to re-write American history on race.”

The true cost to American workers for allowing illegal aliens to work here:  $493.9 billion annually, according to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Illegal aliens lower wages by that amount. It is a 5.2% payroll reduction, a tax if you will on workers. And unlike federal income taxes that hit the 1% hardest, this payroll tax hits lower wage workers the hardest.

STUDY: Cable News Is a Playground for Congressional Democrats

Prager:  “Imagine a group of people who work to destroy Italy ­because, they claim, Italy’s origins are illegitimate. Imagine further that these people maintain that of all the countries in the world, only Italy is illegitimate. And then imagine that these people vigorously deny they are in any way anti-Italian. Would you believe them? Substitute “Israel” for “Italy,” and you’ll understand the dishonesty and absurdity of the argument that one can be anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic.”

Who says China's social credit system isn't practiced here? Check out what 20% of hiring managers are doing.   “Twenty percent of America's jobs are off-limits to people who voted for Trump.”

“Men of energy of character must have enemies; because there are two sides to every question, and taking one with decision, and acting on it with effect, those who take the other will of course be hostile in proportion as they feel that effect.”
                -Thomas Jefferson


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