op ed review 5/2
Trump approval up 6 points in two weeks
Trump Leads Biden by Double Digits in Voter Enthusiasm
Trump Denies COVID-19 Funds to Planned Parenthood
Coronavirus aid may depend on sanctuary city policies: Trump
Swing voters approve of Trump’s virus effort, 75% want end
of China reliance
Former White House chief economist says coronavirus so far
has cost $8,074 per household.
Now that the damage is done, World Health Organization reverses
itself, now recommends against lockdowns.
Tara Reade's Former Neighbor Says They Discussed Biden's
Alleged Assault in Mid-90s, this from a Biden supporter.
Meet the Other Seven Women Who Are Accusing Biden of
Inappropriate Behavior
Here’s a new one: woman
says Joe Biden sexually harassed her when she was 14
Joe Biden appears to fall asleep in Hillary Clinton town
Biden: ‘Abortion is an Essential Health Care Service’
As Biden struggles, Hillary waits for the call.
With Biden flailing, is Michelle Obama going to take his
Biden Sent Operatives To University To Go Through His
Records, Refuses To Release Them
University Of Delaware board members, who are keeping
Biden's Senate records secret, have close ties to the former VP
Strzok stopped FBI from ending Flynn probe despite lack of
'derogatory' evidence
Gregg Jarrett: Targeting Michael Flynn — here's how the FBI
entrapped and prosecuted an innocent man
Trump Considering Bringing Michael Flynn Back Into
Kellyanne Conway Implicates Obama in Oval Office Scheme to
Destroy Trump
Media Ignores Gov. Cuomo Putting Coronavirus Patients In
Nursing Homes, thousands dead.
Hydroxychloroquine Has about 90 Percent Chance of Helping
COVID-19 Patients, says Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Lockdown Vs. Non-Lockdown 'Did Not Produce A Statistically
Different Number Of Deaths,' California Docs Say.
Not allowed to say that—YouTube takes down their video.
Mexico Deports Nearly All Of Its Illegal Migrants Amid
Coronavirus Fears
Majority of Voters Want Immigration Halted, More Hispanics
Support Moratorium Than White People
New York mosque still open for daily prayers while churches
across the country face mandatory shutdowns
Minneapolis: Muslim call to prayer blasted over loudspeakers
5 times a day in U.S. first
Michigan Democrat Gov Whitmer Has Emergency Powers Repealed
by State Legislature
Douglas MacKinnon 4/28
Just over two months ago, I spoke with an infectious disease
doctor who not only believed that millions of Americans had already been
exposed to COVID-19, but that the lockdowns were counterproductive and we
needed to let herd Immunity take hold in our nation. Two months ago.
With each passing day, we are told that multiple more
Americans were in-fact exposed to the virus than the “experts” suspected.
Or more to the point…guessed.
I will keep asking this question until the
groupthink-thought-police come to arrest me: “When has it ever been
sound medical or governmental practice to sacrifice – and destroy – the
economic, mental, and physical well-being of the 99 percent to MAYBE protect
and save the one percent...or less? When?”
This same doctor I spoke with also stressed to me that the
“experts” our nation and the world relied upon to shut it down, could not
answer one simple question. That being: Is COVID-19 less or more
lethal than the Hong Kong flu pandemic (H3N2) of 1968? A pandemic that
mirrored COVID-19 in that it was highly infectious and was primarily lethal to
those over 65 with pre-existing conditions. A pandemic that infected
millions of Americans and killed approximately 100,000 out of a then population
of about 200 million. A pandemic which worldwide, killed upwards of 4
million people.
As of this writing, worldwide, there have been approximately
210,000 deaths. And does anyone else find it troubling and highly
suspicious that the United States alone is responsible for slightly more than
one-quarter of all deaths worldwide? How could we possibly account
for one-quarter of all the COVID-19 deaths in the entire world? Easy, if say,
you start counting pianos falling out windows and dropping on people as
COVID-19 related deaths.
As we are also learning with each passing day, in order to
justify their highly controversial, extremely punishing, draconian lockdowns,
the handful of politicians, officials, and experts who upended our lives and
ordered those lockdowns, are being very creative and very liberal as to what
constitutes a COVID-19 fatality, all of which begs the question: Are there any
ethical and honest reporters left within the mainstream media who could
investigate this clearly duplicitous – but officially condoned – counting
The little real anecdotal evidence accidentally seeping into
mainstream media indicates that the actual fatality rate in our nation from
COVID-19 is less than the fear-merchants are displaying on their “Death
Dashboards.” Potentially, far less. Unbiased professional reporting could
tell us the real numbers.
But then, that’s the rub. Much of the liberal
mainstream media signed up for team “Doom and Gloom” from day one. At
first, they did so to create as much fear and panic as possible so they could
use COVID-19 as the mother of all click-bait cash cows. Once that was
accomplished, many in that same liberal media chose to keep the fear-mongering
going as a political tool.
Tens of millions of now desperate, depressed, angry,
unemployed Americans, coupled with thousands of small business owners now out
of business, have been told for weeks to “suck it up and do as you’re told” by
politicians, academics, federal officials, media talking-heads, and celebrities
who either have guaranteed, gold-plated jobs and healthcare plans, or
seven-figure salaries, and millions in the bank.
The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution
prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment” to be inflicted upon criminal
defendants. And yet, that same Constitutional consideration is not being
afforded to those tens of millions of Americans whose lives have been
negatively affected, or even destroyed, by draconian lockdowns which do amount
to the most “cruel and unusual punishment” in the history of our Republic.
And then, from within that, tens of millions of American
numbers, comes the – purposely – uncounted number of our fellow citizens who
have died as a direct result of the lockdowns. Deaths from suicide,
stress, drug and alcohol abuse, physical abuse, or those who had serious
pre-existing medical conditions but were scared away from the hospitals and
life-saving treatment. Do those deaths
count? Are those lost Americans of any importance? Do facts even matter
when COVID-19 has been turned into a political football? If they still do, then
some of those facts are blaring that the fatality rate for this virus is 10 to
40 times lower than the “World is Ending” estimates spit out by faulty computer
Dr. Scott W. Atlas – the David and Joan Traitel Senior
Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and former Chief of
Neuroradiology at Stanford Medical Center – recently looked at the numbers in
New York City, a city that became the epicenter of the virus in the United
States. Dr. Atlas – who is predictably shunned by the mainstream media because
he does prefer using actual facts and statistics – recently reported that the
rate of death for all people ages 18 to 45 is 0.01 percent. For people
under 18, the rate of death is zero per 100,000. And of almost 8,000 NYC
COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions, 99.2 percent had
an underlying illness.
The truth must matter more than flawed computer models and
experts and officials drunk on power. Will
anyone be held accountable for what will surely come to be known as the most
tragic case of governmental, medical, and media malpractice in the history of
the world? I doubt it.
“It's time for all the governors who care about their
citizens to put an end to the lockdown. The longer it stays in place, the more
permanent damage is done. It will turn out to be the biggest national mistake
in U.S. history, thanks to "the science." President Trump needs to go
back to trusting his own good instincts, for they are more dependable than the
faulty science that has undergirded this fiasco.”
“I’ve said since the Kavanaugh saga that the #MeToo movement
lost its way when it went from ‘listen to women’ to ‘believe women.’ That’s not
advocacy; that’s injustice. Now it’s worse, as it’s gone from ‘believe women’
to ‘believe Democrats.’”
Beth Stuckey
“Having a 10 person limit for gatherings is not fair... that
means Joe Biden can have his rallies but @realDonaldTrump can’t.”
Weaponizing Coronavirus, Leftist Foundations Dedicate
Millions to Transform 2020 Elections
Hillary Clinton: Coronavirus 'Would Be a Terrible Crisis to
Waste'; Need 'Universal Health Care'
Nancy Pelosi: A Minimum Guaranteed Income May Now Be ‘Worthy
of Our Attention’
AOC says the U.S. Is a ‘Brutal, Barbarian Society’
STUDY: Washington Post Bashes Trump Virus Response with
25-to-1 Negative Headlines
World Health Organization Guidelines Encourage Children
Younger Than 4 be Taught “Masturbation” and “Gender Identity”
A CNN journalist pens a fascinating insight into the left’s
dystopian worldview
Oregon county creates race-specific 'grounding space' to
escape 'whiteness' during pandemic
Bill Gates defends China over coronavirus response and says
criticism of Beijing is a 'distraction'
Patriots Draft Pick Accused of Being a 'White Supremacist'
for Retweeting Trump, Liking Conservative Commentators
Why Joe Biden’s America loves a lockdown
Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State
Blue States Become Laboratories of Despotism
Big Tech’s Big Brother Moves
If you like the pandemic lockdown, you're going to love the
'Green New Deal'
The Wuhan virus reveals the rot in America’s Democrat-run
After First Responders Don't Comply, New York Rescinds
Disturbing 'Do Not Resuscitate' Order
The paranoid style in COVID-19 America
Dr. Birx: The United States Has One of the Lowest
Coronavirus Mortality Rates in the World
ABC Hypes Trump's 2020 Chances Getting 'Decimated by This
“Trump on course for reelection, even if he loses the
popular vote”
The Gathering Storm Over Tara Reade
There Is Way More Evidence Against Biden Than There Ever Was
Against Kavanaugh
Morning Mika Destroys Joe Biden’s Campaign: “Thus, what was
no doubt intended to be an inoculation interview suddenly turned into a
potential death knell….These two minutes of video will now be used repeatedly,
over and over and over again, by the Trump campaign and supporting Super PACs
to flood the airwaves with ads that will devastate Biden if he ends up being
the nominee.” Some are saying that this
may be a sign the Dem party establishment wants Joe taken down and replaced.
Nolte: 16 Reasons Why I Believe Joe Biden Sexually Assaulted
Tara Reade
Dori Monson: “Could it be, in his run for his last term as
governor, that Jay Inslee is willing to use a pandemic to crush our private sector
and reward his overlords with a major push for a state income tax?”
Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate
act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese
cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far
corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights
out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic and a
communist regime willing to let them die to save face. It was an artificial
diaspora intended to seed humanity with the Xi Plague.
We’re In A New Cold War, This Time With China
Stealing the Election in Plain Sight
Study: Historic Drop in U.S. Reading, Math Scores Since
Common Core
America Has a Jared Kushner Problem
“Judge Dismisses Sexual Assault Allegations Against Biden On
Grounds That He Is Not A Republican”
Here's what it looked like in the cockpit of the Blue Angels
NYC flyover
Tough new Trump ad: The Democratic double standard on
believing women
“The highest manifestation of life consists in this: that a being
governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the direction of
another is somewhat of a dead thing.”
Thomas Aquinas
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