oereview 9/11
President Trump’s doctor says he is now ‘symptom-free,’ and has COVID-19 antibodies.
President Trump and Top Republicans (But No Democrats) Contracted COVID - Outbreak Now Believed Connected to Presidential Debate
When President Trump in Hospital, Joe Biden Tells Florida Crowd to Fantasize About Trump Being Delivered a Death Blow.
‘Death Watch’: CNN Media Panel Likens Trump Health to Stalin’s Demise
NYT, WaPo, LA Times Assign Top Reporters To Update Trump’s Obituary
Reporter on Hot Mic After Docs Say Trump is Improving: 'This Wasn't as Fun as Yesterday'
Leftists Explode Over Trump Taking Short Ride Outside Hospital: Charge Him With Crimes! Remove Him From Power!
VP debate: “There was a clear winner, I think. It was Mike Pence. He won on points on nearly all of the nine topics in the debate. Some he won narrowly; others decisively.”
Pollster Frank Luntz: “Undecided voters found Harris 'abrasive, condescending'
“Stylistically, I preferred Pence's peaceful, measured tones to Kamala's nasal snark. For many men, Kamala must have come across as the awful ex-wife. For many women, Kamala was the bitchy mean girl at high school. Either way — ick.”
September jobs numbers best since Reagan-era, don't panic America!
Trump pledges 'biggest tax cut ever' if he wins election in November
Trump Bans Chinese Communist Party Members from Immigrating to America
DHS: Border Wall Going Up 'Faster Than Ever Before,' Roughly 10 Miles Per Week
Enforcement: American citizens and lawful permanent residents who sponsor an immigrant visa for a family member must agree to use their own financial resources to support the immigrant.
Trump: We will be out of Afghanistan by Christmas
President Trump says the claim that he insulted soldiers angers him more than anything.
Post-Debate Poll Shows Trump Support Rising Among Latino and Black Voters
Poll That DOESN’T Weight in Favor of Dems Shows Trump Leading Nationally
Pollster Who Shows Trump Ahead Nationally Says Florida Is Almost Out of Reach for Biden
But a worrisome Rasmussen poll says Biden is 12 points ahead.
Flashback! Joe's eulogy for his good friend, former KKK Exalted Cyclops Sen. Byrd
Joe refuses to give his position on court packing. “They’ll know my opinion …when the election is over.”
'60 Minutes' Tells Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade's Story — in Australia only.
Joe Biden Ad Features Rapper Who Called Nation Of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan His ‘Mentor’
Biden Says He’ll Make Abortion ‘Law Of The Land’ If Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade
Biden’s Catholic Con Job Continues
Joe Biden Campaign Launches 7-Figure Ad Buy to Woo Christian Voters
Riots Break Out Again In Seattle: Starbucks, Cops Attacked With ‘Explosives,’ Police Say
Portland Antifa mob pulls woman to the ground by her hair, tries to steal her American flag.
Nearly 70% Of Portland Rioters Had Charges Dropped By Progressive (Soros) DA
Have they lost their minds? Portland could see their first “Antifa Mayor.” She’s taken the lead.
Here she is wearing a skirt patterned with the faces of famous Communist dictators.
BLM/Antifa rioters smash windows of homes and businesses in Wisconsin on Wed. night
Protests are becoming a fun “lifestyle” for some activists.
Fraternal Order of Police: “Vice President Biden said Antifa is an idea. Well, excuse me, but ideas don’t throw bricks at officers’ heads … They don’t hit officers in the head with baseball bats … They don’t throw Molotov cocktails, and they don’t attempt to assassinate police officers.”
Large scale ballot harvesting n Elections, Confusion Creates Opportunities for Disenfranchisement
Is the Left preparing to steal your vote?
Staffer admits Mark Kelly hiding gun-control agenda to get elected. Project Veritas exposes Democrat's effort to deceive voters in Arizona Senate race
Martha McSally Has Been put on a Chinese enemies list; Mark Kelly Has Partnered with Them
Here's Why Three Astronauts Have Endorsed Sen. McSally and not fellow astronaut Kelly."
Chinese virologist who fled to the US after claiming coronavirus was made in a military lab says her mother has now been arrested by Beijing.
China plans to come up with their own translation of the Bible to better suit their needs.
Are George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party purchasing the Catholic Church?
“Top catholic cardinal is warning of dire global consequences if Americans vote for a presidential candidate with a communist, abortionist and gender ideology agenda.”
Another US bishop says abortion is ‘preeminent issue’ in this election
“Left Wing Governor Of Washington State Freaks Out As Boeing Moves Production To South Carolina”
L.A. Ordered to Pay NRA Six Figures After Losing First Amendment Case
Claremont Institute Editors 10/7
President Trump was discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center a few days ago. His messaging during this unfolding drama first drew criticism from those who claimed he should have been more transparent about every detail, every step of the way. And the usual venomous bile and frenzied attacks came spewing from the cackle of hyenas that is the White House press corps no less than #resistance goons like Ilhan Omar and Jennifer Rubin. But why should they hold back? They have all but stated publicly that they want the president dead, lo these four long years. It would be dishonest of them at this point to wish him well.
We aren’t just watching different movies anymore, as Scott Adams used to say—we need an analogy that goes far beyond that one. The new norm the press has established is a baseline of fear and hysteria. They live in a completely alternative intellectual, emotional, and psychological reality. In fact, in 2020 America, “the news” consists almost entirely of the continuous public mental breakdown of the members of the media. “The discourse” amounts to illogical twists and turns of voiced anxiety attacks, punctured only by discordant shrieks of hysteria by the mentally ill. Yet all of that—the tense moments of waiting for more video or tweets from Trump, the disgusting spectacle of watching supposedly honorable people morph into slavering ambulance chasers—was thoroughly eclipsed by two sentences in the middle of Trump’s tweet announcing his departure from the hospital. “Don’t be afraid of Covid,” the president said. “Don’t let it dominate your life.”
There it is. Like an ace tennis serve or a steak prepared just right, this messaging is so perfect it seems simple. But it is apparently not simple. At least, it has not been easy for the technocrats who run our administrative state, and the chattering classes who run our media, to say anything even half so straightforward, commonsensical, and encouraging about this virus.
Trump can now speak from personal experience, and his authority on the matter will make a difference in the COVID narrative as we hurtle toward the election. Bear in mind: we do not have one new piece of information about how the virus works, how fatal it is, or how to cure it, that we did not have last week. But all this—the lockdowns, the masks, the thunderous moralizing—was never about information. This is a virus which, according to the CDC, has a survival rate of over 99% for everyone under 70 (for those over that age, like Trump, it’s 94.6%). There is little evidence to suggest its spread can be meaningfully curbed by masks, except those of the N95 variety when used in confined spaces. And yet Democrat rulers and their media apparatchiks have been insisting—demanding—that we practice ever-more baroque and elaborate forms of meaningless antiviral gestures. Wear masks outdoors. Shut down the gyms and the churches (but riots are fine). Your life must be disrupted, your livelihood ruined. Obey or be mocked, unpersoned, condemned……
The next chapter in the story was supposed to go like this: Trump, as punishment for the sin of taking COVID too lightly, became infected. His death would be protracted, painful, and highly public—a little morality play about the wages of defying science. But in fact that narrative, like every part of the story to date, turns out to be spectacularly wrong.
COVID is not actually the Bubonic Plague, as has been apparent for some time. Polls are not actually infallible predictors of human action, as Brexit and 2016 made painfully clear. There is in fact no such predictor, because human beings are irreducibly, defiantly God-created beings whose free will has stymied philosophers and theologians and mathematicians and political scientists ever since such people have existed to be stymied.
So now the story has not gone as planned, and it is increasingly difficult to deny that this is so. The storytellers will certainly try, as they have been doing, to force the story back onto its pre-planned narrative grooves. That is why they have demanded we stay muzzled, locked up, impoverished, and afraid: because if they just force us, on pain of excommunication, to act out their little false tale, then maybe, just maybe, in spite of it all, that tale will come true.
“Be very afraid of the virus”, they tell us, and “Let us dominate your life.” Over and against that now stands Trump alone, telling another story. “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.” Simple and plain, full of homespun wisdom: risk is out there. It will always be. But if an overweight 74-year-old can lick this thing and come out smiling, then you don’t have to let the fear of it run your life.
The contrast with the Biden approach could not be more plain. Hiding in his basement, calling lid after lid, Joe embodies what “leadership” looks like under the reign of bureaucratic technocracy. He is leading only in the sense that he is holding himself up as the chief example of how to comply, how to be afraid, how to submit one’s whole person to the dictates of Dr. Fauci….
A true leader does not hide himself from the public view or cower in the face of danger, no matter how many studies demand that he do so. What Trump has demonstrated, therefore, is that old, basic, and indispensable virtue of courage. It is not that he might not have died. It’s that even if he had, he would have been right: the remote possibility of death should not be enough to unmake a free man. Biden is running as chief among cowards, the example of what everyone, under his presidency, would be: obedient, scared, docile. Trump is running as chief among Americans, the leader of free men and women.
Yes, Trump had good medical care and is wealthy. But that’s not the real reason he came out OK, and we all know it: he came out OK because COVID, in the end, is not enough of a threat to run your life. That’s the real story, and it is being told before our eyes. We are also being browbeaten, threatened, and commanded not to believe it. Will we obey?
“I used to be one of those “Democrats are my opponents, not my enemies” type of people. Not anymore. Committed leftists are our enemies, enemies of the country and just about everything good and just in the world. They have hated us for decades, but did their best to hide it as much as possible. They are no longer hiding it. We should accept their hate and give it back as hard as we can.”
“The direction we choose to take over the coming months will forever determine our future as a nation. You see, we now face an enemy far more insidious and far more dangerous than we faced as a nation in two world wars. Because today, we face an enemy from within. An enemy that’s opened our borders, trampled the Constitution and ignored the rule of law… While openly announcing its plans to censor our speech, take our guns and redistribute our wealth… All necessary acts in order to achieve their long desired “complete transformation of America,” as promised by former President Barack Obama. A transformation designed to destroy our borders, language and culture, while pushing America away from nationalism and capitalism, and towards globalism and socialism. A transformation that was well underway…Only to be interrupted by Donald J. Trump….”
“Trump Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” “We are far beyond deplorable now; we’re condemnable for having unleashed such a horror on the nation. Our desire for low taxes, a strong military, safe borders, energy independence, recognition of biological reality, the right to bear arms, the right to life for unborn babies (or disinvolvement from their slaughter), freedoms of speech and religion, and a color-blind society — all for which Trump stands alone against all Democratic challengers — has damned us. This is a level of fanaticism conservatives have no concept of, since it defies God and reason……”
On the Peculiar Character of American “Racism” “That America is a racist country is the great self-evident truth of the Left and of the ruling class whose moral opinions are shaped by it. This truth is self-evident in the sense of being readily apparent to them, as evidenced by the countless disparities in life outcomes between blacks and whites. No explanation for these disparities is ever required. Their mere existence is proof of racism. The disparities between Asians and whites, between Indians and whites, and between Nigerian immigrants and whites all go studiously ignored, since these groups generally outperform whites in income and educational attainment. Also ignored is the role that the pathologies of inner-city black culture—fatherlessness, crime, nihilistic alienation, and the exaltation of thuggery—play in producing and sustaining disparities.”
John Lott warning: “Beware a filibuster-free Senate. The changes they would bring could produce a very different country than the one we see today.”
Newt Gingrich: “Arizona Senate candidate Mark Kelly, Hunter Biden, and the Chinese Communist Party’s Influence”
President Trump: “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”
Former NYT reporter Alex Berenson: “That might be the most presidential thing this president has ever said. He's not actually saying 'Don't be afraid of Covid.' He's saying don't be afraid of one another. Because this is a respiratory virus. It spreads between people. And the only way to make it go away permanently is to lock us all away permanently. And that can't happen. That is not compatible with life…..750 million people have been infected with this, the death rate is about 1 in 1000.....it is a tiny death rate. And we have gone crazy and we have sacrificed our kids and we have sacrificed society and Donald Trump walked out of that hospital today and said what needed to be said. We have to stop being so afraid of this."
“A Student’s Guide to Socialism: How It Will Trash Your Lives” a joint publication of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and Bombardier Books
Tucker on Democrat Mask Hypocrisy: ‘This Isn’t Science — This Is Medieval Superstition’
Hating Tucker: What the Left's vicious attacks on Fox News' star host really symbolize.
The Top Ten America-Hating Professors. “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo from the University of Washington is #5.
A Tacoma WA middle school teacher kicked a ten-year-old student out of his remote learning chatroom and scolded him for responding to a question about a person he admires with the answer “Donald J. Trump.” Teacher’s email suddenly disappeared from school website, but here it is: bstanton@fpschools.org
Seattle Talk show host Jason Rantz has other examples: “At Seattle’s Catharine Blaine K-8, one teacher taught students as young as 11-years-old to refer to a riot as an “uprising” and rioters as “freedom fighters.” A second grade teacher at Grove Elementary in Marysville pushed a shockingly anti-police video to students. In Gig Harbor, at Discovery Elementary, students were recommended a book instructing them to become Progressive activists.”
Hanoi Jane Fonda thankful for COVID: “I just think that COVID is God’s gift to the Left”
Hillary Clinton Claims Black Lives Matter ‘A Theological Statement,’ Young People Leaving Christianity Because It’s Too ‘Judgmental’
Twitter Leftists Ban Top US Doctor David Samadi After He Tweets Well Wishes to President Trump and Proposed Early Treatment Plan for President
Tides Center Funnels $170 Million in Taxpayer Money to Left-Wing Groups
Michelle Obama Releases Video Saying Trump is “Racist” for Saying Black Lives Matter Riots are Violent
Now fully woke Mathematics association declares math is racist.
Seattle Times praises AG Ferguson for suing the Trump Administration 80 times.
School Newspaper Rejects Conservative Student's Pro-Police Op-Ed, Then Fires Him
Arizona State journalism student is suing after she was fired from the college’s radio station for tweeting about Jacob Blake’s previous accusations of sexual assault.
Meet the Biden-Supporting General (McChrystal) Deploying Military Grade Information Warfare Tools Against Trump Supporters
LA Mayor Garcetti switches endorsement to Soros-backed candidate
Oregon State Professor Blames Devastating Western Wildfires on White Christians.
Alarmists won’t stop telling us we’re about to set the sky on fire. Even if NASA has said record cold might be on the way. The sun, it seems, has been powering down.
And then there’s La Niña. Near-term cooling has arrived.
Three of the world’s top epidemiologists from Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard: “Those not vulnerable should resume life”
Over 155,000 people, including over 15,000 epidemiologists, doctors, and public health professionals from around the world, have signed the “Great Barrington Declaration” that urges nations to return to normal life as the battle against COVID-19 continues.
You can sign it too:
“The COVID-19 death rate per million is about one-fifth that of the 1957-58 Asian flu and one-third that of the 1968-70 Hong Kong flu. Yet these earlier pandemics had only ‘evanescent economic consequences’……Countries did not resort to any mass-scale economic lockdowns, enforce any long-lasting school closures, ban sports events, or cut flight schedules deeply.”
Merkel says coronavirus rules evoked memories of East Germany
Doctor treats over 1,700 patients with 0 deaths thanks to Hydroxychloroquine
COVID-19 Lockdowns May Have Had Little Effect on Virus Spread
Jack Cashill Why Do Republicans Fall for the White Supremacy Trap?
Frightening: The Art of Propaganda “The principles of Mein Kampf are being applied with spectacular success by the Marxist Black Lives Matter and Antifa.”
The media’s mad obsession with white supremacy.
A Thought Experiment for Your Liberal Friends
Speculation mounts about the source of President Trump’s illness
Kamala Harris's Ratings Plummet As People Realize They'd Have To Listen To Her Voice For Next 4 Years
Pray for Fox News Host Dan Bongino who had surgery on Wednesday for a tumor on his neck.
Actor James Woods posts this video from Jan 2015, appears to show Joe Biden putting his hands all over Montana Senator’s 8 year old niece.
List of the Most and Least Conservative Members of Congress.. Sen Harris comes out dead last.
Sen. Kamala Harris is being held to account for voicing her support for the violent protests that rocked American cities over the summer. Not by the mainstream media, of course, but by a “non-traditional” political action committee headed up by James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, the longtime producer for talk radio titan Rush Limbaugh.
This Cycle’s Most Hard-Hitting Ad: “Vote against Biden Harris, you’re not safe with them”
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