op ed review 10/13
Little League World Series champs flown home to Louisiana
with President Trump on Air Force One. Nice feel good story ignored by
mainstream media.
Trump Embraces Police, Invites Them on Stage at Rally --
Democrats and Antifa Thugs Outside Rally Attack Police and Hurl Objects at
Police Horses
Trump Surges Deportations of Illegals by 453 Percent in
Recent Months
Trump Issues Executive Orders Designed to Deconstruct The
Deep State While Dems Focus On Impeachment
Middle-Class Incomes Surging – Thanks to Trump Policies
Trump quietly stops Obama deal letting China control second
busiest seaport in US.
Left-wing Rioters Attack Trump Supporters Leaving
Minneapolis Rally
“Last Night, We Saw Fascism In the Streets”
Ukrainian PM says Burisma Holdings Paid Joe Biden himself
$900,000 For Lobbying Activities
Hunter Biden’s Ex Claims He Spent His Money on Prostitutes
and Drugs - Two Months After Navy Dumped Him for Drugs He Was Put on Board of
Burisma Holdings
Report: “Whistleblower” Worked with Joe Biden at Obama White
Conservative sleuths believe they
have identified the “whistleblower”.
Registered democrat, is or was with CIA, fellow on the
Atlantic Council, “which has a business partnership with Hunter Biden’s company
Also links to Ukrainian billionaire
Clinton donor and initiation of the Steele Dossier. This stinks, but
mainstream media says nothing to see here.
Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) says religious institutions that do not
agree with same-sex marriage will lose their tax-exempt status under his
Joe Biden Calls for SPLC-Style Terror Watchlist to Fight
Anti-LGBT Hate Crimes
Elizabeth Warren Releases $1.5 Trillion Plan to Combat
'Environmental Racism'
Elizabeth Warren proposes “Back Pay” to Illegal Aliens
Warren Proposes Ending Trump Tax Cuts and Adding 3 New Taxes
More Evidence Emerges Elizabeth Warren Lied About Being
Fired for Pregnancy
Tom Steyer Gave $21,063,557 to Liberals, Dwarfs Top 8
Conservative Donors’ Spending
Planned Parenthood Launches $45 MILLION Campaign to Flip
Senate and Defeat Trump
WALSH: Planned Parenthood Is A Money Laundering Operation
For The Democratic Party, And Republicans Refuse To Do Anything About It
Independent voters now favor Trump over Democratic
front-runners: Poll
Police union endorses Trump for 2020 re-election
Clinton appointed judge says Trump broke law by declaring
emergency for border funds
Another Clinton appointed judge blocks Trump policy that
makes green cards harder to get
Charleston SC mayor backpedals, won't rename Christmas
parade after backlash.
A 12-year-old girl in suburban Kansas City is facing felony
charges after she made a gun with her fingers.
Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole:
Going without electricity edition
Sanctuary city jails defy ICE detainers, release dangerous
illegal immigrant criminals
Florida Court: Cities must cooperate with ICE or officials
removed from office
‘Trans’ Men Ads backfire, lead to 8-Point Swing to GOP Bevin from
Democrat Beshear
87 House Republicans Move to Censure Adam Schiff (why not all
Edward Ring 10/9
Nightmare: Imagining
Chelsea Clinton’s America
nice to know we have Chelsea Clinton to advise us on the state of America
today. And since Chelsea Clinton reliably channels the conventional wisdom of
the establishment Left in America, it is useful to wonder what sort of country
her children would grow up in, if she could wave a wand and let the Left win
every battle for the next 20 years.
that much magic is needed. The miraculous arrival of Donald Trump may just be a
speed bump on the road to Chelsea’s utopia. So let’s get busy―how would
Chelsea’s dream unfold?
would begin with President Trump losing the 2020 election. The relentless
onslaught of corporate media attacks would sway low information fence sitters
who only read headlines. That, combined with an overwhelming advantage in
support from the political bureaucracies, the intelligence community, public
and private sector unions, globalist billionaires, and ballot harvesting
operations that would make Boss Tweed blush, would tilt the balance decisively in favor of the
Warren/Harris ticket.
with the White House, if we’re to remain true to Chelsea’s fantasy, control of
the Senate would pass to the Democrats, who would also extend their majority in
the House of Representatives. With power to match their vigor, the Warren
Administration would get to work. In every area, transformative legislation
would pour out of Washington. A few highlights:
Medicare is extended to all residents of America, citizen and noncitizen alike. Versions
of AOC’s “Just Society” suite of legislation, along with the “Green New Deal” is passed by both houses of Congress
and signed by President Warren. $500 billion in “reparations” are approved for
descendants of African slaves. The United States pledges to accept all refugees
as directed by the United Nations if they aren’t admitted to other nations—over
1 million refugees per year
begin to arrive in America, along with 1 million illegal migrants and 1 million
legal migrants. The minimum age to vote is lowered to age 16. Border wall upgrades and extensions
are stopped, ICE is abolished.
and gender quotas are extended into all areas of society and aggressively
2024, progressive control of all branches of the federal government ensure
Warren’s reelection. By now the electorate is firmly convinced that whatever
inequalities exist in the nation are the product of racism and sexism,
requiring sweeping remedies. At the same time, a supermajority of voters now
believe that no cost is too great to prevent “climate change.” With these two
issues the top priorities for voters, the electoral algebra becomes immutable.
And where the rhetoric of resentment and fear prevails, heretofore unthinkable
policies follow.
the Left consolidated its power in the 2020s centered around one fundamental
shift in how Americans lived. Fulfilling a process that began nearly a century
earlier, but finally completed during the Warren administration, it became
virtually impossible for any household with income below the top 20 percent to
pay their bills. As a consequence, free tuition, free healthcare, and rent
subsidies became necessary for most of the population to survive. Just as a
supermajority of voters believed the rhetoric of identity politics and climate
politics, a supermajority of voters could no longer pay their bills without
depending on the government.
irony was that it was Democratic policies that caused everything to cost so
much. The “Just Society” and “Green New
agenda were merely extensions of leftist policies that had been creeping
forward for decades, all with the approval of Wall Street, multinational
corporations, and the super-rich. Central to this agenda was to restrict the
growth of cities and
ration the use of energy and water, in order to prevent climate change…..
city after city, draconian ordinances overrode zoning laws with decades of
precedence. Investors could demolish single family homes and erect fourplexes,
or more units, where one household had previously stood….Single family homes
became worth more to buyers if they were demolished and replaced with
apartments. New laws made it obligatory to accept Section 8 renters whose rent
would be paid by taxpayers. Corporate behemoths busted block after block, in
city after city, turning communities into government housing projects. Those
who objected were branded as racists, deniers, xenophobes, and NIMBYs. They
were silenced…..
Warren’s second term, in 2028 the anointed heir, Kamala Harris, stepped into
the presidency. America had now firmly become a one-party state, following
trend-setting California. At this point another watershed would be reached, as
Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, both entering their 80s, would retire from
the U.S. Supreme Court. Replaced by hard core leftists, the court would swing
into action on a host of issues where they had been the last remaining holdouts…..
the time the leftist machine reelects Harris in 2032, however, problems caused
by the leftist agenda are becoming untenable. But it’s not America’s domestic
tranquility that is out of control. America, with help from a profitably
partnered Silicon Valley elite, has become an extremely efficient police state.
The online censors silence and erase dissidents. Individualized psychographic
diagnostics, fed by the panopticon of wired devices, identify and neutralize anyone rebellious
enough to even consider moving beyond protest rhetoric. And the propaganda
machine grinds on….
2034, when President Harris ordered the U.S. military to intervene in dozens of
hot spots, America’s depleted, obsolete capital ships and planes could not
respond….In a move long planned, the fascist superpower allies, China and
Russia, announced a new world order. Overnight, confidence in American
preeminence collapsed, and with it, the value of the U.S. dollar. The
collateral fueled asset bubble that had offered decades of phony propulsion to
the U.S. economy imploded, and with that, America’s federal government lost its
ability to dole out free rent, health care, tuition and food. But the Left had
one more card up their sleeves….
citizens were appalled and anxious at the depression they faced, but they were
primed to believe whatever they were told as to the cause. All the same answers
were trotted out, with a new twist: “It’s the Chinese and the Russians,”
thundered Kamala Harris through her teleprompter. “They are going to impose an
oil and gas economy on our comrades around the world, destroying the planet,”
she screamed. “We must stop them at any cost,” were her urgent admonitions, as
her corporate leftist puppeteers veered the nation towards total war to clean
things up and stimulate the crashed economy.
in the stupefying cataclysm that ensued, America’s Left had overplayed their
hand, and found themselves outgunned by their adversaries. A hypersonic
glide vehicle,
released from a ballistic missile, found its way to a certain gated community,
obliterating it, along with many other communities across the land. Chelsea
Clinton’s America ended in that moment, at least for her. But it was the
America in which she had wanted her children to grow up.
“Glad to see that the world’s most politically active sports
league, the NBA, loses all of its nerve the moment dollars are on the line. The
mark of true bravery is caving to a fascistic foreign government while
proclaiming your bravery for whining about Trump.”
-Ben Shapiro
“Democrats: We’re going to take away your guns and your
church’s tax-exemption and if you don’t treat this [nine-year-old] girl like a
boy, we’ll shame you. Also Democrats: Trump is undermining the norms of our
-Erick Erickson
“Where are all of these same political and media elites, who
care oh so very much about the byzantine border intricacies of the
Turkish/Kurdish conflict, when it comes to the harrowingly lawless situation on
our very own southern border with Mexico?”
MSNBC guest outlines plan to impeach Trump and make Nancy
Pelosi president.
In the past week, the media has worked overtime to defend
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren after contemporary documentary evidence
proved she's been blatantly lying about yet another biographical
detail…..should Warren emerge as the nominee, we should expect a media lovefest
not seen since Barack Obama's 2008 campaign for president.
“Is the Pope Catholic?” may be a serious question: Scalfari: Pope Francis Told Me That Jesus
Incarnate Was a 'Man ... Not at All a God'
In Iraq, religious ‘pleasure marriages’ are a front for
child prostitution.
Idiotic Environmental Predictions
NBA Now Requiring All Players To Stand For Chinese National
New Law Requires You To Listen To Greta Thunberg Lecture
Before Purchasing Gasoline
Camille Paglia: Puberty Blockers on Children ‘Is a Crime
Against Humanity’
The Russia Hoax: James Clapper throws Obama under the bus.
Will Capitalists Fight Elizabeth Warren, Or Sell Her The
The Left to America's Children: Your Past Is Terrible, and
Your Future Is Terrible
Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Hoaxes & Smears on Endless
The left's last card: “The opposition is no longer loyal or
respectable. It has gone functionally insane. The Democrats have been
transformed into the party of the fanatic, the messianic, the depraved, and the
demented. The Left is obsessed with stopping Donald Trump at all costs and, as
its slogan goes, "by any means necessary."…..It's symptomatic of this
odd era we're living in that the greatest and most effective force for
security, whether against terrorism, crime, or misadventure, is generally
ignored: the American citizenry. In this
republic, the people are the first line of defense. This must be the case involving any threat to
our president……
Video: Startling moment in the White House: As young
black leaders gathered Friday for the Young Black Leadership Summit, one voice asked
for a moment to pray for President Donald Trump. Mahalet, once an abandoned,
impoverished orphan from Ethiopia, earned smiles and cheers from the president
and the gathered crowd.
“It is error alone which needs the support of government.
Truth can stand by itself. Subject opinion to coercion: whom will you make your
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