Sunday, March 7, 2021

op ed review 3/7


Senate narrowly passes “COVID relief” bill on party line vote, 50-49.  Only 9% of the funding is for Covid relief.  The rest is for “liberal wishlist”.

Democrats Just Snuck a $1 Billion Tax Hike on Workers Into Their COVID Bill

Washington Post Puts Out Full-On Biden Propaganda Tweet about COVID bill…says it showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty”.  Borders on North Korea, Communist China style propaganda.


House Passes H.R. 1, "Permanent Democrat Rule Act" by a Vote of 220-210 in an Effort to Create a US Politburo and One-Party Government.


Three Republicans Help House Dems Pass Perverse, Orwellian 'Equality Act'

Democrats used a March 4 'QAnon attack' to justify a military occupation of Washington DC—it never happened.

“Armed Insurrection”?  Ron Johnson Gets FBI to Admit That No Firearms Were Seized During the Capitol Riot


Portland protests & violence: Feds quietly dismiss dozens of cases against antifa, BLM.


With an entrance to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The U.S.A.”, Donald Trump made his appearance on the CPAC 2021 stage amid cheers, applause, and chants of “USA!!! USA!!!!” “Hello, CPAC, do you miss me yet?!”

Trump Eviscerates Biden's Record in Blistering CPAC Speech

Trump: I’m Not Starting A New Party. I’m Still Running This Party

Time to clean house:  Trump urges ouster of ‘RINOs,’ ‘warmonger’ Liz Cheney.

Gov. DeSantis Rips 'Failed Republican Establishment' During Fiery CPAC Speech

Mike Pompeo: Conservatives Want a President ‘Willing to Break Glass'

Mike Pence Suddenly Discovers the Need for Election Integrity

Republican lawmakers ridiculed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ongoing deployment of National Guard troops and police as well as fencing and razor wire around the U.S. Capitol during speeches at CPAC   “I wouldn’t be surprised if we start quartering soldiers in the committee hearing rooms,” said freshman Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, who dubbed the Capitol complex “Fort Pelosi.”

Designer of CPAC Stage, Accused of Looking Like Nazi Symbol, Is Identified:   Designed by a Liberal Company Which Has Worked for Biden, MSNBC.


8 Democrats Join Republicans in Rejecting Sanders’ $15 Minimum Wage Hike Bill.


WarnerMedia CEO apologizes after saying pandemic is “really good for CNN's ratings”


Top pollster: Trump’s agenda 'more popular than ever'

President Trump Begins "Save America PAC"


Former Trump Trade Official Peter Navarro Says There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from John Durham.  Too little, too late.


Slow Joe flubs Shelia Jackson Lee’s name, calling her “Shirley” after stumbling around…then devolves into asking “what am I doing here?”

Joe makes awkward remarks about Indian-Americans “taking over the country”.

White House Cuts Video Feed After Joe Biden Asks for Questions

“… much longer will the American people accept the spectacle of their command-in-chief visibly incapable of coherence?

Biden Nominee for Top Defense Post says  Republicans are ‘the party of ethnic cleansing,’”

Biden Admin Takes First Step Towards Reparations; "We Don't Want To Wait For A Study"

Biden cancels Dr. Seuss, leaves out mention of the children's favorite for Read Across America day


YouTube Blacklists Donald Trump's CPAC Speech, Suspends RSBN Channel

Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month

Pepe Le Pew Called Out for “Perpetuating Rape Culture” in NYT Op-Ed

Conservative cartoon strip  'Mallard Fillmore' dropped by Gannett (USA Today) after two strips critical of President Biden and transgender participation in women’s sports.

‘The End Of Conservative Books’: Amazon Quietly Bans Books They Deem Offensive


Thousands of migrants crossing US border overwhelm government agents.

Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Counter Biden's 'Open Border Policies'

SUV in crash where 13 died came through hole in border fence

108 Illegal Immigrants Released by Border Patrol in Texas Tested Positive for COVID-19

CDC Bends COVID Rules to Allow Migrant Shelters to Operate at Full Capacity


Mississippi Judge Makes Discovery: 78% of Mail-In Ballots Fraudulent.

Efforts underway in key battleground states to return voting systems to pre-2020 rules


L.A. Ordered to Pay NRA Six Figures After Losing First Amendment Case


Pelosi feeding National Guard troops in DC raw chicken and metal shavings.  Some hospitalized.


LinkedIn Removes Racist ‘Be Less White’ Diversity Training, Releases Statement Following Backlash


Good idea:  Tennessee bill would give immunity to drivers who unintentionally hit someone blocking roadway, including protesters.




Lunch Box Donald

Don Feder  3/5


An NBC News poll released last week reflects one of the most significant political trends of the past 30 years – the realignment of blue-collar workers who’ve left the party of Planned Parenthood and Drag Queen Story Hour for the party of energy-independence, fair-trade deals and border security. The poll shows that between 2010 and 2020, the Republican share of blue- collar votes rose from 45% to 57%. Within the same demographic, its Hispanic vote went from 23% to 36%, while its black working-class vote went from 5% to 12%.


In 1992, Bill Clinton carried 49% of counties where at least 25% of the workforce was employed in manufacturing. In 2016, Donald Trump took 95%. What used to be one of the left’s most reliable constituencies is now going the way of evangelicals in their flight from a party that’s lost both its mind and its soul.


Writing in The Detroit News on April 10, 2019, Terry Bowman (a 22- year UAW/Ford worker) charges: “While Democrats fight for policies that crush working-class communities, Republicans and our president are fighting for blue-collar jobs and traditional American values.”


The geezer in the White House is becoming a job-killing machine. On Day One, the Keystone XL-Pipeline was axed. And that’s just a down-payment on Biden’s debt to the Greenies. But, not to worry. As John Forbes Kerry assured us, unemployed pipeline workers can get good-paying jobs manufacturing solar panels – in China.


It’s infuriating the way Democrats can speak so nonchalantly about sacrificing the opportunities of others. Campaigning in 2016, the warm and lovable Hillary Clinton boasted, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business!” This from someone who probably never lifted anything heavier than a nail file.


Under Biden’s welcome-mat policy, the Border Patrol has been ordered not to arrest illegals unless they commit multiple homicides within eyesight. He’s starting to admit the first of 25,000 “asylum” seekers, and blue-collar workers will get to pay for a process that will lead to the loss of more of their jobs. But jobs isn’t the whole picture. Most of the white working-class is solidly middle-American: church-going, socially conservative (pro-life, pro-marriage and pro- traditional morality). Many are gun-owners, veterans and reservists, patriotic and not embarrassed to show it and mystified by those who are.  And, are you sitting down Nancy?.....they refuse to apologize for being white. If a guy drives a pick-up truck with a gun-rack and a tool box in back, and an American flag decal, chances are he isn’t a community organizer who votes Democratic.


In short, workers are everything liberals have come to loathe – an animosity that’s reflected in Obama’s bitter-clingers comment, Hillary’s basket of deplorables and Biden’s dregs of society. The Democrats have become the party of Alice-in-Wonderland social policy – the party that refuses to criticize Antifa and Black Lives Matter even as they turn our cities into barbecue pits, the party that turns a blind eye to urban riots but sees white supremacy everywhere, the party of defund the police and sanctuary cities, the party of climate-change cultists, the party of “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” the party that tried to take an innocuous reference God out of its 2012 platform, the party of abortion up to the moment of birth, the party of LGBTQ, and now, the party of transgenderism.


Bowman writes: “My father, a retired UAW/Ford worker, was a life-long Democrat” who voted for Trump in 2016 and now says “I don’t know the damn Democrat party anymore.” Ronald Reagan used to say he didn’t leave the Democrats; they left him.


Unlike their white-collar counterparts, blue-collar workers didn’t have an opportunity to be indoctrinated by their college professors – but Biden wants them to pay the debts of those who were. They are less likely to heed the so-called experts. They don’t get their news from The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN. They’re not afraid to voice views that get conservatives banned by Facebook and Twitter. While the GOP is becoming the party of labor, the Democrats are firmly in the hands of coastal elitists.


Business Insider listed the billionaires who bankrolled Biden’s 2020 campaign. It reads like the Fortune 500 and includes the CEOs -- or their wives -- of Microsoft, Google, Lucasfilm, Estee Lauder, Dream Works, Hyatt, J.P. Morgan Chase, Linkedin and Comcast/Universal. Remember when the media used to whine about Republicans as the party of the super-rich?  You think they care about the guy who worries about making this month’s mortgage payment or if he’ll still have a pension when he retires? In a pig’s eye.  Since Jimmy Carter, blue-collar workers have been worked over by the Democrats. Now, they’re returning the favor. With the Republicans, they’ve found their real home.


“Why did Democrats and the media elevate the afternoon mob at the Capitol in January into the gravest threat to American democracy in living memory, a veritable insurrection? For the same reason that they have ridiculously inflated ever since November 2016 the threat of white supremacist uprisings in America. And for the same reasons college officials have been willing to cast their own institutions as hives of systemic racism and “rape culture,” even though the campuses are some of the most progressive zones on planet earth. And for the same reasons elites everywhere framed President Trump as dangerous, reckless, an outrage, abominable, a Russian asset, a dictator, a crime boss, a maniac…..”




Tucker: What happened to the QAnon incursion of Capitol Hill?




And you thought this was about COVID?  “Climate Scientists say Pandemic Lockdowns Needed Every Two Years to Meet Paris Agreement”


CDC quietly changes the definition of their 'research' mission to 'equity'


California is set to ban boys and girls sections in big toy and clothes stores. Bill would make it illegal for retailers to put up signs saying 'boys' and 'girls'.


Planned parenthood will get into the lucrative gender reassignment business.


TCM Puts Classic Films ‘Breakfast At Tiffany’s’, ‘Tarzan’, ‘Psycho’, ‘GWTW’ And More Under Microscope For Offensive Content


UMich ‘Liberation Front’ demands removal of Sabra hummus, an end to Israel trips, and a “police-free campus”


Arizona Department of Education Teaches White Babies Are Racist

ASU Dean: Grading Writing Based On Quality Is ‘Racist,’ Promotes ‘White Language Supremacy’


Beto O'Rourke: Republican Party Is a 'Cult of Death' -- They 'Literally Want to Sacrifice' Lives


New York Public School Urges Parents to be 'White Traitors'

Liberals find a case of racism they don't want the courts to correct


Call for Vatican investigation of pro-Trump US bishops


U.S. soccer will now allow players to kneel for national anthem


ID For Absentee Ballots Are Now Required In Georgia.  Angry Leftists React By Storming The State Capitol




A Fourth State is Now Announcing That It Will Be 'Reopening' 100% and Ending Lockdowns


Enough Is Enough: Time to Finally Follow the Science on Masks

Flashback:  Washington Post Ridiculed Masks & Called Them 'Useless' in April 2020.

In the Peoples’ Republic of Moscow, Idaho, Teens Face 13 Criminal Charges for Posting Protest Stickers Opposing Mask Mandates.


Professor quits COVID-19 research amid hostility over his findings


More youth are dying of suicide, overdose than COVID-19 during pandemic

A Year Ago We’d Have Called it Child Abuse

But WaPo reassures, Don’t Worry About Lockdowns, Kids Will ‘Likely Be Fine!’




The Racism Industry's Biggest Lies.  That African Americans are “systematically targeted for demise” by police and whites is a blatant lie….in 2016, 7881 African Americans were murdered. Of those 7881, the police fatally shot 233, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The Post categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as ‘unarmed.’ (which masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest) So who murdered the other 7,648 African Americans? Almost all, around 90%, were murdered by other African Americans, many during drive-by shootings.”

Have You Tried Not Being White? The pervasive myth of our time is that the Left desires equality. Critical race theory teaches that white people are a class enemy.


The Cancellation Of Dr. Seuss Should Disturb You, Because You’re Next

Alan Dershowitz: All Americans Need to Fight Cancel Culture


Little-Known Civil Rights Law in Seattle Could Bring Big Tech to Its Knees


Certifiably crazy times in America




Middle Easterners Begin Painting Transgender Flag Colors On Doorposts To Avoid Biden Drone Strikes




“I Haven’t Used Amazon For Almost 3 Months And I Don’t Miss It One Bit”


37 Things to Know About H.R. 1, “For the People Act”


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