Saturday, May 16, 2020

op ed review 5/17

CNN commissioned poll shows Trump crushing Biden in 15 battleground states.
GOP clinched major victories in two special elections held on Tuesday; largely ignored by the mainstream media. Mike Garcia is first Republican to flip a district in California since 1998.
Manufacturing coming back:  Taiwan chip maker TSMC, supplier to Apple and more, to build Arizona plant.
Border Wall System Update: 181 miles completed 190 miles under construction 360 miles under pre-construction.

A report in Communist Chinese state media outlet asserts that they will target various GOP politicians for being critical of China.  Rep Crenshaw’s (R-TX) response:  “So apparently I’m on the Chinese government’s radar now. Good. Bring it.”

Port of Seattle police officer's youtube post urges police officers to respect the Bill of Rights; goes viral.  Now his bosses want him fired, for “violating policy”.
A friend of his family set up a gofundme for his legal defense, after interview with Laura Ingraham, quickly raised $400,000. 

Looks like President Obama himself ordered up the phony the RussiaGate scandal.
John Brennan Suppressed Intel Saying Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton to Win.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them.
Liar.  Biden Claimed No Knowledge Of Flynn Case, New Doc Shows He Requested the Unmasking
Constitution Requires Judge’s Lawless Order Against Flynn Be Overturned

House Democrats pass NEW coronavirus relief bill. $3T, equal to the entire US yearly tax bill. …1,800-page bill was “the largest bill in the history of Congress”
Tucker examines the Democrats' $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill:  billions for illegal aliens, amnesty for illegals, extend guest worker visas, expedite visa processing, cannabis mentioned 68 times, financing help encouraging minority owned cannabis businesses, orders the release of all prisoners who have asthma, diabetes, or over 50, voter ID requirement loopholes, funding to study coronavirus“ misinformation”, repeal of the cap on state and local income tax deductions for blue states, lobbyists eligible for small business loans.  Tucker lists and explains them all in 10 minutes; worth watching. “When the smoke clears, only China will be able to bail us out from our mountain of debt.”
Dems working on $2,000-a-month payments for high-schoolers; 16-year-olds could apply simply by filling out an online form. The cash would be delivered via Paypal, Venmo or a bank.  Future voters introduced to socialism.

NY Gov. Cuomo Bizarrely Calls COVID-19 a 'European Virus'

$1.6T in century-old Chinese bonds offer Trump unique leverage against Beijing

Biden taps AOC to lead campaign's climate change task force
Just Like Obama: Biden Says He'll "Fundamentally Transform" America.
“Destroying America’s economy is the Democrat plan for stealing a presidency. They can live with the toll a closed economy will take on the lives and well-being of Americans -- it’s a small price to pay for the fundamental transformation of the United States of America they seek.”

Sen. Patty Murray Turns Pandemic Hearing into Partisan Circus. “Winston Churchill… is famously quoted as having said: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” The quote is exactly half-right. The best argument against democracy is actually a five-minute conversation with (Sen. Murray)…..She first got elected to the Senate on a platform of wearing tennis shoes. I wish I were making that up, but I am not.”

Rumor that Sleepy Joe is considering Susan “Benghazi” Rice for VP.

With Oregon considering an economy-threatening 50-cent-per-gallon tax to combat "climate change," Art Robinson contends it's time for a scientist to join the state legislature.

Talk radio WMAL, home to Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, takes No. 1 in liberal DC market

Julie Kelley  5/15

There’s a weird cognitive dissonance happening right now that is as revealing as it is alarming.
Just as we learn more details about all the ways Barack Obama and his henchmen weaponized powerful federal agencies to punish Donald Trump, Americans, oddly, are surrendering their own power to the same type of god-like government authorities under the guise of the common good.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive,” C.S. Lewis wrote. “It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

The effort to stop coronavirus, much like the attempt to stop Donald Trump, has been presented by ardent defenders as their call to duty, a selfless act undertaken not to gratify their lust for power but to protect the public’s best interest. There is no discernible difference between the high-minded hectoring of former FBI Director James Comey and that of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer—their decisions are above scrutiny because, as they often scold their lesser subjects, these decisions are made for your own good. (“Everything I’m doing is trying to save your life,” Whitmer just said in an interview.)

Let’s begin with what now is appropriately called Obamagate. Americans were warned, starting in the summer of 2016, that Donald Trump’s campaign was in cahoots with the Russians to rig the outcome of the presidential election. The basis for that claim, the media and top government officials assured us, was that Russian hackers working on behalf of Vladimir Putin breached the Democratic National Committee’s server, stole thousands of emails, and gave the trove to WikiLeaks. Then Julian Assange, the story goes, dutifully published those damaging documents on his site the week that the Democrats would coronate Hillary Clinton in July 2016. It all was part of a Trump-Russia plot to hurt Clinton and help Trump win, the intelligence community later asserted.

After Trump won, all the smart people warned that the incoming president posed such a threat to the country that any and all measures to mitigate the spread of his Kremlin-tainted rule would be necessary. (See where this is going?) Investigations into the Trump campaign, the Trump family, the Trump Administration and the president himself were necessary to save the republic.
At first we were assured that the FBI did not spy on the Trump campaign—then we found out it did. Top lawmakers insisted evidence of collusion was in plain sight; then Special Counsel Robert Mueller, after two years and $36 million, concluded there was no evidence of collusion in plain sight or anywhere else.

Obama loyalists, many of whom once held the most powerful and influential offices in the country, promised cable news hosts that they knew for a fact Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to influence the 2016 election. But when questioned under oath by congressional Republicans, those same professionals—so bold and confident in front of the camera—confessed behind closed doors that they never saw any proof of such a conspiracy. The so-called dossier was raw intelligence carefully collected by a respected former British spy, the media reported. That material, Comey  later explained, did not comprise the bulk of the evidence presented before a secret court to obtain permission to spy on Carter Page, a Trump campaign aide that the FBI accused of acting as a foreign agent of Russia.

But then we found out that the dossier actually wasn’t real intelligence but fabricated propaganda collected by a foreign political operative who was paid by the Democrats and Hillary Clinton. Oh, and by the way, the dossier did in fact represent most of the evidence in Comey’s FISA application on Carter Page. And Page wasn’t a Russian agent after all.

Unmasking U.S. citizens, top intelligence officials solemnly promised, was a rare occurrence and was only allowed when the circumstances were the most worrisome for the security of the United States. Now, those same officials admit that unmasking the identity of U.S. citizens, including close advisors to an incoming president, is of course a “routine” affair—especially when that advisor endangers the well-being of the nation!

Joe Biden didn’t know anything about the investigation into Lt. General Michael Flynn—but oops, turns out the former vice president made a request to unmask Flynn in January 2017. And according to recently released testimony from an executive of CrowdStrike—the Democrat-connected cybersecurity firm that everyone swore had proof the Russians indeed hacked the DNC server—actually never had proof the Russians hacked the email server. Whoopsie. Everything—and I mean everything—government officials and their media scribes promised was true about Russian collusion was not true. In fact, it was a big fat lie. All of it.

So it’s greatly discomfiting, in the face of this massive and destructive sham, to see millions of Americans submit to the whims of government bureaucrats, elected officials, and “experts” who—much like the collusion hoaxsters—have misled us on the coronavirus threat every step of the way. They’ve leveraged fear and panic to bolster their own power grabs. And as with the collusion ruse, the media breathlessly chases every horror story and doomsday scenario while again predicting the end times for Donald Trump.

Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted in January we shouldn’t be too worried about coronavirus. The lethality of the disease, he wrote in February, was about the same as a bad flu. By March, Fauci claimed the fatality rate was 10 times worse than the flu. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx showed President Trump two scary models that predicted widespread death and disease, nationwide shortages of hospital beds and ICUs, and a woefully inadequate supply of ventilators. They urged the president, as he admits, to “shut everything down” and extend unproven “social distancing” orders that subsequently crashed a red-hot economy.

But the model issued by Imperial College has been roundly condemned by scientists as “crude mathematical guesswork”; the academic responsible for the now-debunked model has resigned in disgrace. The other model—produced by Dr. Chris Murray—has been way off and subjected to multiple iterations with wildly modified projections.

Americans initially were asked to help “flatten the curve” so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system. That seemingly reasonable demand then morphed into “slow the spread” and then “stop the spread.” Now many experts claim our lives cannot return to normal until a vaccine or a cure is available.

Inexplicably, as those grave mistakes and shifting goalposts are exposed, government commands for compliance become more oppressive and destructive—yet many Americans are playing along. Even though Fauci and other “experts” assured us several weeks ago that face masks wouldn’t prevent us from infecting others; that, too, has changed. Americans, either willingly or for fear of being shamed, are wearing useless homemade masks including while driving a car . . . alone. Have we learned nothing the past three years?

My hunch is that once we find the truth about coronavirus, nearly everything we’ve been told to do will turn out to have been wrong. As with Russian collusion, the dire predictions will never materialize. And the public’s trust, once again, will have been shown to be not just misplaced but exploited for political purposes. The moral busybodies working under the pretext of the common good, as C.S. Lewis warned, will have prevailed once again. And we will have been fooled—again.

In this compelling read, Rabbi Fischer has had it:  “As a rabbi of 40 years and a person who believes that most people have the potential for goodness, and who tries to find the good even in people who disappoint until they absolutely close off the possibility of goodness being discovered within them, I now have learned to hate……I hate that Donald Trump never was given a chance to be president of the United States for even one day’s honeymoon. I hate that, long before he won the presidency — fair and square — corrupt crooks and criminals in the United States Department of Justice, its Federal Bureau of Investigation, were actively plotting to take him down. I hate that there are so few outlets in the media that give voice to condemn the criminality and corruption that broke every accepted societal norm by which we play the game. I hate that Obama was in on it,  yet continues to pontificate on what is just and on what threatens freedom.  I hate that they all keep getting away with it. Every single one of them gets away with it. There is absolutely no price to be paid on the left for perjury, for conspiracy to overturn a legitimate election, for treason.”

“They have brought this calamity on themselves.  For some time now, the go-to progressive tactic has been to oversimplify every controversy into a Manichean "narrative" that pits absolute goodness against unspeakable evil.  Among the other purposes that framing Mike Flynn was meant to serve was to show the good angels of St. James Comey and the Mueller team slaying the wicked and traitorous Trump appointee by sheer force of righteousness. The problem now is that Flynn is looking less villainous all the time, and Comey and the special counsel team are stinking more of brimstone than they already did.  Once you've seen that note about "get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired," it's hard to unsee it.”

“Forget burning flags, lynching world leaders in effigy and lying down in the street to stop traffic. The new act of civil disobedience is going to your job. The world has gone completely up-side-down.”
            -Jon Caldara

“Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.”
            -David Burge

Beyond parody: CNN taps 17 year old Greta Thunberg for expert coronavirus panel.
CNN accused of 'egregious misreading' of data from coronavirus survey

Joe Biden would be found guilty of rape under the Title IX standard he supports.

Facebook Puts Soros, Muslim Brotherhood, Activists in Charge of Censorship
Is Twitter Deleting #ObamaGate Tweets? Twitter Users Point out the Hashtag's Odd Activity While It Trends
As the Covid-19 crisis progresses, censorship programs advance, amid calls for China-style control of the Internet.  Atlantic magazine comments on the problems free speech poses:  “In the debate over freedom versus control of the global network, China was largely correct, and the U.S. was wrong.”

Lawsuit in Washington State blames Fox News for coronavirus.  3-year-old group of leftist provocateurs called WASHLITE

“Price is Right” Donates Almost $100,000 to Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

Bloomberg-Founded Gun Control Group Pledges $8M to Turn Texas Blue

Police State Dry Run a Huge Success:   “When the coronavirus landed on our shores, communist China came with it. We have become part of a mass scale human experiment in government control and it turned out that stripping away our freedom wasn’t all that difficult. Under the guise of concern for our health and well-being, tyrants came out of the woodwork.  Our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our lives are being destroyed as the left solidifies and expands their oppressive powers. We’ve been herded around like cattle, threatened, isolated, confined, silenced, and arrested. You name it, it’s happening.”

Wrecking the economy with discredited computer models:  Neil Ferguson, a mathematical epidemiologist at Imperial College London, panicked policy makers around the world when he released his computer model projecting that the coronavirus pandemic would result in 500,000 deaths in the U.K. and 2.2 million in the U.S. It is hard to understand why his pronouncement was accepted so uncritically when he has a history of being wrong. Very wrong….Throughout the country, governors have lost track of the intent of the social distancing guidelines, which were expected to slow, not prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus…Instead of doubling down on social isolation, governors must reopen the economy, protect vulnerable Americans, allow people to get back to work, and provide for their families. Lockdowns, unemployment checks, and federal bailouts are unsustainable and will bankrupt the country. We should not continue wrecking the economy and mortgaging the nation's future over excessive fears created by a discredited computer model.”

‘Unlawful, invalid, unenforceable’: Wisconsin Supreme Court nukes Dem Governor’s lockdown extension

Why It's Ridiculous to Keep Students Home From School This Fall:  “..primary and secondary school students across Europe are (already) returning to classes.”
Poll: Two-thirds of college students want in-person classes this fall even without COVID vaccine

John Lott:  US is dramatically overcounting coronavirus deaths.

The media denounced Georgia for being first state to reopen. Now Georgia reports lowest number of COVID patients in a month.

Wall Street Journal: The Economic Lockdown IS the 'Catastrophe'

“It all boils down to one simple question.  Has the lockdown been worth it?  That depends only partly on science.  There are also three other factors that must go into that answer: 1) economic consequences, 2) constitutional values and 3) moral judgements………This nation has made the biggest blunder in its history.  The time has come for the politicians from the President to the Governors and Mayors to stop hiding behind the scientist/bureaucrats and fully reopen the nation.  Focus on that segment of the population most at risk, without compulsory isolation or de facto imprisonment.  And restore the civil liberties that have been wantonly eroded.”

Cuomo’s COVID-19 Panic Killed Thousands In Nursing Homes, but he’s the media hero.
New York has mismanaged COVID-19 from top to bottom.  “Andrew Cuomo is having the time of his life. His approval ratings are through the roof and he’s being talked about as a replacement for Joe Biden should Joe wander off somewhere without his Visiting Angel, never to be found again…… There is something deeply unsettling about the way Cuomo’s handling of the epidemic has been lionized by the national media, and treated as a reality show by his brother’s network; especially when it’s viewed in tandem with attempts to delegitimize governors in other states who have competently faced down similar challenges.”

Barstool Sports’s Dave Portnoy shutdown rant.  Check it out before it gets removed by Google. Warning: very colorful  #*&$!#  language!

Jobless claims: ANOTHER 2.98 million Americans file for unemployment benefits

New study shows staggering effect of coronavirus pandemic on America's mental health.

Don’t Be Fooled By Official Unemployment Rate Of 14.7%; The Real Figure Is Even Scarier

Study finds 42% of pandemic layoffs will become permanent job losses.

Are Endless Lockdowns the Result of Malice or Stupidity?   “the total loss of life from all societal responses to this disease is likely to be more than 90 times greater than prevented by the lockdowns.”


“It is impossible to overstate the intensity of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that gripped Obama and his aides — a hatred that led to an extraordinary level of entitlement. Out of nothing more than political spite, they were determined to use the transition to get a political adversary fired and prosecuted. Their gross presumption rested entirely upon the undemocratic conceits of an elite that fools itself into thinking that the “rule of law” is synonymous with its will and appetite for power. The media exists to make the railroadings of the ruling class look respectable, but in truth they are no different than those of third-world autocrats. Sober historians will look back at the political espionage of the Obama administration against the incoming Trump administration as the stuff of banana republics.”
Obama's Coup Attempt
Sebastian Gorka explains why Obama had to take out Gen Flynn.
Professor Turley, the last honest democrat:  “There was once a time when this would be viewed as the story of the century, including the unmasking of Biden himself in this investigation. But these are not those times, and this cannot be the story. Russian collusion is the story and, as Biden stressed, the rest is just a diversion. It is up to the public to decide who has been ultimately unmasked by the Flynn investigation.”

Good VDH read:  Unbearable Truths About Our Current Political Moment.

Lloyd Marcus:  Deliver Us from Evil Democrats

The stealth Trump voter: the president's secret weapon.

The 'Let's Roll' Election:   “I do not know whether the times make the man or whether certain men and women rise to shape the events and futures before them.  What does seem indisputable, though, is that Donald Trump has been an unexpectedly effective, instrument for defending freedom from our attackers.  Call him a blunt instrument, call him a president like none before him, but his form of concentrated energy and indomitable spirit have given us a battering ram against our enemies when no other tool would suffice.  If we are ever to achieve any semblance of peace in this country, victory in 2020 is imperative. Only by shocking the world a second time is there any hope that we might awaken a global elite that still refuses to see that we exist.  It has the potential to explode the corrosive status quo once and for all.  It will be like detonating a nuclear bomb as a warning to try us no further.”

If you don’t act, schools will soon be teaching kindergartners that they can be any gender they want.  129,811 valid signatures are due by June 10, 2020. 

Funny Trump campaign site's 404 error page takes opportunity to mock Joe Biden: “You're as lost as I am'”

Good ad by GOP research group America Rising:  “Joe Biden IS the swamp”

Despite multiple warnings from U.S. intelligence officials, multiple Chinese-funded Confucius Institutes still operate on American soil.  Here are the Chinese 'propaganda' centers.  University of Idaho and Portland State, it figures, but Northwest Nazarene????

New Image of Jupiter Peers Beneath Its Clouds

“The great dialectic in our time is not, as anciently and by some still supposed, between capital and labor; it is between economic enterprise and the state.”
       -J. K. Galbraith

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
        -H.L. Mencken


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