Sunday, November 17, 2019

op ed review 11/17

As Impeachment Fizzles, The Stock Market Soars
Exclusive–Tony Sayegh on Impeachment Hearings: Dems ‘Went 0 for 3’
Trump Campaign Raises $3.1M in Donations During Impeachment Hearings
Sad Dems Switch Impeachment Narrative to Focus on 'Attempted' Crimes
First Public Impeachment Hearing Flops, Drawing 13 Million Viewers

President Trump Greeted by Loud Cheers at Bama-LSU Game

Trump Surges Among Women in Suburbs
Poll: 53% of Black Voters, 60% of Other Minority Voters Say Media Are Trying to Help Impeach Trump

IG Report Expected Before Thanksgiving, Contains Several Criminal Referrals, Including One for Comey

Nearly 80,000 immigrants approved for DACA have arrest records, USCIS report finds

Google has been collecting people's health records

Report: Hollywood Adds More LGBT Characters to TV, Cable, Streaming – Now 488 Total
T-Mobile Forces its Employees to Use ‘Transgender Language’
APA Demands Using Plural Pronouns For Nonbinary Individuals
LGBTQ Activist Students Walk Out of Class to Protest Chick-Fil-A Food Cart at Football Games
Parents in Virginia’s Loudoun County Protest Against LGBTQ Books in Schools
GLAAD: We Want ‘20% Of Series Regular Characters’ To Be ‘LGBTQ By 2025’ | The Daily Wire

Trump Supporters Donate Thousands to Man Accused of Slashing 'Baby Trump' Balloon
Man Who Slashed 'Baby Trump' Balloon: 'First Time' Liberals 'Mad About Chopping Up A Baby'

Almost 80,000 People In California Are Collecting Six-Figure Taxpayer Funded Pensions
San Francisco Voters Elect Radical District Attorney, Son of Cop-Killing Terrorists

Conservatives aim to convert convicts at 'Prison CPAC'

Female Gun Owners: We Prefer the AR-15

Less than 2 weeks ago, the mainstream media gloried in telling the world that President Trump is a man without much popular support anymore, based on his being booed when attending a World Series game at Nationals Park (seating capacity: 41,339) in Washington, DC.  Members of the crowd could be heard chanting “Lock him up, lock him up.” The District of Columbia gave Hillary Clinton 90.86% of its vote. The same media didn’t have much to say when Bryant-Denny Stadium (seating capacity: 101,821) erupted in sustained cheers for President Trump when he appeared at the football game between the University of Alabama and Louisiana State University.

Robert Curry  11/10
Has the Coup Already Happened?

Democrats in Congress, Democratic operatives in the deep state, and co-conspirators in the corporate leftist propaganda conglomerate are attempting to drive Trump from office. This hyperpartisan process rightly has been called an attempted coup. It is also a brazen fraud. In the immortal words of Woody Allen’s Fielding Melish, “it is a travesty . . . a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.”

But in a deeper sense, isn’t it clear that the coup has already happened? By trying to overthrow the results of a presidential election, the political elite is merely showing its hand; America has an elite that believes it now rules in America. We have an elite that does not accept the American idea of government—government by, for, and of the people.

According to our self-selected rulers, the election of Hillary Clinton was the whole point of 2016.  They had designated Hillary to succeed Obama. She was to continue the project of fundamentally transforming America that was the focus of the Obama Administration. The voters were supposed to ratify the elite’s selection of Clinton.

But voters failed to do what they were supposed to do. From their point of view, if you voted for Trump, you let them down. By voting for Trump, you enraged the people who have designated themselves to rule you.

They are far beyond merely disappointed in you. You are a deplorable if you voted for Trump or if you have come around to supporting him. The people who are asserting that they rule America intend to teach you a lesson: “You have disappointed us, and we are going all out—with this fraudulent attempt to impeach Trump, with hyperpartisan ‘journalism,’ and by means of open borders, ballot harvesting, armies of dead people voting, whatever it takes—to make certain that this never happens again. Let this be a lesson to you about what voting means and what voting does not mean in the new, fundamentally transformed America.”

The truth about those who intend to rule us with or without our consent is that, instead of putting America first, they have been using the power of government to advance an anti-American agenda—open borders, hollowing out our economy to the benefit of the Chinese, drowning the American voter in a flood of Muslims and people from the Third World; the list goes on and on.

Trump, of course, represents a threat to the elite’s project of selling America down the river. He has to be stopped, and those Americans who have not gotten with the program for America the elite has chosen for us must be taught a hard lesson about who now rules in America.


“The question Democrats won’t answer: Should the top 1% pay half of all income taxes? Two-thirds? Three-fourths? Where does their ‘fair share’ end? If Democrats sweep the 2020 election, we are sure to find out.”
          -Wall Street Journal

Trump Jr. 'Triggered' Book Hits Number One on NYT Bestseller List

The new documentary “No Safe Spaces”, starring conservative thinker, radio host, and writer Dennis Prager and liberal, comedian, and podcast host Adam Carolla, is a must-see for anyone concerned with the long-term viability of the First Amendment's free speech protections.  

Stanford professor who changed America with one study was also a liar

'Climate migrants,' the left's tool to pry borders wide

Left’s new spin: The Soviet Communists ‘saved democracy as much as Gen. Patton and Iwo Jima’

Senator Patty Murray is distressed by the number of Trump judges confirmed:   “We Must Stop This Parade of Unqualified, Ideologically Rigid Nominees to Our Federal Judiciary”

Elizabeth Warren Will Never Be President because she says things like this:  “Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy”

Hillary Clinton explains why she didn't include Margaret Thatcher in book of gutsy women

Democrats really don’t like America and think it’s time to move on from the culture that got us here. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 38% of Likely Democratic Voters believe American society is generally fair and decent. Fifty-one percent (51%) say it’s unfair and discriminatory. By comparison, 74% of Republicans and unaffiliated voters by a 49% to 36% margin view American society as fair and decent.

'Alliance of World Scientists' climate emergency declaration hit for fictional signers.  One “scientist” was named “Mouse, Micky” from the “Micky Mouse Institute for the Blind, Nambia.” Another was Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts. And then there was “Araminta Aardvark” from the fictional University of Neasden.

Warmists now saying that giving birth is the worst thing for global warming

What the University of Alabama's Football Stadium Tells Us about CO2

“Obama clearly left the White House booby-trapped” with Obama holdovers, especially on the National Security Council

The Russia Hoax was never about Russia.  It was always a cover story to unleash a legal assault on Team Trump, the sole aim of which was to look for, and create, secondary crimes (e.g., decades-old loan applications [Paul Manafort], a misremembered timeline [George Papadopoulos], raiding the son of a top-tier target [Michael Flynn] to compel a guilty plea, or the ever-reliable "lying" charge [Roger Stone]). That's it in the shell of a nut.

What Happened to California Republicans?
The Sad, Sad State Of Virginia:  With a Democratic governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, both United States senators, seven of 11 representatives, and now both State houses, the Commonwealth of Virginia is now officially a blue state on par with the socialistic dystopias of California, New York, and New England. It’s been a long time coming, albeit a slow, gradual march to the abyss, but the land of the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and “sic semper tyrannis” has now become the land of the snowflakes and social justice warriors.

It may be the most dangerous bill no one's really talking about. But if becomes law -- this radical grab bag of social extremism -- all of America will live to regret it. Meet the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). It's not just about women anymore. In fact, it's not really about women at all. How much damage can 52 words do? Trust me, you don't want to find out. The House majority's new ERA may be short, but the list of consequences is never-ending.

4 Feminist Lies That Are Making Women Miserable

Bozell:  The networks are always and forever going to try and beat this president senseless with negative coverage. It's out of control…..The negativity is both bombastic and shameless.

Walter Williams: Young People Ignorant of History
“Universities in America have finally accomplished convincing young adults to abandon the most successful and free form of government in favor of a system that has a historical failure rate of 100%.” 

Why Pete Buttigieg Is The Most Destructive Candidate For Christianity “His real problem is that he calls good things evil and evil things good”

VDH:  Like it or not, 2020 is going to be a plebiscite on an American version of Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four. One side advocates a complete transformation not just of the American present but of the past as well. The Left is quite eager to change our very vocabulary and monitor our private behavior to ensure we are not just guilty of incorrect behavior but thought as well.
The other side believes America is far better than the alternative, that it never had to be perfect to be good, and that, all and all, its flawed past is a story of a moral nation’s constant struggle for moral improvement. One side will say, “Just give us more power and we will create heaven on earth.” The other says “Why would anyone wish to take their road to an Orwellian nightmare?” The 2020 election is that simple.

The Mexicanization of American Law Enforcement: The drug cartels extend their corrupting influence northward.

“The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader; to pursue them requires not the aid of many counselors.”
           =Thomas Jefferson


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