Saturday, July 18, 2020

op ed review 7/19

U.S. Conference of Mayors released a letter backing a Democratic plan for a reparations commission to come up with a payment for slavery. The study suggests a payment of $151 million EACH to 41 million black people, total cost $6.2 quadrillion.

LA Times article calls to cancel ‘Star-Spangled Banner,’ replace with 'Lean on Me'
The New York Times smears religious Americans as a 'major source' of COVID outbreaks even as church-related infections represent only 0.02 percent of cases.  Blame churches, not riots and protests.
Chaos in Chicago: 18 officers injured, 1000 protesters riot, attempt to tear down Columbus statue
Pelosi denounces federal law enforcement officers in Portland trying to protect federal property as “Trump & his stormtroopers.”
One quarter of Minneapolis police officers have filed for disability.
Statue of Jesus Decapitated at Catholic Church in Florida, Archbishop Requests It Be Investigated As Hate Crime
Virgin Mary statue set on fire outside Boston church.
List of 11 attacks on Christian churches in the last two months; coincides with rioting/looting by Democrat Party’s antifa/BLM brownshirts.
“When they're going after Virgin Mary, protest has turned to madness.”

Portland:  Things Escalated Last Night In The New Autonomous Zone “CLAT” As Federal Officer Lowered His Less-Lethal Weapon & Pulled His Gun On The Antifa Rioters
Portland's unrest continues for six straight weeks with no apparent end in sight
Petition for election to recall Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan can move forward, judge says.
In Colorado, Protesters Chain Doors Of Police Station, Locking Officers Inside For 7 Hours.

83% of LA Teachers Vote to Stay Closed in Fall – “Will Not Open Schools Unless Charter Schools are Closed and Police are Defunded”  What’s this got to do with COVID?
Here’s an idea:  If schools don't reopen: 'Why should you pay for service you are not getting?'

University's Anti-Bigotry Reading List Includes Book That Equates Conservatism With Racism
Penn State Retracts Statement Saying Conservative Voices Are Important
Actor Ricky Gervais: 'People Will Call You Hitler if You're Mildly Conservative on Twitter'
Democratic Strategist Calls GOP Sen Marsha Blackburn ‘Inbred Racist Trash’
The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, more.  Here’s the chart.
So, here we have a federally-paid-for museum – a part of the Smithsonian museum complex – handing out propaganda that is unambiguously racist by any definition of that word. And it isn’t just the racism at play here that is so repugnant, it is the effort behind this propaganda to convince Black Americans that they should reject examples of “white culture” like: – having both a father and a mother at home; – children having their own rooms (the horror!); – respect for authority; – planning for the future; – ownership of private property;

Astronomical figure for a weekday: 17 people shot in NYC on Monday.
But 27 cops reportedly assigned to protect BLM mural in front of Trump Tower as violent crime soars.

National Association of Police Organizations Ditches Biden, Endorses Trump
NRA endorsement: Trump doing ‘more than any president’ to preserve Second Amendment
Trump reelection ‘behemoth’ expands to 1,500 staffers nationwide
Trump may intervene in case of St. Louis couple wielding guns at protesters.
With Trump support, Tuberville Defeats Sessions in Alabama GOP Senate Primary
Trump threatens tax-exempt status, funding for universities and schools over 'radical left indoctrination
Big Three Networks CENSOR Strongest June Homebuilder Sales Since 2005

A new poll conducted by the Washington based Democracy Institute for the Sunday Express shows President Trump tied with his rival Joe Biden at 47 percent, but surpassing him in the electoral college 309 to 229.
Rasmussen Survey Claims Trump Has Narrowed Biden’s Lead To 3 Points
Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Back Donald Trump
Poll: Suburban Women Strongly Back Donald Trump's Migration Policy

Panicdemic! Record Number of Coronavirus Cases Hyped -Deaths, Recoveries Downplayed
Likely fraudulent numbers coming from the CDC. Trump:  “Starting today hospitals will be ordered to bypass the CDC and send ALL COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC.”
Maybe this is why:  CDC Employees Made More Than 8,000 Federal Contributions To PACs And Politicians Since 2015. Only 5 Went To Republican Causes.

Joe Biden’s radical proposal for the Democrat Party platform for 2020 seeks to put an end to America’s suburban communities by forcing low-income housing into every neighborhood and flooding every community with immigrants, legal or otherwise.
Biden Promises To Outlaw Gas-Powered Cars If Elected President
Biden bends the knee to AOC on climate
Biden Proposes Spending 3X What Hillary Clinton Proposed in 2016
Biden Campaign Chair Compares Trump Voters to David Duke Voters
Biden campaign staffer mocked cops as worse than 'pigs,' called for defunding police
Marxist/Black Panther Angela Davis endorses Joe Biden, 'candidate who can be most effectively pressured' by left
Joe Biden: Arizona's "an Important City"
Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Launches New Ad Campaign: “We Need” Joe Biden
Why Has Biden Hired 600 Lawyers?
Biden family long rap sheet…..The cases — ranging from felony theft to drug possession — were all either thrown out, or resulted in light sentences with no jail time.

“The Battle We Can’t Afford to Lose”   My optimism for the future of America has been rocked by my growing concern for what the left has become, the lack of a balanced media, and my fear of what a Biden victory in November would mean.…..It’s time to secure America’s future! In November. We must not just re-elect Trump; we must expand Republican seats in the Senate and take back the House. We need to send Nancy Pelosi into retirement. We must ensure that the margin in November is so great that even cheating won’t get Democrats close!

A Pandemic of Democrat Proportions “The most virulent scourge affecting the United States today is not the Wuhan coronavirus; rather, it’s the politicization of the pandemic by leftist Democrats to remove a duly elected President.  History has never witnessed a more concerted effort to negate the will of the American electorate.  Donald J. Trump has endured this unprecedented onslaught of vitriol, hate, and falsehoods perpetrated by leftist Democrat politicians, mainstream propagandists, and liberal progressives.  Consequently, the government has been at a virtual standstill as Democrats inflict one manufactured crisis after another on the American people with the goal of removing the President.”

“Everything that is happening between now and November 3 is about November 3. But the fundamental choice is not really Donald Trump or Joe Biden. It is civilization and America on one side, anarchy and woke tyranny on the other. The Democrats thought they could ride the tiger to victory. Instead, they will be consumed by the monster they created but could not control.”

“The number one priority of media and Democrats, but I repeat myself, is to ban all children from going to school (even private and religious schools) in order to keep parents at home and prevent the economy from recovering. Not for public health reasons, but to hurt Trump in Nov.”
               -Sean Davis

“The goal is to get to a society where we pretty much never think about race and just treat each other as equals, but people keep saying the way to get there is a detour through constantly think[ing] about race in absolutely everything.”
              -Frank J. Fleming

“If the multibillion-dollar NFL decides that multimillionaire players have no obligation to stand to honor a collective national anthem, and that there will be separate anthems and politicized uniforms, then millions of Americans will quietly shrug and change the channel. And that silent protest will make the 2016-17 anthem protest look like child’s play.”
              -Victor Davis Hanson

“The history of the 20th century is full of examples of countries that set out to redistribute wealth and ended up redistributing poverty.”
             -Thomas Sowell

Tucker Carlson’s Top Ratings a Good Sign for Trump:  In the second quarter of 2020, Carlson edged passed Sean Hannity to become the highest-rated show in cable news. That would be a career pinnacle for any cable news host, but Carlson is on the vanguard of something even bigger – he’s become the highest-rated cable news show in history.

YouTube Takes Down Tucker Carlson's Video Connecting Terrorist Susan Rosenberg to BLM

Thomas Sowell says concept of systemic racism 'has no meaning,' warns US could reach 'point of no return'.   Economist says left's use of phrase recalls 'propaganda tactics of Joseph Goebbels'
30 minute full interview with Mark Levin, also covers Dr Sowell’s new book, “Charter Schools and Their Enemies”
Thomas Sowell At 90. Isn't It High Time More of Us Listened to This Man?

Democrat Backs Trump, Slams Hypocritical Black Lives Matter

"It's bigger than black - it's a communist agenda cloaked in 'for the people' and it'll lead to Socialism but ultimately Communism."

Armed Black Business Owner Says He Will Serve 'Whites Only' After Alleged Robberies

Leo Terrell Reveals What Caused Him to Leave the Democratic Party

24-year Old Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter - Hardly Any Media Coverage
Things are getting really ugly- saying All Lives Matter now can get you killed

Black Lives Matter's Hatred Of The Family Feeds Its Desire For Revolution

Petition to Fire NYC Professor Accused of Sleeping During Anti-Racist Meeting Gathers 2,000 Signatures
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has forced out its senior curator for the crime of refusing to ban white artists entirely from the museum's collection……This is totalitarianism. In Nazi Germany, people who were slow with their "Heil Hitler" salute found themselves in concentration camps as enemies of the state. Here, they find themselves erased from their careers.

Liberal Columnist Bari Weiss Scorches the New York Times in Resignation Letter

“Crime is a good thing.”   Beyond defunding the police: Democratic leaders condone crime
The police chief at West Virginia University was forced to apologize after students noticed a “thin blue line” American flag honoring police on display in his home during a Zoom video conference.
Portland Police Clear Streets After Fire; Protester: “I Hope ‘Someone Kills’ Your Family, Burns Precinct With ‘Y’all Inside’”
Suspect Who Allegedly Attacked 3 NYPD Officials Is Released From Jail Without Bail
Leftist/Soros initiative to empty prisons:  “California to Release 18,000 Prisoners by End of August to “Slow the Spread of COVID-19”
George Soros Pouring $220 Million into 'Racial Justice' Movement

Hollywood:   “A revolution is under way. White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities — racial and sexual — can be given jobs.”

Unlike the long-dead figures whose statues and other honorifics have been assailed in recent weeks, memorials to Sen. Robert Byrd, Democrat, former Ku Klux Klan organizer, remain basically untouchable.

Lincoln Project Funders: Exactly Whom You Expect
NeverTrumpers Out of the Closet as Liberal Democrats in Drag
There are Lies, Damn Lies, and then There is the Lincoln Project.

The Science Is Very Clear: Schools Should Reopen This Fall
Dr. Scott Atlas decries 'ludicrous' level of 'hysteria' among Democrats over school reopenings
German Study: Almost No Coronavirus Spread at Schools That Reopened

Dr. Atlas: Coronavirus surges linked mostly to protests -- and proximity to US-Mexico border

Swiss Policy Research:  Facts about COVID, July edition.

CDC Reports that the Wuhan Coronavirus Mortality "Is Currently Below Pandemic Threshold"

“The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses”

How To Create A Pandemic Panic…And Keep It Going

Prager:  5 Arguments Against “America Is a Racist Country” “The Jews survived the Blood Libel. But America may not survive the American Libel. While the first Libel led to the death of many Jews, the present Libel may lead to the death of a civilization. Indeed, the least oppressive ever created.”
Just the Facts:  Black People Do Not Suffer Disproportionately From Police Brutality

President Trump can win. Here's how.

How the Democratic Party Has Brought America to the Brink of Socialism

Washington National Guardsman describes what it was like in downtown Seattle recently.  Some of the things he heard from the protestors/rioters:  “All of you Soldiers should have died in Iraq!”   “You’re nothing but a bunch of Vietnam baby killers!”  “You’d rather protect property than people!”  “You’re on the wrong side, racists!”  “You’re too dumb to form your own opinion.”  “You guys need to stop shooting people.”

America itself is being challenged—as is Britain—by Orwellian methods of truth reversals. A nation is made up of social groups with a powerful sense of solidarity. It has sacred borders, a sense of shared history and the pride that goes along with it, a distinct culture, and a common language. The nation, needless to say, precedes an individual’s identity. Not so, says The New York Times. Everything Uncle Sam has achieved has been based on slavery. The Times no longer publishes crime news of the city because it involves black people and only features black entertainers.

If Democrats win in November and accomplish this trifecta in the next two years, in the words of Tucker Carlson, “we are headed at very high speed toward effectively a one-party state at least for the foreseeable future.”

Stay Angry, Not Dispirited.  “My advice for those of us distraught at what is happening is this: Do not be dispirited but do not be overconfident either. With colleges and professional teams cancelling this fall’s season, it might be a good idea to volunteer to work on the Trump campaign if you, as do I, see the Marxist takeover of the Democratic party spearheaded by the…. “waxwork dummy” a significant threat to you, your family, and your country.”

Democrats Call For Labels Warning Consumers If A Company's CEO Voted For Trump

President Trump's List of 42 Disastrous Things Biden Would Do as President

Conservative group launches ‘DivestU’ to redirect donations away from liberal colleges

“For any political search on the web, I recommend using ... Google is actively re-ordering search results, censoring news, and hiding damaging information against Democrats.”

BACKFIRE: Customers Buy Goya Foods After Leftists Pledge Boycott Over CEO’s Trump Support
Man Raises $115,000 to Supply Goya Products to Food Pantries

“Without a generation of civilized people to study history, to preserve its records, to absorb its lessons, and relate them to its own problems, history would lose its meaning.”
        -George Kennan


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