op ed review 7/12
“Those who seek to erase our heritage want Americans to
forget our pride and our great dignity so that we can no longer understand
ourselves or America’s destiny….In toppling the heroes of 1776, they seek to
dissolve the bonds of love and loyalty that we feel for our country and that we
feel for each other. Their goal is not a
better America, their goal is to end America.”
-President Trump
Joe Biden might be the “nominee” and official face of the Democrat
Party, but he’s now the frontman for the Sanders, AOC wing. At best, Biden is
nothing more than a sock puppet; at worst, a willing co-conspirator.
Biden calls for end of ‘era of shareholder capitalism.’ Do have a pension or 401k?
Joe Biden’s Immigration Plan: Asylum to the world’s
migrants, amnesty for illegal aliens, free all border crossers into the U.S.,
make them all citizens and register them to vote.
Joe Biden says police have "become the enemy", calls
for defunding.
Biden says he is going to ‘transform’ the nation if elected. No kidding.
This 6 minute video will scare you. Tucker explains how a Democrat win in
November will make Trump the last Republican president. “(The Biden Plan) includes citizenship and
voting rights for all illegal immigrants currently living in this country.
That's at least 22 million people. That means 22 million brand-new voters
spread out across 50 states, the vast majority of them will faithfully vote for
the Democratic Party. And by the way, that's not even including all the new
illegal immigration we will doubtless get with reduced border controls. The
Biden campaign also promises a moratorium on deportations. So there it is,
that's the Biden plan. It is not really a blueprint to govern the country. It
is a promise to utterly remake the country. And more to the point, never surrender
control of it again.”
President Trump: “We
will never let them rip America’s heroes from our monuments or from our hearts.
By tearing down Washington and Jefferson, these radicals would tear down the
very heritage for which men gave their lives to win the Civil War, they would
erase the memory that inspired those soldiers to go to their deaths…… They
would tear down the principles that propelled the abolition of slavery and ultimately
around the world ending an evil institution that had plagued humanity for
thousands and thousands of years. Our opponents would tear apart the very
documents that Martin Luther King used to express his dream and the ideas that
were the foundation of the righteous movement for Civil Rights. My fellow
Americans, it is time to speak up loudly and strongly and powerfully and defend
the integrity of our country….It is time for our politicians to summon the
bravery and determination of our American ancestors…It is time to plant our
flag and to protect the greatest of this nation, for citizens of every race, in
every city, in every part of this glorious land.”
As if orders went out from a central director, nearly every
major media outlet flat-out lied about President Trump's speech.
CNN:“Trump tries to drag America backward on a very
different July 4th”
CNN: “Trump’s
powerful message of rage”
Washington Post: “legacy
of white domination”
New York Times: “dark
and divisive”
Time: “Trump Pushes Racial
MSNBC: “Biden
projects optimism against Trump's 'dystopia of fascism'”
Dying in Darkness: Mount Rushmore Media Coverage Exemplifies
'Enemy of the People' Critique
Majority wants to either keep police funding at current
levels or increase it, Pew poll finds
What could go wrong? "Decriminalize Seattle" lines
up majority council support for 50% cut in police budget.
Portland police declare ‘riot’ again – as city sees 38th
straight day of unrest.
Armed Black Marxists in Atlanta swarm innocent family’s car
— Then shoot and kill their 8 year-old daughter.
"The City of Seattle held a training session for white
employees only, called ‘Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and
Whiteness.’ So I did a public records request to find out exactly what this
means. Let's go through it together in this thread.”
White guilt cult programming in Seattle
New York City school administrators have been taught that
pillars of Western Civilization such as objectivity, individualism, and even
belief in the written word all are examples of … white supremacy.
Michigan to require all medical professionals to undergo “implicit
bias training”
Boeing communications director forced to resign over an
article he wrote thirty years ago opposing women in combat.. “My article was a
29-year-old Cold War navy pilot’s misguided contribution to a debate that was
live at the time.”
Indiana priest suspended last week after condemning anarchist
Defacing statues is apparently not hate, but California couple
is charged with a hate crime for painting over a BLM mural in the street. They face up to a year in jail.
Official Nike spokesman Colin Kaepernick calls Independence
Day a 'celebration of white supremacy' and REJECTS it. Remember this when you buy shoes.
Disney likes the message, signs deal with Colin Kaepernick,
Docuseries In the Works
Seeing no irony, NBA releases list of 29 “pre-approved protest
messages” for players' shirts.
Oprah Winfrey, Lionsgate Team to Bring New York Times’ ‘1619
Project’ to TV and Film. Project attempts to “reframe the country’s history” by
crossing out 1776 as America’s founding date and substituting 1619, the year 20
African slaves were first brought to Jamestown, Va.
More efforts to divide us:
"Black National Anthem" to be Sung at NFL Games This Year
Chicago shootings: 87 shot, 17 fatally, in July 4th weekend
New York City: 63
Shot in Over Fourth of July Weekend
Atlanta: 22 people shot,
4 killed on 4th of July weekend.
Baltimore: 12 people
shot, one fatally.
Man shot dead in Bronx while walking with 6-year-old
But CNN’s Don Lemon explains: black-on-black shootings of no
concern to Black Lives Matter. “Not what
BLM is all about.”
John Philip Sousa IV offers a list of reasons why black
lives matter more to Trump than BLM.
What’s behind most of the black-on-black shootings? Gangs.
Nationwide exercise in China to remove books deemed
politically incorrect, deepening Chinese President Xi Jinping’s push to instill
patriotism in the education system. (America does just the opposite)
China churches ordered to praise Xi Jinping's handling of
coronavirus before reopening
FBI Director: Beijing Tells Dissidents Abroad to 'Return to
China Promptly or Commit Suicide'
FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000
counterintelligence cases are related to China
Sen Martha McSally opponent Kelly helped secure Chinese stake
in space exploration company.
Father of CHOP shooting victim describes 'very overwhelming'
response to emotional 'Hannity' interview
Supreme Court rules in favor of Little Sisters of the Poor
in ObamaCare contraception case
More hate hoaxes, Oregon Politician Admits Sending Himself
Racist Hate Mail.
Texas: Racist notes on student's windshield were put there
by the alleged victim himself.
Officer cleared after” appearing to flash white power sign” at
Oregon protest. (the “OK” sign)
Mainstream media blackout:
In new poll most don't know Obama, Biden had role in overseeing FBI
probe of Trump campaign.
With acceptance of gay marriage and transgenderism, now comes
the movement for polyamory.
Cat gets voter registration application in the mail – after
dying 12 years ago
Wall Street Journal 7/5
President Trump delivered one of the best speeches of his
Presidency Friday evening at Mount Rushmore, and for evidence consider the
echo-chamber headlines above. The chorus of independent media voices understands
that Mr. Trump is trying to rally the country in defense of traditional
American principles that are now under radical and unprecedented assault.
Dark? In most respects Mr. Trump’s speech was a familiar
Fourth of July ode to liberty and U.S. achievement that any President might
have delivered in front of an American landmark. “No nation has done more to
advance the human condition than the United States of America. And no people
have done more to promote human progress than the citizens of our great
nation,” he said.
Contrary to the media reporting, the America Mr. Trump
described is one of genuine racial equality and diversity. He highlighted the
central ideal of the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created
equal.” As he rightly put it, “these immortal words set in motion the
unstoppable march of freedom” that included the abolition of slavery more than
a half century later.
Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King Jr. also believed
this to be true, and Mr. Trump cited them both, as he did other American
notables black and white, historic and more recent. There was not a hint of
racial division in his words except for those who want to distort their meaning
for their own political purposes. In any other time this paean to American
exceptionalism would have been unexceptional.
But this year even Mr. Trump’s speech backdrop, Mount
Rushmore with its four presidential faces, is politically charged. Each of
those Presidents—Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt—is under
assault for ancient sins against modern values, as progressives seek to expunge
their statues and even their names from American life. Mr. Trump’s great
offense against the culturally ascendant progressives was to defend these
presidential legacies.
Divisive? Mr. Trump’s speech was certainly direct, in his
typical style. But it was only divisive if you haven’t been paying attention to
the divisions now being stoked on the political left across American
institutions. Mr. Trump had the temerity to point out that the last few weeks
have seen an explosion of “cancel culture—driving people from their jobs,
shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees.”
Describing this statement of fact as “divisive” proves his
point. Newspaper editors are being fired over headlines and op-eds after
millennial staff revolts. Boeing CEO David Calhoun last week welcomed the
resignation of a communications executive for opposing—33 years ago when he was
in the military—women in combat. The Washington Post ran an op-ed this weekend
urging that the name of America’s first President be struck from Washington and
Lee University.
Any one of these events would be remarkable, but together
with literally thousands of others around the country they represent precisely
what Mr. Trump describes—a left-wing cultural revolution against traditional
American values of free speech and political tolerance. And he called for
Americans not to cower but to oppose this assault…
Another important read:
Just Say “No” to the Revolution
7/5 Mark Tapson
the militantly ignorant shock troops of a new Cultural Revolution rampage
across the United States of America in an orgy of statue-toppling, cop-killing,
and flag-burning, they continue to be met with a stunning lack of resistance……What
then do we do?....here are some suggestions:
and foremost, get off our knees…..free American citizens do not bow and scrape
before any man, any mob, any tyrannical ideology. Forget trying to placate and
to reason with the leftist mob; neither is possible. Simply resist and fight.
If you give the left an inch, they will take mile after mile after mile.
Do not give them that inch.
the truth fearlessly, every day and everywhere, and never apologize for it.
Teach your children the truth, and demonstrate to them what courage and
integrity look like by standing up for it…
not kowtow to the power-lust of petty Democrat despots like governors Gretchen
Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, or Gavin Newsom, whose coronavirus strategy is to
release felons from prison and allow mass, violent protests while cracking down
on law-abiding citizens for singing in church. Commit to civil disobedience
against their unreasonable dictates - and to uncivil disobedience if it
comes to that.
a leaf from the Left’s playbook and community-organize. Organize to flood your
representatives, local and national, with emails and calls demanding they take
immediate, concrete actions to protect our heritage, defend the police, and
enforce law and order. For that matter, take another leaf from the leftist
playbook and pack their offices with noisy protesters who refuse to leave until
our demands are met…..Support law enforcement and other first responders in
word and deed. Tell every cop you know and see that Blue Lives Matter and you
respect and appreciate them for putting their lives on the line.
trace our way back to some measure of sanity, civility, and security in
America, the collectivist, racist, divisive mentality of identity politics that
has spread like a cancer in this country must be eradicated. Reject this
ideology wherever it rears its ugly head. Push back against your children’s
teachers and administrators when it is taught in the schools. Call it out in
the workplace, consequences be damned; silence and keeping your head down will
no longer save you. Reject the ideology when you make your shopping choices….
sit back and expect this communist takeover of the United States to fizzle out;
it will not. Don’t expect the current madness to ensure a Trump landslide in
November, either; in fact, what you can expect is massive Democrat voter
fraud, and if Trump survives that, there will be violent resistance surpassing
anything we’ve seen so far. So the time to act is now. It is time for patriots
to show that we love our country more deeply than its enemies hate it.
"Chicago is now the largest outdoor shooting range in
America….And other cities are a following. It's not caused by the coronavirus,
it's not caused by racism. It's caused by nihilism….To kill a child, you have
to be a nihilist goon with no values whatsoever. But that is what happens when we
defund our police, when we refuse to fix our schools, and we undermine the
family unit…..if Joe Biden wins, 'build a fallout shelter' "
-Sen. John
“The Left controls every major institution in America:
mainstream media, the academy, administrative government, Hollywood, Big Tech,
etc. So if ‘institutional racism’ really did exist, whose fault would that be?”
“The USA ended slavery, ended race-based civil rights
violations, elected a Black President twice, and made our highest paid
athletes, musicians, celebrities and cultural ambassadors black Americans. If
we’re a ‘racist’ nation… we suck at it.”
My Pillow Guy Autobiography, a review. “The book is hard to put down.”
“The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas That Will Win the Future”
by Charlie Kirk
Tucker Carlson Monday monologue: We Cannot Let Democrats Run
This Country Because They Hate It
Tucker challenges Sen. Duckworth after she says that Founding
Fathers and American Heroes Are ‘Dead Traitors’
Tucker shreds Dems and media ‘liars’ who despised one of the
'best' and most 'powerful' speeches Trump’s ever given
Brit Hume to Tucker: "I
don't think I've ever seen such dishonest and biased coverage of any
Viral video: This patriot and Vietnam Veteran has a
powerful message for Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.
Herschel Walker: 'Why Are We Penalizing People for What
Their Ancestors Did?'
Terry Crews under fire by the Left for suggesting Black
Lives Matter could morph into 'Black Lives Better'
Diamond and Silk: White liberals talk systemic racism, yet
they 'put the systems in place'
Former NFL Player Marcellus Wiley Calls Out Black Lives
Matter For Their Anti-Family Agenda
Lloyd Marcus: Black
America: Before Y'all Sign On to BLM.
Larry Elder: The
Problem With Politically Correct History
“1776” is an assembly of independent voices who uphold our
country’s authentic founding virtues and values and challenge those who assert
America is forever defined by its past failures, such as slavery.
Black Lives Matter In Public Schools Is Turning Kids Into
Little Marxists
A leading Black Lives Matter (BLM) group has at least one
terrorist on its board of directors.
List of companies that must answer for their direct support
of BLM
BLM Toronto leader believes white people are sub-human,
calls them 'genetic defects'.
Muhammad bought, captured, owned, and sold slaves, and is
the “excellent example” (Qur’an 33:21) for Muslims. That’s why there has never
been an Islamic abolitionist movement. And because Islam is the religion that
the Left never dares to criticize, you’ll never hear about this from Black
Lives Matter.
Debate on the left over whether to allow free speech for
conservatives (“proto-fascists”). “It’s
important to understand what the people around the president are thinking. But
if they’re honest about what they’re thinking, it’s usually too disgusting to
engage with. This creates a crisis for
traditional understandings of how the so-called marketplace of ideas
Marquette incoming freshman says admission was threatened
over pro-Trump video.
Penn State deletes tweet declaring conservative students'
'viewpoints are important'
“The Lincoln Project” wants to ‘burn (the GOP) to the ground’:
In addition to defeating the President, Never-Trump Republicans set new goal of
defeating the GOP Senate. “The analogy
would be in the same way that fire purifies the forest, it needs to be burned
to the ground and fundamentally repudiated.”
Along with George Conway, I see former Washington State GOP
Chairman Chris Vance (!) is in the leadership of this loathsome organization. How
did he get to be GOP Chair??
Vance is also listed as an “open society” Fellow with the
Niskanen Center, “The Republican Party in Exile”, advocating for globalism and
open borders. He and George Soros have a
lot in common.
Oh, look! George
Soros’ Open Society Foundation gifted $300,000 to Niskanen in 2019.
Thank progressive education for this: The latest demand
calls for the abolition of, no, not law enforcement agencies, but museums. “It’s
not enough to hire an Indigenous curator. It’s not enough to have one Black
person on your board. Museums as we know them have to be abolished. I don’t
want my voice to be added to museums that are often trophy cases for
“Hamilton” was popular among liberals during the Obama
years, but now ‘Cancel Hamilton’ trends as leftists demand Disney pull musical that
‘glorifies slave trader’
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Somalia) Calls For ‘Dismantling’ American
economy and political system. What is
the definition of treason again?
Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant Vows to Overthrow
the United States and Replace with “a Socialist World”
America’s cultural revolution is just like Mao’s: To many who survived the crackdown in China, events in the US
are frighteningly familiar.
CNN ignores damning report on nursing home deaths in New
York under Gov. Cuomo
Good name for NY Governor Cuomo: “Nursing Home Serial Killer”; traded campaign
cash for seniors’ lives.
CNN's Lemon: Maybe we won’t destroy Mount Rushmore if you add
“Are these prosecuting attorneys overcharging these police
officers knowing full well that they are likely to lose the case that will lead
to the next round of protests and riots? Wanting to lose—sowing the wind to
reap the whirlwind? It was Lenin, Marx’s
most evil disciple, who said revolutionaries should cultivate chaos, “The
worse, the better.” Marxists in this country, taking less and less care to hide
their ideology and intentions, may be thinking the same thing right now. We’d
better be ready.”
The Mellon Foundation Now Fully Woke, “Announces
Transformation of its Strategic Direction and New Focus on Social Justice” $500M budget.
COVID-19 percentage of deaths has been declining for ten
straight weeks: no longer meets the
definition of an “epidemic” according to the CDC.
Can’t have that, MSM priority: promote COVID fear for 4 more
months: “Scientists warn of brain damage linked to
Minnesota physician and lawmaker is under investigation by
the Board of Medical Practices for spreading “misinformation” about COVID-19. “…he provided reckless advice by comparing
COVID-19 to the flu.”
This Is How the Media Lies to the American People. ABC News headline: “Teen Who Died of Covid-19
Attended Large Church Event, Took Hydroxychloroquine”. What the media is hiding in their headline is
that Carsyn battled cancer and suffered from an auto-immune disease. The
headlines were written to make you feel that teens are at great risk, written
to make you angry at her Christian parents, written to make you believe
hydroxychloroquine does not work on the coronavirus. ALL LIES.
Charlie Daniels, renowned musician and patriot, dies at 83
Charlie’s last column 6/26:
“The time is swiftly coming in America when everybody who cares about
having a future is going to have to pick a side.”
Mike Huckabee farewell to Charlie
The unforgettable “Devil Went Down to Georgia”
Why We Can’t Trust Anything ‘The Science’ Says Any More: “Despite
standing behind their data and method used to conclude there is “no evidence of
anti-Black [sic] or anti-Hispanic disparities across [fatal police] shootings,”
a study’s authors want to retract their work because it contradicts left-wing
politics (and too many conservatives cite it)
“Terrified Academics Withdraw Police Shooting Study”
“Public” schools have been a
catastrophe for the United States…….A recent study found that 60 percent of
Americans couldn’t pass a U.S. Citizenship Test. It comes as no surprise that
those 65 or older scored the best, with 74 percent correctly answering at least
six out of ten questions. Of those 45 and younger, only 19 percent
passed the exam — and the younger the test-takers, the less likely they were to
Interesting theory: “The Gangsterization of the Democrat Party…..Just
as today's events in the stock market are designed to maximize the value of the
portfolio in about six months, the current actions of the Democrats are aimed
at maximizing their political portfolio in the post-election period. The
Pan-American pogrom is happening because it looks as if the Democrats know that
Trump has already won the 2020 election.”
“President Trump is almost certain to win reelection in
2020, according to a political science professor whose “Primary Model” has
correctly predicted five out of six elections since 1996.”
But then there’s this:
by adjusting search engine results “Google hopes to shift 10 percent of
the voting public away from Trump to fulfill a company executive’s stated goal
of making populism nothing more than a “blip in history.”
“One way to determine whether
racism or a destructive perception of racism is at work is to control for race and separate groups by
perception. The fabulous success of Nigerian immigrants to America is
powerfully suggestive. It is not simply that the best and brightest are leaving
Nigeria for America—explaining why Nigerian-Americans have higher educational
attainments than any other ethnic group in the nation. It is also that they
come without the burden of history. Nigeria is a deeply divided country, with
plenty of Islamic terrorism. But the Nigerian does not arrive in New York
thinking, “Here I will be despised for my race,” or, “Every light-skinned
person I meet might be the great-grandchild of slave owners.”….Instead,
the Nigerian immigrant is likely to assume that most people will like him if he
treats them cheerfully, and they will be glad to see him succeed, and this
assumption contributes to his chances of success.”
“We began by re-fighting the Civil War….But it was never
about the Confederate statues, and the proof is that we quickly moved on to
refight the American Revolution. A statue of Thomas Jefferson came down in
Portland, Oregon, and Hofstra removed its statue of the author of the
Declaration of Independence. We’re waiting to see what will happen to the
Jefferson Memorial. We can pretend that this doesn’t matter. They’re just
statues, after all. But they do matter. Not for the pleasure they give the
rioters so much as for the pain they inflict on patriots who love America.”
Conrad Black: Never
been an election like this; the press now plumbs its own depths of depravity.
Moving new rendition of God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood
and others.
“Conservative Mama” Puts Together Outstanding Video of What It
Will Be Like to Teach While Following CDC Guidelines.. Hilarious.
RNC launches a blistering new ad that calls into question
Joe Biden’s fitness to lead America over the next four years. A pair of those
making comments in the video are prominent Democrats, making it even more
Gorgeous New Footage Lets You Fly Over a Vast, Ice-Filled
Crater on Mars
"A sure sign of a genius is that all of the dunces are
in a confederacy against him.”
Lloyd Wright
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