Saturday, April 25, 2020

oereview 4/26

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Sees 'Silver Lining' to Deadly Virus—It's Hurting Trump
Democrats take this as good news:  Unemployment in the U.S. is swelling to levels last seen during the Great Depression of the 1930s, with 1 in 6 American workers thrown out of a job by the coronavirus.

Can’t make this up…….Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, comes within one vote of being released from prison by the Washington State Supreme Court over coronavirus fears.

USA Today poll: 80% of Americans Support Total Immigration Halt

Bitter Michigan Democrats plan to censure dem state representative who credited Trump with saving her life after she took hydroxyquinone.  Kick her out of the dem party?

Idaho Police Arrest Subversive Mom For Taking Children to Playground?  Idaho??
Idaho Woman Facing 6 Months in Jail For Violating Coronavirus Lockdown Order by Holding Yard Sale

AOC suggests low-income Americans should boycott work after coronavirus shutdown ends because they work too hard anyway.

Biden flashback to 2011: China Provides Jobs, ‘Fuels World’s Prosperity’

Snohomish County Sheriff refuses to enforce stay-at-home order
2,500 protesters rally against Washington stay-at-home orders
As Californians Reach the Tipping Point, Rebellion Against Stay at Home Orders Begins
'Let us work' protests spread all across the US this weekend; demonstrators labeled as 'far-right'
Could anti-lockdown protests be new Tea Party movement?
Blue State Governors Demand Facebook Remove Information Organizing Protests Against Their “Orders” – Facebook Complies

Georgia, Tennessee, SC announce plans to reopen some businesses, wind down coronavirus stay-at-home orders
Oklahoma joins the US states planning to reopen
White House Instructs Agencies to Begin Process of Returning Some Employees to Their Offices

Democrats in Texas hope to loosen voting rules to turn the state blue.
Kentucky's GOP legislature overrides governor's veto on voter ID requirements

CNN finally has one sexual assault allegations story against Biden, had nearly 700 articles on Kavanaugh accusations.

Newly Declassified Evidence: Russia Didn't Try to Help Elect Trump in 2016

Trump edging Biden in battleground states

Washington state: at least 20 county sheriffs refuse to enforce new gun laws

New Michael Flynn Filing shows how he was railroaded into a guilty plea.

America Held Hostage
Peggy Ryan   4/25

What are we doing, America? We've destroyed a booming economy, turned a record number of jobs into record unemployment numbers, and given up our basic tenets of liberty — all so we won't get sick?  We're allowing governors to restrict people's movement; prevent citizens from assembling; and order mandatory masks, testing, and vaccines. These governors now claim the right to track our every move, to surveil every American in order to ensure compliance. This shutdown is not just a slippery slope to socialism and communism; it's a downhill slalom.

How did we get here? Americans aren't cowards who would eagerly surrender liberty for immunity. But therein lies the genius of the left. It's not just about you and me, now, is it?  The left has hostages: our aging parents, grandparents, sick relatives. Either we put down the Constitution and slowly back away or the hostages will die. This hostage situation is why kids are kept out of school even though they're not seriously affected by the virus. They're walking time bombs, carriers who will initiate a senior genocide should they be unleashed on the world.
I call BS.

If we want to protect the elderly, how hard would that be?  We can avoid the elderly and those with health issues (duh). Our "most vulnerable" citizens can wear masks, use sanitizing wipes on surfaces (doors, counters), and minimize their risk. And despite the narrative, the virus isn't a death sentence for the elderly. So how does locking up the rest of America provide them additional protection? F act is, it doesn't.

Yet this false narrative of protecting our "most vulnerable" population is reason enough for Americans to comply with martial law, put liberty in abeyance, and suffer economic destruction.  So, ostensibly to protect the hostages, America shut down. But the death toll was never the real threat of this virus; it was the contagion, how many are infected at the same time.

Thus the president's "15 Days to SLOW the Spread."  This was time we could use to ramp up production of hospital supplies, of hospitals. If we slowed the spread, we could "flatten the curve" long enough to keep our health care systems from collapsing. OK, done.  We now have enough resources across the country to meet the demands of an outbreak. So we should be good to go, right?   Not so fast.

Governors have in the name of health incarcerated their constituents, imposed martial law (shelter-in-place, shutdown) in several states yet remain for the most part unchallenged. If we had a free press, they'd talk of the constitutionality of these moves.  They'd ask what state health crisis justifies martial law.   Instead, our enemy media demand that every state shut down. A ubiquitous question at press briefings is, why doesn't the president just close down the whole damn country?  The president talks over the media's head about the Constitution, federalism.  Since reporters don't have any prepared notes on that stuff, it usually shuts down the subject, for a day anyway.

OK, but we're going to reopen now.  Not so fast.  Many states that reopen will do so with conditions, a virtual ankle bracelet in case we break parole. There will be mandatory masks, tests, and vaccines. People will no longer have a say over their personal health because we have to think of the general population.  I bring you Communism 101…..

A chilling reality of mandatory testing to stamp individuals virus-free is that it's not so far from Bill Gates's digital certificate of health. Employers who buy into forced testing would soon concede it's far easier to scan employees than test them. And how long until stores require proof of a customer's health before they let him inside?  Pretty soon people won't be able to buy a loaf of bread without a digital health certificate. But it's all good, necessary to protect the masses. 
So people will wear a mask because if not, if we interact with other humans unprotected, we'll kill not just ourselves, but many others. I call BS. 

If our mere presence will kill people, then we already have blood on our hands. Tens of thousands of Americans are hospitalized every year with the flu. Tens of thousands die from the flu…Influenza was deadlier last season than it has been for at least four decades, killing 80,000 Americans.  Did we as careless, uncaring Americans kill 80,000 people with a handshake, a hug, or a visit?  Did we murder 80,000 people by not wearing a mask or gloves?  Or could they have been exposed to the flu in a store, a doctor's office, at church, the hairdresser, the school play, or a hundred other places we go every day?  We don't need to take responsibility for spreading a virus; the viruses do a bang-up job of spreading on their own.  It's what they do.

But talking about avoiding this virus is again the wrong discussion. No matter what we do to dodge this virus, in the end, we're all going to die of something. It might be this virus or the flu, cancer or heart disease, a blood clot, an aneurism, or even a car accident, but no one's getting out of this world alive.  You cannot hide from danger.  Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." —Margaret Weis, The Soulforge

Am I saying the virus isn't bad? No, it is. Some people get very sick; some will die. But it's not the bubonic plague. Most corona virus patients (80%) have mild symptoms.  A new study shows that the mortality rate for this virus is not ten times as lethal as the flu, but very close to flu's 0.1%.  "98% to 99% of people infected with the virus will recover." Plus an anti-malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, shows great promise as an effective treatment and possibly a prophylactic (preventative measure)….

Too many Americans have died for our liberty for us to squander this treasure over a virus. Over a million American soldiers — young, healthy — ran headlong into gunfire, navigated mine fields, dodged bombs, and otherwise gave their lives so Americans can be free. Not a single patriot sacrificed his life, his future, to keep Americans from getting sick.  The government claims it's protecting us from the virus. With the Constitution in lockdown, who's protecting us from the government?

"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." —Daniel Webster

More good reading:  “So far, the Swedish strategy of allowing some exposure to the virus in order to build immunity among the general population while protecting high-risk groups like the elderly appears to be paying off. The country’s chief epidemiologist reported that “herd immunity” could be reached in the capital of Stockholm in a matter of weeks. “…the vast majority, for now, want Sweden to keep its cool. We don’t want to remember 2020 as the time when we caused irreparable harm to our liberties -- or lost them entirely.”  Sweden instructing the U.S. on liberty? Who would have thought?”

Loving The Lockdown: The Left Is Taking Pleasure From The Economic Crash:  “Democrats realized lockdowns could be the transformational crisis they’ve been pursuing for decades. There’s a reason the lockdowns are being called a “free trial of socialism.” They’re crushing the economy. And this creates the perfect opportunity for the political left to move in and “save” advanced economies in the U.S. and elsewhere with socialist/statist/collectivist policies favored by Democrats.

“I think it’s time to consider the possibility … that this lockdown — as opposed to the more moderate mitigation efforts — is a colossal public policy calamity.”
          -Brit Hume

“Citing polls to support shutdowns is absurd. Asking 100 [people] if they support it, 70 who still have jobs, while 30 are desperately trying to feed their kids & save their homes, is a recipe for civil disorder.”
         -Dan Bongino

“26M Americans unemployed. 4.4M more this week. That’s a 16% unemployment rate. 1 in 6 workers without a job. If that doesn’t make you sick to your stomach… then you must be a politician still collecting your paycheck.”
         -Liz Wheeler

Coronavirus and the smell of Saul Alinsky

Feminist ‘scholar’ calls to ‘abolish’ the family amid pandemic: “Households are capitalism’s pressure cookers”

Harvard Professor Wants A ‘Presumptive Ban‘ On Homeschooling, Claims It Promotes White Supremacy

Michael Moore stumbles upon the truth about so-called 'green' energy

For the first time since 1861, Democrats want to see Republicans die.

Facts about Covid-19:  1.  the overall lethality of Covid19 is between 0.1% and 0.4% (similar to flu) and thus up to twenty times lower than initially assumed by the WHO. 2. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses.  3. Countries without lockdowns and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries…..

Stanford professor puts risk in perspective:  “The COVID-19 death risk in people <65 415="" 9="" between="" city="" day="" death="" driving="" equivalent="" ermany="" ew="" from="" miles="" old="" per="" risk="" span="" the="" to="" was="" years="" york="">

Will the Covid-19 PsyOp succeed?

Remember the government shutdowns? Funny how we don't see those same sob stories about lost paychecks now.

In a National Emergency, Does the Constitution Still Apply?

“Coronavirus Immunity Cards? Kill that Idea Right Now.   Imagine if in September of 2019, a government official had told you that America was going to launch a new database, into which you would be required to enter your vaccine status and other personal health history, and that this would be used to determine whether you have freedom to leave your home, go to work, open your business, travel, or be in public places.  The American patriots' response would have been  “Are you out of your mind? That will never happen. Maybe in China, but not in America." Yet this is exactly where we are headed today.”

Distinguished Stanford physician says “The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation”

United Airlines (UAL) posts $1.2 billion loss amid coronavirus, seeks more federal aid
Stunning footage shows more than 400 passenger jets sitting idle in the California desert
3 million Americans are not paying their mortgages right now
1000s Of U.S. Businesses That Were Shut Down Will Be Closed Permanently
Protests banned at capitol, on state property in California
No advertising revenue, US newspapers face 'extinction-level' crisis
COVID-19 puts rural hospitals in Eastern Washington on brink of financial collapse
Disney stops paying 100,000 workers during downturn
Neiman Marcus to file for BANKRUPTCY after furloughing nearly 14,000 employees
50% of Americans expect that their savings will run out by the end of April,
Another outstanding Tucker monologue:   Are coronavirus lockdowns working?  The eight U.S. states that have still not issued statewide shelter-in-place ordinances are below the national average in coronavirus cases and deaths, per capita.

Nightmare prospect:  “How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House.”

How does Nancy Pelosi get away with blocking desperately needed aid? “She appeared to feel a remarkable confidence that she would not be skewered in the national media for holding up urgently needed money. And indeed, she was not.”

Walter Williams:   “The absolute worst part of the COVID-19 pandemic, and possibly its most unrecoverable damage, is the massive power that Americans have given to their federal, state and local governments to regulate our lives in the name of protecting our health. Taking back that power should be the most urgent component of our recovery efforts. It's going to be challenging; once a politician, and his bureaucracy, gains power, he will fight tooth and nail to keep it.”

Greenies panicking over the discrediting of computer models predicting virus disaster

Reopening Georgia and Colorado: A Study in Double Standards

15 Election Results That Were Tossed Over Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots

Green New Deal -- Coronavirus Economy Is a Preview of the Green New Deal Economy

Schlichter:  “If the Malevolent Donkey Party was actively seeking to plunge the country into an economic tailspin, while still maintaining some level of deniability to the credulous suckers out there, exactly what would it be doing differently? It would be pretty much doing exactly what it is doing right now – shilling for the (Chinese Communists) , delaying needed assistance to keep America working, and generally trying to keep us all locked in the dark in perpetuity.”

Nigeria’s former Minister of Culture and Tourism:  “How the ‘Evil Called Barack Obama’ Enabled the Genocide of Nigerian Christians”

“…we should all be talking about possible Chinese interference in the 2020 presidential election.”

Fox’s China expert Gordon Chang:  "I can't say what was in Xi Jinping's mind, but if he — after seeing the devastation in China — if he wanted to spread this deliberately to other countries, he would have done exactly what he did."         “level the playing field”?

Wuhan laboratory scientists 'did absolutely crazy things' to alter coronavirus

Washington State R-90, Repeal the New Sex Ed Laws.  “We have very limited time to gather 150,000 signatures, by early June.”

Follow the construction of the border wall system

Somebody has dumped the Wikileaks files to the web.  You can look at Hillary’s emails now.

Check out AOC’s green new deal posters:  “admired for their resemblance to Soviet and/or Nazi propaganda posters”

Trump campaign goes for the jugular with new ad: 'Let them eat ice cream — Nancy Antoinette'

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice.”
           -Albert Einstein

“Liberty, the greatest of all earthly blessings — give us that precious jewel, and you may take every things else! Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel.”
          -Patrick Henry


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