Saturday, May 9, 2020

op ed review 5/10

Had the Department of Justice released the newly disclosed documents related to Gen. Flynn three years ago, there definitely would have been a special counsel — only it would have been investigating the FBI for gross abuse of power, not the Trump administration. The new documents are in effect the “smoking gun” proving that a cabal at the FBI acted above the law and with extreme political bias, targeting people for prosecution rather than investigating crimes.
Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation
New documents show top Obama officials admitted behind closed doors there was never any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.  It was a hoax.

Biden's edge evaporates as Trump seen as better suited for economy, coronavirus response, poll shows
Biden says gender reassignment surgery is ‘medically necessary' and insurers must cover such procedures.
A Massachusetts woman who accused former Sen. Chris Dodd of sexual assault is speaking out, saying she can’t understand why the Biden campaign tapped him to lead their vice presidential search. Dodd and Ted Kennedy are famous for the “waitress sandwich” scandal.
Back to the future: Democrats return to defending against ‘bimbo eruptions’
A new liberal refrain: So what if Biden did it?

Joe Biden’s first virtual town hall was an absolute technical nightmare “So plagued by technical problems it looked like it was being run by local seniors attempting Zoom for the first time.”

Fake news:  Conservative anti-lockdown protester accused of holding white supremacist sign; photo turns out to be doctored.
More fake news:  A CBS News crew pulled medical professionals off the floor at the Cherry Medical Center in Michigan, to line up in their vehicles so a CBS film crew would have a looong line for their COVID-19 coverage.

CNN apoplectic:  “Wait, Donald Trump's approval is up again?”
CNN Loses It Over DOJ Dropping Flynn Case
Dems respond to Flynn exoneration with the Big Lie strategy

Revealed:  FBI Set Michael Flynn Up to Preserve the Trump–Russia Probe
How Michael Flynn Became Target Zero in Obama’s Russia Collusion Plot
Newly released material in the Flynn case implicates Obama
Your Guide To The Obama Administration's Hit On Michael Flynn

As threat fades, Republicans sue Gov. Inslee for continued lockdown.
Is California Thinking About Coronavirus Internment Camps?
How they think:  MSNBC: Americans are so 'freedom-obsessed,' they are blinded to threats like virus or climate change

Shelley Luther is America’s New Rosa Parks.  Salon owner who got jailed by democrat activist judge, for being “selfish.”
GoFundMe for Shelley closed after raising $500,000.
California Sheriff: 'I Refuse to Make Criminals Out of Business Owners'
Washington State barbershop opens in defiance of coronavirus ‘stay-at-home’ order, customers line up.

Gov Cuomo in hotseat when study finds flights from COVID epi-center NYC seeded US outbreaks.

Former Pope Benedict, 93,  denounces gay marriage.

A US Senator With Purple Hair? Arizona must be proud.

15 Miles of Additional Border Wall Completed in California

William Gensert  5/6
Democrats Will Sacrifice Americans to Win the Presidency

We were first told we must “flatten the curve.” Then, as the curve flattened, they explained we needed to “test everyone.” That gave away the game. America is a nation of 330 million citizens victimized by the Chinese plague. To acquiesce to the new rules, each person would need to be tested not once, but probably at least twice or even three times. To accomplish this monumental task, we would need at least a billion tests. The amount of time necessary to produce, execute, and evaluate each test is not only incalculable, but unfathomable.  If that is to be the criteria, we will never reopen.

The census takes years to complete when all that is required are answers to a few questions. Or, as an alternative, grab a keyboard and time how long it takes to press the “space” key 1 billion times.  You see, the Democrat goal is to reopen not one day before November 3, 2020. You know, Election Day.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you need examples, just look at Newsom, Whitmer, and Mills. No, they are not a trio of serial killers from the 1940s or a law firm hired by the Clinton campaign to set up Donald Trump. Nothing so glamorous -- they are the United States governors of California, Michigan, and Maine, respectively. All three are in good standing with their party (D) and the media -- and they have each succumbed to the maddening allure of their inner Stalin, demonically pursuing dreams of total control.

They are not the only ones. There is also Andrew Cuomo (D), New York State. He jumped into the national spotlight derby when he talked about his dear senescent mother and how America had to shut down because people like her were at risk. It was deft use of the airwaves to launch his bid to replace Biden. Then he ordered nursing homes in New York State to accept COVID-19 infected patients, putting the most vulnerable of our populace at risk -- to expected results.
This is how he killed other people’s mothers….

It is not just our elected betters who have assumed the mantle of tyrannical ways and means detrimental to our well-being, or at least, thoroughly disconnected from rationality and any pretense of fairness. Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook have all decided to restrict what the average man can and cannot hear or read. Control of information is the bailiwick of dictators. This particular Chinese bat zoonosis has fostered the worst millenarian instincts in our Democrat governors and social media. The latent tendencies were always there; all that was needed was a good crisis that they would not let go to waste.

It is elitism at its worst -- because once we have been convinced that rule by the elite is necessary, it is a small step of minimal social distance, eagerly enforced, for them to acknowledge publicly to us plebes, that it is they who are the elite -- and they should rule. After all, they are the ones we have been waiting for.

Newsom, Whitmer, Mills, Cuomo, and Pritzker, as well as Lightfoot, De Blasio, et al., want to be seen as duly elected legitimate leaders exercising the will of the people -- for their own good. Yet, let’s face it, these little dictators, when they look in the mirror at night (after they have finished asking, “Are you talking to me?”), they see themselves as president. And not just any president -- one drafted by a terrified populace with the understanding that survival depends upon their sage wisdom, astounding brilliance, and unequal bravery.

Like Obama, they long to be Lincoln, FDR, Wilson, and George Washington all rolled into one. Yet they cannot avoid their innate tendencies to rule rather than lead -- to remind us little people, the smelly deplorables who are darn lucky to have them, to shut up and do as we are told.

Are they leaders or tyrants? Certainly, they are not leaders……What they are is “company men,” doing their best to make sure America does not reopen one day earlier than November 3, 2020. They know what gets them paid, and they know they need to steal the presidency from a Donald Trump, who will not play their game. To gain the executive office, they must ruin the economy and bring misery, destruction and even death to as many Americans as is within their power to do so.

If people must suffer, if people must die, well then, it will be for a good cause: the fundamental transformation of the United States of America. For Democrats, while the loss of one American life is a tragedy, the sacrifice of millions is an opportunity. And Democrats, bless their hearts, never let an opportunity go to waste.

Another good read, Dennis Prager:  The Worldwide Lockdown May Be the Greatest Mistake in History

“Remember when we were told we had to flatten the curve and we’d lockdown for a few weeks to ramp up PPE and free up ventilators or else we’d have to start death panels? When did that turn into indefinite lockdowns and economic destruction because ‘if it saves one life’?”
           -Bethany Mandel

“No one with [Adam] Schiff’s record of deceit should be anywhere near the Intelligence Committee, much less leading the Intelligence Committee!”
            -Gary Bauer

In Arizona: Muslim Students Threaten to Kill Professor for Suggesting Islam Is Violent

Vatican Urges Catholics to Share Ramadan
The Washington Post Wants You to Fast for Ramadan

James Carville demands Dems “fight dirty” to end ‘scourge of Trumpism forever' in MSNBC tirade. (as if they haven’t been doing that)

Democrats Gamble Everything on Dislike of Trump and Promotion of Lockdown

Soros-Funded PAC Pushes Anti-Trump Ad 1,089 Times

‘Committee to Draft Michelle Obama’ for vice president formed
How does this make her daughters feel?  Michelle Obama says in new Netflix documentary she had to give up her 'aspirations' to have kids.

Tell A Lie, Win A Pulitzer! Maybe you missed the news that the august New York Times won yet another Pulitzer Prize, this one for its much-debunked “1619 Project.” It’s not journalism so much as a twisted piece of progressive propaganda that even now is being imposed on thousands of grade-school students as part of our “education” curriculum. It would be funny if it weren’t so tragically true.
Pulitzer for journalism malpractice:  The only Pulitzer the 1619 Project deserved was for fiction.

Abortion Activists at Christian College Want to Ban Pro-Life Student Group Because They’re “Terrorists”

Dem Rep: Reopening Economy Must Be Racist Because 'They're Just Opening Up the Things Black People Go To'

Neil Ferguson of Imperial College is the person most singularly responsible for the world COVID lockdown.  A review of his modeling code by a Google software engineer found that it’s a mess:  “All papers based on this code should be retracted immediately. Imperial’s modelling efforts should be reset with a new team that isn’t under Professor Ferguson, and which has a commitment to replicable results with published code from day one. On a personal level, I’d go further and suggest that all academic epidemiology be defunded. This sort of work is best done by the insurance sector. Insurers employ modelers and data scientists, but also employ managers whose job is to decide whether a model is accurate enough for real world usage and professional software engineers to ensure model software is properly tested, understandable and so on. Academic efforts don’t have these people, and the results speak for themselves.”
Ferguson resigned from his government post on Tuesday, after it was revealed he broke the lockdown rules he helped shape by allowing his married mistress to visit his home several times.

“The Wuhan epidemic has exposed a rift between the academic medicine types who dominate the CDC and practicing physicians who are actually treating COVID patients. The former have generally been unhelpful; CDC in particular has performed poorly. Meanwhile, doctors on the front line have developed effective treatment regimens for the virus–regimens which apparently would save many lives if they were broadly publicized and implemented.”

Masks Don't Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy
Former FDA Chief: Social Distancing 'Didn't Work as Well as We Expected'

No evidence of a second wave in Germany after lockdown lifted
WALSH: If You Want To Stay Home, Stay Home. Let The Rest Of Us Get Back To Our Lives.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice: “Where in the Constitution did the people of Wisconsin confer authority on a single, un-elected cabinet secretary to compel almost 6 mil people to stay at home, close their businesses & face imprisonment if they don’t comply… Isn’t it the very definition of tyranny?”

Unemployment hits 14.7%, highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Coronavirus Shutdown Creates Education Crisis… 50 million kids out of school.

New survey has found that 52 percent of American small businesses expect to permanently shut down within six months thanks to the economic repercussions of the government’s coronavirus response.

Healthcare lost 1.4 million jobs in April amid the COVID-19 pandemic,  April job losses included offices of dentists (503,300), offices of physicians (243,300), and offices of other healthcare practitioners (205,100). Hospitals lost 134,900 jobs last month,

Eastern Washington farmer destroys 14 million pounds of potatoes due to shutdown.

In Wisconsin and Ohio, farmers are dumping thousands of gallons of fresh milk into lagoons and manure pits. An Idaho farmer has dug huge ditches to bury 1 million pounds of onions. And in South Florida, tractors are crisscrossing bean and cabbage fields, plowing perfectly ripe vegetables back into the soil.

Whoops!  Nobel Prize-winning scientist shares COVID-19 data showing strict lockdowns were an “overreaction.”

The Five Worst Types of Virtue-Signaling
How China is buying up America's food supply:  Chinese own Armour and the famous Smithfield hams, together with the most quintessential American brand of all: Nathan's Famous hot dogs.

Campaigning:  Trump Victory's Unprecedented Ground Game

K–12 lies:  "Everything Is Hunky-Dory." "We Do Teach Phonics." "No One Method Is Best." "Your Child Is Disabled" "It's the Parents' Fault."

If you don’t act, schools will soon be teaching kindergartners that they can be any gender they want.  Parents for Safe Schools is promoting a coordinated statewide signing event this weekend.  Please go to their site and register with your signing location and time.  You can get an event kit and your signing details will be advertised.  We are also contacting radio hosts across the state to announce times and locations. 

Lockdown Made Permanent To End Traffic Deaths For Good
Chinese Government Lays Off Entire Propaganda Team As American Media Doing Their Job For Them

President Trump Releases 'American Comeback' Campaign Ad

See the most stunning photo of the moon ever and how it was created

Interesting table.  If you don’t live in New York or New Jersey, your chance of dying of COVID-19 is very, very low.

Here are the released HPSCI Transcripts, read for yourself.

Watch a $2 million McLaren supercar drag race an F-35 fighter jet

Everything We Learned From Boeing About Its Potentially Game-Changing Loyal Wingman Drone

“We should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections.”
           -John Adams


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