Saturday, February 8, 2020

op ed review 2/9

Forty-four House Democrats are in support of the New Way Forward Act, a bill that would make deportation of criminals harder, calls for the decriminalization of illegal immigration, and would bring deported criminal illegal aliens back into the U.S at taxpayer expense.  possibly the most “radical” immigration legislation in U.S. history”.  Rep Jayapal (D-WA) is one of the sponsors.
The House of Representatives also passed a bill on Friday that would make illegal immigrants eligible for damages from their employer if their labor rights are violated.

State of the Union address: Trump hits grand slam, while Pelosi just looks looks sad
President Trump’s moving, statesmanlike State of the Union address -

Trump exits impeachment apparently unscathed as his poll numbers reach highs
Trump expanding base of black, Hispanic, suburban voters, has 51% approval
74% of Americans Believe They Will Be Better Off Financially This Year
Trump renews pledge to ‘end America's wars’ and ‘bring our troops back home’

Rush Limbaugh receives Presidential Medal of Freedom at Trump's State of the Union address, after announcing he has advanced lung cancer.
Godspeed, Rush Limbaugh -

Pelosi rips up Trump speech at conclusion of State of the Union
SOTU: The unspeakable ungraciousness of the Democrats in Congress -
Pelosi 'ripped our hearts out' tearing up that speech says brother of man killed by illegal alien
Democrats Refuse To Applaud Young Black Girl Who Receives Scholarship at SOTU
Democrat Law Professor Calls on Pelosi to Resign

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Is ‘The Enemy’
Impeachment Gets 77x More TV Time than Trump's Economic Successes

???? CBS HAILS Trump’s ‘Incredible’ SOTU as ‘Morning in America’ with ‘Compelling Stories’
But Seconds After Speech Ends, MSNBC’s Brian Williams Assails ‘Dark,’ ‘Bizarre' State of the Union’

Romney is the toast of the town in Washington DC…..MSNBC Cheers ‘Historic’ Romney Vote to Convict Trump: ‘Unlocking His Super Power’
Trump more popular in Utah than Romney.
Romney has links to Burisma. His “special advisor” sat on the Burisma board with Hunter.

Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers $6.5K a year each: Report
Poll Stunner: Super Majority of Mexicans Support Blocking Central American Migrant Caravans, Using Troops to Guard Border as 'Trump's Wall'
Jorge Ramos very upset: "Mexico is now the wall"

Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal

In Friday night debate, Bernie Sanders said America is “a racist society from top to bottom.” Then, one by one, the candidates echoed the message that “systemic racism” characterizes America.
Warren, in apology, cites America's 'long legacy' of 'racism and oppression' after women of color quit her Nevada campaign
Buttigieg blames Trayvon death on ‘white supremacy’
Buttigieg: I Know 63 Million People Voted for Trump But They're Still Racist
John Kerry overheard discussing possible 2020 bid amid concern of 'Sanders taking down the Democratic Party'

The 'Never Bernie' apocalypse is coming, Dem insiders warn
The biggest problem for Democrats wasn’t the vote count in Iowa, it was low turnout.

Rhode Island priest denies communion to legislators who support abortion

“Chiefs Players Wear Trump T-Shirt to Press conference, Quote Bible, Liberals Triggered”

Democrats reap bitter fruits of impeachment as Trump reaches his apex
Washington /examiner 2/4

President Trump is absolutely sitting on top of the world. This is the highest point of his presidency so far. Consider what has happened in the last four days, and the reasons become clear. On Saturday, Republican senators stuck together. In voting not to prolong a farcical Senate trial with a predetermined outcome, they refused to honor the politically motivated impeachment that House Democrats brought on a flimsy pretext.

On Sunday, the Trump campaign aired ads during the Super Bowl. He advertised to a politically mixed sports crowd, but the point of the ads was not to rile up his base the way most candidates do during primary season. No, he was doing something Republicans so often talk about and so seldom do: He was reaching out to black voters, just as he would do later in his State of the Union speech, and he was doing it for real, based on actual legislative accomplishments in the area of criminal justice reform.

On Monday night, in Iowa, Trump’s political rivals fumbled away one of the best public relations moments they built into their election calendar. Given the chance to emerge from the first-in-the-nation caucuses with a front-runner and momentum enough to consolidate their party, Democrats instead failed to produce a numerical result for at least 24 hours. The results from their unexpectedly low-turnout contest are still being tallied, but the moment is now gone. Their nominating field is in chaos, and only one thing seems certain: Joe Biden, supposedly the strongest candidate to take on Trump in 2020, is wounded, perhaps mortally, by what is looking like a distant fourth-place finish.

On the same night, Trump won the Iowa Republican caucuses with more than 97% of the vote. This demonstrated emphatically that there exists no serious opposition to his candidacy within the Republican Party. If Democrats are divided, Republicans have never been so united.

As if to underscore this fact, Gallup released a poll on Tuesday showing Trump with a 94% job approval rating among Republican respondents, but, even more importantly, the survey showed him with a 49% rating among all voters, the highest of his presidency, and a 63% approval rating for his handling of the economy, up 6 points since November. A majority approved of his recent action against top Iranian terrorists in Iraq, and the share of people “satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S.” is at its highest point since 2005. Mind you, this poll was taken during Trump’s impeachment trial and before his State of the Union speech.

Then, on Tuesday night, Trump delivered the speech. From the dais, he looked down on the very House Democrats who impeached him frivolously. He addressed the very Democratic senators who will vote out of partisan loyalty to remove him from office.  "Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, poverty is plummeting, crime is falling, confidence is surging, and our country is thriving and highly respected again," he said. "The years of economic decay are over," he said. "Our economy is the best it's ever been."

Trump described his agenda as "relentlessly pro-worker, pro-family, pro-growth, and, most of all, pro-American." He recited one economic accomplishment after another: the lifting of 10 million people out of welfare, the record low levels of black poverty and unemployment, the surge in job creation far over and above all projections made during the Obama era, etc. It's as if he were saying to those Democrats, "Go ahead. Impeach this. Vote to remove this from office. I dare you."

Tomorrow, Trump will be acquitted in the Senate impeachment trial, which is what a majority wants, again, according to Gallup’s poll. For the next nine months, he will boast that the vote to acquit him constitutes his exoneration. He will argue that Democrats' socialist policies threaten to plunge the nation back into economic weakness and foreign policy chaos.

Trump has never had it better. His approval rating was at its highest point before the speech. It may rise yet afterward. His opponents are divided and confused, and the economy continues to run strong. As long as it does so, it will be making the best possible case for his reelection.

Did Democrats ever expect impeachment to turn out like this?

Important read:  “Facing Up To the Revolution” by Angelo Codevilla  Some conservatives, rejoicing that impeachment turned into yet another of #TheResistance’s political train wrecks and that President Trump is likely to be reelected by a bigger margin than in 2016, expect that a chastened ruling class will return to respecting the rest of us. They are mistaken. Trump’s reelection, by itself, cannot protect us. The ruling class’s intolerance of the 2016 election’s results was intolerance of us….”

 “I wish Romney fought as hard for voters in 2012 as he does against the Trump administration.”
         -Dana Loesch

“Democrats think President Donald Trump committed a high crime or misdemeanor the moment he defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. That is the original sin of this presidency — that he won, and they lost.”
         -Senate Majority Leader McConnell

“I wasn’t sure if [Nancy Pelosi] was ripping up the speech or ripping up the Constitution.”
         -Mike Pence

“Trump economy adds 225,000 jobs, exceeding expectations by almost 50%, which can only mean one thing: new impeachment articles.”
          -Twitter satirist @hale_razor

Islamic Republic of Pakistan: 108 women murdered for honor in 2019 in one province alone.

An Al Qaeda Leader Came to America as a Refugee, And Applied for Disability for Bullet Wounds

Billionaire Democrat presidential candidate Tom Steyer compares impeaching Trump to prosecuting nazi war criminals.

New Soros-Funded University to Combat Climate Change and Nationalism

‘We will bring the fire’: 'Squad' member Ayanna Pressley threatens those who ‘don’t see the light’

Arizona State University 'looking into' viral video of man screaming, 'Slash Republican throats!'

The University of Massachusetts-Lowell Center for Public Opinion surveyed New Hampshire Democratic primary voters at the end of January and found nearly two-thirds would rather a meteor hit the earth, “extinguishing all human life,” than President Trump win re-election on Nov. 3.

“Today’s structures of sin include repeated tax cuts for the richest people, often justified in the name of investment and development.”
             -Pope Francis

Such nice people:  Progressive Twitter celebrates Rush Limbaugh’s cancer diagnosis

Trump's Alice Johnson, prison reform Super Bowl ad touches hearts and repulses liberals

Bernie Sanders Wants to Impose National Rent Control

Parents in the state of Washington are fighting a Democrat bill that would mandate LGBTQ-focused sex ed for children, including kindergartners.

MSNBC analyst: Iowa caucuses 'essentially the perfect example of systemic racism'

Global Warming's 50 Years of Fraud

“(Pelosi’s) hissy fit crescendoed into a shocking spectacle as Pelosi, second-in-line to the presidency of the United States under the Constitution, stood and with dramatic flair tore her copy of the State of the Union in half. For all the lows of the past few years—her incoherence, her inability to control her know-nothing freshman “squad,” her failure to come up with a realistic policy alternative to Trumpism, it was Pelosi’s lowest moment. She ripped up a speech that showcased the best of America; achievements that no other country in the world can boast. Heroes of every color and economic background—patriots who have sacrificed so much, even their lives, in battle—and young future leaders. Her display, however, gave away the result of the game. Just like her hometown football team, Pelosi has lost. She has been defeated by Donald Trump.”

Parent Guide: How To Undo Liberal Revisionist History Lessons At Home

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative  “I’ve wanted to write this essay for at least a decade, to tell people—or maybe just to tell him— how just one person can so powerfully influence another. Mr. Limbaugh, we the millennial Rush babies thank you. We wish you healing, grace, mega dittos, and many more cigars. You changed everything for us.”

Five reasons why Democrat turnout will be depressed while GOP turnout will be high in November

What Today's Insane Democratic Party Is Doing In Virginia Will Scare You

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance

Will Migrating California Residents Bring Left-Wing Politics to Their New Homes?

Steve Bannon lays out a shocking scenario of the real reason behind Bloomberg’s investment of $2 billion in politics:  “a ‘leveraged buyout’ of the Democratic party, installing himself as the oligarch who calls the shots, including the selection of the candidate to win the presidency.

Bernie Sanders Praises China for Eradicating Poverty by Killing All the Poor People

Rush Limbaugh honored with Presidential Medal of Freedom" on YouTube

“Men of energy of character must have enemies; because there are two sides to every question, and taking one with decision, and acting on it with effect, those who take the other will of course be hostile in proportion as they feel that effect.”
           -Thomas Jefferson (1817)


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