op ed review 8/30
Donald Trump accepts Republican nomination for a second term.
Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what
it is in for if Biden wins.
Trump Lays Out His 2nd Term Agenda: 'The Best Is Yet to
“Those loud noises you heard yesterday afternoon were
Democrat heads exploding. – That happened after pollster John Zogby released
his latest poll showing President Donald Trump’s public approval rating rising
to an all-time high of 52%. Even more disturbing for the depraved Democrats are
the President’s approval ratings among minority voters: 36% among Blacks, 37%
among Hispanics, 35% among Asians.”
President Trump opens up 3 point lead in popular vote over
Joe Biden.
Donald Trump’s Approval Rises Nine Points Among Black Voters
During RNC
Trump Leads Biden By 10 Points Among Independents
New Poll Shows Major Drop in Democratic Party Affiliation
CNBC Swing State Poll: COVID-19 Fears Falling, Donald Trump
Approval Rising
Study suggests 2020 polls may still be missing 'shy' Trump
Poll: Republican John James Takes Lead in Michigan Senate
Widow of David Dorn at RNC: “Looters Streamed My Husband's
Maximo Alvarez is a Cuban refugee. Very moving speech at the
RNC. “I Hear Echoes of Castro in Seattle, Chicago, and Portland……my family is
done abandoning what we rightfully earned. There is no place to hide.”
Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker: “I Have Seen Racism
Up Close. I Know What It Is. And It Isn’t Donald Trump.”
Legendary Notre Dame Football Coach Lou Holtz Says Trump’s
Naysayers ‘Don’t Have Pride In Our Country’ |
Democrat Vernon Jones delivers blistering attack on his
party at RNC.
Surgeon/Nun/Army Colonel Blasts Abortion, Says Trump Is Most
Pro-Life President In History
C-SPAN Had So Many Democrats Calling In Support For Trump
That They Had To Change Their Polling Protocol
Fox News makes history with massive audience for Trump's GOP
acceptance speech, 9.2 million viewers.
A Night of Heroes: SO POWERFUL! - Kayleigh McEnany Tells Her
Personal Story of Heartache and Her Relationship with President Trump
Mom of Down Syndrome Son Gives Powerful RNC Speech
Michael Moore warns Dems: Trump voters' enthusiasm is 'OFF
WSJ’s Taranto apologizes: “Why This Ex-Never Trumper Wants
Four More Years”
Blaze TV founder and conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck
posted a stunningly honest apology to fans and to President Donald Trump for
his opposition to a candidate he initially believed had no shot at the White
House and was wrong for the country.
Federalist editor: “I
Was Wrong About Trump. He Didn’t Destroy the GOP, He Saved It”
Nancy Pelosi Goes On Deranged Rant, Labels Republicans
'Enemies of the State'
Rep. Scalise: 'I Was
Shot Because of This Kind of Unhinged Rhetoric'
Rand and Kelley Paul describe 'terrifying' encounter with
rage mob outside the White House
Bongino shows video of him and wife harassed by 'paid,
organized mob of lunatics' calling her 'ho' and 'b**ch'
Protesters Stage Execution of President Trump with
Guillotine in Front of White House During Acceptance Speech
Trump supporter shot dead after massive pro-Trump caravan drives
through Portland, Ore.,
Riot declared in Portland as mob tries to torch police
Portland Rioters Bring Guillotine, Burn American Flags
Portland Mayor refuses federal help, “I’m going to let the violence
‘Burn Itself Out’.
Kenosha Protesters Shout 'Death to America!' & 'Kill the
This is why Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest.
Blake's mother condemns riots, apologizes to Trump; WI DOJ
says he had knife in car, fought police before he was shot.
Antifa's Seattle based 'Riot Kitchen' busted. Who knew that
looters had their own food trucks?
Famous Marxist Activist Angela Davis: 'Demonstrations Are 'Rehearsals for
12 protesters arrested after swarm of 'armed anarchists'
descend on Denver Police HQ
St. Jude statue beheaded, candles destroyed at historic Denver
Nearly four dozen shot as NYC sees 12th straight week of gun
3 Maryland Officers Shot By 2 Gunmen In Ambush Attack
Surveillance video shows group armed with bats vandalizing
West Philadelphia businesses
Rioters tried to burn Seattle police alive, sealed door
during fire at East Precinct.
Father of Man Killed in Seattle's CHAZ Sues City and State for
Joe Biden Promises To End Traditional 401(k)-Style
Retirement Savings Tax Benefits.
Another Catholic bishop is calling Democratic presidential
nominee Joe Biden a fake Catholic.
Kamala Harris promises a USA mask mandate if Biden wins
Harris: Black Lives have 'Never Been Treated as Fully Human'
in America
Pelosi says there shouldn't be any debates that would “legitimize”
President Trump.
Hillary Clinton: Biden 'should not concede under any
White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Race Riots
Endorses Joe Biden and “straight democratic ticket.”
Prosecutors in the George Floyd case have kept the toxicology
report secret all summer. It indicates that Floyd died of fentanyl overdose
causing his lungs to be filled with fluid. (why he couldn’t breathe..) “The Prosecution’s Dirty Little Secret”
Conrad Black 8/28 “Trump for the Win”
The Republicans have now forced the Democrats to change
course and tactics, shed their narcissistic complacency, and recognize that
they are in the fight of their lives. When the history of this astonishing
political year is written, there will be amazement that the Democrats ever
imagined that they could preserve the entire election as a referendum on Trump
based on the question of whether the population is content, and leave the
president floundering in blustery self-justification while their nominee
fielded soft pre-agreed questions from his home.
The Democratic National Convention was essentially centered
in a Wilmington catacomb and featured an unexciting procession of former
officeholders, incanting that Donald Trump had completely failed in the
coronavirus crisis and was personally responsible for 180,000 unnecessary
deaths and massive unemployment. The nominees socially distanced from each
other and the party heaved a sigh of relief when their candidate limped
monotonously through a teleprompter acceptance speech. The Obamas, the
Clintons, and the nominees all repeated variations of the theme that it was
self-evident that the incumbent president was a corrupt and incompetent
reactionary, and they adjourned to wave to a parking lot and serenely await the
voters’ confirmation of their victory in November.
This will be exposed as the most mistakenly overconfident
launch of a major party campaign for the White House since the renomination of
Governor Thomas Dewey of New York against President Harry Truman in 1948. The
combination of the two sequential conventions and the performance of the
Democratic media in covering them will be a shattering blow to the Democratic
strategists who retrieved Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from the prenomination
ash heap and put them forward as a respectable camouflage for the party’s
outright Marxist program. Whatever possessed them to imagine that they could
avoid any comment on the most widespread and most destructive urban rioting in
America in over 50 years, could lay the public health crisis entirely upon the
president, could maintain their advocacy of an immigration policy that would
ultimately result in every poverty-stricken person in the world moving to the
United States, while ignoring this administration’s reduction of illegal
immigration by 90 percent; all of this and many other issues will be as much a
matter of interest to psychiatrists as to historians.
Donald Trump demonstrated again his talents as a showman; he
actually turned a virtual convention to advantage: an extraordinarily
interesting group of speakers succeeded each other with brief and highly
informative scripts. No time was wasted with windy ex officio
speeches, floor demonstrations, and public tumult, as occurs in regular
conventions. Most of the speakers told interesting and sometimes heartrending
stories about themselves and each was targeted precisely at a block of voters.
Victims of foreign terrorists and mob violence made their
points with great eloquence. A female surgeon who had also been a full colonel
in the United States Army, and was now a nun, spoke (in her habit) to the
nearly half of Americans who are pro-life. Farmers, small businessmen, sports promoters,
manufacturers, a fisherman, police chiefs, all unpretentious and persuasive
advocates of their particular interests, alternated with the most attractive
coming politicians in the Republican Party. Women and representatives of
minority groups together vastly outnumbered white males, who were chiefly
represented by members of the articulate and highly presentable Trump family.
This is a choice between a quavering geriatric mediocrity riding a mad tiger
and an unabashed impresario who, like him or not, is a great star.
No one from the Bush administrations or the failed McCain
and Romney campaigns was in evidence and were not missed. In the ragged
procession of Democratic convention speakers, none was more pitiful than the
second runner-up to the Republican nomination for years ago, former Ohio
Governor John Kasich. In American politics, traitors to their party have a
brief afterlife as useful idiots and then vanish.
The Republicans made the most powerful pitch in their
party’s history to women, African-Americans, and Latinos. Senator Tim Scott of
South Carolina and Kentucky Attorney General David Cameron led a long
succession of outstanding African American speakers who recounted the positive
initiatives that the Trump Administration has taken for their community,
especially economic incentives, and penal reform.
Where the Democratic speakers falsely stated that America’s
COVID-19 performance was the worst of any country in the world, the Republican
response from the president and many others naturally dwelt on the shambles of
public health emergency response bequeathed to them, on Biden’s noisy
denunciation of the closing of direct air travel from China and then Europe,
and the recitation of this administration’s success in producing everything
necessary to combat the virus, the enormous expansion, and facilitation of
testing, and the acceleration of the pursuit of a vaccine. Biden made a
catastrophic error in promising to shut down the country if the coronavirus
could not be exterminated, and he will not be allowed to forget it. And the
Republicans hung the urban rioting and corrupt Democratic municipal
misgovernment around Biden’s neck like a putrid albatross.
After Melania Trump’s tour de force on Tuesday night, the
Democratic networks were reduced to speculating that there was a rift between
the conciliatory Mrs. Trump and her bombastic husband. After the president’s
somewhat overlong (70 minutes) closing on Thursday night, the same desperately
predictable and rabidly biased commentators complained that the president’s
audience on the White House lawn were not masked social distancers.
It was indicative of the dilapidation of Democratic confidence
that their nominees went before television cameras and minimal numbers of
viewers on Thursday afternoon, trying to preempt what they had finally realized
would be a heavy blow from the president on Thursday evening. Biden attacked
urban violence directly and let it be known that he would campaign in some of
the so-called battleground states.
But the Democratic National Committee issued an unimaginably
fatuous complaint as the Republicans closed with one of the greatest fireworks
displays in American history over the Washington Monument that the absence of
precautions against COVID-19 for the president’s speech was illustrative
of his “complete corruption.” Their campaign of terror about the pandemic has
failed with Biden’s quasi-promise to shut down the country again. They will pay
for their ambiguity about urban violence and their encouragement of defunding
of police forces. Their cleverest and most egregious strategist, David Axelrod,
whined that the Republicans were verging on racism by upholding the police
(though most newsworthy police chiefs are black).
The Democratic convention was full of gloom and national self-criticism and
nominated relatively unfrightening figureheads and the Republican convention
exposed this as scaffolding for a giant pustule of policy extremism, and countered with a comprehensive and
optimistic program. “Orange Man Bad” won’t do it; this is a choice between a
quavering geriatric mediocrity riding a mad tiger and an unabashed impresario
who, like him or not, is a great star. Trump exaggerates when he says this is
the most important election in American history and he has had the most
productive first term of any president in American history. Without the
election of Lincoln in 1860 the country would have broken up, and without the
reelection of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 Britain and Canada would have had
to make peace with Germany and leave Hitler in control of most of Europe.
Trump has had the fourth most
successful first term in history, after Lincoln, FDR, and Richard Nixon. And
barring another providential catastrophe to favor the Democrats on the scale of
the coronavirus, this president will be reelected, and he will finally enjoy a
honeymoon and be the only chief executive in U.S. history whose second term was
more successful than his first.
“The “woke” forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter --
mostly overindulged, pampered, underparented, overeducated and spoiled children
-- are on the verge of a rude awakening. They are on the verge of waking the sleeping
giant, which is to say most of the law-abiding, hard-working and family-focused
people of this country.”
Monica Showalter: “The GOP is famous for its civility, its
reasoned arguments, its uplifting messages, its thousand points of light, its
doughty flag-waving. Historically, it's always been a bit of an anti-climax to
the more raucous version from the Democrats. Not this time….”
Reason to worry: “The
evidence now is overwhelming that the Democrats are planning to throw the
nation into a deep crisis following Election Day, in a cynical plot to steal a
presidential election, and with it, control of Congress. The plan isn't even
hiding in plain sight; it is trumpeted almost daily: Send out tens of millions of unsolicited mail
ballots to everyone on voter rolls (that in most jurisdictions haven't been
purged of those who died or moved). We already know from the
experience of Clark County, Nevada that 17% of the 1.3 million ballots sent to
registered voters were "undeliverable," meaning available for
harvesting and being voted by unscrupulous political operatives. When ballots start
being counted, fiercely dispute and litigate any invalidation of suspicious or
faulty ballots under the slogan of "count all votes" and complaints
of "voter suppression." If Trump is going to carry the election, delay
certification of enough states' results that Electoral College is unable to
name a victor and hand the presidency to the speaker of the House, who they
assume will be Nancy Pelosi.”
This will scare you: “A
top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is
no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for
decades”, revealing how it’s done.
Thomas Lifson reviews Jack Cashill’s “Unmasking Obama”. “…couldn't
be more relevant to the political struggle facing us today.”
Tucker: “Kenosha
devolved into anarchy because the authorities abandoned the people. Those in
charge, from the governor on down, refused to enforce the law. They've stood
back and watched Kenosha burn. Are we really surprised that looting and arson
accelerated to murder?” Lefties falsely claim this quote "justified
murder" and was "inciting violence" and are trying to get him fired
by Fox News.
BLM activists force diners to raise fists in solidarity
NPR (funded by you) gives positive review to new book
explaining why looting is ok. “..looting is a powerful tool to bring about
real, lasting change in society.”
Soros DA in Los Angeles: We won’t charge looters who
'needed' the stolen goods..
Philly Got a Soros DA, Its Murder Rate is the 2nd Highest in
the U.S.
New DA in Portland admits he is 'old buddies' with one of
the Antifa militants.
Media Figures Smear Nick Sandmann as a ‘Snot-Nosed,’ ‘Smug,’
‘Tiny Nazi’ at RNC.
Mainstream media: RNC
Speakers Are 'Cranks and Misfits,' Biden and Harris Are 'Super-Centrist'!
How Rich! Chelsea Clinton Is Telling Parents How to 'Erode
White Privilege' Out of Their Children
“Neo-conservative” and never-trumper Bill Kristol makes the
globalist position pretty clear: “It is
profoundly depressing and vulgar to hear an American president proclaim
‘America First.’”
And then there’s the Bush, McCain and Romney staffers uniting
to elect Joe Biden.
The Stunning Gullibility Of ‘Republicans For Biden’
Michael Moore: 'If This Were a Movie, Heroes Would Swoop in
& Kill the Murderous Cops. The Audience Would Cheer'
A California Highway Patrol division prohibited
officers from displaying Thin Blue Line items.
Meanwhile, the San Francisco Police Department is decorating its
precincts with materials celebrating Black Lives Matter.
Texas School District Caught Teaching Children the Police
are Just Like the KKK and Slave Owners
NYT's 1619 Project will 'set the tone' for the school year
at Massachusetts college
Duke University economist calls for reparations: $800,000
per African-American household.
Syracuse Professor Put on Leave for Calling COVID ‘Wuhan
“If you want to see media malice in a single article: New York Times wrote about the line-up of RNC
speakers….It is a triumph of misdirection and fraud by omission. It may well be
the most perfect example ever of how the media functions: not to inform, but to
“Wrecking the Suburbs on Purpose…..The sneakiest part of the
Democrat housing plan is to use zoning laws to end suburbia as we know it…It
will be as if America’s suburbs had been swallowed up by the cities they
SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers
– only 6% of all coronavirus deaths were related to the coronavirus alone. The rest of the deaths pinned to the China
coronavirus are attributed to individuals who had other serious issues going
on. Also, most of the deaths are related
to very old Americans.
Five COVID-19 Charts Democrats Can’t Let You Know About
The Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of the
UK government health advisers say missing school is greater
risk to kids than COVID
Lib Media Ignores Biggest Convention Story: Trump’s
Aggressive Outreach To Black Voters
Tom Donohue and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Announce Support
for Far-Left Democrats in 2020…Sundance explains the financial mechanisms that
run Washington DC: “the primary machine has always been a completely corrupt,
deceptive and anti-American U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest lobby
organization in DC…..The CoC was never a “right wing organization”, nor was it
a “republican organization”; it was always a multinational globalist
organization structured to support Wall Street and destroy Main Street.”
Ed Rollins, former Reagan campaign manager: “President
Trump will win because he believes in America. That is the difference between
today’s Democrats and Republicans: One side appears to almost regret being
American, while the other embraces it out of appreciation, respect, and love.”
How Marx Failed: “Amid
all the hysterical grievance-mongering we hear today from the radical
progressive liberal-Left, the specter of Marxism is barely concealed. The surface veneer of ‘oppression’ outrage is
an imperfect disguise for the rhetoric of anti-capitalism. The message is always the same and is still a
lie: that capitalism is the cause of the world's misery and the reason why
poverty exists.
What Will Replace the Police? Ten Historical Examples: The Spanish Inquisition, the French Terror,
the Gestapo, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Klu Klux Klan………
Kenosha, The Seeds of Civil War: “Kyle
Rittenhouse, or someone like him, was utterly and completely inevitable, and
the People’s Revolution Movement and other Antifa/BLM covens bear total
responsibility for his appearance. What did you morons think was going to
happen? That you could continue burning down a small city in middle America
without any resistance? People are going to defend their lives and property
sooner or later, you know….”
Mail-In Voting Could Deliver Chaos
Detroit Absentee Ballot Chaos: ‘So Inaccurate We Can’t Even
Attempt to Make Right’
VDH: From DNC Irony
to Parody: their opposition somehow exempts them from the absurdities of their
own paradoxes.
Dems Brilliantly Counter-Program Inspiring Republican
Convention With Riots And Looting
Map of Minneapolis businesses damaged, looted after Wed. night
of unrest.
Must see, “This Little Baby Boat May Be the Smallest Ship in
the US Navy”, made in Longview WA.
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