Saturday, June 20, 2020

op ed review 6/21

Major stories: Democrats & BLM demonize the police, SCOTUS routs conservatives again, NBC/Comcast tries to defund conservative websites, Antifa/BLM destroy statues and history.

During widespread violence in the aftermath of the unwarranted police killing of George Floyd, more than 800 police officers were shot, stabbed, spit on, hit by cars, cursed, called Nazis, smeared as racists, viciously beaten and seriously injured by bricks and bottles of frozen water hurled at them.
Entire SWAT Team in Florida City Resigns in Response to Police Chief Kneeling with Black Lives Matter Protesters
National Guardsmen found glass in pizza they ordered in Washington DC.
South Carolina National Guardsmen discover shards of glass baked into a pizza
Teen who makes teddy bears for children of fallen officers getting death threats for supporting law enforcement.
Antifa swarms boarded up Portland police central precinct - Tears down American flag. Then they used the rope from the flag to lock cops in precinct building.
New York Police Commissioner announces NYPD will be disbanding entire plainclothes unit. Bongino notes, “criminals don’t commit crimes in front of uniformed officers.”
Seattle Police Union no longer welcome at the King County Labor Council. 
Facebook Says Page Celebrating “Dead Cops” Doesn’t Violate its Community Standards

SCOTUS Routs Conservatives, Again…..Expands the ban of sex discrimination in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sexual orientation and gender identity.  Thanks Gorsuch!
The Supreme Court Just Turned A Law To Protect Women Against Them
Then a few days later, Justice Roberts joined the liberal wing to rule against eliminating the Obama-era DACA program.   “By ruling that President Trump cannot terminate DACA in the same manner that President Obama used to start it, the Court’s decision creates two standards of executive power: one for President Obama and another for President Trump.”
Seven times John Roberts was a leftist hack.
“Supreme Court becomes Supreme Power, overruling President and Congress”

NBC/Comcast and Google Conspire to De-Platform Conservative News Sites
NBC News Reporter Thanks Foreign Groups for 'Collaboration' in Pushing Google to 'Defund' conservative voices.
British Group Tied To Labor Party Is Trying To Take Down American Conservative Websites

Armed South Philly residents guard Columbus statue from vandalism. Leftist mayor calls them ‘vigilantes’, ‘criminal bullies’.
Raging mob of protesters in Albuquerque violently attack and threaten to kill a man protecting a statue, until he pulls out his gun and defends himself. Why is he the one arrested?
Boston’s mayor is in favor of taking down a local statue of President Abraham Lincoln standing before a freed black man.
CNN's Angela Rye: Washington and Jefferson Statues "Need To Come Down"
Right on cue,  statue of George Washington toppled by Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland. The statue and its base were spray-pained with anti-American slogans including the New York Times “1619” propaganda slur. American flags were burned over the statue. Police only showed up after the statue was felled.  Mayor says statue will not return.
Thomas Jefferson statue at Jefferson High School in Portland torn down. You can see the words “Slave Owner” painted where it once stood.
Two historic pioneer statues torn down on University of Oregon campus (“Pioneer Mother”).  “Statues like this were thought to be spread across the west in the early 1930s in order to "celebrate white conquest of the land."
Calls to remove 'racist' Gandhi statue in UK.  "fascist, racist, sexual predator".
Black Lives Matter organizer wants 'offensive' statue of Winston Churchill put into museum.
Pelosi calls for removal of Confederate statues while silent on her father dedicating one as mayor
CNN helpfully compiles list of “unforgivable” statues & place names.
The State Of Texas Delivers A ‘Simple’ Message To Rioters Thinking About Trashing The Alamo.
This is what they will replace statues with:  CHOP Activists Construct Giant Black Power Fist Statue But Can’t Lift It Into Place
Newly Woke Popular Mechanics:   article on “how to topple a statue using science”
George Orwell:  “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

Joe Biden promises to do ‘Everything in My Power’ to defend abortion.  Joe says without irony, it’s a “matter of life and death.”
Planned Parenthood quickly endorses Biden.
Joe Biden once called female Confederacy group 'fine people'.
55% of voters believe Joe Biden is in early stages of dementia.

Schadenfreude overload: Progressive, BLM-supporting Mayor of Olympia, Wash. calls riots ‘domestic terrorism’ after her home is vandalized.

Rayshard Brooks was on probation awaiting result of DUI charge. Partly explains why he went from friendly and cooperative to suddenly violent in Atlanta police shooting.

Hero from “5:17 to Paris” train attack running to unseat liberal Oregon Democrat that votes with AOC 96 percent of the time.  (I gave him a donation, you should too!)

Time to turn off football.  NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell: I Want Colin Kaepernick To ‘Help Us, Guide Us’ On Social Issues

Brute accused of slugging 92 year old Bronx woman has been arrested over 100 times.  Released without bail over and over.

Petition asking DC’s Archbishop Gregory to apologize to President Trump hits 37,000.

GOP swamp?  President Trump wants to pull 9,500 troops from Germany -- the American people agree, but Republican lawmakers (!!??) oppose him citing danger from Russia.??

V-shaped recovery coming from sharpest, shortest recession on record: Morgan Stanley
Retail sales skyrocket in May.  Markets soar
Trump signs an executive order on policing to 'build trust' in law enforcement

Zogby Poll: Trump's gonna win in 2020
Of course there are other polls:  “A new poll puts Joe Biden 14 points ahead of President Trump”
Not reported in the mainstream media:  In Georgia Primary, Trump Gets Over 140,000 More Votes Than Biden.
Trump campaign gets 1 million ticket requests for upcoming Tulsa rally.

RNC Moves The Fun Part of The Convention to Jacksonville, Florida

Washington Referendum 90 makes history:  Despite stay-home orders and restrictions on gathering required by the COVID-19 pandemic, supporters of an effort to repeal a new law on comprehensive sexual education programs in state schools gathered 266,000 signatures, a record-number to put it on the November ballot (more than twice the number required). And they did it strictly with volunteers, their biggest expense in postage to mail out petitions rather than paying signature gatherers.

We Must Stop the Great Unraveling 
Editors, Commentary Magazine 

Across the United States, a great unraveling is in progress. A rolling crime wave, under the guise of social activism, has left city after American city shattered and smoldering. Armed anarchists seized territory inside Seattle with the blessing of local government. In Minneapolis and other cities, a campaign to enfeeble or eliminate the police has gained full legitimacy. In Kentucky, the governor has vowed to provide free health care only to one racial group. In the private sector, companies such as Uber Eats have pledged their commitment to a policy of race-conscious discrimination as well. And major media organs sanction all of the above as proper and good.

The unraveling goes further still. Social-justice mobs have taken aim at freedom of expression, inventing new heresies daily and ruining the lives of those who unwittingly give voice to them. Forced confessions and language proscriptions are the order of the day. Poetry, fiction, movies, and television shows—including children’s cartoons—are canceled and excised from history. Indeed, all art and opinion are now subject to the chopping block lest they prove insufficiently propagandistic.

To rewrite the present, the mob has rewritten the past. They have forced upon us a distorted and grotesque version of American history. With the support of corporations and education boards, school textbooks and curricula tell of an unredeemable America founded not on the promise of human liberty but human bondage. What’s more, this history discounts the transformative progress on racial equality for which Americans—black and white—have given their lives.

Through the violent politicization of all aspects of American life, the mob aims to destroy the country as we know it and replace it with a new one—an anti-America that trades speech for violence, police for thought police, a free press for an indoctrination network, and the respect due the citizen for the obeisance owed the mob.

There is one way to stop the unraveling: Refuse the mob. We have seen again and again that the mob comes only for those who hope to please it. And when it does, no amount of apology will save you. We stand against the mob and all its aims. We stand against the chaos and violence, the silencing of debate, the purging of heretics, the rewriting of history, and the destruction of the greatest country in the world. We will defend the most majestic achievement of humankind, the United States of America, against the most ignoble impulse in human history, to tear down that which is good.

What we stand for: 
*A plurality of opinion in the public square. We affirm that the right to voice a minority opinion is equal in every respect to the right to voice a majority opinion. We therefore reject the public policing of opinion in all its forms. 
*A full airing of available facts and data on all topics. We welcome any impartial findings that may serve to advance discussion. No objective facts are beyond the bounds of deliberation and debate.
*A rejection of cancel culture and all it entails. We renounce enemies lists, online/media mobs, and professional scalp hunts.
*Clear bright lines between speech and violence. We affirm that speech, spoken or written, and no matter how egregious, is not equivalent in any way to violence. Similarly, physical violence is not a mode of speech.
*An absolute rejection of political violence. We affirm that lawless violence, even in the service of a just cause, is wrong—no exceptions or excuses.

We hope you will join us.

“Floyd’s untimely demise is ruthlessly exploited by BLM as yet another example of the “fact” that black men are being murdered wholesale by racist police officers. Might there be at least a scintilla of truth to that explosive charge? Question: How many unarmed African-Americans were shot and killed by police last year? 90,000? 9,000? 900? 90? 9? If you selected "9" you’d be correct. In other words, in the millions of encounters law enforcement had with African-Americans in 2019, only 9 unarmed blacks were killed; and according to police records, a majority of (those) were the outcome of justified police actions. In the same year, 19 unarmed whites were shot dead by police; yet no one hears or even seems to care about these victims, because they don’t fit the Left’s narrative. (Note: The above data is gleaned from the Washington Post’s data base of fatal police shootings; however, after this tally of 9 unarmed black victims was reported by several news outlets, the Post scrambled to reclassify more than a dozen of its armed victims of police shootings as unarmed in an obvious attempt to plump up the number of black victims; still, even the new figure [if it can be trusted] raised the number of unarmed black victims in 2019 to just 15, which comprise just 0.2 percent of all black homicide victims.”

“I'm a conservative, and I agree that black lives matter. Why is this even controversial? Conservative's policies, values, and principles have demonstrated over the decades our deep concern and compassion for black lives, black futures, black upward mobility, and black educational progress. Meanwhile, progressive policies put in practice in Democratic-controlled cities across America and the national education system from K through graduate school have created, nurtured, and empowered the most devastatingly racist outcomes in the past century for black Americans. Why should conservatives take a back-seat on these issues to the failed progressive leftists who have allowed decades of squalor and urban decay from Baltimore to Detroit to Los Angeles while enjoying one-party domination and control? Make no mistake; left-wing Democrats have had free reign and completely unencumbered power to institute any policy they've wanted in every major city in America since the late 1960s and look at the state of African-Americans in those cities today.”

“What should be taught is that America’s and the Western world’s uniqueness did not lie in having slaves. Slavery was universal. Therefore, the morally serious person asks who abolished slavery, not who practiced it. But the left … is not now, nor ever has been, morally serious.”
                   -Dennis Prager

“For the last 60 years, American liberals have promised African Americans that their policies would make things better. They were wrong and their policies have failed miserably. That’s why the Left has to spread hatred and division. And that’s why they’re lying about this country and its history. They have nothing positive to offer today. Their only hope is to persuade Americans to give up and turn on each other.”
                      -Laura Ingraham

“This week the Supreme Court did more damage to the rule of law and the Constitution than the rioters in the streets.”
                    -Mark Levin

“I'm Your Emotional Support Animal: Navigating Our All Woke, No Joke Culture” by Adam Corolla.  Tucker says, “As the revolution reaches its final, most humorless stage, there’s no better, braver, or more insightful observer than Adam Carolla. You may feel despondent about what’s happening right now. This book will remind you that you should also be amused.”

Bestseller:  “Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War”   by Prof. Wilfred Reilly. Examines over one hundred widely publicized incidents of so-called hate crimes that never actually happened. With a critical eye and attention to detail, Reilly debunks these fabricated incidents…..and explores why so many Americans are driven to fake hate crimes. We're not experiencing an epidemic of hate crimes, Reilly concludes—but we might be experiencing an unprecedented epidemic of hate crime hoaxes.

Monday, June 15: Tucker Had the Most-Watched Show in All of Prime-Time TV
“The media, in their relentlessly fawning coverage, usually described Black Lives Matter as an activist group or a protest movement. But that's deception by understatement. Black Lives Matter is not a collection of marchers with signs. It's not a conventional political lobby like Planned Parenthood or the NRA. It's not pressuring Congress to pass some narrow new set of laws. Black Lives Matter is far more ambitious than that. It is working to remake the country and then to control it. It's a political party. As of now, Black Lives Matter may be the single most powerful political party in the United States. Nobody says that out loud, but politicians understand it perfectly well. If nothing else, they understand power; they can smell it at great distances. And that's why they're lining up to bow before Black Lives Matter.”

“There's a reason racial tension is rising in America - it's by design”

“You know what white guilt to me is? White guilt is low-expectation racism, that’s all it is. You see white people all concerned for black people, ‘Ah, you know…you guys can never be accomplished in this country because of what we did to you.’    To me, that white guilt, that virtue-signaling, that’s an issue, a big issue in this country now on the Left, on the liberal side of things.  A lot of my conservatives, white people on the conservative side of things, they don’t look at me and feel, oh so sorry for me, or I’m not capable of being accomplished or being successful…..They have respect for me as a fellow American citizen. And that’s all I ask for as an American citizen. Mutual respect. I don’t need you to cower down, take a knee down for me. I don’t need you to kiss my boots or nothing like that….Just treat me like a fellow American, I’ll do the same to you, we’ll keep it moving….conservatives give me that (while) people on the Left…look down on me.”

Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative; Berkeley History Dept. denounces letter:  “…goes against our values as a department and our commitment to equity and inclusion..”
“Its authenticity was confirmed by Kentucky State University Assistant Professor of Political Science, Wilfred Reilley, who says he was sent a copy of the letter along with Stanford University economist Thomas Sowell.”
The letter:  “……It shouldn't affect the strength of my argument above, but for the record, I write as a person of color. My family have been personally victimized by men like Floyd. We are aware of the condescending depredations of the Democrat party against our race. The humiliating assumption that we are too stupid to do STEM, that we need special help and lower requirements to get ahead in life, is richly familiar to us. I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be easier to deal with open fascists, who at least would be straightforward in calling me a subhuman, and who are unlikely to share my race. The ever-present soft bigotry of low expectations and the permanent claim that the solutions to the plight of my people rest exclusively on the goodwill of whites rather than on our own hard work is psychologically devastating. No other group in America is systematically demoralized in this way by its alleged allies. A whole generation of black children are being taught that only by begging and weeping and screaming will they get handouts from guilt-ridden whites…..”  (must read)

Lt. Col Allen West:  “When I was born, the traditional two-parent household in the black community was nearly 77%. There were thriving Black-owned businesses all throughout our community, including Citizens Trust Bank, black owned. Compare my inner-city experience to what is happening today…..Today, only 24% of black kids have mom and dad in the home. Matter of fact, Black Lives Matter has deemed the traditional nuclear family an extension of white supremacy.…..(We must) recognize the devastation that Lyndon Johnson’s irrational foray into massive government welfare has had upon our urban population centers……The real issue is the “soft bigotry of low expectations.” That has resulted in the decimation and utter despondency we witness in American inner cities, controlled by Democrats over the past six decades…Yes, there are bad cops….However, the cancer that we are dealing with, not the symptom, is the breakdown of the family, destruction of educational opportunity, and thwarting of economic opportunity……The real discussion about racism should be about the policies that have turned American inner cities into combat zones, literally.”

Dr. Glenn Loury, economist, academic, and author:  “The main threat to the quality of life of people living in black areas is the criminal behavior of their fellow citizens, most of whom happen to be black. Black people in American cities are victims of rape, robbery, and murder to a very significant degree, and the perpetrators are almost always black. The protection of life and property is the most important task of the state, and many African-Americans cannot feel safe in their homes. The police are part of the solution to this problem. Black people need the police more than other people do.”

Video:  Citizens of #CHAZ in Seattle chase off black man carrying American flag  Call him a race traitor & imperialist b*tch over the megaphone.  One person threw beer onto him and the flag.  While a crowd continued to form yelling black lives matter.

Andre Archie:  “Systemic racism” is not what ails Black America

Lloyd Marcus:  “BLM at War With America”

Pastor Darrell Scott leads the National Diversity Coalition (NDC) for Trump:

Pastor Aubrey Shines:  “The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.”

Everything you need to know about BLM.  Among a long list, “Cop Hate is critical and central to BLM’s strategy, because by vilifying the police, by portraying individual officers and departments in general as racist, despite clear evidence refuting “systemic” charges, it will achieve the objective of harming the principle of the rule of law. That is vital. And when that happens, the Left will strike and strike hard, and in many places, strike with impunity.”

“The folks at Black Lives Matter are really worried about black deaths. Not most black deaths, not even very many black deaths, mind you, but only that tiny fraction of a percent of blacks who have died at the hands of (presumably) white cops. Those are the only deaths that boil the blood of the folks at Black Lives Matter and spark the riotous mobs that loot and burn our Democrat-run cities.”

Evangelical pastors pander to radical Black Lives Matter

Chick-Fil-A CEO loses his mind,  says white people should find black strangers, go up to them, and shine their shoes to show repentance for their sins of racism. “By shining shoes, white Americans can express shame, embarrassment, humility and contrition.”

Black Lives Matter for Democrats — But Only During the Six Months Before an Election  “Part of what made the Black Civil Rights movement successful is that it gave birth to real heroes: Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers. The movement was led by people of honor and dignity and pursued the goals of freedom and equal justice under the law with a focused commitment to effectuating peaceful change……Today’s ersatz socialist-communist-anarchist call for tearing down America, defunding police and ICE, looting stores and pillaging and burning down neighborhoods is NOT THAT MOVEMENT.”

That was then, this is now.  Leaked 2015 Memo Warned Democrats: Don't Back ‘Radical' Black Lives Matter

“A maniacal Twitter storm from a leftist blogger laid out the belief system that undergirds the (new Left) movement…..”It’s time we acknowledge that conservatism isn’t just some political view. It means you’re the very bottom rung of society, dangerous and deranged. Some conservatives are trying to become better people. Great. But people who flaunt their conservatism are psychotic.”
“Conservatism means you don’t believe in equality. It means you want it all for yourself, and you’re willing to destroy other groups of people to take it all for yourself. That’s not a crime against the law. But it’s a crime against humanity – and we must acknowledge as much.”
“Conservatives CANNOT be teachers, police officers, doctors, lawyers, coaches, or bosses. It’s constitutionally unfair to others who are subjected to the conservative’s deranged judgment. Conservatives can do menial work, until they’re ready to join the human race.”
“We shouldn’t be cold hearted about this. But having a conservative as police officer, for instance, isn’t much different from having a KKK member as a police officer. It’s just not something that a civilized society can ever, ever tolerate.”
“We should rehabilitate any conservatives who are willing to try. We should pay for them to undergo therapy and retraining so they can understand the world around them. But first we must get them out of positions of influence, because they’re infringing on the rights of others.”

Rare honesty from a liberal, Matt Taibbi:  “It feels liberating to say after years of tiptoeing around the fact, but the American left has lost its mind. It’s become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness. The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation. They are counting on the guilt-ridden, self-flagellating nature of traditional American progressives, who will not stand up for themselves, and will walk to the (guillotine) voluntarily. They’ve conned organization after organization into empowering panels to search out thoughtcrime, and it’s established now that anything can be an offense, from a UCLA professor placed under investigation for reading Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” out loud to a data scientist fired from a research firm for -- get this – retweeting an academic study suggesting nonviolent protests may be more politically effective than violent ones!”

Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, claims  "The US Didn't Inherit Slavery From Anybody. We Created it".  Breathtaking ignorance.
CNN’s Don Lemon asks 'how can you not be racist' if you grew up in America?

Teen Vogue magazine tweets “Welcome to Marx!,” promoting a 2018 article hailing Karl Marx as a “legend” and adding that the communist philosopher’s ideas “are more prevalent than you might realize.”

The wealthy stars in Beverly Hills support large Black Lives Matter protests — provided they’re held elsewhere. City tells BLM protesters to scram; gatherings limited to 10 at night for 'tranquility'

Newspapers ditching mugshot galleries amid concerns they “advance negative stereotypes.”
Duluth MN pushes to remove 'chief' from job titles, calling it offensive to indigenous people.

Amid racial tensions in the United States, colleges and universities across the country have a new favorite metaphor: comparing the “virus of racism” to the novel virus that has upended the country. 
King County Board of Health declares racism to be a “public health crisis.”

Poll: 55% Of Democrats Support Defunding The Police

Far Left Lawyer who Torched NYPD Vehicle During Riots Was Intern for Soros-funded anti-Israel Group.

Meet the Gun Club Patrolling Seattle’s Leftist Utopia Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)

Wokeness & The Endarkenment:  “Science and math will always be safe from the ideologues. That’s what some people thought. They were fools.”

Thank education system for this:  “Young Americans Less Patriotic Than Ever Before”

There is No Greater Threat to This Civilization Than Modern Universities…. With far too few exceptions, college campus culture has become little more than a radicalizing agent seemingly designed for the sole purpose of deprogramming its clientele of any appreciation or respect for the history, heritage, accomplishments, and values of Western society. It has become an intellectual dumping ground for radical theories and failed ideologies, espoused as gospel from the lecterns of professors whose expertise is confined to the narrow bubble of academia alone – a bubble that is dangerously insulated from the hard realities of real life, and immune from the responsibility to adjust or rethink positions that prove untenable in practice….

The rise of activist professors has shaped the culture in higher ed for decades. As activists have become more prominent, a familiar process has changed academic departments, pushing scholars out and replacing them with professors who think in political terms and prioritize social change….The politicization problem doesn’t stay within one or two marginal departments, either—it creeps across the many arms of the university and beyond.

Oxford University to ‘decolonize’ math and science degrees, give more lenient grading to those affected by Black Lives Matter.

How Our Anti-American Education System Made Riots Inevitable

Defund colleges, not cops.

John Lott:  Academia’s Push to Fire Even the Few Academics Who Don’t Tow the Leftist Line

Ivy League Professor Says Intimidation Campaigns Gaining Ground On Campus

The Left’s Premature Revolution

“Seattle’s tolerance of a violent takeover of part of its city will haunt it for years, if not decades. Other cities that continue down this same road will also regret it. In a future America, hopefully by then shorn of this far-left madness, the rational ones among us will wonder how so many supposedly educated people could have so lost their minds.”

Leftists Claim They Want Revolution, But They Underestimate The Conservative Majority
‘We’re thinking landslide’: Beyond D.C., GOP officials see Trump on glide path to reelection

“The Floyd case need not be President Trump's Katrina. Only by abasing himself, apologizing, or offering reparations can he make it so. All he need do to retain conservative support is to stick to the truth: Americans are not racists, American police are overwhelmingly honest and decent, and America offers more opportunity and freedom for all its people than any nation on Earth.
So far, the president has stuck to his guns, despite pressure from the left. By doing so, he will retain his conservative base and win re-election in the fall.”

How Arizona GOP Sen. Martha McSally Plans To Overcome Great Odds In November.  (It would be disastrous to lose Arizona’s 2nd Senate seat….I’m a donor)

The plight of blacks who believe in America’s promise:   “If you think that the war that Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other leftists are waging against white people is bad, you should see the war that those same groups are waging against black people who don’t toe the party line. They are viewed as race traitors.

Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity

Lara Logan: Retired Generals Waging Information Warfare against Trump
Trump Is a Threat to the Constitution? Really, General Mattis?

Democrats (Accidentally) Make The Case Against Teachers’ Unions

Newt Gingrich: “Our choice in November will not be between President Trump and President Perfection. It will be between President Trump and a nightmare that would end America as we have known it.”

A viral video reveals the black lives that Black Lives Matter destroyed

Tennessee deputy thanks 2 black women for buying him breakfast at Cracker Barrel: 'Black lives matter, but so does yours!'

The Week in Pictures: Systemic Meme Edition

Minneapolis Issues Map Showing Extent Of Buildings Damaged In Unrest Over George Floyd’s Death….700 buildings burned, damaged or destroyed.

These poor kids are going to have to find a new name for their band.  “Cotton Pickin’ Kids” debut 1st album.  Phrase no longer acceptable.

“All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.”
           -Ellen Glasgow (1873-1945)


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