Saturday, July 4, 2020

op ed review 7/5

“Our founders launched not only a revolution in government, but a revolution in the pursuit of justice, equality, liberty, and prosperity. No nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America and no people have done more to promote human progress than the citizens of our great nation. It was all made possible by the courage of 56 patriots who gathered in Philadelphia 244 years ago and signed the Declaration of Independence. They enshrined a divine truth that changed the world forever when they said, "All men are created equal." These immortal words set in motion the unstoppable march of freedom. Our founders boldly declared that we are all endowed with the same divine rights, given us by our Creator in Heaven, and that which God has given us, we will allow no one ever to take away ever.”
         -President Trump at Mt. Rushmore

“Republicans at all levels could lose this fall. If they do, there will be profound consequences for you. People who supported Donald Trump will be punished, there's definitely no question about that. There's never been an American political party as radical and as angry as the Democrats are now. Imagine them with unlimited power and that's what they plan to get in their first year...The point is, and it could not be clearer: Non-Democrats in America are in peril.
        Tucker Carlson

Is this hyperbole?  “On Wednesday, the Democratic candidate for New York’s 27th congressional district issued a tweet showing how dark parts of the Democratic Party have become, urging his followers to “report” Trump supporters.”
‘Dilbert’ Creator Scott Adams Says ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election

President Trump delivered arguably the best speech of his presidency at Mount Rushmore Friday, a magnificent affirmation to Americans on their 244th national birthday that what they have always cherished is still cherished, along with a warning shot to those who hate and despise all the United States stands for. It was non-partisan -- there was no mention of Democrats or Joe Biden. It was inclusive - celebratory of people of all races, and celebratory in particular of the singularity of America being great for such diversity. It was also big-hearted, magnanimous, celebrating all the ranges achievements of the country. Yet it also did the thing Trump does best, which is to call out and identify authentic enemies, stating that he knows who they are, what their game is, and that he won't let them win.
Democrat Party Begins Demonizing Mount Rushmore, Refers To July 4 Celebration As ‘Glorifying White Supremacy’

Survey of those identifying as “liberal”.  71% want to change the national anthem. 70% want to rewrite the US constitution.  58% want to “Allow our public parks to return to their natural state, before a European sense of order was imposed upon them”  51% want to “Remove existing statues of white men from public spaces until the stock of statues matches the demographics of the population” 52% want to “Gradually replace many older public buildings with new structures that don’t perpetuate a Eurocentric order”  44% of liberals want to destroy Mt. Rushmore.

“Take cathedrals down eventually” BLM mob takes aim at praying Christians and Catholic statue as anarchy spreads to the heartland.
Another Catholic Priest Suspended for Sermon Condemning BLM’s Violence, Marxism and Destruction.
Princeton to Remove Woodrow Wilson's Name from Public Policy School
John Wayne Airport targeted for name change because of “racist and homophobic comments”
Texas Rangers accused of being  'racist terrorists'
America hater, Colin Kaepernick’s life will be celebrated in a Netflix Series

This is how we end racism? A mob in Portland, Oregon, has torched a statue of an elk, prompting observers to theorize that perhaps the animal was a “slave owner” or a “white supremacist”.
The word ‘Master’ can no longer used to describe Houston bathrooms and bedrooms.

BLM rioters in Provo UT shot and almost killed a man who was attempting to escape after his car had been surrounded by thugs wielding clubs and other weapons.  Media covers up and then tries to blame the victim.
St. Louis Homeowner Speaks Out After Confronting BLM Militants with Firearm, ‘The Only Thing That Stopped the Mob Was my Rifle’
The owners who protected their home are under investigation by St. Louis prosecutor, elected with George Soros funding.

Research by professor at Michigan State University found that police are NOT more likely to shoot African-Americans and systemic police racism is a myth.  The professor was informed that he should not share research that runs counter to public statements by the university which is backing the Black Lives Matter movement.  Then he was fired from his position as vice president of research and innovation.
Haters:  Cambridge professor tweets “White Lives Don’t Matter”  “kneecap white men”
UMass Lowell Nursing Dean Reportedly Fired After Saying ‘Everyone’s Life Matters’
And here it comes:  University declares that applicants to the school must be willing to “combat systemic racism” because that would be a “non-negotiable condition of enrollment and employment.”  Republicans need not apply.

Virginia Democrats propose reducing charge for assaulting police officers to misdemeanor.
Nearly 300 NYPD Officers File for Retirement as Violent Crime Surges
LAPD Morale Collapses to 'Record Low': 'It's Simply Not Worth It Any Longer'
In First Weekend, Looting Damage In 20 Big Cities Exceeded $400 Million

No riots, no protests, no kneeling celebrities:- At Least 20 People Shot, 7 Fatally, During 24 Hours in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago.  Not all black lives matter.
Black on black violence:  Chicago man killed 2 teens after they asked how tall he was, police say
Why no outrage? Atlanta shootings surge, but it’s not the cops.

Seattle mayor denounces protesters circling her home for showing no 'regard for' her 'safety'.
Radical leftist councilwoman Kshama Sawant joined the protestors at the mayor’s house, said 'capitalism's brutality & endemic violence' are at fault for the shooting deaths at CHOP.
Seattle City Council expected to pass largest tax on businesses in Seattle's history
Aggrieved Father Who Lost Son at CHOP Zone Received Call from President Trump but NOT from Seattle Mayor

'This is not Seattle': Oklahoma protesters promptly hit with terrorism charges.
Minneapolis City Council Hire Private Security for Themselves, $4,500 Per Day, After Voting to Defund Police Department

Trump listening to Tucker, calls for tougher Republican response to 'political war'.
This is refreshing:  On Canada Day in Ottawa a group of Trump lovers marched on the US Embassy chanting “We love Trump”.

Joe Biden: H-1B Foreign Workers 'Built this Country'
Biden promises to undo most of the Trump tax cuts
Biden proposes 4 trillion dollar tax increase, $2K for every middle class family.

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law regulating abortion clinics, reasserting a commitment to abortion rights over fierce opposition from dissenting conservative justices in the first big abortion case of the Trump era. Chief Justice John Roberts joined with his four more liberal colleagues in ruling that the law requiring doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals violates the abortion right the court first announced in the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.
Finally SCOTUS good news:  Supreme Court says religious schools can get scholarships funded by tax credits.
And SCOTUS rules Trump has unfettered power to fire officials
Trump has now filled all federal circuit court vacancies, and appointed more appellate judges than any other president at this point in his presidency.

This explains a lot:  Before 'takedown' of General Flynn, he was planning to audit John Brennan for running billions 'off the books'.

“New report from the U.S. Census Bureau shows America's population is 60.1 percent white, the lowest level ever recorded. Among those under 16 years of age, fewer than half are white.

Bob Lonsberry 
America is At War With Itself  5/29

This is how it was when Hitler burned books. Some few frenzied zealots did the burning, and the good people sat home, nervous, anxious, apprehensive, the way a mouse is in the moments before a cat sinks its fangs into it.  This is America today.

Where they pull down statues of George Washington and Ulysses Grant and anybody who held office in the Confederacy. Where anything or anyone involved in the slavery of 150 years ago – except the Democratic Party – is condemned and purged.  Where politicians and poets of earlier days are denounced and desecrated by roving mobs easily traceable by TV news cameras by unfindable and hamstrung police departments. Where people rage online about exactly how dark Jesus’s Middle Eastern skin would have been.

Where the caustic racial, cultural and political battles of today are overlaid on the people, events and monuments of the past. It is an Inquisition, as hate driven and intolerant as inquisitions of history, holding all of the country and the culture’s past to the angry progressive orthodoxy of today.  This is America today, intent on denouncing and destroying the America of yesterday.

It is an effort of leftist internationalism which requires Americans to turn against their history, heritage and ancestors. It is an attack on America from within, in the classroom and on the evening news, in the shouted rants of protestors, in the profanity-laced graffiti of the streets. It is an attack not just on the individuals honored in history and sculpture, but on the very notion of honor, on the belief that there is anything American from an earlier day worth remembering and taking inspiration from.  It is a well-advanced effort to make Americans hate America.  And it takes its cues from the darkest days in mankind’s past.

Because toppling statues is Hitler and the Islamic State, not Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. This is what societies do as they are collapsing, not as they are opening new eras of freedom and peace. This is a sinister assault, hiding behind the worthy cause of equality, hoping to create chaos and impose oppression.  All as an act of horrific intolerance.  Intolerance and bigotry.

A bigotry against the people who founded and built this country, and intolerance for any age or culture not compliant with today’s progressive agenda. The Islamic State blew up statues of a different day and time, and America’s progressives are intent on doing the same thing.  And so we take down the statue of the president who first invited a black man to dinner at the White House, and we have a national debate to take down the statue of the president who freed the slaves.  Because statues are metaphors for civilization, and they destroy one because they hate the other.  Because they hate America that much.

The professors and the newscasters and the politicians, and some of the people in the streets, the ones with the burning flags and the hateful curses and the shouting at the cops. The ones who tell us that the voice of the people is heard in the mobs.  Which is a lie.

In America, the voice of the people isn’t heard in the streets, it is heard at the ballot box. We are a republic, not a mobocracy. And blocked streets and shouted slogans are notoriously inaccurate measures of public opinion. We form public policy, we shape our law, we hold the people sovereign, in peaceful elections, not raucous demonstrations. Certainly, speech can be expressed in protest, but governance cannot.  And politicians seemingly running scared from public protests are merely using the demonstrations as cover for policies and agendas that would otherwise not be tolerated. The mobs want to defund the police, but the voters do not, and the progressive politicians hide behind the one to avoid the scrutiny of the other.

And so it is that America finds itself at war with itself – at war with its past and its present, fighting against its founders and its protectors.  A war that could only be fomented and embraced by America’s enemies, its enemies within.  Because only an enemy philosophy could take America’s first and most fundamental declaration – “that all men are created equal” – and turn it into a weapon of division, instead of its natural role as a uniter of causes and people.

It is good that teaches us that we are brothers and sisters, equal and free. It is evil that turns us against one another, separate and enraged.

Lt. Gen Michael Flynn:  “I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent 100 percent of the time. The more I’ve thought about this phrase, the more I believe it. There is now a small group of passionate people working hard to destroy our American way of life. Treason and treachery are rampant and our rule of law and those law enforcement professionals who uphold our laws are under the gun more than at any time in our nation’s history. These passionate 2 percent appear to be winning. Despite there being countless good people trying to come to grips with everything else on their plates, our silent majority (the indifferent) can no longer be silent.”

“The product of the woke crusade will not be a less racist America but a more polarized one. That’s because the woke crusade is not truly about reducing racism; it is about attacking fundamental institutions, American history and our very culture of rights. All the things we share must be eviscerated. So we will share nothing. And then the true ugliness begins.”
             -Ben Shapiro

“Suddenly, an entire Orwellian world opens up: place names, history books, statues, buildings. When you’re equipped with the anti-racist hammer, everything begins to look like a nail. In this brave new world, it doesn’t matter whether a symbol like the Rhodes Scholarship has acquired a completely different meaning, or whether a statue has become a symbol of something completely different. All must be levelled to bring forth utopia.”
          -Eric Kauffman

Hillary Clinton once said we could not be civil with a political party that wants to destroy American values. She has a point.…the deep disdain for the country coming from the (Democratic Party) is destroying the America as we know it, bringing with its self-inflicted cultural revolution a new world order straight from the text of the French Revolution. If the modern Democratic Party has its way, the America seen today will become unrecognizable sooner than we think. Let’s not forget that someone got fired for saying “all lives matter” last month.
        -Tristan Justice

“The Right is losing the culture war because it is not fighting a culture war. The Right fights in the culture by electing Republicans. But culture is the ship upon which we sit; the politicians we elect are the deck chairs.”
            -Ben Shapiro

Tucker:  what the Democrats will do if they win the presidency and control of both houses of Congress, as polling indicates they will. These predictions are based on what Democrats themselves have said. 1.They will immediately amnesty 20 million illegal aliens and get them on the voting rolls, making it impossible for the Republicans to win any more national elections. 2.They will abolish the Senate filibuster rule, allowing a 51-vote majority to pass into law anything they want. 3.They will enlarge and pack the Supreme Court, eliminating the constitutional safeguard against tyranny. 4.They will grant statehood to the District of Columbia, enlarging their Senate majority. He then laid out the three points that the GOP must provide voters if it is to save the nation from slipping into a one-party tyranny. 1.First is vigorous defense of total equality under the law. We are equal because we are citizens. Every American has precisely the same rights as every other American. Period. That is the promise of America," "Don't get caught in pointless debates about whether or not this is a racist country.  Clearly it isn't. Prove it by making it less racist by making it a colorblind meritocracy. That's our promise." 2.This is not simply a debate about the First Amendment and its limits. It's bigger than that and more important. If you can't articulate something, if you're not allowed, you can't think. And that's precisely why authoritarians try to control language. They're trying to control your mind. Republicans should lead the fight against this without shame….This is not negotiable. 3.His final point directed the GOP to care for its genuine constituency, the middle class of normal Americans.  
“If the Republic survives in recognizable form, Tucker Carlson's challenge to the Republican Party last night will be recognized for its historic importance as a turning point. Unless history is written by leftists after their revolution from above succeeds, Carlson's epic statement last night will be recognized as far braver and far more important than (Edward R.) Murrow's McCarthy broadcast 66 years ago, at the dawn of television.”
     -Thomas Lifson

“Tucker Carlson for president? Former Trump campaign and GOP officials believe the Fox News host could lead a successful 2024 presidential campaign after his show becomes the highest-rated program in Cable News.

Charles Love:  “I want to address my fellow black Americans: This country is as much ours as it is anyone else’s—and it has been since the beginning. Too many blacks believe that America is racist, that it does not foster equality, and that its founding principles do not include all citizens. This is evident in the common reply from some blacks to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” which was, “When was America ever great?”…….To the younger generation of Americans: What Thomas Jefferson (its principal author) created in the Declaration is a document that would serve as the foundation for the greatest governing experiment in human history. Unfortunately, our country is at risk today because too many citizens know little, and appreciate less, of this history and its context………Lastly, to my son: I cannot shield you from the world. You will, undoubtedly, be subjected to the noxious view of America described above—often with the inference that you have fewer opportunities because of your race. This is a lie. I will do everything in my power to ensure that you understand the significance of freedom, liberty, and equality. If I do my job well, when you read this, you will know that you were blessed to be born in America; and being black should strengthen, not weaken this belief. I hope that you will defend the tenets of the Declaration of Independence and stand up to maintain our republic. It needs you.

Two Black Conservative Women Speak Out about the Democratic Party

Viral video by former Tucson police officer:  “enough with the anti-white narrative”
So compelling, lefties at Snopes tried to debunk him:  “Ex-Cop Brandon Tatum’s Success Doesn’t Disprove White Privilege”

What 'woke' whites get wrong about Blacks' priorities:   “This month’s protests started out as a black movement against police brutality, but they have a different look now. In many cases, whites have taken over. They apologize for their “white privilege” and, in at least one case, wash black people’s feet to expiate their collective sins…I found..white people overwhelmingly depicting black people as desperate and defeated, with no way to pull themselves out of their misery. I realized that white wokeness is the new factor in our national life. It has been embedded into the consciousness of whites that all blacks are the same and that they all face impossible barriers to improvement…..Whites are engaging in activism motivated by a misperception about black life that doesn’t comport with reality for most blacks. With their views of blacks as wounded and perpetually oppressed, woke whites would do more good by doing nothing.”

Thomas Sowell: The left’s Marxist ideology is a fragile ‘house of cards’ beneath the howling surface

Former Democrat, black civil rights attorney Leo Terrell announces his support for the re-election of Donald Trump

Armed Black Lives Matter Terrorists Shoot SUV Driver in Provo Utah…media tries to cover it up, then blames the driver.

The black lives that don't matter to Black Lives Matter:   On June 20, Â Jasean Francis, 17, and Charles Riley, 16, were shot and killed in Chicago for asking how tall a young man was. Over Father's Day weekend in Chicago 104 people were shot and 15 died. That same weekend 13 year old Amaria Jones was killed by a stray bullet while dancing with her mother. This past weekend 114 people were shot in Chicago, and 14 died. On Saturday, a 20 month old was shot and killed in Chicago as he sat in his car seat. To date, 1699 people have been shot in Chicago this year, with 305...

The agenda of Black Lives Matter is far different from the slogan

Time to Expose the Fraud That Launched BLM. The George Zimmerman murder charge was a stunningly blatant fraud orchestrated by the attorney who has been prominently milking the racial divide he helped create

Former Princeton professor denounces Black Lives Matter movement and the politicians who have supported the increasingly popular group. “It's part of the cultural Marxist agenda against America”.

‘It Isn’t About Protecting Or Saving Black Lives’: Brit Hume Rips Black Lives Matter And ‘Stomach-Turning’ Corporate Support

Obama admits it: Riots and protests are 'tailor-made' for electing Joe Biden, part of the strategy.

Good riddance; don’t let the door hit you on the way out!   “Hundreds of George W. Bush administration officials to back Biden, group says.”

“To support queer youth identity, one Seattle school will be renamed after a LGBTQ+ leader.”

“Baltimore, Cleveland, Denver, Milwaukee, and Pittsburgh are among the cities that have officially declared that racism is a public health crisis. A number of states are also moving in that direction…….But the medicalizers of racism don’t care about the black lives they claimed to be defending.”

Lefties emboldened:  Law Professor Argues US Constitution Is Racist And Sexist

Representative Of Iran’s Supreme Leader Delightedly Declares ‘Death to America’ Is ‘Being Heard From Mouths Of The Americans Themselves’

The International Energy Agency says only six months left to save the planet from global warming.  (up to the election, hint, hint….)

An honest leftie environmentalist writes: “On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30. But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the IPCC to serve as expert reviewer of its next assessment report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.”

“Masks have replaced social distancing as the new moral statement. Just as adherence to lockdowns was framed by many as a sign of virtue….masks have become a face-borne signal of righteousness. As a virologist, I find this perplexing, considering the limited evidence in favor of masks.”

“Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy”  Paper originally published at ResearchGate, then removed by administrators because it “goes against the public health advice.”  “This is censorship of my scientific work like I have never experienced before.”

From liberal National Public Radio:  “NPR report suggests the global response to COVID-19 may have been reached on a flawed premise. Mounting evidence suggests the coronavirus is more common and less deadly than it first appeared.”

The Coronavirus Lockdowns Were A Mistake, Here's Why

CNN Finally Admits Hydroxychloroquine Works

Dr. Joondeph:  “Is this really a (COVID) surge or simply fear-mongering fake news?  Texas features prominently in the surge scare. Coincidently Texas is a red state that if flipped to blue would prevent a Republican from ever winning the White House for the foreseeable future. Most hospitals require a COVID test before elective surgery…..If a patient goes to the hospital for a new hip or cataract surgery, and happens to test positive for COVID, they are counted as a COVID hospitalization.”

“167 reasons why I’m against COVID lockdowns”

Prof. Chadwell:  “The lawless events of the last few weeks…have left me acutely aware of my own human desire for order, and I have to take a deep breath whenever I find myself wishing Trump would just whip out the military and put a stop to it all. But that’s what the desperate Democrats want -- the Rules for Radicals vindication -- create so much chaos that the masses beg for someone to take control. But we can’t let that happen. So I would like to suggest a new motto for conservatives and libertarians alike. It comes from Ken Kesey’s novel, Sometimes a Great Notion -- “Never give a *#$%#!*# inch.  We don’t have any inches left. We can’t compromise or concede anything. They’re destroying our history, our economy, our connections with God. They want to tear apart our families and they’ve already made mockeries of our schools. This last spate of riots has to be the end. We can tolerate this Mad Hatter’s tea party no longer.”

Joe Biden and Democrats Are Set to Abolish the Suburbs

Democrats are fine with watching America burn

Pollak: 3 Recent Signs Democrats Want a Socialist Revolution

VDH:   Trump Will Win If He Responds to Righteous Voter Rage

Justice Thomas takes on Roe v. Wade in stinging dissent to SCOTUS striking Louisiana law on abortion requirements

Grievances are not inheritable. The poison of reparations.

Many conservatives voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 solely because the fate of the Supreme Court was at stake. They will have to do so again in 2020, because the Court remains liberal, and Democrats want to pack it further.

Obama:   It Was Obama All Along:  these were impeachable offenses, but too late now.

The New York Times op-ed page has featured contributions from Vladimir Putin, pedophiles, and the Taliban without a peep from the paper’s staff, so it might seem odd that an opinion piece by Senator Tom Cotton was the one that would spur a professional revolt.

“A new Rasmussen poll shows a plurality of voters (49%) are ready to elect former Vice-President Joe Biden "to scale back the violence that is tearing our cities apart." A poll respondent from New York City explained that "paying for protection is the best option we have. Sure, it's extortion, but what choice do we have? The reality is that it is better to pay off those controlling the mobs who stand ready to destroy everything a bigger slice of our hard-earned money than to see them wreck everything like they have been doing the past month." A respondent from Minneapolis gave a similar answer, saying "with the police being abolished we have nowhere to turn for protection against these thugs. It is better to live as serfs under the thumb of criminals than to be killed by them. If we vote Biden in we're hoping that as head 'capo' he can rein-in the destruction by establishing a reasonable wealth redistribution scheme."

“Grantifa” protestors at the Villages, Florida, yelling obscenities at Trump supporters in golf carts. (warning- foul mouthed seniors)  “The Republicans were having a Rally on Trump's Birthday. They decorated their Golf Carts and were not bothering anyone. We have a huge number of Republicans here and a very small number of Democrats. Guess they didn't notice, when they came here to look at The Villages! We have a huge number of Military and everyone is very Patriotic! There are always Golf Cart Parades on Holidays and everyone has fun with them. Too bad there are a minority of people, like that Lady with the potty mouth, who make The Villages look bad.”

New Republican AG Assoc. ad shows leftist plans for Mt. Rushmore:  “Erasing History”

A few months old, but seems even more relevant now:  Seattle is Dying...documentary

“A wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”
       -Thomas Jefferson


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