Saturday, August 22, 2020

op ed review 8/23

A series of anti-poverty billboards sponsored by a Black conservative group urged young people to finish school, get a job, get married, save money, and give back to your neighborhood.  Apparently, that advice was too inflammatory for Milwaukee, site of the DNC Convention. The “Tired of Poverty” billboards, were removed this week by Clear Channel Outdoor after complaints and “fears for the safety of their employees and property”.

“4 Days of Misery”  “Watching the Democrat Convention left me with one thought: My goodness, Democrats are angry. Every speech at the DNC was vile and filled with the most terrible, awful, nasty anti-American rage.”
“In watching the DNC Convention one thing strikes me over and over again – Democrats really don’t like this country and the people in it… was surprising to see them be so open about it; proud of it, really.”
A speaker at the DNC Monday evening advised viewers they could either “rise or kneel” for the playing of the National Anthem.
Whoops. The illegal immigrant mother whom Democrats used at their convention this week as a case study of cruelty in President Trump’s policies was deported under the Clinton administration and flagged for deportation under the Obama-Biden administration.
There’s an unwritten but widely followed rule in politics: When you can’t win an election on the issues, lie. When lying doesn’t work, lie until it does. On the night Democrats officially nominated Joe Biden, they presented America with a two-hour marathon of misleading claims, outright lies and hypocrisy.
DNC LGBTQ Caucus Member Says: 'We're Talking About Abolishing Police, Abolishing ICE and Abolishing Prisons'
Sen. Kennedy: “Democrats Message Is 'Work Hard So We Can Take the Money You Earn & Give It to Someone Who Didn't'”
This is rich:  Hillary Clinton Implies 'Foreign Adversary' Could Help Trump Steal Election
On the same night he speaks to DNC, new photos show Bill Clinton getting massage from Epstein accuser.
Real classy people at DNC:   Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on 'Hot Mic':  mouths the word “Motherf******”
Can’t make this up:  DNC Includes Elizabeth Warren in Native American Caucus
"I Am Joe Biden's Husband", declares confused Joe at DNC.
Joe Biden acceptance speech: 'There’s Never Been Anything We’ve Been Able to Accomplish'
Bizarre.  Biden gave essentially the same speech to the DNC in 2008.  Plagiarized himself.
First two nights of Democratic convention down 48% in broadcast viewership from 2016
Tuesday's TV Ratings: 'America's Got Talent' gets better ratings than 2020 DNC Night 2
One word was mysteriously absent from DNC Convention: “impeachment”

China state media makes it clear they back Joe Biden.
Collusion?  Chinese Consulate in Houston used data to identify people who might participate in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and ANTIFA’s protests and then created and sent them customized videos on how to organize riots and how to do promotions.

ABC/NBC Stoke Conspiracy: Trump Creating 'Mail-In Voting Scandal,' a 'Crisis'
But here’s the real scare, read carefully: Why We Can’t Trust Postal Workers With Our Ballots.  “In Washington State the local postal workers attach partisan campaign material to mail-in ballots.”
California pays stealth Dem activists to manage ‘non-partisan’ mail-in ballots
Official Democrat Party Organization Urges Foreign Ex-Pats to Mail In Two Ballots – “It’s Okay” – They Claim
New election ordered in NJ race marred by voter fraud charges.
Tinfoil Hat: Oregon Dem Congressman Chains Self To USPS Drop Box To Save It From Donald Trump
His GOP challenger is Paris train attack hero Alek Skarlatos.  “Skarlatos' fundraising surge may signal tough race for Oregon's DeFazio”
Want to contribute?  I did.

Trump says his biggest opponent in 2020 is the media. He’s right.
7 Big Stories Media Is Ignoring Because The Truth Might Help Trump
Media Downplaying FBI Lawyer Guilty Plea To Hide Media Collusion
Mainstream media 150 TIMES More Negative News on Trump than Biden

But it’s not working:  51% of Likely Voters approve of President Trump's Job Performance
Poll: Assimilated Second Generation Hispanics Prefer Trump over Biden
New Poll: Trump Pulling Away In Texas
President Trump Pardons Susan B. Anthony on Centennial of 19th Amendment, Giving Women the Right to Vote.
Donald Trump Meets Minnesota Business Owners Affected by Riots
US Catholic Bishops praise Trump administration for pro-life aid policy
National Media Ignores Massive Pro-Trump Boat Parade Phenomenon Sweeping the Nation
Double-amputee veteran skydives above Sturgis rally with giant US flag, Trump 2020 parachute
7 year old Trump supporter gets call from White House after being attacked by Biden supporters
CNN Poll: Trump, Biden Tied in 15 Battleground States
CNN Poll: Biden Lead Shrinks with Double-Digit Shift Trump’s Direction
Democrats’ convention delivers 4-point poll boost to TRUMP.

Objects hurled from Seattle overpasses damage cars on I-5 and I-90
"Seattle Police Officer states Black Lives Matter won, he’s resigning, and feels great about it.”
Tuesday night Portland Government office set on fire after 200 strong mob smash windows.
Friday night 200 demonstrators rampaged near a police station in Portland, pelting a protective line of unoccupied police vehicles with golf balls, softball-sized rocks, metal railroad spikes, paint-filled plastic eggs and balloons filled with feces.
Portland BLM supports Biden, berates sleeping neighborhood: “Wake up, motherf*****!”
Over 60 Portland 911 calls go unanswered overnight as police respond to riot.
Portland companies plan to move out of downtown offices because BLM protests have made area 'unsafe'
49 People Shot In 72 Hours As Wave Of Gun Violence Continues In NYC
Operation Legend: More than 200 charged with federal crimes, 1,000 arrested, AG Barr announces

After Cutting NYPD Funding, De Blasio's Wife Gets $2 Million a Year in Taxpayer Paid 'Staff'
Chicago Mayor bans protests, but only on her own block, citing safety concerns for her family.
Broke California wants to fund youth sterilizations and sex changes.

Gov. Abbott: Texas Cities That Defund Police Should Have Property Tax Rates Frozen Forever

This life mattered too, but doesn’t fit the media narrative:  Over $760K Raised for Cannon Hinnant's Funeral Costs.

Frank Connor  8/19
Free to Suffocate

Whether we like to admit it or not, most of us crave freedom from the responsibilities of our lives. Freedom from having to pay the bills, from working all day, from making dinner, and from the silent restraints we put on ourselves to be respectable members of our communities.

Progressives in this country believe not only that such responsibilities make them unfree, but make them oppressed. Those who embrace organizations like Black Lives Matter—which, according to its website, “disrupt[s] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement”—believe motherhood is a burden imposed on women by tyrannical husbands. They believe gender is the imprisonment of true individual expression by an intolerant society and that America’s police forces are agents of racism, Hell-bent on keeping people—mainly black people—in their place. They subsequently support abortion on demand, the abolition of police forces, and the perverted goals of the LGBT movement.

These progressives believe that freedom from all restraints is true freedom and should be the highest aspiration of American society. This, however, is the freedom an astronaut would feel were he to remove his suit in the vacuum of space floating freely towards the certainty of death.

Most on the left may not even realize it, but the freedom they pursue is the freedom of suicide. Progressives push to free us not from undue burdens, but from the very necessary burdens of human existence. Yes, motherhood is hard, but it’s a role more important than that of President of the United States. A man may be uncomfortable in his body, but it is his body and he has no choice. Some people might feel threatened by the police, but without police, all people would be threatened by criminals.

A man is defined not by his liberty, but by his burdens. A camel, as GK Chesterton notes, free from his hump is not a freer camel, but free from being a camel.

If the American people continue to embrace this progressive trend, they will find themselves increasingly miserable and unfulfilled. We will fail to see that our full potential is realized when we live up to our responsibilities and squandered when we live only for ourselves.  Americans must accept that true freedom lies, not in the ability to do whatever we want, but in being allowed to do what we ought.

When a man is free from everything, he has nothing.  

Howie Carr: “I have compiled a list of some of what transpired (at the DNC), the lowlights of an exceptionally dreary enterprise….”

Conrad Black:  “The Stench of Mendacity at the Democratic Convention:  The virtual gathering was an unintended profession of the total moral bankruptcy of the Democratic campaign. There were no positive suggestions, nothing but hatred of President Trump.”

Robert Spencer:  Reclaiming Our Culture from the Left  “Everyone knows it: the death of George Floyd was just a pretext. The rioters who continue every night to wreak havoc in Portland, and who are poised to engage in new orgies of destruction all over the country don’t know much and care less about Floyd. They’re quite open about engaging in a “revolution” with the goal of destroying the existing order and replacing it with an authoritarian Marxist regime. But what we are seeing today is not new. Its seeds were planted decades ago. Now the question before us, if we want to preserve the United States as a free society, is what we must do to counter this violent, hate-filled movement.”

Newt Gingrich reviews Lee Smith’s new book, “The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President”
Another Lee Smith review: Biden 'Certainly Part of the Set Up' for the 'Permanent Coup'

Book Review: 'What's So Great About Christianity' by Dinesh D'Souza

“In reading historian Paul Kengor's stunning new book on the demonic roots of the socialist movement —"The Devil and Karl Marx”— I came across one small section of the book that has the potential to deprogram the young Marxists in your life.”

Tucker Slams Lockdowns -- Dems Unwilling to Let Happiness Return to America 'Until People Learn How to Vote Correctly'

Burgess Owens: US 'will see a true renaissance' with Trump reelection and GOP-controlled Congress

‘A Star Is Born’: GOP Candidate’s Ad Trounces Michelle Obama DNC Speech In Digital Metrics

“The following is an excerpt from Diamond and Silk's new book “Uprising: Who the Hell Said You Can't Ditch and Switch?--The Awakening of Diamond and Silk.”

Not satire:  “Black Lives Matter Supporters Run Over and Brutally Beat Raccoon to Death, Claim Only White People Worry About Animals”

Where Black Lives Matter Rioters Learned To Call Looting 'Reparations'

BLM groups are multiplying — and competing for donations

CNN's Tapper to a panel of RINO republicans: 'Is It Possible That the Republican Party Is Now the Party of Deranged Bigots?'

So many creepy crawly things behind Chicago's looting.  “…how Chicago's Democratic politicians are working hand in glove with Chicago's gangs. The fact that the police could never touch them based on their connections to Democratic political power was why Chicago's violence was so high.”

Minnesota Democratic Primary Winner Calls to Burn ‘White, Racist’ Town Down
Democrats Fully Embrace a Movement That Says It Will 'Burn This Country Down'

AOC calls felon disenfranchisement a “legacy of slavery”

Lefties have emotional breakdowns after Trump ads appear on the Washington Post’s website.

The Progressive War on Landlords Has Begun

Democrats have a Plan B:  “It is impossible to completely ensure the integrity of the coming 2020 election, given the way many election laws are unenforced and how the skids are being greased for disruption. The media cannot be relied upon to oversee a fair election.  In fact, the media are a major part of the problem.  The best way, actually the only way, for Trump to get a fair shake is by a large voter turnout on his behalf so as to overwhelm the cheating. Plus, a GOP capture of the House and maintaining a Senate majority will be necessary to thwart Plan B of the Democrats. 

“For a generation after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, most Americans and Europeans regarded Marxism as an enemy that had been defeated once and for all. But they were wrong. A mere 30 years later, Marxism is back, and making an astonishingly successful bid to seize control of the most important American media companies, universities and schools, major corporations and philanthropic organizations, and even the courts, the government bureaucracy, and some churches.
Antifa Is Evil:  “Portland is a dead city”

‘Family Guy’ Creator Gives $700,000 To Pro-Biden Super PAC

Left-wing psychopaths celebrate the death of President Trump’s brother

Professor Prohibits Students From Criticizing Abortion and Black Lives Matter
Fordham Univ. Sent Cops To Investigate A Student For Criticizing China and BLM on Instagram.

Here’s A List Of Corporations Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement

Many believe George Soros controls the Democrat party with his accumulated wealth of 8.6B.  But Carlos Slim Helu from Mexico has $52.8B, owns 17% of the New York Times, was often guest of the Obamas and Clintons.  Obamaphones made Slim millions of $.

The Left-Wing War on America's Suburbs

Common sense from French president Macron says France 'cannot be put on hold' any further. "We can't shut the country down because the collateral damage of lockdown is considerable….Zero risk never exists in any society. We must respond to this anxiety without falling into the doctrine of zero risk."

Doctors Worldwide Are Recording More Deaths Due to Lockdowns Than to COVID-19

STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Tens of Thousands of Lives in the US from Coronavirus -- Jail Fauci!

When science is being characterized as “right-wing” because it doesn’t fit the Democrats’ and the media’s preferred COVID-19 narrative, we are living in a dangerous world.

School Reopenings Linked to Union Influence and Politics, Not Safety
College kids much more likely to die from car wrecks, alcohol, or drugs than virus.

Calm Down! Despite Media Hype, Current Covid19 Numbers are Dropping Fast

Convention Wrap Up: Dems Keep Joe Biden’s Agenda Hidden In The Basement

“The Democrats’ convention is painful to watch — a display of nonstop demagoguery about “saving the planet” from pols who can’t even save America’s cities. Pundits purr that the Democrats offer a “return to normalcy.” But almost everything about their agenda is abnormal — from leaving America’s border open to defunding the police to imposing transgenderism on America’s youth.”

VDH: Trumpism—A Look Backward and Forward to November

John Lott:   Those who dislike Donald Trump may think it’s OK to let the Democrats run things for four years. Never Trumpers might be fearful of the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party but believe they could always fix things four years later….But things are different this time... Senate Democrats are promising to eliminate the filibuster. This would radically transform the Senate…..

Kamala Harris: The Senator From Wall Street Who Wants To Be President

I Was a Teacher. Here’s How Your Kids Are Indoctrinated by Leftist Ideas.

How Google and Big Tech Killed the U.S. Patent System

Funny stuff:  "Until we develop comprehensive reparations and wealth redistribution, law enforcement and the general public must learn to accept the spontaneous efforts toward this objective that we have seen taking place in Chicago, Seattle, Portland and other places. This is the only way we can move as one people united in a shared goal of social justice……voters will face a choice between authoritarianism and freedom this November. One of the candidates intends to impose a regime of individualism that will stifle the human dream of collectivism envisioned by Karl Marx. The other candidate offers a pathway to escape this dire fate."

Baltimore GOP Candidate Kimberly Klacik Lays Down an Absolute Knockout With Stunning New Campaign Ad

What Rome's emperors looked like: From Caligula to Tiberius... artist uses AI technology to reveal in great detail how legendary rulers would have looked around 2,000 years ago.

NASA animation shows the Sun rotating


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