Saturday, June 13, 2020

op ed review 6/14

Antifa Sets Up ISIS-Style Insurrectionary State on Capitol Hill in Seattle.  “You are now leaving the USA”.
New York Times thinks it’s great:  “Part street fair, part commune.” Good revolutionary fun, like students taking over the admin building.
Seattle Mayor Durkan says she hopes this spawns another “summer of love”, the 1967 birth of the counterculture movement in San Francisco.
The new nation of “CHAZ” demands elimination of the Seattle Police Dept., closing of prisons, free public housing, free college for all, and citizenship for illegal aliens.
Biggest media story in the country, but Governor Inslee claims he wasn’t aware of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle, his state’s largest city.
Socialist Councilwoman Unlocks Doors For Protesters To Flood Seattle City Hall, Demand Democrat Mayor Resign Amid Calls To Defund Police
Watching in real time as Seattle descends into anarchy.

New York Times Columnist Demands White People Shun Family Members Who Don’t Support Black Lives Matter
White children 'don't deserve innocence': CNN guest pushes pounding shame into kids at a young age
Blue Lives Matter website to be shut down because it offends the Left.
The top editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer has resigned after his "Buildings Matter, Too" headline.
NYT editorial page editor has to resign after publishing an op-ed by Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton arguing that the government should “send in the troops” as a last resort in response to the wave of riots and looting that swept the country. 
“The thought police are seizing control of America’s liberal newsrooms”

California Homes Flying American Flags Targeted by Arsonists
Georgia "protesters" track down police to their homes, firebomb vehicles.
Drew Brees is on his 3rd apology for defending the American flag.
NBC News Publishes Op-Ed Saying Our American Flag Means Nothing…. “It’s a flag of conquest for white people, not of mercy or freedom for all.”
NFL now says they were WRONG for 'not listening' to Colin Kaepernick's protests.
Calls for the NFL to “drop national anthem, embrace change”
Etsy Joins Amazon, Selling ‘Blue Lives Murder’ Merchandise
Father of six fired from his job at a Catholic high school for calling out looters and rioters. One of his children has a disability and is recovering from major brain surgery. “We’re watching America burn and the Church is kneeling to extremists.”
After 30 years, the TV show “Cops” has been canceled; a casualty of the George Floyd protests.  “too sympathetic to the officers.”  The popular “Live PD” also cancelled.
The Left denounces the popular children’s show “Paw Patrol” as "copaganda" for portraying the police in a positive light.
Lego pulls all ads for police and White House related toys, promises to donate $4M for “social justice”
Washington Post: Let's cancel all the cop shows on TV
LA Mayor appears to call cops “killers.”  LAPD union calls Mayor “unstable”
Deputy Killed, 2 Other Officers Shot in California Ambush
Minneapolis City Council Promises to Abolish the Police; 'Police-free Future'
LA homicides up by 250 percent over last week, LAPD reports
Shootings and murders rise dramatically in NYC last week.
Nearly 300 New York City officers have been injured amid protests, police say.
Chicago’s most violent day in 60 years: 18 murders in 24 hours.  From Friday night to Sunday night,  25 people were killed in the city, with another 85 wounded by gunfire.  “Most homicide victims in Chicago are young, black men, and the suspects are, too.” Black lives should matter, but no protests over this.

This is what really frightens Democrats:  Rasmussen: Black Approval For Trump Surges to Over 40%. 
GOP showcases record number of women, minorities running for Congress in 2020
Poll: Eight in 10 want police funding increased or maintained.
Poll: 56% Of Americans Believe Police Are Behaving Appropriately Or Not Being Aggressive Enough

Donations, Including International Funding, to Go Directly to the DNC - This Is Money Laundering.
Mayhem made in Venezuela?: Take a look at the photos of BLM leaders whooping it up with Nicolas Maduro in Harlem and Caracas.
Trump Campaign to Resume Iconic MAGA Rallies Within Weeks

Outrage at congressional Democrats wearing kente cloth and kneeling for 8 minutes at the Capitol: 'So Woke it Actually Feels Racist'

Liberals in charge of the military now:  SecDef Esper Orders National Guard in D.C. to Disarm, Wear Caps Not Helmets

The Trump recovery is ahead of schedule, economy adds 2.5 million jobs in May, largest one month jump in history.
‘Astonishing’: Dumbfounded economists struggle to describe today’s jobs report surprise.

Peter Kirsanow, longest serving member of the US Civil Rights Commission:  “The riots are a result of the narrative that the Floyd and Arbery killings are but the latest of increasing examples of innocent blacks being disproportionately shot by white cops and targeted by racist white civilians. The narrative is played hourly on cable news shows. It’s embellished by major newspapers across the country. Cynical and opportunistic politicians advance it every election cycle. Hollywood perpetuates the narrative in television and theaters. It’s a mantra of high-school teachers and college professors, regardless of academic discipline. Major corporations apologize for their nebulous complicity. The narrative is a staple of diversity and inclusion offices. It’s ubiquitous on social media. The narrative has been repeated so frequently, so universally, that it’s an unassailable given, a fact not to be challenged. Indeed, it’s an article of faith which, if questioned, exposes the heretic to rage, venom, and ostracization. Some fear losing their jobs. Best therefore, not to even consider questioning the narrative. (But) the narrative is false. In fact, it’s not just false, it’s upside down. And it’s been false for quite some time.”

Civil rights veteran Shelby Steele: The Idea Of ‘Systemic Racism’ Is A ‘Corruption,’ Blacks ‘Have Never Been Less Oppressed’ In America
“(George Floyd) validates their claims that America is a wretched country….it feeds this old model of operation that we’ve developed that America is guilty of racism, guilty of this sin and has been for four centuries and minorities are victims who are entitled. And so when people start to talk about systemic racism built into the system, what they’re really doing is expanding the territory of entitlement: We want more; we want more; we want the society to give us more to help us. Society is responsible for us because racism is so systemic. Well, that’s a corruption; it’s a corruption because the truth of the matter is, blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. Opportunity is around every corner.”

Top 10 Reasons I Won't Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
Ryan Bomberger  6/5
>The premise isn’t true.  I hate racism. And I hate when it’s used as a political weapon. According to the FBI’s latest homicide statistics, I’m 11 times more likely to be killed by someone of my own brown complexion than a white person. Also, a comprehensive 2019 National Academy of Sciences study concluded: “White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers.” Every loss of life is tragic, but Washington Post’s database on police-involved deaths puts things into further context. In 2020, among those killed were (all males): 2 Native Americans, 9 Asians, 46 Hispanics, 76 blacks, 149 unlabeled individuals and 149 whites (whose deaths don’t get reported by national mainstream media). Only nine black individuals were actually unarmed.
>There is no goal of forgiveness or reconciliation. None. It’s never mentioned on their sites. You can’t talk about the sins of the past and expect to move forward if there is no intention of forgiveness……
>They completely ignore fatherhood. From BLMF: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” Well, every “village” that has fatherless families is a village that suffers higher crime rates, higher drug usage, higher abortion rates, higher drop-out rates, higher poverty rates, and so much more. #DadsMatter.
>They demand reparations. Ok. Sooooo, I guess the white half of me will have to pay the black half of me? If progressives want to push reparations, start with the Party of Slavery and Jim Crow—the Democrat Party!....
>They want to abolish prisons and police forces. And…cue utter chaos. MFBL asserts: “We believe that prisons, police and all other institutions that inflict violence on Black people must be abolished...” Defund and remove the police have been rallying cries. That would be anarchy in any community. I advocate some needed police reforms and better community/police relations, but this is just foolishness. 
>They are anti-capitalism. “We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.”
>Colin Kaepernick supports it. A “biracial” adoptee, Kaepernick is now obsessed with his “blackness.” He idolizes the late murderous Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and worships Malcolm X (just see his social media feeds). Malcolm X was anti-integration, pro-violence and a member of the virulently racist Nation of Islam (who forced him out). Kaepernick makes millions from Nike—a company whose entire Executive Leadership Team is white (isn’t this white supremacy???)—that makes its shoes in the most murderous regime in the world. Kaepernick, of course, is completely silent on that. But you know, #SocialJusticeWarrior.
>Apparently, not all black lives matter. Pro-abortion BLMF declared: “We deserve and thus we demand reproductive justice [aka abortion] that gives us autonomy over our bodies and our identities while ensuring that our children and families are supported, safe, and able to thrive.” Aborted children don’t thrive. BLM groups announced “solidarity” with “reproductive justice” groups back in February 2015. You cannot simultaneously fight violence while celebrating it.

Candace Owens, not afraid of controversy, sets social media on fire:
“There were so many emotions and so much pressure for me to go with the popular opinion about who George Floyd was…..We are being sold a lot of lies at the detriment to the black community, at the detriment to the white community and at the detriment to America as a whole. So, I want to come out and say that I do not support George Floyd and the media’s depiction of him as a martyr for black America,” Owens continued, going on to note something written by American conservative author Shelby Steele who said that the black culture is unique because it is the only community that caters “to the bottom denominator of our society.”  “Not every black American is a criminal. Not every black American is committing crimes. But we are unique in that we are the only people that fight and scream and demand support for the people in our community that are up to no good……..You would be hard-pressed to find a Jewish person who has spent five stints in prison, who commits a crime and dies while committing a crime and that the Jewish people demand justice for…..What I am saying is not any defense for Derek Chauvin…..The family of George Floyd deserves justice for the way that he died but I also am not going to accept the narrative that this is the best the black community has to offer. For whatever reason, it has become fashionable over the last five or six years for us to turn criminals into heroes overnight. It is something I find despicable…”

“Why are the cities burning? African Americans have been a part of our history since our nation’s founding -- they fought for independence. They are found on the Supreme Court, in military leadership, as prominent mayors, Members of Congress, academics, authors, cabinet secretaries, ambassadors, police chiefs, surgeons, business owners, entertainers, athletes, astronauts, and CEOs. A 75% white America even voted twice to choose an African American leader. If so much progress has been made, why are the nation’s cities -- some led by African American mayors, with a diverse police force often led by non-white police chiefs -- burning?
Could this be the end result of choices made over time by some of our leaders to bankrupt America and African-Americans economically, morally, educationally, and spiritually?

'Defund the police'? The method to the Left’s madness
“Dismantling the police, a measure already proposed in Minneapolis, makes about as much sense as eliminating doctors or farmers, and would likewise lead to pain and death. But if there is method to the madness, and I suspect there is in some Machiavellian quarters, it’s perhaps this: Certain leftists want to eliminate the police because they want to become the police. Or, at least, they want their foot soldiers to fill that role…..if you’re a power seeker, you attack those whose power you want for yourself. And upon attaining police power, enforcing a political agenda becomes much easier.”

“More than the rampant looting and the street battles, more than the clashes between police and protesters, these scenes of white people genuflecting in mass public affirmations of their own guilt is the key to understanding where all this is headed. The model at work here is the Chinese Cultural Revolution, with its mass “struggle sessions” in which anyone deemed insufficiently sympathetic to the proletariat, or thought to have an excessively bourgeois lifestyle, was subjected to public humiliations, paraded through the streets, assaulted, denounced, and put on display as objects of scorn.”

“Do some people really think that the impeachment, the corona-gulag, and the riots all occurred in America one after another in a completely random pattern of events? Why did pre-planned and synchronized riots and looting suddenly arise? Because the adventure with the coronavirus hysteria failed. Why did the coronavirus hysteria suddenly lead to a corona-gulag being created? Because the impeachment failed. Why did impeachment suddenly arise? Because "Russiagate" failed. Why did "Russiagate" arise? Because leftism was defeated in the 2016 elections. The preparatory work has been well done, comrade Democrats!.....In 2020, the Democrats managed to simultaneously shoulder on America the analog of the 1918 epidemic, the analog of the 1929 depression, and the analog of the 1968 riots..”

“As this once great land descends even further into this “check your privilege” wokescold madness the lawless not only want to govern your actions, but your thoughts as well. What so many are hailing as a transformative moment in American history is really a dystopian thought-policing nightmare.”
          -Stephen Kruiser

“In Their Own Words”  - by Terry Turchie, Donagh Bracken    “…a chilling account of how our society is swerving far left into a socialist form of Government, where liberty and due process give way to socialist agendas. Corrupting the Department of Justice and the FBI is a step in the process. The authors have done a masterful job of plotting this dangerous course. We stand in the Abyss”    -Danny Coulson, Deputy Assistant Director, FBI, Retired.

Wed. monologue:  ….this is a dark moment in the history of the country. People will attack you if you dare to tell the truth. They'll denounce you. They'll target your family. They'll try to turn your friends against you and deny you the ability to earn a living. The only solution in the face of something like this is to tell the truth unapologetically. On Monday night, we told you that the mass movement engulfing America right now run by the left isn't really about protecting black lives. Certainly, there are many sincere people participating who think that it is. But the people running it -- no, it's not. That's 100 percent true. How do we know that? Well, right now, the chief demand of the Black Lives Matter movement is to get rid of the police-- defund them or abolish them entirely. Police, not criminals, they say, are the greatest threat to the well-being of African-Americans -- and THAT is a lie.”

Star Parker:  Don’t tell me I am indifferent to George Floyd’s death. Poor police behavior must be punished. A good start is to diminish the influence of police unions. But the only systemic racism that poisons and divides our country is the insistence of the powerful to see everyone through the lens of race, placing one’s race ahead of one’s humanity. The result is the isolation and separation of the “black community” that they claim to care so much about from the community of the nation and the entire community of God.

“If black Americans are victims of anything, it is that they live in a country that has become a wasteland of moral relativism.”
             -Star Parker

Law-and-Order African Americans Stand With Trump
Black Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose Defunding the Police

Terry Crews Warns Against ‘Black Supremacy’; Gets Slammed With Backlash

Larry Elder:  “Black lives matter. Black businesses, not so much……The No. 1 cause of preventable death for young white men is accidents, like car accidents and drownings. The No. 1 reason for death, preventable or otherwise for young black men, is homicide, almost always at the hands of another young black man.”

Walter Williams:  “While it might not be popular to say in the wake of the recent social disorder, the true plight of black people has little or nothing to do with the police or what has been called "systemic racism."  Instead, we need to look at the responsibilities of those running our big cities.”

A brave Wash. D.C. resident and USAF reservist confronts Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters at a demonstration , calling them “hypocrites.” “Black Lives Matter is a joke. You are the racists,” said Nestride Yumga, an American citizen originally from Africa. “Go to Chicago…..they die every day. They don’t matter [to you] because you can’t get attention from that,” she told protesters. “I’m proud of my country, and I don’t want my country to be portrayed like this….I am not oppressed.”

Rev. Bill Owens: ‘Civil Rights Movement Hijacked by Manipulative Politicians’

“Nothing to Lose: Unlikely Allies in the Struggle for a Better Black America” Pastor Darrell Scott demolishes entrenched stereotypes and political boundaries with his candid, revealing, and often surprising story: how a devout Christian and African American has become one of President Donald Trump’s leading supporters and advisors.

Political director for NBC News, Chuck Todd, seems to agree with guest that nation ‘Will Not Survive’ Trump reelection.
Broadcast nets spend over 700 minutes on George Floyd protests, 5 minutes on riot deaths.
While Defending Rioters, The Media Ignores Slain Black Police Officers
“This isn't just about lockdowns and riots. This is about a long-standing plan to deconstruct America. This is a revolution. At least that's what the radical left hopes it is.”

Remember Hillary’s deplorables? Joe Biden says '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'
More deplorables:  Hillary Clinton questions how anyone 'with a beating heart and a working mind' supports Trump.

In the UK, 'Topple The Racists' website has named 78 statues and monuments that 'celebrate slavery and racism' and must be removed.  Among those: Lord Baden Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts.  “Former Scouts, some from more than 100 miles away, had rushed to Dorset and formed a ring of steel around the bronze monument…”

Mizzou Students Demand Removal of 'Racist' Thomas Jefferson Statue

“If you thought “abolish the police”—or it’s more moderate iteration, “defund the police”—was just some asinine slogan blue-check journalists, woke academics, and pandering public officials post on Twitter to show they support the Black Lives Matter movement, then you’re not keeping up with the revolution.”

“…..why are so many people acting as if it were their knee, not Derek Chauvin’s, that pressed down on George Floyd? The answer lies in the concerted effort of radical leftists and their unwitting accomplices to normalize the collectivization of guilt.”

“Is it a sin to be white?”  Jesuit magazine calls on “white Catholics especially, to conversion, repentance and reconciliation.” Apparently, every white Catholic must go to confession and seek forgiveness for the systemic societal and cultural violence he has supposedly inflicted onto the black community. Apparently, white Catholics are culpable in such social sin due merely to the color of their skin.
“The riots have exposed the depth of America’s civilizational crisis. Yet where are the supposed religious leaders of that civilization to decry it? They are difficult to find. To the extent that clergy have been visible at all in the crisis, they emerged not to stop the mob but to join it.”
From Israel:  “Being white has been turned into a form of original sin which the West has accepted, and it is madly engaging in a mass penance.…grotesque Western infantility”

1,200 “public health officials” say it’s not OK to protest the economic shutdown from the coronavirus pandemic, but it’s fine to do so if you’re denouncing “white supremacy.” Because that is “vital to the national public health.”

CDC estimates COVID-19 death rate of 0.26%.  USAToday didn’t like this number; felt compelled to fact check the CDC. ??

Up to 80% not even susceptible to Covid-19

The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal:  “….where many see disaster, others see opportunity…..ambitious activists see the lockdown as a blueprint or dress rehearsal for a total energy, economic and lifestyle transformation to “save the planet.” If three months of Covid lockdowns can reduce fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions, they argue, permanent fossil fuel bans are not just possible; they should be undertaken immediately.”

Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is 'very rare,' WHO says.  Whoops, that would mean the lockdowns were unnecessary…..WHO doctor walks back the story the next day.

“Law Enforcement Is Not the Enemy:  Trite though it is, the sensitivities of our time nonetheless deem it necessary to preach the axiom that there are some bad cops. The self-hating elites in our ruling class would have us believe that this is some sort of profound insight. It is not. There are some bad cops, just as there are some bad teachers, accountants and grocery clerks.……. The overwhelming majority of cops in America today are good people who put their lives on the line every day to defend the rule of law in the most just nation ever conceived. Stop rioting and be grateful for what you have.”
An open letter to a protester from a Baltimore County police officer

“An August 2019 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found “no significant evidence of antiblack disparity in the likelihood of being fatally shot by police,” and “the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group, the greater the chance that a member of that group will be fatally shot by a police officer.” Sadly, blacks commit more than 50 percent of homicides, mostly on their own race, yet they make up just 13 percent of the population. The only thing preventing a more tragic outcome is the same police force leftists want to dissolve…..”

Ret. Marine General James Mattis, who served as Trump's defense secretary, resigned over a year ago but has apparently been nursing a grudge since then. Last week, he took to the pages of the left-wing Atlantic magazine to air that grievance. Mattis revealed a small mind. His facts were wrong and his arguments foolish and simplistic. The Democrat media, of course, celebrated the article despite its fundamental flaws.  Retired Marine captain John M. Dowd, however, decided that he wasn't going to sit there and take that nonsense, so he struck back. What he wrote is red meat for conservatives and Trump-supporters.
Gorka:  General Mattis Has Betrayed the Marines and America

Hayward: Democrats Embrace the ‘Four Stages of Ideological Subversion’

Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record

The 17 people who have died in the protests and riots so far, most of them black.

Handy Dandy List Of Organizations Funded By George Soros

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
           -John Adams


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