Sunday, October 6, 2019

op ed review 10/6

President Trump:  “As I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the People, their VOTE, their Freedoms, their Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and their God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!”

Newt Gingrich agrees: “It's a coup d'etat not an impeachment inquiry”
Stephen Miller: “The Deep State is Terrified of Being Exposed…..Impeachment is their best hope of defense.”
McCarthy:  Ignore the hype — this is not an impeachment inquiry…What is portrayed as an “impeachment inquiry” is actually just a made-for-cable-TV political soap opera…To the contrary, congressional Democrats are conducting the 2020 political campaign.
Trump dares Congress, brandishing deep-red 2016 election map: ‘Try to impeach this’
Impeachment backfire?  The Trump campaign and the RNC took in a huge haul in the third quarter, which ended Monday — a combined $125 million  This year alone, they've raised double the total that then-President Obama and the Democratic Party had raised at this point on Obama's way to a successful reelection bid.
Trump approval climbs to highest level of 2019 amid impeachment inquiry

Giuliani: ‘Pretty Close To Overwhelming Evidence’ That Obama Ordered Hillary, Democrats To Dig Up Dirt In Ukraine On Trump

“Democrats Exploring Ways to Arrest Trump Cabinet Members”
'Should be suspended': Kamala Harris suggests Twitter should silence Trump
Elizabeth Warren: Amnesty for Illegals 'Good' for American Workers
Joe Biden campaign asks media networks to stop booking Rudy Giuliani

Adam Schiff comes under scrutiny for having his own connection to Ukraine businessman.
Nancy Pelosi's Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine, media ignores.
Top Romney Adviser Worked With Hunter Biden On Board Of Ukrainian Energy Company

We may need more of this:  Elizabeth Warren Surrounded by Trump Supporters at Reno Airport Shouting “Stop the Impeachment”.
Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC

President Trump, frustrated with news coverage as he faces an impeachment inquiry, suggested the idea of starting a new television network.

Instagram Now Banning Photos of People at Gun Ranges, Claiming They Promote ‘Violence’

Virginia police officer suspended after turning in suspected undocumented immigrant over to ICE.  Police Chief: “the officer was confused….. lapse in judgment…..the officer is being punished….remedial training.”
After public outcry, Fairfax officer suspended for ICE cooperation restored to 'full duty'

A charity event planned in honor of an officer killed in a 2018 mass shooting at a country music bar in in Southern California has been postponed indefinitely -- reportedly because a police chief didn't want Republicans invited.

Urinals banned in Portland municipal building to 'remove arbitrary barriers' in gender-neutral quest
Teacher Fired for Refusing to Use Transgender Pronoun Sues
NYC criminalizes calling someone an 'illegal alien' as a pejorative, fine: up to $250,000.
Disney confirms gay couple in 'Star Wars Resistance,' Emmy-nominated children's series

Elizabeth Warren endorses taxpayer-funded welfare benefits for illegal immigrants.
House passes bill to give illegal immigrants universal e-medical records years ahead of veterans.

74 Percent Of Conservative Californians Are Looking Into Leaving

Wins:  Trump Tax Reform Victory: Court Upholds State, Local Deduction Limits
Michigan Anti-Christian Adoption Policy Shot Down
Judge Upholds Right of Faith-Based Adoption Agencies' Beliefs
Hispanic Crowd at White House Reception Chants 'Four More Years!'
NRA 1, San Francisco Board of Supervisors 0
Federal Judge Halts California Law Requiring Trump to Release Tax Returns in Order to Appear on 2020 Primary Ballot

Melania Trump rafts down 'Snake River' with boy scouts on visit to Wyoming town.

Gaslighting the Voters
Tom Knepper 10/2

“Gaslighting” is a term well-known in the psychological counseling community, especially among those dealing with narcissistic personality disorders.  It refers to the technique used by a narcissist to convince his victim that what he sees with his own eyes is not true, and hence, he must be going crazy.  If the victim catches the narcissist in the act of some foul deed or betrayal, the narcissist will deny his guilt with such passion and apparent sincerity that the victim is tempted to believe him, despite the evidence of his own eyes.  The technique is especially effective as a long-term strategy -- the victim or enabler is worn down by repeated assertions that what he just saw or knows to be true is actually false, to the point where he doesn’t have the strength to resist anymore.

It is apparent that this is the strategy the Democratic party hopes to ride to victory in 2020.  The truth is the Russian Collusion Hoax, which the Democrats in Congress and the media obsessed over for two long years was not just a fabrication, but a deliberate coup attempt aimed at bringing down the legitimate head of the executive branch elected by the American people.  The truth is the nominee of the Democratic party for president, Hillary Clinton, bought and paid for the fake opposition research that was used by the corrupt Obama administration as a pretext to spy on an opposing candidate.  A climate of hysteria was created about these false charges in the hopes that public pressure could be built up to force the removal of Donald Trump from office.  These truths are so outrageous, so unprecedented in American history, that it defies belief that no one has been punished for these actions to this date.

Instead the Democratic party, through their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, immediately shifted the subject to the next attempt to get Trump, one equally ludicrous and self-evidently false by anyone with a modicum of understanding.  Just like with the Russian Collusion Delusion, it involves blaming Trump for something a Democrat has actually done, in this case Joe Biden.  Biden is on tape bragging about how he interfered in the Ukraine legal system by insisting that the prosecutor investigating his son Hunter for corruption be fired.  Yet the Democratic strategy is to convince the voters that they didn’t actually hear Joe say that, they only imagined they did.

Anyone who tunes in to mainstream media ‘news’ broadcasts, a punishment I haven’t inflicted on myself in years, is subject to endless harping on these talking points seeking to pin some imaginary offense on Trump, and totally ignoring the elephant in the room -- the fact that the Democrats are generally guilty of the offense for real.  Like the malignant narcissist, Democrats believe that voters are so stupid and easily manipulated that they can be made to believe an outrageous lie when the truth is staring them in the face.  In a similar vein, the latest push for impeachment depends on the low-information voter being stunned by the word itself into abandoning support for Trump, without bothering to discover the fact that there are no legitimate grounds for impeachment, only frenzied partisan gaslighting going on.

The ‘mainstream’ media are no more than propagandists for the party.  For years they have arrogantly taken upon themselves the label ‘gatekeepers.’  When you really think about what they mean by that, you should be furious.  They think they have the right to feed you, the public, all the fake news they want you to have, and keep from you the truth about any subject they choose.  And perhaps most importantly, set the narrative by obsessively whining about the mostly fake news stories that are important to them, and ignoring all others.  In the pre-internet and pre-cable age, they largely succeeded in this mission.  Today, fortunately, there are other means of obtaining truth about what is happening in the world, which is one reason why the election of Donald Trump was even possible.  The media are especially angry that the deplorable public found a way around the gate that their betters previously used to corral them.

The beginning of the Trump administration has truly been an education on just how deeply the elites and the media have dug their claws into what was supposed to be a system of self-government, and how desperately and viciously they fight when someone who  was elected by the voters to take away their power seeks to do so.  But they miscalculated due to hubris, underestimating both Trump’s intelligence and his ability to withstand the whirlwind of lies they have generated against him.  Their gaslighting efforts are not working for large segments of the population.  We can expect the coup attempts and the tsunami of lies to increase leading up to the 2020 election, where I firmly believe the public will reject such manipulation by reelecting Donald Trump.

Impeachment Coup Analytics

“Every time they have attempted a coup, there’s been one common denominator: the lies and deceit of Adam Schiff. … He needs to recuse himself today, and the speaker needs to remove him as the chairman of one of our most sensitive committees that we have.”
            -House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

“I don’t even believe this whistleblower actually wrote this complaint because it’s written in a way that reads exactly like the Steele dossier, which … was a Clinton bought-and-paid-for dirt.”
            -Rep. Devin Nunes

“When you elevate victimhood as virtue, you will create a culture in which people are tripping over themselves to be oppressed.”
           -Allie Beth Stuckey

New movie “the Reliant”.   “Second Amendment rights, faith in God, traditional family values -- these are things Hollywood now openly mocks. Hollywood studios are one of the most powerful forces in shaping the culture, and they publicly berate those who disagree with their leftist ideology. However, slowly but surely, faith-based movies like “The Reliant” are influencing the culture in the opposite direction -- for courageous faith, for God-given rights, and for liberty. This movie is going to make waves for all the right reasons and it is exactly the film that is needed right now in America.”

Netflix Movie Depicts Time-Traveling Liberals Carrying Out “Pre-Crime” Murder of Patriots to Prevent American Uprising Against Globalism

Democrat Rep. Tlaib Selling “Impeach the MF” T-Shirts

George Soros Emerges as Key Funder of ‘Global Climate Strike’

Professor claims Tom Brady's popularity stems from the 'Latest Wave of White Rage and White Supremacy'

Decriminalizing crime:  Seattle prosecutors decline charges in almost half misdemeanor cases, report finds.

DNC sending full time “organizers” to 8 battleground states.

The deranged employee who stabbed four people to death—including three cops—inside a Paris police headquarters had converted to Islam 18 months ago, according to a report.

A Letter to Greta Thunberg

Britain braces for coldest winter in 30 years.

A Climate Modeler Spills the Beans

Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures

“…..our Democratic friends are in the middle of a “failure of prophecy.” If you are a progressive believer, the world was supposed to be all tucked up in progressive heaven by now. And yet here we have Trump siccing foreign governments on Deep Stater Joe Biden. The nerve! Somehow the Prophecy has failed. But how? Everyone who was anyone agreed decades ago that way you bend the arc of history towards justice was with progressive politics. So of course they are all freaking out.”

The Anesthetic Effect of Ukrainegate  “….the ginned up outrage over President Trump’s call with the Ukranian president serves two political purposes: One, to supply the impeachment goods that Special Counsel Robert Mueller could not deliver and two, to obfuscate the ongoing investigations led by Attorney General William Barr into how the Obama White House unleashed the country’s most powerful government agencies against the Trump presidential campaign in 2016. There is, however, a third motive behind the nonstop cacophony over Trump’s call and subsequent “whistleblower” report: To anesthetize the American public when the verdicts of Barr’s inquiries, currently underway by multiple authorities at the Justice Department, are rendered.”

Why Trump Did Nothing Wrong in His Call with Zelensky
Democrats Have Committed, Are Committing Every Crime They Accuse Trump Of

Schweizer: Biden Family Cashing in Through “Corruption by Proxy”

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming   “Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts.”

After heart attack, Bernie Sanders should be grateful we don’t have ‘Medicare for All’

What Conservatives Must Understand About Black Americans   “Conservatives tend to surround themselves with blacks who make them feel comfortable, as opposed to blacks who can help them move the conservative agenda forward. Blacks don’t need to be persuaded; we are the most conservative group in the U.S. We don’t need to be convinced; blacks are already convinced that liberalism has destroyed the black community. We need only be invited to become part of the team.”

New Team Trump campaign ad: Coup

The 50 most miserable cities in the US, based on census data

“Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”
              -Samuel Adams


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