Friday, November 6, 2020

op ed review 11/8


President Trump’s re-election campaign released a statement that the election wasn’t over after Fox News and The Associated Press called Arizona for Joe Biden, and DecisionDeskHQ announced Biden as the 46th president. “This election is not over. The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final,” Matt Morgan, Trump’s 2020 campaign general counsel, said in a statement.;utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_campaign=parler

Biden Will Rush To Declare Victory If (mainstream media) Declares He Won


Reports Of Election Fraud Are Piling Up In Michigan. What’s Going On?

A mail carrier who works for a post office in Traverse City, Michigan blew the whistle Wednesday on what he called a “sketchy” directive from his supervisor. “We were issued a directive this morning to collect any ballots we find in mail boxes, collection boxes—just outgoing mail in general—separate them at the end of the day so they could hand stamp them with the previous day’s date.”

Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos, Blocked Windows and Observers

“TRUMP WON SO BIG IN WISCONSIN that Democrats Needed 89% State Turnout to Nullify His Landslide, Eek Out a Victory and Steal the Election

Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area

Elections officials in Michigan and Wisconsin refused to explain Joe Biden’s sudden and dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states Wednesday morning.

Massive Voter Fraud In Wisconsin? Democratic wards in Milwaukee reported more votes than registered voters, while 90 Milwaukee wards reported turnouts of more than 90%.

Election staff take “day off” in PA county with 35K ballots left. ???

Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Tom Wolf, the Pennsylvania state courts and the Democrat State Party have pulled every dirty trick in the book. They have changed the rules mid-game, using COVID scare as a cover, but their chicanery is so overt, the curtain has been pulled back on their thug tactics.

Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

Virginia was caught switching 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden in Fairfax County. They claim that it was a "counting error" uh-huh"

'I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing - This is a Coup' - Registered Democrat and Poll Watcher Details Corruption at Philly Vote Counting Center

Ric Grenell slams the ‘Harry Reid machine’ as he addresses voter complaints in Nevada

Nevada USPS Carrier Caught on Tape Pledging Voter Fraud to Remove President Trump From Office


“As we sift through the results of this year’s election, there are lots of bright spots–holding the Senate, gaining seats (potentially a lot of seats) in the House, holding all state legislative assemblies. Another bright spot is that President Trump took 93% of the Republican vote, up from 90% in 2016. This far-left site headlines: “Lincoln Project ‘Epically Failed,’ Say Progressives as Trump Wins Bigger Share of Republican Voters Than in 2016.”

Democrats poured a whopping $315 million into Senate races in Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, South Carolina, and Texas -- and lost every one. Mini Mike Bloomberg spent $100 million to stop President Trump in Florida and Ohio. The president won those states by 3 and 8 points, respectively.  In the House, Republicans added members despite Democrats spending more money.

'It's a dumpster fire': House Democrats reportedly pointing fingers after stunning election losses

Trump Gets GOP's Highest Percentage of Nonwhite Vote Since 1960

Democrats’ down-ballot misery continues with state legislative battles


Trump Declares Election Fraud, ',If You Count the Legal Votes I Win'

Trump campaign expands lawsuits in strategy rooted in Constitution's voting law authority


Did the media peddle false polling data to suppress the vote?


Nancy Pelosi receives 'stunning blow' as female Republicans flood into House

The "Trump Is a Racist" Narrative Dies a Nasty Death as Numbers Reveal Amazing Minority Turnout for Him


Meanwhile, Two Conservative Oregon Counties Are SO OVER Blue State Life, They Just Voted to Join Idaho


School Forces 9-Year-Old Girl To Remove ‘Jesus Loves Me’ Mask. Parents File Federal Lawsuit. (BLM messages OK, though..)


“We could learn a thing or two from Mexico's voting system. Each Mexican voter has a government-issued photographic voter ID card, which he presents to election authorities.(Each precinct has) a book with the photograph of each and every voter...Across from the election authorities are seated representatives from various political parties.  When the election authority at the table calls the name of the voter, his name is checked off in the precinct book. The voter also has his thumb stained with ink that wears off in a few days.




“There is the movie cliché about never bringing a knife to a gunfight; nothing quite makes the case more than never bringing a Republican to a street fight. We have one party in America that openly wants to fundamentally change our entire form of government into a one-party totalitarian state.  They plan to add several states to gain permanent control of the Senate.  They pitched adding enough justices to the Supreme Court to change it into a leftist legislative body of last resort.  They said the filibuster was toast. If this is what these people want to do, and they said it, who among us thinks they plan to play by the rules when counting votes?  Is there anyone on the planet who doubts that when a Democratic state government in a critical electoral state stops counting votes when their party’s opponent is ahead, they will open the morning discovering thousands of “found” votes? What is so galling about this vote fraud is how completely transparent these Democrat state governments are about it.  You can bet they are laughing while saying “…well, it worked, didn’t it?” The RINO Chris Christie, who recommended Chris Wray to President Trump for the FBI, says we should just wait and let the process work it out.  That is what RINOs do. We are now reaping the crop of 50 years of acquiescence by the Republicans.”


I don’t think it’s possible to understate the following assertion: If it is proven that Democratic Party operatives illegally introduced hundreds of thousands of illegitimate ballots in order to swing an election in their Party’s favor, it will have been the single most dangerous crime in modern American history. What are we talking about here, after all?  We aren’t just talking about the oftentimes phantom “voter suppression” that Democrats notoriously peddle, suggesting that requiring a photo ID or having to stand in line to vote amounts to it.  No, we are talking about disenfranchisement of the purest form, and the dissolution of trust in the most fundamental institution of the American republic


“The Worst Is, They’ll Get Away With It…..My mood isn’t the result of despondency that the election is lost. I don’t think it’s lost. At least, I’m not sure it’s lost. What I’ve recognized, what that late night on Tuesday taught me, is that the election is just a symptom of something a whole lot worse. At the end of the day, it’s this: the game will continue until the Left says it’s over. And the Left will only say it’s over when the Left wins. And once the Left has won, there will be no more game…….. it’s very clear what is being attempted this week. Anyone who can defend 89 percent turnout in Wisconsin, or 138,000 votes magically appearing in Biden’s column when none appear for Trump in Michigan, or Republican observers being barred from the room when votes are counted in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Nevada, or mail-in ballots continue to be accepted after deadlines set by state legislatures in multiple states, without recognizing the corruption of the process inherent in these tactics, is either brazenly dishonest or a drooling simpleton. You would see such tactics and you would rub your eyes in disbelief. How can Americans sanction such Third World behavior? you ask…..”


“Never Trumpers, Democrats, the Big Media, Big Tech, and progressive government officials have all been unanimous in criticizing President Donald Trump for insisting state election officials do their jobs, which is to enforce election law fairly and equitably. With his willingness to fight, Trump once again shows why his voters remain so intensely loyal…..So fight on, Donald Trump. Don’t give in, not an inch. Election rules and laws must mean something, or our republic will not survive. That’s something to fight for.”




“Lincoln Project:  the anti-Trump cash cow for veteran Republican consultants.”




Tucker’s view may be premature:  “In a lot of ways, what happened Tuesday night could not have been worse for this country or its future. The outcome of our presidential election was seized from the hands of voters, where it rightly belongs, and now resides in the control of lawyers and courts -- and highly partisan, clearly corrupt big city bureaucrats. No matter what happens next, that is a tragedy. Many Americans will never again accept the results of a presidential election. That story is still unfolding and we will follow it as honestly as we can wherever it leads. But believe it or not, there is some good news in spite of everything else that has happened. First, and most importantly, America remains. That was not a foregone conclusion; we almost lost it………If Democrats had won the White House AND the Senate Tuesday night, the country as we know it would have ended, not because Democrats have bad ideas (though they do), but because Democrats planned to impose an entirely new system on our country. Not an agenda, a system.”





A new website is leaking internal documents, images, and videos from radical left groups and people working inside the federal government planning a coup if President Trump wins re-election.


George Soros's Plan B If Biden Loses


Facebook censorship board is comprised mostly of foreign nationals with ties to George Soros


A Yale psychiatry professor who has concluded from afar that President Trump is mentally ill, insisting he and his supporters should be locked up, now suggests Trump-supporting parts of the nation should be completely demolished. Evoking the Allies' leveling of Dresden, Germany, in World War II, Bandy X. Lee says leveling major cites may be the only way to remove the "spell" Trump has cast on his backers.


Seattle students and workers given a 'flex day' to be sad if Trump wins.


Strange article on World Socialist Website:  “Following a King County Superior Court ruling last month, a right-wing recall petition is now in motion to remove Socialist Alternative member Kshama Sawant from her position on the Seattle City Council……the initiative was launched by the Democratic Party and has attracted the support of Republicans and far-right forces.”  ???


The Pope really doesn’t like Republicans:  Ever since Francis started lobbing missiles at doctrinal conservatives, the latter have been asking ‘is the Pope Catholic?’


Media Cheer ‘Thank God for Abortion’ Music Video


Cultural Marxism’s Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America




COVID garbage in, COVID garbage out


The Most Masked European Countries Have the Biggest Coronavirus Surges




“The Republican establishment is sitting back, resting on their laurels. They are entirely convinced that Joe Biden will be the next president and they will control the Senate. These Republican quislings are sadly mistaken. If Republicans don’t act now to make the case before the American people and the Federal court system that the election has been improperly stolen, the Democrats will easily steal three more Senate seats.”


Josef Stalin is supposed to have made the following observation about elections: “It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the vote.”….Anyone inclined to disagree has but to ponder the post-election chicanery perpetrated by corrupt political operatives in states where President Trump was clearly headed toward victory when we went to bed Tuesday night. In several swing states, vote counting suddenly stopped for hours in heavily Democratic precincts. This mysterious halt was almost certainly ordered to forestall an impending Trump victory…..”


The left’s attempt to steal the election… just another night in the deep state


Mad About Election Chaos? Blame Dems’ Fraud-Prone Vote-By-Mail Scheme


We can hope:  “House Dems Suffer Catastrophe that Will Blow Up Their Party”


Former NY Times Reporter On The Trump Movement: 'Most Serious Populist Repudiation Of Elite Opinion Since Andrew Jackson'


VDH:  Until Donald Trump’s arrival, the globalist revolution was almost solidified and institutionalized—with the United States increasingly its greatest and most “woke” advocate. We know its bipartisan establishment contours.  China would inherit the world in 20 or 30 years. The self-appointed task of American elites—many of whom had already been enriched and compromised by Chinese partners and joint ventures—was to facilitate this all-in-the-family transition in the manner of the imperial British hand-off of hegemony to the United States in the late 1940s. Our best and brightest like the Biden family, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg would enlighten us about the “real” China, so we yokels would not fall into Neanderthal bitterness as they managed our foreordained decline.




Hillary Clinton: 'Trump Must Stop Fueling Dangerous Conspiracy Theories About Our Elections Being Unfair'


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