op ed review 1/10
What a mess this week. Democrats win two Georgia Senate seats and now control all three branches of US government. Over a hundred thousand Trump supporters descended on Washington DC to protest the stolen election, but their thunder was stolen by a few hundred who stormed the US Capitol building, and now the media narrative is that all Trump supporters are terrorists and insurrectionists. Here are some views:
“On Wednesday, January 6, 2021 angry Trump patriots stormed the Capitol building in Washington D.C. to protest a corrupted Presidential Election. These patriots were angry and frustrated that elected officials across the nation shirked their responsibilities and permitted the Democrats to steal an election from Donald Trump. Violence ensued and one young lady was shot and subsequently died, apparently at the hands of the Capitol police. While that poor woman was bleeding out on the polished marble floor, Senators and Congressmen were whisked away to the safety of a basement bunker. Immediately, everyone clutched their pearls and blamed Trump and his supporters but the resentment and anger that erupted at the Capitol has been simmering for four years since Trump was elected. Apparently, no one was listening to the angry men and women in this country, continuously outraged by the shameful way the media and Democrats treated our beloved President. 74 million Americans love Trump and sadly listened to rabid, hostile reporters on a nightly basis trash him and disparage his family members. They never gave him a chance.”
Eyewitness account: “….It may be weeks before we fully understand the fallout from the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol building. The prevailing consensus from conservative talk radio hosts and editors is that this event provided ammunition to Trump’s enemies and gave squishy Republicans an excuse to abandon their objections to the certification of Biden’s electors……Based on what I saw and read, I have no doubt that dozens and possibly even hundreds of Antifa and/or other provocateurs had infiltrated the rally in order to carry out violent acts and suck impressionable Trump supporters into their antics…..Some of the more impulsive Trump supporters fell into a trap that served to scapegoat both the Trump administration and the 99.9% of rally participants who neither condoned nor participated in any of the violence.”
DrJohn at Flopping Aces: “There is a lot of handwringing, indignation and virtue signaling going on..right now about yesterday’s events. I don’t condone what happened but I am not at all surprised. This has been building like a pressure dome under a volcano and finally it blew….– democrats spent four years calling Trump a “traitor” and a “Russian agent”– They called him “illegitimate – They said he stole the election – They said the Russians rigged the election – They impeached him for Biden’s extortion of Ukraine – democrats denied the violence of Antifa and BLM – For nine months that violence has raged – Nadler said it was a “myth” – Hoyer denied Antifa was violent – Antifa raided and burned the Federal building in Portland while people were inside. No democrat even blinked an eye – Antifa vandalized Federal property in Philadelphia – During the violence in Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was asking for help bailing out the rioters……The left spent four years at war with half the country. They spent the last nine months ignoring or defending or asking for violence….People are fighting back. Trump didn’t do this. The left did. They asked for it- specifically. Hundreds of thousands of people were present in DC yesterday for the rally. 52 were arrested. You’d have to call that “mostly peaceful.”
A Brief Overview of the Violence Democrats and the Media Incited Against Republicans
“Storming the Capitol harmed the cause of those questioning the election results. Disrupting Congress in the middle of doing what your team claims wants to be done – registering a protest of the results – does not win people to the cause. And the aggression displayed, in a few cases, repels people from it. The black lives matter protests had popular support until they started burning down whole sections of cities and the businesses of innocent people. This action does the same for those fighting for free elections.”
Questions About The Chaos That Desperately Need To Be Answered: #1 How Did Protesters Get Near The Capitol In The First Place? (police actually opened up the barricades that were surrounding the U.S. Capitol and purposely allowed protesters to storm the building.) #2 Who Was Breaking The Doors And Windows At The Capitol? (in this video you can see Trump supporters actually trying to pull Antifa activists away as they were smashing the glass)… #3 Once Protesters Got Inside The Building, Why Did A Guard Lead Them Up Several Flights Of Stairs? #4 Who Arranged For Antifa Buses To Be Brought Into The Heart Of D.C. With An Escort?
Picture of the huge crowd of Trump supporters.
Rioters vandalized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s suite of offices in the US Capitol on Wednesday, flipping tables and rummaging through desks after a large mob of Trump supporters stormed the building.
“Conservative media members reacted with anger and disgust…to scenes of violent protesters storming the U.S. Capitol building and halting Electoral College certification proceedings.”
Ashli Babbitt, Trump supporter killed at the Capitol, was a 14 year Air Force vet and small business owner from San Diego.
Known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources
Rasmussen poll: Trump's Approval Rating Rises After DC Protests
Enraged Nancy Pelosi demands Trump either resign or be removed.
Trump purge and censorship begins: ABC News: 'Getting Rid of Trump Is Easy Part'; 'Cleansing' America of 'Movement He Commands' Is Something Else…
Twitter permanently bans President Trump.
Google removes conservative social media alternative Parler from the app store.
Apple threatens to remove Parler from it’s app store
Reddit bans DonaldTrump forum
Democrats and corporate media outlets such as CNN are lobbying for right-leaning news outlets such as Fox News to be pulled from the air.
Simon and Schuster cancel plans to publish Sen. Josh Hawley’s new book “The Tyranny of Big Tech” following “criticism of his efforts to overturn the presidential election.”
Mozilla Says ‘Deplatforming’ Trump Not Enough, Wants to Shield Internet from ‘Bad Actors’ as Users Uninstall Firefox in Disgust
Facebook just deleted anti-Democrat 'WalkAway' page from platform.
RINO Alert: Paul Ryan blasts GOP's 'Dirty Dozen', calling efforts to block Biden win 'anti-democratic'.
Romney Boards Flight Filled With Trump Supporters, Gets An Earful: "TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR!"
Pro-Trump demonstrators enter grounds of Washington governor's mansion as protesters gather across the country
Did Georgia Really Just Elect an Anti-Semitic Socialist Who Covered Up Child Abuse?
The vanishing vote problem may have struck again in Georgia
32,400 Votes Removed from Senator Perdue's Vote Tally Live on TV
At a speech in Georgia on the eve of the Senate runoff election, Joe Biden promised voters $2,000 in cash if they voted for the Democratic contenders.
Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud 'more than sufficient' to swing victory to Trump
Over 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say
Proof of fraud may lie in vanishing Trump votes
A former Army Intelligence Captain shares a boatload of election oddities
Biggest Horse-Race Fixer of All Time Says Democrats Stole Election. Here's How.
Chinese leaders are smiling: Communist China Is Preparing To Eat Joe Biden's Lunch
Evidence China Was Colluding with the Bidens and Providing Information on How to Defeat President Trump in the 2020 Election
CNN’s Chris Cuomo mocks Marco Rubio's faith, calls senator 'Bible Boy' during anti-Trump rant.
GOP congresswoman Boebert defends decision to carry gun in DC: 'I am my own security'
Antifa Reportedly Attacks Home Of GOP Senator Josh Hawley, Threatens Family
Washington Post Defends Mob That Terrorized Sen. Hawley’s Family At Their Home
Portland mayor finally says “enough” after New Year’s Eve riots, commits to end violence by antifa radicals.
A few days later: Portland Mayor assaulted at restaurant. “You are going to be made to feel like the scum you are.”
Julie Kelly 1/7
In the end, almost everyone got what they deserved. The president’s Achilles’ heel—relying on the wrong people to advance his political interests—led to his final ouster this week. Donald Trump ran out of runway and instead of preparing for a soft landing, he pumped the gas. It’s hard to blame him: His court challenges had been thwarted by the very judges he elevated to the federal bench, his hodgepodge legal team whirred in defeat, and Republican senators he helped elect quickly turned on him.
As usual, the president was right: extensive proof of vote fraud in key states justified his belief, shared by tens of millions of Americans, that the election was stolen from him. Trump’s instinct to fight back was spot-on but the plan and the people he put in place failed to launch yet again. Despite advance warning that a majority mail-in election would doom his chance to win, the president’s team was infuriatingly unprepared both in terms of messaging and legal strategy. An odd press conference the day after the election featured not top-tier legal killers but his son and daughter-in-law.
The prologue already was written. A vacuum created by a complete lack of interest from his own Justice Department—led by a man the president refused to fire even though he had cause to do so months before—was filled with any number of caricatures peddling far-fetched claims obscuring legitimate evidence. The president, as is his wont, whether because of loyalty or ignorance, didn’t shut them down until it was too late. The damage to his case was done, another self-inflicted wound suffered unnecessarily at the most crucial time imaginable.
As the president greeted tens of thousands of Americans who had traveled to the nation’s capital to show their support for Trump’s last stand, Senate Republicans learned they would lose control of the chamber after both Georgia races were called for the Democrats. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) used his time from the floor to dismiss valid allegations of election fraud as his conference prepared to certify the election of their longtime Senate colleague, Joe Biden. The outgoing Senate leader falsely claimed that Trump’s lawsuits “received hearings in courtrooms all across the country” while admitting every election has illegalities and irregularities. “Last year’s bizarre pandemic procedures must not become the new norm” McConnell lectured, clearly unaware that, yes, those rules will of course become the new norm and that there isn’t a damn thing he can—or will—do about it.
The GOP Senate’s long run of failure theater was temporarily shut down as people entered the Capitol, some to cause trouble. Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.), a signer to a last-minute CYA attempt to delay certification and appoint a special commission to audit the election, was speaking in support of the move as Capitol security officers evacuated the chamber. When he returned hours later, Lankford, clearly shaken, rescinded his support. “We are headed for tonight the certification of Joe Biden to be president of the United States,” Lankford said. Kelly Loeffler, fresh off her defeat in Georgia, followed suit.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), now having been reelected to a third term, gave a rambling speech late Wednesday night. “I don’t buy [election fraud claims]. Enough is enough. We gotta end this,” Graham ranted. “It is over.” Indeed it is. McConnell now will relinquish the gavel and Graham will relinquish his useless chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) introduced a bill to form a commission to examine the integrity of the 2020 election, an odd proposal if, as Senate Republicans have insisted, the 2020 election was totally on the up-and-up. The junior senator from South Carolina is up for reelection in 2022, so perhaps he wants to make sure what happened to Trump doesn’t happen to him.
Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah), a Black Lives Matter supporter, ran away from a female constituent confronting him in an airport for not supporting the president’s election challenges. A leftist mob threatened the family of Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) on the eve of the Senate’s certification vote.
Within hours of the breach of the Capitol, Graham, who failed for four straight years to fulfill his repeated promises to “get to the bottom” of Barack Obama’s corrupt FBI, called for a special task force to investigate the “domestic terrorists” involved in the January 6 incident. “Sedition might be a charge for some of these people,” the tough talker warned. “The people sitting in the chairs need to be sitting in a jail cell.”
Graham claimed Trump’s “actions” before the incident “tarnished” the president’s accomplishments in office—accomplishments, by the way, that Trump achieved with little help from Senate Republicans, including Graham.
Ending their reign in humiliation and defeat, capped off with final gasps of grandstanding and betrayal, is a fitting end to the GOP Senate in the Trump era. Trump supporters, unfortunately, didn’t deserve what they got in the end, as they endured more mockery and contempt from the media, Democrats, and NeverTrump hucksters alleged to be in their own political party. The lax double standards that apply to BLM rioters and Antifa thugs, of course, did not apply to the handful of troublemakers who vandalized the Capitol. Just a short trip down memory lane showed politicians and journalists cheering the takeover of the Hart Senate Office Building in October 2018 by leftist “protestors” angry about Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and attacks on U.S. senators. But that wasn’t enough to expose the hypocrisy of the moment.
Like so many times before—be it a mob in Charlottesville or pro-life high schoolers at the Mall in Washington—it was death by proxy. Reporters and pundits want to “cleanse” the country of 75 million Trump supporters, language unthinkable just four years ago.
Trump’s presidency will end, but it’s unclear where he goes from here. The Republican Party as we know it also is over; the GOP’s disloyalty to the president and his voters in the final stretch will not be soon forgotten. And Republican control of the Senate during the Trump era ends just how it began, in making a bargain to do the Left’s bidding and ultimately acting as the Democratic Party’s useful idiots.
Democrats will control the White House, the Senate, and the House for the first time since 2009. A feeble near-octogenarian will pretend to govern as his ambitious vice president waits in the wings for her chance to rule. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will try to inflict God-knows-what on the country for at least the next two years.
It’s unlikely that will end well, either.
It didn’t have to end this way. Senate Republicans could have tackled election illegalities if for no other reason than to the placate the base. The president could have been far better prepared to confront voter fraud cases and stayed focused on the more provable examples rather than fringy, hard-to-prove accusations. The Republican Party could have acted like the Democratic Party by demanding state lawmakers in swing states push back harder. But none of it happened. The end.
John Solomon is one of the best investigative reporters in the county: “How the GOP lost control of Washington, and what comes next……The November election (and Tuesday’s Georgia curtain call) wasn't won and lost by the tactics, spending, individual players and messaging……Rather, its outcome was cemented long before Labor Day 2020 by a Democratic machinery of former Barack Obama proteges…who worried far less about the tactics of ads, travel (Joe Biden hardly did!) and fundraising and far more about the strategy of how to control the narrative and the rules that would shape the outcome. They even told the Republicans and the public what they planned to do. Just read Plouffe's book, "A Citizen's Guide to Beating Donald Trump."….First and foremost, they usurped the powers of GOP-controlled state legislatures in the five battleground states and rewrote the rules of how votes would be cast and counted, using the pandemic as an excuse. And Republicans — who controlled the legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and the constitutional right to set the rules — hardly put up a fight…..they simply unilaterally disarmed. In other words, the liberal brain trust engaged in cutting-edge warfare, while Republicans tossed their comfortable set of horseshoes from the 1980s, hoping the good old recipe of evangelical GOTV, direct mail, talk radio and Fox News would deliver yet another election win as it had done for decades. It didn't.”
“After four years of a sustained coup attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump, the Washington establishment now wants us, the deplorables, to sit down, shut up and accept a steal. Here’s a news flash. We will not. This is no longer about ensuring that Donald Trump, who won the election, remains as President. The issue is more profound. It is the preservation of our Republic and a demand for genuine accountability and fairness”
“..what makes our society unique in world history is the respect accorded the rights of the individual citizen. The Constitution was written as a restraint on the power of the government to interfere in our lives. All that seems to be changing. As we move into 2021, to borrow from Shakespeare, something is rotten. It is difficult to pinpoint the origin or the exact nature of America's disintegration. It developed a head of steam when a man who hates this country, Barack Obama, was elected president. For eight years, we watched his concentrated assault on our values. Obama and his fellow Democrats have introduced some new concepts into our vernacular: democratic socialism, identity politics, social justice, diversity, inclusion, political correctness, Critical Race Theory, cancel culture. They were intended for the express purpose of destroying everything that is laudable about America…..”
Tucker: “….the people who run the Republican Party don’t really like their own voters and they especially don’t want the voters that Trump brought…….Pretty soon, like 13 days from now, these voters — tens of millions of them — will not have Donald Trump to protect them, they won’t have anyone. And unless the Republican Party decides to wake up and push back against the lies in progress and acknowledge the purpose of those lies, which is an unprecedented crackdown on the way you live, you will have no chance either.”
Tucker Carlson breaks down how the left will use yesterday's events at Capitol to suppress our basic freedoms
Tucker Carlson BLASTS media for hypocrisy on riots
Media can now turn a massive protest about election fraud into stories like these: “Trump Rioters Wanted to Find and Hang Mike Pence, Reuters Reporter and Eyewitness Says”
That was then, this is now. CNN’s Chris Coumo on June 2, “Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.”
Former Hillary Clinton Spokesman: 'Make DC a State,'; 'Eliminate the Filibuster,'; Pack the Courts.
Congress Has Officially Gone Gender Crazy
Sorry, Pelosi: Eliminating official use of ‘mother’ isn’t inclusive — it’s waging war on women
Mother Jones praised Kavanaugh accuser but calls Biden accuser Tara Reade one of 'top ten lunatics of 2020'
Many see libraries as citadels of knowledge and learning, but some leftie scholars and academics say that there is too much “whiteness” in them.
The Ways in Which Colleges Legally Silence Troublesome Scholars
The Seven Deadly Sins of Woke
'I Want To Beat Them To Death'; Left-Wing Journalist Threatens Anti-Maskers & Christians During Unhinged Rant
The Pandemic Narrative Mutates
Lab leak is the 'most credible' source of the coronavirus outbreak, says top US government official
Minnesota Lawmakers Call for Audit of COVID Death Totals
“What began as an awful day with the election of two hard-left mediocrities from Georgia as the Democrats’ 49th and 50th senators got worse — much worse — when a mob breached the Capitol building itself and sent our elected representatives scurrying to safety. As our Mark Alexander points out, “We hold our side of the political spectrum to a higher standard than the Left’s antifa thugs and other violent cadres, but some of the behavior in Washington today was largely indistinguishable from leftist thuggery…(but) we’d be remiss not to argue that this short-lived unrest was far less consequential than the coup d'état organized by the Obama regime.”
“Stupidity of (Giulliani, Ellis, Powell, etc.) The courts made it clear by the end of November that they offered no path to victory for Team Trump. No judge was going to rule to throw out millions of votes absent clear, forensically testable and quantifiable evidence of fraud, no matter the how clever or elegant the legal arguments about deadlines, postmarks, signatures, etc. including even Justices Thomas and Alito…..the real scandal is that Team Trump made no real effort to find and develop this evidence for the courts of law or public opinion.”
“D.C. has spoken. It is fine to burn down businesses and threaten homeowners in the name of "racial justice," but you must never, ever question the results of a political election that takes most of a week to sort out before declaring a winner. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are reportedly sitting on billions of dollars in donations after causing billions of dollars in property damage in this last year. Americans who took part in "Stop the Steal" rallies at the Capitol will not find fat bank accounts awaiting them once D.C.'s wrath goes scorched earth on Trump-supporters. And while glossy fashion mags depict Antifa revolutionaries as chic and stylish in glamorous photo spreads, Shopify and other online stores have already blacklisted MAGA revolutionaries from selling political clothing altogether….After the mayhem calmed down, most Republicans in Congress joined with Democrats in blaming President Trump for having unleashed a "violent mob." They'd now rather impeach and remove the president than understand the problem. The hundreds of thousands of Americans in attendance may have been protesting for their voting rights, but Congress will not remember them as "civil rights protesters."
Epoch Times Editors: “The political crisis the United States is now facing brings into the open a contest for the soul of our country. As important as this recent election is, the stakes transcend particular political arrangements—they go to fundamental issues, about which each of us must make a choice and take a stand.”
Italian connection?? “But the truth as to the simultaneous five swing state vote-counting shutdown is very likely the linchpin to understanding and exposing the full scope of the multi-headed, foreign and domestic globalist monster that orchestrated the massive election fraud of 2020. Because of the extremely high importance of discovering and exposing that linchpin, the bar for launching an investigation of any reasonable explanation of it ought to be low. In our view, the Italian story clears that low bar. Maybe there is no explanation of the five-state shutdown beyond the one-in-a-billion-or-so chance of it being a random occurrence. But there is a clear groundwork of reasonable suspicion in this Italian story.”
VDH: The year 2020 witnessed a long series of writs lodged against an America beset with plague, quarantine, recessions, riot and arson, and the most contested election since 1876. What was strange was not so much the anarchist Left’s efforts in the present to wipe away the past to recalibrate our Animal Farm future. What was odder were both the absurdities of the complaints against American civilization, and the unwillingness or inability of Americans to rebut them and defend their own culture.
Steyn always worth reading: “Potemkin Parliament, Pseudo-Legislature….. The political class (represented by a Speaker who flies home to San Francisco on her own government plane) has been largely insulated from the pathologies they have loosed upon the land. For a few hours yesterday they weren't.”
Biden says first act as President will be to impeach Trump.
Ignorant Republicans Riot And Don't Even Get Any Big-Screen TVs.
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