op ed review 9/1
Consumer Confidence Index Beats Expectations – Assessment
Index Highest in 19 Years…
Thousands Returned to Mexico Under Trump Immigration Policy
US Navy ends Obama’s climate change task force.
VA secretary rejects Obama religious expression rules,
allows veterans’ hospitals to have Bibles, Christmas trees again.
Border Patrol unveils 60 new miles of Trump's border wall in
drone footage
McCarthy: New IG
Report confirms the point of the Russia investigation was to make a case
against Donald Trump. Preferably, the case would drive him from office. At a
minimum, it would render him unelectable by 2020...
Inspector General sends criminal referral on Comey but
Justice Dept. feels the case is too weak.
Media Prepare Massive Public Relations Campaign to Spin
Spygate, Exonerate Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe (newly hired CNN analyst), and maybe Obama.
Sundance explains what their defense will be, revealed in
the Susan Rice memo-to-self. The Susan Rice email is one big Justification
Letter; setting the stage for all of the participants to have a plausible
reason for lies to anyone and everyone.
Elizabeth Warren Draws Record Crowd of 15,000 in Seattle
Pocahontas surges to the lead for Dem nomination in odds
offered by bookies
Beto O’Rourke expresses support for abortion – up until the
day before birth.
Joe Biden tells town hall audience Thursday that the United
States does not need migrant detention facilities.
DNC passes unanimous resolution praising "religiously
unaffiliated" Americans, noting that they constitute the "largest
religious group within the Democratic Party." This elated the Secular Coalition of America,
an organization that lobbies for public policy benefiting agnostics, atheists,
and humanists. The SCA touted the DNC's action as the first time a
major party "embraced American nonbelievers."
Unhinged Left: CNN Guest Claims Trump 'May be Responsible
for Many More Million Deaths' Than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao
Washington Post’s Jen Rubin: GOP Should Be 'Burned Down'
with No 'Survivors'
“Respected columnist” says Trump supporters 'not fit for
polite society'
Alec Baldwin: “Trump Wants to Kill America”
Man Assaulted in Portland for Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat
Good news: Fewer
People Today Consider Themselves Democrat than When Trump was Elected
Good news: Pollster
John McLaughlin on Trump's Reelection: 51 to 38, the Majority of Americans Want
Trump to Continue.
Bad news: Younger Americans
have shifted on what values matter most: patriotism, religion and having
children rate lower among younger generations than they did two decades ago
but depressing read: “If the 1960s were a wild house party, then we are
still cleaning up the mess…Who benefits exactly when patriotism and family
values are in decline? A country that consists of people who don’t love it, and
who can’t or don’t want to have families, can’t be expected to survive, much
less thrive.”
Pew Research: 109 U.S. Counties Become Majority-Minority
Since 2000
Obama’s “fundamental transformation” proceeding on
schedule: Washington State will soon be majority-minority
if this OSPI student enrollment report is a future indicator. (4th
New Divorce Filing: Rep. Ilhan Omar(D-Somalia) is a
NYC wants to end gifted programs because they benefit too
many white and Asian students.
America's poorest are richer than 60% of other DEVELOPED
Gillette 'Shifting Spotlight from Social Issues' After
Anti-Masculinity Ad Disaster
Illinois Passes New Law Requiring LGBTQ Classes in Middle
Trans activism’s latest trick: vandalizing women’s shelters
New Study Pokes Massive Hole in the 'Born This Way' Theory
Another Swedish Municipality That Took In Migrants Faces
Economic Crisis
Purging Dude Walls Toward Leftist Utopia
David Limbaugh 8/30
the left is so loving, tolerant and inclusive, why is it so driven by
unquenchable bitterness? What fuels it to divide Americans? No, I'm not talking
about the Democratic presidential candidates, though any one of them
demonstrates the same theme. The American left is just gorged with angst and
apparently on a mission to share its misery. The insanity emanating from
leftists today is overwhelming.
used to be that when you came across an outrageous story in the news, you just
shook your head and thought, "This is weird." But you found solace in
realizing it was not representative of the societal norm. Sadly, that's not
true anymore. The left has made great strides in normalizing insanity. It's as
if each day's news is an orchestrated clinic on how to make society sound
crazier today than it was yesterday -- and it was way crazy yesterday.
me give you a typical example. NPR reported that MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was at
Rockefeller University a few years ago to present a prize to a prominent female
scientist. Upon entering the auditorium, someone heard her say, "What is
up with the dude wall?" One side wall was covered with portraits of
award-winning scientists from the university, and Maddow was distressed that
they were all men. Maddow was not alone. "One hundred percent of them are
men," said Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university.
"It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing." Her word
choice is instructive.
explained that Maddow's comment made her realize that for years, she had been
uneasy about seeing rooms and hallways at scientific institutions adorned with
portraits of white men. "It just sends the message, every day when you
walk by it, that science consists of old white men," she said. "I
think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of
message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old
photographs?'" Let me stop here and ask you: If you were to see photos or
portraits of distinguished men in a university setting, would you feel like the
university was sending you a message? Would it strike you as
"imposing"? Would you view it through a gender or race prism?
Vosshall is taking action. She's part of a committee that is going to give that
Rockefeller University wall a makeover to add more diversity. I'm not quite
sure how they'll accomplish that since the wall of fame consists of those who
won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a prestigious medical honor. You
can't add new portraits without changing the criterion for wall placement. It
seems that "dude walls" are everywhere. Hallways of a main building
at Yale School of Medicine display 55 portraits -- all are white, and only
three are women. Irredeemably scandalous!
couple of female students and a female associate professor at the school
studied the effect of these portraits and published their findings in the
Journal of General Internal Medicine. "Students felt like these portraits
were not just ancient, historic things that had nothing to do with their
contemporary experience," said one of the two students. "They
actually felt that the portraits reinforced contemporary issues of exclusion,
of racial discrimination -- of othering." "Othering"? Who thinks
like that? Plenty of people, that's who -- and there are more thinking this way
all the time, courtesy of leftist indoctrination.
portraits, which were selected based on some standard of achievement, struck
students as racially offensive. Surely, reasonable people would not infer that
racial considerations had anything to do with the selection of the photos. But
that doesn't matter. The left has trained generations of people to think of
almost everything in terms of identity groups, and the result is a societal
obsession that is alienating and dividing Americans at every turn. How can this
be healthy for anyone?
some schools are taking action and changing their displays to be more diverse
and inclusive, history be damned. Dr. Jeffrey Flier of Harvard Medical School
was taken aback when he visited Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and
found that 31 large portraits of distinguished men from the university had been
removed and only an empty wall remained. "When I last lectured in
@BrighamWomens Borstein auditorium, walls were adorned with portraits of prior
luminaries of medicine & surgery," Flier tweeted. "Connecting to
a glorious past. Now all gone. Hope everyone is happy. I'm not. (Neither were
those I asked- afraid to say openly). Sad."
all the strides that have been made in this country on racial and sexual
discrimination, it is alarming that leftists, who dominate our major cultural,
educational and media institutions, are consciously driving a wedge between
groups in our society. It's clear that equal rights and treatment is no longer
their focus. Rather, they seek to demonize groups they perceive as historically
and currently privileged villains.
is their end game? Is it truly equal rights, opportunity, and respect? Or is it
something more sinister, such as revenge and ostracization of certain groups as
part of a fundamental transformation of our society into some unattainable,
balkanized, socialist utopia? Leftists who preach the loudest about love,
harmony, tolerance, diversity, and inclusion are polarizing our society and
overwhelming it with distrust, suspicion and ill will. Nothing constructive can
come from this.
Another good read:
Bernie and the Democrats: How Anger Makes You Stupid “In case you missed it, or are exclusively a
reader of the New York Times, late last week Bernie Sanders tweeted this
nugget: "Fossil fuel executives should be criminally prosecuted for the
destruction they have knowingly caused." No, that wasn't The Onion or The
Babylon Bee. It was the real deal. The always-furious Vermont senator wants to
incarcerate the very people who are responsible for keeping the lights on and
the air conditioners running in the operating rooms of almost every hospital,
not only in America but across the globe. And that's just the beginning of the
myriad necessities of human life provided for at this point in human history by
these supposed criminals in the eyes of the self-described democratic
socialist of the multiple houses and private jets. Crazy, no? Crazy, yes.
Crazier than the proverbial hoot owl. And mighty angry.”
“We have a small group of unelected conspirators who feel
that it’s their moral prerogative to destroy an elected president because they
are just morally superior and they have insight that the rest of us don’t
Davis Hanson
“A sad day for the Democrats, Kirsten Gillibrand has dropped
out of the Presidential Primary. I’m glad they never found out that she was the
one I was really afraid of!”
“Bernie Sanders owns three homes. Joe Biden rents a house
for $20,000/month and owns two others. Barack Obama has a mansion and a $15
million compound in Martha’s Vineyard. How did they make all their money?
Lecturing average Americans on income inequality.”
A Reporter Took a Deep Look Into the Science of Smoking Pot.
What He Found Is Scary. His new book delves into research linking heavy use
with violent crime and mental illness.
Dave Chappelle's Netflix Special Is the PC Culture's Worst
No. 1 film in U.S., ‘Angel Has Fallen,’ appears to take
massive swipe at ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ lie.
If charged with racism, you must be guilty: That’s the
left’s new rule
Some 2020 Dems want a 'wealth tax' in addition to the income
tax - what you should know.
Portland State U Punishes Professor For Proving Gender
Studies Is A Joke
Planned Parenthood Recruits 136 Pop Stars To Spout Abortion
Propaganda At Concerts
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow
the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally
impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”
Michael Mann, creator of the infamous global warming ‘hockey
stick,’ loses lawsuit against climate skeptic, ordered to pay defendant’s costs.
'Green New Deal'
preview? Texas town's lofty environmentalism leaves residents with a nightmare.
No U.S. Warming Since 2005
Real Temperature Data Undermines Climate Change Propaganda
Why Everything They Say About The Amazon, Including That
It's The 'Lungs Of The World,' Is Wrong
How The Media Enables Destructive Climate Change Hysteria
5 things the Republican Party can learn about politics from
Donald Trump
25 common sense truths that you’re no longer supposed to say
Great list of Democrat proposals, explained in plain English. Example from Elizabeth Warren:
#1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender,
neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for
Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they
cannot get jobs..
What People Who Used To Be Transgender Are Telling SCOTUS
“It’s a Good Thing I Don’t Live in the Country with the
‘Best Medical Care’ (Canada) or I’d be dead.”
Silicon Valley’s Chinese-style social credit system
A 'nation of laws'? With immigration, only when it's
convenient for Democrats
My Schooling In The Soviet Union Surpasses U.S. Public
Schools Today
PragerU Video - Is College Worth It?
RealClearPolitics Factcheck Review. Lot of data here.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with
so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between
political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the
hatred they bore to his political opinions.”
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