Sunday, August 16, 2020

op ed review 8/16

President Trump Announces Historic Peace Deal Between Israel, UAE; 'Full Normalization'
Former White House staffer:   "likely the greatest foreign policy achievement of any president in a generation." National security advisor says the deal should make Trump a front-runner for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Biden Tries to Take Credit for Trump Brokered Peace Deal
NBC Refuses to Credit Trump for Israel-U.A.E. Peace, then CBS Evening News seemed to suggest the President was stealing credit. Contact info here for NBC and CBS, if motivated.

If true, game over for Joe:  Trump Holds a 36% Approval Rating with Black Voters in the Latest Rasmussen Monthly Approval Summary.
Trump Forces Pelosi's Hand With Coronavirus Executive Orders
Trump donates $100K of salary to help repair national monuments
GOP Convention Theme Announced: 'Honoring the Great American Story'

Hopefully the first of many:  FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Pleads Guilty To Falsifying Carter Page FISA Warrant

9th Circuit (!) Panel Strikes Down California 'High Capacity' Magazine Ban

Rioters Launch Ball Bearings, Golf Balls, Rocks at Officers in Portland
Portlanders Worry as Protests Move from Downtown to Residential Areas
Washington Post Praises Violent Portland Rioters' 'Stamina', 'Creativity'
District attorney says he will refuse to prosecute Portland rioters for a list of offenses, including rioting.
Oregon State Police pull out of Portland after prosecutors refuse to prosecute Antifa criminals
100 arrested after night of looting in downtown Chicago; 13 cops injured
Chicago looters smash Ronald McDonald House with sick kids inside
‘We Will Not Prosecute’: Left-Wing Prosecutors, Many Backed By Soros Cash, Implement Soft-On-Crime Policies Across America
Soros funded Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx dismissed over 25k felony cases.
Seattle City Council approves plan to defund police department, slashes jobs and salaries
In response, Seattle's police chief, stepping down.
Rioters Tear Down George Washington Statue at L.A. City Hall

Biden Picks Harris to Form America’s First All-Facially Reconstructed Ticket
Senator Kennedy On Harris Becoming Biden’s VP Pick: She’s AOC ‘Without The Bartending Experience’
This is no secret: she was once former San Francisco Mayor and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown’s mistress:  “Why It Should Matter to Women That Kamala Slept Her Way Up”
David Daleiden Explains Why Harris Is the 'Greatest Threat to Civil Rights' in US History
Kamala Was Ringleader In Kavanaugh Character Assassination Attempt
Kamala Harris Brings Gun Confiscation Support to Dem Presidential Ticket
Flashback: Kamala Harris compared ICE to KKK in Senate hearing
Flashback: Kamala Harris Said She Believed Biden's Rape Accusers
Father of Kamala Harris Says Her Ancestors Owned Slaves in Jamaica
Kamala claims her Tamil Indian mother to be “the truth I hold dearest of all,” yet refuses to be listed as being of Indian ancestry.  Instead, she invokes her dad’s Black heritage despite the fact the two have not known each other since she was seven years old.
Kamala Harris's Final Poll Number in Home State of California: 7%

Poll reveals half of Democrats don't think Joe Biden would serve all four years if elected president
Bidens used an S-corp to avoid paying more than $500,000 in taxes for Medicare and ObamaCare.
Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income.
Biden calls for 3-month national mask mandate.
Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Exposes Joe's Adulterous Affair, Lies, And Campaign Bribery

Deep state resistance:  State Dept. 'Guts' Trump's Curbs on Fortune 500's Visa Workers
GOP Senator McSally calls on China to repay $1.6T of century-old debt
McSally could use some help:

Actual systemic racism:  Justice Dept. finds Yale Illegally Discriminated Against Asian American and White Applicants.

Why did it take more than 2 months to stop the largest fraud in Washington state history?

Nonprofit mails 587,638 erroneous absentee ballot applications to Virginia voters

Sheriff Must Undergo Anti-Racist Training After Posting Stories About Black Criminals On Social Media.

Facebook's CCP-Linked Fact Checker, Lead Stories, Is Censoring Articles About Chinese Influence in the U.S. Elections
China Expert: Beijing Determined to ‘Extinguish the Catholic Faith’

Another 'Time for Choosing': Reagan’s Call to Conservatism Needs to Be Heard Again Today
Kay Cole James, President, Heritage Foundation  8/15

Today, America has a choice of two paths. We can embrace the foundational principles that created this nation of limited government and individual liberty. Or we can veer down the path of bigger, more intrusive government that promises to solve all our problems if we just turn over more of our freedom and our paychecks.

The difference between the two paths recently has become even starker as those on the left have gotten more radical. They have sought to destroy the lives of those who disagree with them, rewrite history to teach our children that America was illegitimate from the start, and express solidarity with those rioting across the country. This future-altering choice reminds me of 1964 when Ronald Reagan spoke about a similar decision the American people faced. “A Time for Choosing” was Mr. Reagan’s indictment of big government policies and the deceptive lure of socialism. Amazingly, his warnings are just as applicable today as they were nearly six decades ago.

He gave “A Time for Choosing” shortly after President Lyndon Johnson introduced his “Great Society” proposal, which created new welfare programs, expanded food stamps, gave birth to Medicaid and Medicare, and inserted the federal government into local education, among other massive expansions of government. Like conservatives of today, Mr. Reagan expressed a grave concern that too many Americans saw more government as the solution to their problems, even though by 1964, history had already shown that bigger government actually was the problem. For example, he spoke of how government programs to eradicate poverty hadn’t solved much of anything: “If government planning and welfare had the answer and they’ve had almost 30 years of it,… shouldn’t they be telling us about the decline each year in the number of people needing help?”

In recent years, we’ve spent about a trillion dollars a year on federal welfare programs. Divide that up among the 40 million or so Americans considered poor, and we could have given a family of four $100,000 a year. Yet, the poverty rate has stayed about the same as it was when the War on Poverty began in 1964. Tragically, most welfare programs have only been successful at creating perpetual reliance on government.

Mr. Reagan also pointed out that, despite the fact that Washington was collecting unprecedented amounts of money from taxpayers in 1964, it never seemed to be enough: “Today, 37 cents of every dollar earned in this country is the tax collector’s share, and yet our government continues to spend $17 million a day more than the government takes in.”

Washington’s poor fiscal restraint has only gotten worse. In 2019, the government spent $2.7 billion a day more than it took in, and currently, the national debt exceeds $80,000 for every man, woman, and child.  Yet today, despite years of failures, just like back then, the left continues to promote policies that usurp our freedom, harm our economy, endanger our security, and create an unhealthy dependence on government. 

Today, they’re proposing government-run single-payer health care and cutting our military when those who want to do us harm are increasing theirs. They want to defund the police across America, putting out the neighborhood welcome mat for criminals everywhere. They’ve proposed climate legislation that would eliminate gas-powered cars, ground all airplanes, and forbid beef consumption. Their proposals would guarantee every person in America access to free health care, free college, and even a free paycheck—paid for with massive tax increases. Mr. Reagan urged Americans to resist the lure of these types of big government programs coming from their leaders. He said that the issue was “whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.” 

As polls show more Americans warming up to socialism, conservatives need to take a few lessons from The Great Communicator. We must better convey how policy solutions based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense are what made this nation great—and what will continue to make life better for all Americans.  This is another time for choosing for America, and the path we choose will affect generations of Americans to come.

Those who promote socialism haven’t given up on their plans for America, and neither can we. If we are able to succeed in taking a coherent, compelling argument to the American people that spells out why free market, conservative solutions are better for them than the false promises of socialist Utopianism, we will, in Mr. Reagan’s words, “preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth.” That must be our mission, and the future of America surely depends on our success.

“It is..worth noting, especially by those who claim to value liberty, that Biden and Harris eagerly desire to take much of it away, always in the name of some greater good. Indeed, over the course of their campaigns, the two have proposed either to outlaw or force so many things there’s not enough room to list them all here. So, as a reader service, we’ve gathered up a sampling of things they say they want to either ban or mandate should they gain access to the White House……”

“Despair About Progressive Ideology Doesn’t Help. Action Will. Let’s stop lamenting. As a political body, a force for good, and a constituency for sanity, let us resolve to erect major institutions that exert influence on the populace with equal, if not greater impact than the liberal cabal. Otherwise, prepare to have our ideas swamped by progressives.  We must neutralize the mainstream media, the press rooms, the airwaves, and our universities if we’re to ever recapture the vision, as Ronald Reagan said, of that shining city on a hill. We know it is crucial, it is within our grasp, and we even have the will. The key question is do we have the plan?”

“If the left and its enablers want to compare notes, we’ll be happy to do so. A vote for Biden is a vote for anarchy, for the disintegration of law and order, for economic paralysis, for stunning intolerance and for the forfeiture of America as we know it, to the incalculable detriment of Americans, especially the younger generations who may not realize the full import of this would-be voluntary abolition of our liberty.”
         -David Limbaugh

“President Trump is Western Civilization’s last chance before the arsonists take power and destroy civil society as we know it.”
          -Charlie Kirk

Tucker slams Democrats, media for their silence as residents flee America's cities in droves

Tucker rips lack of coverage of DC mass shooting, claims media silent to help Biden campaign.  Dead bodies don't count unless they are politically useful dead bodies'” "Twenty-one people were shot in this single incident ... more than half of them were women.  It was the single biggest mass shooting in America this year and yet you probably heard nothing about it…"

Charles Love:  Chicago in Chaos….The solution is simple: police must arrest offenders, and the prosecutor must prosecute them.

Woodson: black leaders' silence on riots is devastating

Conservative commentator Candace Owens called out “the true white supremacists” running the Democratic Party for destroying black America.Black children are now learning that the nuclear family, traditional values, and academic success are tacit forms of “white supremacy”.

Larry Elder:  “…if racism were in America's DNA, Obama never could have got elected. Racism has never been more insignificant a factor in one's success than right now….

Ousted ‘Diamond and Silk’ call on fans to ‘ditch and switch’ from Fox News after joining new network.

BLM says looting is OK, just another form of reparations for slavery.

BLM holds rally in Chicago to support those arrested after looting.

Seattle BLM protesters to strangers: 'Give up your house. Give black people back their homes.'

Leaked BLM School Materials Are Insane

Federally Funded Nuclear Weapons Lab Made White Male Employees Participate in Racial Reeducation Training
Kids too:  Pennsylvania District Mandates White Supremacy Lessons for Kindergartners
PBS’s ‘Arthur’ Rolls Out Propaganda Video for Kids: 'It's Not Enough to Say, I'm Not Racist'

Public university prosecutes student for using President Trump as Zoom background… creating a “hostile environment,” causing “harm” and cyberbullying.

MSNBC:  Once Biden Takes Office, Harris 'Can Help Us Impeach' Trump Judges
Report: Progressives Prepare To Take Over Courts If Biden Wins

Hallmark Channel Proudly Presents New Film Featuring Lesbian Wedding

‘Cancel culture’ distorts history to portray US as evil nation that must be transformed
‘Abolish The United States Of America’: Radical ‘Youth Liberation Front’ Active In Portland Encourages Violence, Explicitly Rejects Peaceful Protesting

Not useful for the “social justice” narrative:  NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN news blackout on the 5-year-old white child allegedly executed by black 25-year-old neighbor.

Princeton will pay students $1,500 grants to “fight racism.”

Petition calls for busts of Reagan, Thatcher, others to be removed from Chapman U. campus

Brooklyn College Education Prof. Claims Mathematics Is 'White Supremacist Patriarchy'

L.A. Times Claims Camping Is Racist.  Like a “a poll tax of $250……black people don’t camp because in order to camp, it costs $250 to obtain the necessary camping equipment.” ???

Biden's hideous plan to make family life in suburbs unbearably miserable

Humanity has fallen into dystopian existence. Incessant media bombardment convince COVID to be the Armageddon that will forever redefine the human race. Permanent radical behavioral shifts, masks, social distancing, no restaurants, bars or theaters, social seclusion, become the new future. Methodically, through all the redundancy, a tectonic reposition of thought patterns occur. Bike riders secure their face coverings, yet no humans stray within a hundred feet-Ditto to the shrouded fools riding alone in their cars or solitary women with strollers. Masked hikers on the mountain trails of Colorado assiduously avoid my uncovered appearance. My advance reeks panic of approaching death. They move aside, bow heads in prayer-like posture, and for extra protection, place their hands over already camouflaged faces. Such demeanor presupposes COVID disperses from the trees, the rivers, and mischievously lurks in crisp mountain air. People transform to vapid souls listlessly wandering the landscapes now devoid of internal electrical impulses remotely prompting they might question, much less rebel against, directives mandated by public officials. Shunning or worse for the pariah who dares resist the new orthodoxy. A complete indoctrination.”

What is the consequence of all this fear?  New CDC report:  One-fourth of young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 said they had considered suicide in the past 30 days.

Tucker Carlson explains how Democrats use coronavirus 'as a political weapon':  “Terrified, unhappy population wants change, and that's welcome news to the party trying to take power'”

Swedish doctor’s perspective:– “If only 6000 are dead out of five million infected (Sweden), that works out to a case fatality rate of 0.12 percent, roughly the same as regular old influenza, which no-one is the least bit frightened of, and which we don’t shut down our societies for.”

Media breathlessly reports: “7-year-old boy in Georgia died 'from COVID-19”….Virtually all of the media repeatedly reported that the child had "no underlying conditions.”  Media left out one key detail:  “the child had a seizure and fell in the shower and was unresponsive.”

New UK mega-study shows that opening schools brings almost no COVID risk.

Officials in the UK "over-exaggerating” deaths from the virus.

New York City councilman thanks Trump for raising awareness about hydroxychloroquine after drug 'saved' him

Wisconsin Forces People to Wear Masks During Zoom Meetings

Anti-Lockdown Dr. Scott Atlas Joins Coronavirus Task Force: Is Fauci Finally Out?

A winning slogan for Trump: Make America Normal Again

John Lott:  “This election will determine the future of private gun ownership in US”

Former Never-Trumper changes his mind. “Trump has been the most pro-life president in my lifetime – including Ronald Reagan, who said many of the right things but accomplished relatively little.”

You’ve heard of Rudy Giuliani’s “Broken Windows” policing?  Now it’s “Go Ahead, Break Our Windows” Policing

Kamala chose to have an affair with a married man, a powerful politician, 30 years her senior. She got major political appointments to California Commissions that paid her over $400,000 to start her career. What would the media say if President Trump had an affair with a woman 30 years younger and gave her two cushy government commission jobs- paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money. I can’t imagine the furor. I know we’d be having impeachment hearings right now…..

“Americans who confess other people’s racism absolve themselves inexpensively by a moral mechanism common to humanity: the more I profess to hate evil, the more I showcase my own goodness. Such confessions, however, have a particular history of tragedy in Christian civilization. Again and again over the centuries, persons who have imagined themselves cleansed by ritual confessions have believed themselves elevated above the rest of humanity and, hence, entitled to oppress or even annihilate those around them.”

Why do blacks get hassled by the police so much? The Occam’s Razor explanation is the one you are never supposed to mention in public…..

Harris Starting To Think This Biden Guy Is Really Dragging Down Her Campaign

The GOP has a powerful new Biden v. Biden campaign video
Trump Ad: Biden's Amnesty Will Give American Jobs to Illegal Aliens

Beige Page is Becoming the 'Go To' Conservative News Source

Conservative News and Views the Media Doesn't Want You to See

Fascinating:  Sky Hunters, The World of the Dragonfly

“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.”
       -G. K. Chesterton

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual - or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
           -Samuel Adams


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