op ed review 3/8
Warren, Bloomberg, Steyer, Buttigieg, Klobuchar drop out of
race. Bloomberg spends over $500M, only
wins American Somoa. Warren wasted over
$89 Million on failed campaign
That leaves Bernie and Biden. 77-Year-Old Joe Biden Now The Youngest Man
Left In The Democratic Primary
Classless Jay Inslee embarrasses WA with coronavirus insult
at VP Pence
Trump calls Inslee a 'snake' amid coronavirus outbreak in
Washington state.
Trump Defends Combative Style at Town Hall: 'We Have to Hit
Super Tuesday exposes an age divide, a bad sign for
Democrats in the general election
Trump's Super Tuesday results: Broad appeal beyond a united
Trump's Super Tuesday Results Should Scare The Living Hell
Out Of Democrats
President Trump On His Way To Flipping California? - Primary
Results In California Indicate That Republicans Can Flip Up To 9 Congressional
Chief Justice Roberts Condemns Chuck Schumer For Threatening
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh over abortion case.
Joe Biden Promises Pathway to Citizenship for 11 Million
Illegal Aliens
Gaffe-Prone Biden Promises to Cure Alzheimer’s, After
Seemingly Suffering Mental Lapse During Speech
At End of Interview with Chris Wallace, Biden Boasts He’s
Not ‘Sleepy,’ Thanks ‘Chuck’
Biden In Texas Ahead Of Super Tuesday: "Tomorrow Is
Super Thursday!"
Biden Is Stunned When He Realizes He Mixed Up His Wife and
His Sister
Biden Appears To Forget Declaration Of Independence During
Campaign Stop “We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women
created by you know, you know, the thing.”
More Migrants Deported than Apprehended at Border over Last
5 Months, Say Feds
DOJ approves plan to collect DNA from arrested illegal
Withholding funds: Trump begins crackdown on sanctuary
ICE arrests illegal immigrant accused of raping teen after
NYC cut him loose
Man released under 'sanctuary city' rules sexually assaults
Refugees cost taxpayers $60K-$133K — more than for illegal
Nike, Apple, BMW Among 83 Brands Using Chinese Uyghur Slave
Trump donates his quarterly salary, $100,000, to combat
President Trump Nominates First African American Air Force
Republican mega-donor buys stake in Twitter and seeks to
oust Jack Dorsey
Feds reject removal of 4 Lower Snake River dams in key
Viral Video of Girl Cheerfully Getting Abortion at Planned
Parenthood Draws Horror
Shurk 3/2
Hurt over at the Washington Times likes to say Donald Trump has the best
enemies. Before Hillary and Comey, he had Rosie and
Cher. Before Nancy Pelosi and Fake News CNN, he had Russell Brand
and Mark Cuban. Before "Fat Jerry" Nadler was creating
fake impeachment charges in Congress against President Trump, an even fatter
Assemblyman Nadler was preventing 1980s Donald Trump from turning an abandoned
rail yard on the West Side into Trump City. There has never been a
moment in the public spotlight when Donald Trump was not brawling with
somebody, and almost all of his enemies, like deer in the headlights, seem
paralyzed with surprise when they find themselves on the receiving end of one
of his acerbic barbs. Like Qassem Soleimani, they just never see it
at American Thinker, Thomas Lifson has given us the necessary corollary to
Hurt's Law: as the greatest reality television producer of all time, Donald
Trump constructs the best and most compelling story arcs. Think of
the many roles he has played. He was the outsider from Queens who
rebuilt the Manhattan skyline and signed his name for all the blueblood gentry
to see. He was the dealmaker who knew how to turn loss into
opportunity. He was the brash New Yorker who got so tired of the
country's decline that he descended a golden escalator to Make America Great
Again. When Seth Meyers and President Obama used the 2011 White
House Correspondents' Dinner to mock him repeatedly, he never lost his cool; he
just smiled back, rolled up his sleeves, and stole Obama's legacy from him five
years later. When Obama's loyal henchmen in the federal government
orchestrated a coup against his successor out of petulant spite, President
Trump calmly looked ahead and kept pushing his agenda forward. He
never slowed down. He never gave up. He just bit his lip,
bided his time, and prepared for a future settling of all
accounts. Along the way, he has become the most transformative and
consequential president the country has seen in a hundred years.
three decades, the Republican Party has ashamedly failed at selling to the
American people the idea that freedom in all its forms is superior to the
socialist slavery the Democrats have on offer. They have so utterly
collapsed in the only battle for America's future that matters that political
correctness and hate speech laws have metastasized into outright censorship,
religious persecution, denial of due process, and gun
confiscation. So God sent us a world-class salesman, and the
sleeping giant in the middle of the country awoke. For the first
time in too long, the very idea of liberty that shaped our nation's birth is
bubbling to the surface again, and President Trump has shown a new generation
what's at stake. And because freedom is colorblind and an
aphrodisiac that invites the unshackled to its banner, he has expanded the
Republican Party in ways that seemed unlikely just a short time ago.
we have a new threat to the country and his presidency: the
coronavirus. The media are beside themselves with juvenile
glee. The idea that millions of Americans might die from illness and
destroy the most vibrant American economy in two generations is like a drop of
ecstasy on the tongues of a bunch of journalists who have spent three years
eating crow. Their giddy celebration of potential tragedy is exactly
why the middle of the country has so little sympathy left for the coasts.
the threat is real, though, I cannot help but see Hurt's Law and Lifson's
Corollary playing out once again for the whole world to
see. President Trump has rekindled the torch for American freedom,
but the evil of Bernie Sanders's communism is also bubbling beneath our
feet. Sanders's communism is everything that America is
not. It demands to be the only voice heard. It demands
that all science be settled. It demands an end to religion and the
elevation of tyrants. It seeks absolute rule, absolute control,
absolute obedience. It seeks to strangle all dissent, smother all
creativity, and leave life dark, bleak, and imbalanced. Sanders's
communism steals from you your labor, your thoughts, and finally your will to
go on. Like the property he repossesses for the State, he and his
heroes chew through your soul and expect you to find nourishment through your
servitude. He is everything Americans have fought and a harsh reminder
that a bullet to the back of the head is a threat for citizens of all nations,
even those birthed in freedom.
So, along comes a communist virus, and the metaphor could not be more
apt. It shows why national borders are important, why
command-and-control economies collapse during crisis, why officials in
authoritarian states exacerbate life-and-death problems because they fear
telling their leadership difficult truths. How many lives in China
and elsewhere would be saved today if China's military and local police had not
threatened their own doctors, journalists, and ordinary citizens against
speaking truth out loud? In a socialist utopia, though, tragedy and
mistake are not allowed; because they reveal rot, they must be
ignored. Better to live in a kingdom of pyrite than admit that
"the welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants."
communist virus spreading around the world has just become one of the most
compelling story arcs for the 2020 election. While the press and
Democratic Party salivate, however, they once again fail to see the president's
coming blow. Donald Trump has spent forty years arguing that
America's national security depends on being free of China. He has
spent his presidency singlehandedly changing the country's course by bringing
manufacturing back home. Opposed by Wall Street Democrats, he has
demanded America's energy independence from overseas adversaries and has
endured endless ridicule for seeking a new renaissance for America's
blue-collar workers. While Bloomberg, Biden, and Bernie grovel in
obeisance to their Chinese lords, President Trump sees American-made steel,
American-made pharmaceuticals, and American-made electronics as instrumental to
American freedom. The Democratic Party wants to give American
citizenship to the world, but the communist virus is a timely reminder that the
illegal and uncontrolled flow of people across our borders not only depreciates
wages and destroys American culture, but also sacrifices the lives of American
citizens. The misery of Chinese communism created this virus, and
the misery of Democratic Socialism seeks to spread it across the United
States. Border security is health security. And energy,
steel, and manufacturing independence is independence from overseas tyrants.
coronavirus will pass. The stock markets will rise. The
current state of fear will subside. But Bernie Sanders and the
communist virus are now front and center, and President Trump has one hell of a
story to tell the American people. It's a powerful
story. It will be a powerful punch. And they'll still
never see it coming. Just watch.
Important read, Charlie Kirk interviewed by Mark Levin “….we
don't know if Bernie Sanders is going to be the nominee or not. But we do know
that his rise is fueled by a broken culture, and a culture that we as
conservatives have not engaged in enough especially on college campuses. The
university system in particular, and the thousands of professors that occupy
most of the History Department and the Humanities Department, have been
teaching the next generation to hate our country and they have not been
teaching them American history properly, if not at all, they've not been
teaching them, the founding of our country. And when you're not thankful for
something, Mark, why would you want to conserve that something? If you're not
thankful for our country, of course, you would want to support a revolution to
overtake it. And it's rooted in no understanding of economics, no understanding
of exactly what the idea of free actually means.
“As Trump’s job approval rating has improved, so has the
image of the Republican Party. Now, 51% of Americans view the Republican Party
favorably, up from 43% in September. It is the first time GOP favorability has
exceeded 50% since 2005.”
“If you have a young child who is actually worried about
things like climate change, sexism, Donald Trump, politics, then you are a
crappy parent. Why are you foisting those kinds of concerns onto a child? They
can’t do anything with it or about it. Let them be children.”
-Matt Walsh
Charlie Kirk: "The
MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas that Will Win the Future." The movement that brought Donald Trump to the White
House has better ideas than the old right or the new left. It’s time
that the rest of America started listening. “Charlie
Kirk is a fighter and leader in the Trump movement, and his new book, The
MAGA Doctrine, will inspire the next generation to Make America
Great Again.” (Sarah Huckabee Sanders)
How a Soros Trojan Horse Took Down Chris Matthews and Is
Poised to Bully Others into Submission
Hollywood in the Trump Era: Conservatives Not Welcome….”The
tolerant people who love everybody will destroy you if you disagree with them.
It's ridiculous and scary, but it's real, and I doubt most people outside of LA
would believe to what extent. You could be a criminal or an illegal alien or a
Palestinian terrorist, and they would leap to your defense and support your
rights. But god forbid you're a Republican or a Trump supporter. You're the
enemy, and they're blatantly against you and proud of it.”
Denver Democrat Councilwoman Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With
Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters.
Harvard Law hosts discussion on abolition of police forces.
Students at famed women’s college: Stop calling us ‘women’
Virginia bill allowing new birth certificate for transgender
people heads to governor’s desk
Bernie's Socialism Is The Same Kind That Destroyed Venezuela
Bernie Sanders's war on charities: “take(s) issue with the “fundamental concepts
on which charities are based,” asserting that government should instead be the
provider of social services.”
More Commie Than Bernie
Everything You Think You Know About Cuba Is A Lie: Socialism
sucks series
How A Russian's grocery store trip in 1989 brought about the
fall of the Berlin Wall and exposed the lie of socialism
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Excited About Prospect Of
Coronavirus Becoming Trump’s Katrina
“(Coronavirus)is the latest phenomenon to fulfil a weird and
growing appetite for doom among the populations of developed countries. We are
living in the healthiest, most peaceful time in history, yet we cannot seem to
accept it. We constantly have to invent bogeymen, from climate alarmism,
nuclear war and financial collapse to deadly diseases. Covid-19 has achieved
such traction because it has emerged at just the right time……Very soon we are
going to have to find another thing to agonize about. Asteroids? The next
‘freak’ weather incident, now the storms have died down? Who knows, but we will
certainly find something.”
Pelosi’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’: She Held Back Coronavirus
Funding Bill so DCCC Could Run Super Tuesday Ads Against GOP
Pollak: 5 Reasons to Stop Freaking Out About Coronavirus
New England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus Could Be No
Worse than Flu
Slate: COVID-19 isn’t
as deadly as we think.
American with coronavirus speaks out about what the disease
is really like, shares advice.
Corona Conniption: Left Attacks Pence's Faith after Task Force
Perspective: 32 million
Americans ill with ordinary flu this season, 18,000 Deaths.
Trump Admin. Reverses Obama-Era Regulation Blocking
Coronavirus Testing
An Obama Holdover in an Obscure Government Arm Helped Cause
the Country’s Coronavirus Crisis
Actor James Woods has a shocking Biden-Hillary theory: It’ll be #Biden and #Hillary as his vice presidential candidate. He will eventually “gracefully” resign
as his dementia worsens and... Voila! #MadamePresident at last! (and in case he gets indicted
for his Ukraine corruption, she’ll pardon him...
Trump jokes Biden won't be governing as president: 'He'll be
in a home'
Democrats Decide to Lose with Biden, Keep Establishment in
While all eyes are on Democrats, Trump is the big winner
across America
Don Surber: Interesting
story, read to the end for a surprise.
The Canadian Health Care Myth
Inside the Beltway: Charlie Kirk identifies the MAGA
“In a speech delivered last week at the 2020 National
Religious Broadcasters Convention, Attorney General William Barr displayed a
level of insight rarely seen in Washington D.C., regardless of party
affiliation. I highly recommend you read it, then watch it, then read
it again. Then, pass it to everyone you know so they can do the same. It’s truly one of the most important modern speeches you will ever
read, and if you take nothing else from this column you will thank me for
sending you there. When the war against the left is finally won, this speech by
William Barr will be required reading in every Civics textbook in America, at
least outside places like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City (you
know, because there won’t be a centralized Department of Education to do the
requiring). It’s just that good.”
Think Trump is 'outrageous?' He's nothing compared to these
'Start knocking on doors': Trump campaign unveils 'Army'
tasked with recruiting 2M volunteers
Fight with President Trump!
“Industry is increased, commodities are multiplied,
agriculture and manufacturers flourish: and herein consists the true wealth and
prosperity of a state.”
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