Saturday, April 11, 2020

op ed review 4/12

Conservative Leaders Petitioning Trump to Launch ‘Great American Economic Revival’
Trump calls decision on reopening US the biggest of his life
Texas governor prepares executive order setting guidelines to reopen businesses
Boeing plans limited return to work next week after coronavirus shutdown: reports

Austria, Norway, Denmark, the Czech Republic Announce Plans to Reopen at Least Parts of Their Economy – Sweden never closed.

Trump approval among black voters near 20%: Poll
Here’s proof:  Pew Poll, White Liberals More Likely To Be Mentally Ill And Depressed
Trump's Economic Approval Rating Hits Highest Level Ever
Biden Flip-Flops, Now Supports Trump's China Travel Ban He Once Called 'Hysterical Xenophobia'

In the People’s Republic of Virginia:  Northam signs gun-control bills into law “This is an exciting day for me.”….” Virginia was once a socially conservative state where lawmakers in both parties viewed gun rights as sacrosanct”
Democrat Kentucky Governor Vetoes Mandatory Voter ID for 2020 Election
Same Democrat Governor Recording License Plates Of Easter Sunday Churchgoers, Ordering Them To 14-Day Quarantine

Franklin Graham to give Easter address on Fox News

Dems block McConnell bid to swiftly approve $250B more for small business fund
Adam Schiff Submits Bill to Create Commission Reviewing Trump’s Coronavirus Response
Biden adviser, ObamaCare architect Zeke Emanuel says US should 'prepare' for coronavirus measures to last 18 months
Pelosi Leads Democratic Effort to Use Health Crisis to Change Election Laws
Dump Biden: Majority of Democrats Want Cuomo to Be Their Nominee for President

Pentagon issues rare public rebuke against ABC for claim White House was warned of pandemic in November

In California, State bill would let minors have sex change without parental knowledge

Federal Debt Tops $24 Trillion for First Time; GAO: 'The Current Federal Fiscal Path is Unsustainable'

CBS Hypes Alternate Reality TV Show: Hillary Won in 2016!

Silver lining:  Illegal border crossing reportedly 'next to nothing ... less than 150 apprehensions' for almost a week
Immigrants Self-Deporting from U.S. to Avoid Coronavirus Infection

This guy is so loathsome:  Washington AG Bob Ferguson claims Trump could delay 2020 election, Republicans demand apology.

U.S. Spent $452 Million on World Health Organization in 2019 Against China's $42 Million, yet WHO is a propaganda instrument for China.

Report: New York City Auctioned Off Ventilator Stockpile
USA Today fact-checked that Obama administration depleted federal stockpile of N95 masks

Washington state Supreme Court denies Seattle’s bid for income tax on wealthy households

“Your papers, please.”  St. Louis Federal Reserve Head Says Americans Should Be Tested for COVID-19 Daily And Forced To Display a Badge on Their Clothing with the Result

Freedom in the Face of the Plague
Wayne Issac  4/5

Live free or die!” So cries a noble people in the face of danger. Our forefathers, who prevailed in the War of Independence, were such men. They faced danger with courage and resolute firmness. Our modern leaders do not. Instead, they cower. Out of fear, state governors across America dictated draconian shutdowns in response to the spread of the Chinese coronavirus. These acts are contrary to our way of life; we must repeal them.

The preservation of life must include the preservation of liberty. The cure must not inflict more damage than the disease. I do not deny that the coronavirus poses a serious public health threat. Many thousands have died, and there is much our regime could and should do to confront this scourge.

The federal government could ban the arrival of infected foreigners. State and local officials could provide food and medicine to those who choose to self-quarantine. They could also facilitate the production of medical and protective equipment on American soil. Each of these measures would mitigate the spread of disease. None of them violates the right of citizens to work, assemble, and worship.

But we didn’t choose those solutions. Instead, state and local leaders turned our country into an open-air prison camp. In Florida, police arrested a pastor for conducting Sunday services. In New Jersey, officials arrested a couple for hosting a wedding. In Rhode Island, the governor dispatched the police and National Guard to go door to door ordering out of state travelers—sick and healthy alike—into quarantine. In an especially egregious act, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued a blanket order stating that, with little exception, “all public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring among persons not part of a single household are prohibited.”

Even the prisoners in Stalin’s gulags had the right to sit and converse in each others’ presence.
Even worse, these draconian mandates result not from legislation but from executive fiat. State governors cast aside the normal political process in the face of 8,000 deaths in one month. To put this in perspective, 7,600 Americans die from other causes . . . every day. Hurricanes, tornados, heart disease, floods, suicide, cancer, drug overdoses, and car accidents together kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. As deadly as these things are, they are not potent enough to destroy our existence as a people. The Chinese coronavirus should not be different! As bad as the worst fearmongers make it out to be, it does not constitute an existential threat to our way of life by itself.

The same cannot be said of these totalitarian lockdowns. How can we preserve our liberty when our rights disappear at the first sign of crisis? Having tasted the power this state of emergency gives them, our leaders will invoke such excuses again. The precedent now exists that in times of trouble we must suspend all of our democratic and republican norms. Human activity itself—friendship, love, and worship—must also effectively cease.

Next Sunday is Easter, the holiest day on the Christian calendar. Tens of millions of Christians cannot attend services by law. Even the Soviet Union at the height of its power could not have stripped Americans of this right. And yet our own governments have done so without just cause.
A free people cannot accept this!

Mine is not an argument for government inaction, callous disregard for the elderly, or insipid worship of money-making. Instead, I embrace the right of the people to face this crisis on their own terms. Going outside, meeting with those we love, and gathering to worship God may come at a cost. The decision to shut down large swaths of our public life by fiat definitely does.
As for myself, I will honor the spirit of my forefathers. I choose freedom—even in the face of coronavirus.

Another good read:  How depraved is the 'resistance'? Enough to root for vast death by COVID-19

“Fun fact: China also never reported a single death at Tiananmen Square.”
             -David Burge

“This goes one of two ways. Our little experiment with living in a communist dictatorship repels most Americans and makes us hunger for freedom and independence, leading to a great reawakening. Or we grow used to being controlled and dependent, and the opposite result follows.”
             -Matt Walsh

“Ask yourself when you want to do something good for your fellow man, do you write a check to a local charity or send in some extra to the government?”
            -Peter Heck

All the Establishment Media’s Dangerous Coronavirus Lies – Part 2

Collusion with China?  American media keep repeating China's coronavirus talking points

3 Weeks Ago Calif Gov. Newsom Said 25.5 Million People in California Would be Infected with Coronavirus Over 8-Week Period - Actual Number Today? ... 15,247

Alec Baldwin: 'If You Vote for Trump Again, You Are Mentally Ill'

Nature magazine apologizes for linking Covid-19 with Wuhan and China because it encourages “racist attacks”.

“…do you know the odds of any American getting this virus?  One would think that number is easily known or available.  It’s not. A lot of digging reveals, based on the population tested, that rates can vary from, at most, eight-tenths of a percent in New York City to two-one-hundredths of a percent in Phoenix. Did you know the chances of recovery from the coronavirus are about 98%—if you catch it?  Did you know there are models showing 50% of the population may have already had it, never knew they had it, and recovered?  Again, one would think this data would be widely available and reported.  It isn’t.”

Infectious Disease Specialist Says Use of Coronavirus Drugs Touted By Trump is 'Absolute Game Changer'
Denver Doctor Prescribing Controversial Hydroxychloroquine To Patients Says Symptoms Reversed ‘In A Day Or Two’

The Coming War Between the Generations:  “This looming economic catastrophe, a consequence of letting the present needs of the old trump the future needs of the young, is bad enough. But the Wuhan virus crisis has made it worse. Putting our economy into a coma without any certainty that it can be revived enough to restore the losses has worsened the plight of the post-Boomer working young, who make up two-thirds of the workforce. In addition their futures are being mortgaged for $2 trillion (so far) to compensate for the damage to the economy and lost jobs that have resulted from treating patients most of whom are already sick and dying of other conditions.”

Using COVID-19 Crisis, Democrats Seek Radical Changes In How U.S. Votes

Meet the former NYT reporter who is challenging the coronavirus narrative:  “Alex Berenson has been analyzing the data on the crisis on a daily basis for weeks and has come to the conclusion that the strategy of shutting down entire sectors of the economy is based on modeling that doesn’t line up with the realities of the virus.”

Did you hear about the 2017-2018 U.S. flu season? How about the 2017-18 flu season overwhelming the hospitals and creating bed and ICU bed shortages? Neither did I, but it was the worst flu season in recent years.

House Democrats introduce bill giving coronavirus aid to illegal immigrants

Gov. Inslee owes US Army, Feds an apology. A week ago, Inslee slammed the federal government for not doing enough for Washington State. Trump administration sent hundreds of soldiers to build a 250-bed hospital at the Century Link Field Events Center.  That hospital has sat empty ever since. Not one patient. On Wednesday, Inslee announced that he wanted the facility disassembled and sent back to the federal government.

Despite China Coronavirus Crisis - Current Trump Economy Still Better than What He Inherited and Way Better than Obama At Same Respective Time Period

“Democrats Likely to Dump Biden”

The pro-family policies pursued by Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán’s government as an alternative to mass immigration are reaping dividends, with births up 9.4 per cent year on year.

Will Dems Demand Postponing The Election They’re Afraid They’ll Lose?

Virus-Panicked Liberal Gun Buyers Are Getting Angry When They Discover Their Own Gun Control Laws

The Schoolwork My Kids Are Bringing Home Exposed K-12's Leftist Politics

This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years

List: 30 regulations that stymied Trump's virus response

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
              -William Pitt


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