Saturday, September 5, 2020

op ed review 9/6

Democrat Data Firm Says Trump Landslide Likely on Election Day - But will Be Flipped to Biden by Mail-In Votes Emerging a Week After Election (conveniently, the election night results tell them how many votes are needed.)
Here’s the scenario: President Trump holds a huge lead in both the popular vote and the Electoral College when we all trudge off to bed on Election Night. But that lead won’t hold as Democrat vote counters in Blue and Red states around the country “find” boxes and boxes filled with “mail-in ballots” that magically contain the number of votes Biden needs to overtake Trump’s Election Day lead…..the effort to extend the vote-counting period for as long as possible is so that Democrat officials….have as much time as possible to keep “finding” additional boxes of ballots until they’re able to get their addled candidate over the finish line.
The Democrats Explain Their Voter Fraud Plans
Very disturbing:  “As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup.”

WashPost Election Threat: Biden Must Win Landslide or Else, Violence and Catastrophe!
Democrats are telling us they will not accept a Donald Trump win. Are you listening?
The Dems Plan to Steal the Presidency
Trump campaign bracing for legal battle over election, forming ‘coalition’ of lawyers
Preview of Dem roadmap:  Massachusetts 4th Congressional District, thousands of ballots “newly discovered”, three days after primary election.

DC Mayor Bowser's advisory board calls for removal of the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial.  Recommends renaming “assets” after “women, people of color and LGBTQ Washingtonians.”  Cancel the founding fathers.
Trump Was Right, The Woke Mob IS Coming For The Washington Monument

‘Never thought I’d see this’: Americans chant ‘Death to America’ in streets of Oakland
Man Charged With Stalking, Threatening Rep. Devin Nunes’ Wife, An Elementary School Teacher
Gunshots reportedly fired at pro-Trump caravan in LA; car tire blown out; another car's window smashed.
DC Police release bodycam footage of DC shooting that sparked riots.  “….pulled a gun, validated gang member.”
Portland Antifa protester linked to shooting death of Patriot Prayer supporter is killed by US Marshals in Lacey WA.
“An appropriate resolution to Trump supporter Aaron Danielson's tragic murder.”
Portland man repeatedly struck federal officers with car: Released by judge “pending future court appearances”   ???????
Secret Antifa tent city found, and Portland is paying for it.
Portland Mayor Wheeler moving to avoid rioters targeting his building.
'Antifa Member' Tipped as Portland's Next Mayor ??
DA's policy to consider looters' 'needs' before charging them
Open Season on Police as St. Louis Cop Killed
Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars after banned from GoFundMe
With polls going against them, Democrats Turn on a Dime, Suddenly Admit These are Violent Riots, but Trump’s fault (?!)

Trump approval back up to pre-coronavirus shutdown high of 52 percent
Trump Vegas Odds On Fire As Swing States Keep Burning
FLORIDA Trump 49% Biden 46%
America's Largest Police Union Endorses Donald Trump
US employers hire 1.4M in August as unemployment rate falls sharply
President Trump stresses need for 'restoring patriotic education' in schools
President Trump orders stop to 'White privilege' diversity training in federal government
Trump visits site of riots in Kenosha, promises to help businesses rebuild
Trump Signs Memo to Defund New York City and Three Other Cities with Out of Control Rioting and Anarchy
ICE arrests 2,000+ illegal immigrants in sweep; 85% with criminal convictions or charges
Conservative Takeover of Appeals Court in Reach with Trump Reelection
The Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against Google could come in September
Mighty American Strike Force ready to go to battle for Trump
Massive Super PAC poised to 'swift-boat' Biden in key states

Owner of hair salon is now getting threats against her life and her business for exposing the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi.  Pelosi  accuses the salon owner of a “setup” that caught her on camera getting her hair done indoors, against lockdown rules, and without wearing a mask, to boot.   “Pelosi is just too important to obey the rules.”

Confused Joe Biden Now Claims 'I Am Not Banning Fracking' after promising to do so.
More than a gaffe: Joe Biden’s latest flub draws widespread concern and criticism
Biden Says Thomas Edison Didn't Invent The Light Bulb
ABC: Joe Biden Isn't Senile, That's What The Russians Want You To Think
Suspicious IV drip-like bruise spotted on Biden’s hand in Kenosha heightens demands for drug tests before debates.  Is Joe administered amphetamines before appearances?
Secret Service Inadvertently Confirms 2009 Story About Joe Biden Sexually Assaulting Agent's Girlfriend
Hunter Biden Holds Stake in Chinese Company Sanctioned for Human Rights Abuses

12-year-old boy suspended for 5 days, deputies visit house after toy gun seen during online class

JB Shurk  9/4
Democrat Mail Fraud Will Take Us to the Brink

Now that a top Democrat data analytics firm has finally confirmed that Democrats plan to claim victory weeks after the presidential election once enough of their “votes” show up in the mail to be counted, I don’t think any rational observer could view this as anything but a promise to destroy the legitimacy of the 2020 election. The Democrats’ mission to fracture America permanently should be codenamed “Operation Chaos,” because it is chaos that they are preparing to unleash.

It was not a few thousand dollars worth of Russian Facebook posts and online internet trolls that nearly destroyed the Union after the 2016 election. It was the way the Obama White House and an intelligence-law enforcement cabal run by the Democratic Party maliciously and intentionally magnified Russia’s limited hijinks into the greatest political hoax in American history. The Democrats preferred to drag the United States through four years of nonsensical conspiracy theories, needless investigations, and cries of high treason rather than to acknowledge that President Trump had legitimately defeated Hillary Clinton. The Democrats chose an unprecedented campaign of sabotage against an American president, and in doing so, they accomplished what Putin’s Russia could never have dreamed: they succeeded in convincing half of America that the 2016 election was stolen from them. The Democrats and the Deep State that has aided and abetted their cause have sold bitter acrimony for four years and birthed our precarious pre-civil war tinderbox today.

With American peace now hanging in the balance, will Democrats choose country over socialism and temper passions already overinflamed?  Of course not. If four years of the Russia hoax has brought our nation to the brink of civil strife, the Democrats’ Operation Chaos will make it nearly impossible for wisdom and reason to succeed in the months ahead. This fact alone should disqualify Democrats from office in 2020. A party that is driving the country to civil war cannot be trusted to have the country’s best interests at heart.

Most Republicans (except the “useful idiots” who will look past corruption and fraud for the chance to remove President Trump) understand how the Democrats plan to use “cheat-by-mail” chaos to elevate a man who can’t remember his opponent’s name (or even his running mate’s) to commander in chief. They have a three-tailed con in play: (1) attempt to win swing states fast and declare victory before fraudulent ballots can be scrutinized; (2) harvest loose ballots after election day until Trump vote leads disappear; (3) throw the whole mess into state and federal courts until a Democrat-leaning judge gives them a Democrat lead. At any time that one of these tails secures a Democrat victory, the “useful idiot” #NeverTrumpers and hacks in the press will aid the Democrats in quickly declaring the election over and calling for President Trump’s concession. (When executing a good con, it’s always best to have “disinterested” third parties move the con along.) By that point, offending ballots will be “disappeared” before they can ever be scrutinized again. And at any stage of this dangerous game, if President Trump and his supporters fight the outcome, our efforts -- not Democrat vote fraud -- will be framed as “threats to democracy.”

All the chaos lying ahead was preventable, of course. In the most modern and technically advanced nation in the history of the planet, the idea that the United States cannot vouchsafe the results of a democratic election is absurd. All over the world successful elections take place without high-tech voting booths or sophisticated methods for tallying votes, but in America we are plagued with so much uncertainty as to whether our elections are the outcomes of massive fraud that election integrity is impossible. You can’t have fair and equitable elections when every single American believes the vote is already rigged.

Obviously, if our constitutional republic is to utilize democratic elections to decide whether we choose Donald Trump’s “America First” policies or Bernie Sanders’s Green New Deal, then safeguarding the American vote is paramount over any other responsibility of our federal and state governments. Instead, because the political establishment in America routinely ignores the wishes of American voters, it has turned a blind eye to the corruption and inaccuracy of American elections.

Democrats (and “Republican” enablers like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan) argue that election fraud is a myth when it is, in fact, well documented. They argue that non-citizen voting occurs in such low numbers as to be meaningless when meaningful elections every year are decided by a few hundred votes. They argue that election judges can be trusted when many have been prosecuted for altering votes and stuffing ballots. They argue that sensible voter identification laws are unnecessary (and racist) when votes routinely show up from dead voters, non-voters, and voters who long ago left the jurisdictions in which they’re now cast.  They argue that ballot harvesting is nothing to worry about when the outcomes of elections are overturned days and weeks after election day.  They argue that the same U.S. Postal Service that just endorsed the Democratic Party can be trusted to impartially handle Republican votes.

By never letting a crisis go to waste, Democrats have so effectively guaranteed “cheat-by-mail” in swing states this year that stacks of ballots can go out with coupon mailers and come back without proper signatures or any other voter authentications and go right into the ballot box.  A recent election in New Jersey was just thrown out after it was determined that mail-in vote fraud had tainted 22% of the total vote, while twenty-eight million mail-in ballots have gone missing in the last four elections.  And a top Democrat operative revealed last week how he and others have been committing voter fraud on a “grand scale” for decades.

Gone are the days when the United States recognized the solemnity of the vote by securing for each citizen a private and uncoerced secret ballot. Now Democrat election operatives can simply go from hospital bed to hospital bed in nursing homes around the country “collecting” votes or swallow up entire mail drops at apartment buildings before residents even hold them in their hands.  Operation Chaos will test the limits of our country’s bonds.

How does a free country governed by the people destroy itself?  When elected representatives make it impossible for the people to believe they are still governing.

If we had a functioning free press in this country that hadn’t thrown out objectivity and professionalism for partisan entanglements and personal vendettas, the two biggest stories of the last four years would both center on the efforts of the Democratic Party to undermine American elections so completely that the breakup of the Union is not only a real possibility but the Democrats’ likely objective. They sabotaged the peaceful transition of power in 2016 with the Russia hoax. In 2020, whether they can eke out victory or not, they have implemented a “cheat-by-mail” voting catastrophe that will render the 2020 election outcome unavoidably illegitimate to the losing side. It is a strategy intended to damage the country. It is an operation meant to unleash chaos.

Don’t Let Yourself Think This Election Is in the Bag

You’re Damn Right I’m Angry

FNC's Carlson: Biden Threatens More Violence if Trump Reelected

Leo Terrell: Trump Is Going to Get the Highest Number of the Black Votes EVER in Modern Day History!

Larry Elder:   Any analysis of whether cops are killing Blacks because they are Black would begin with noting the approximately 50 million police-civilian interactions that occur every year. Out of these 50 million interactions, about 11 million people are arrested. In recent years, about 60,000 cops have been assaulted annually. All of this resulted in about 1,000 people being killed by the police on average in recent years, with almost all suspects resisting with a weapon or resisting violently. Of the 1,000 killed annually, approximately 250 were Black and 500 white. The percentage of police shootings that involve a white cop and an unarmed Black suspect is less than 4% of the total. The percentage of white cops killing unarmed Black men who did not reasonably pose a threat is even smaller. Recall that Black suspect Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, was "unarmed," but his DNA was found on the office's gun, indicating that Brown was attempting to grab it.

Black Lives Matter activists shut down the I-5 in Seattle, nine arrested

DC BLM Terrorist: 'Put Police in Graves, Burn The White House Down, Take it to Senators... Burn Them Down'

Portland Black Lives Matter Monsters Cheer and Celebrate Murder of Patriot Prayer Member

Real racism from MSNBC:  RNC's Black Speakers 'Looked Like a Modern-Day Minstrel Show to Me'

“Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, said the Black Lives Matter movement ‘has been nothing short of an earthquake in American politics, exposing the endemic racism and police violence of US capitalism’…Sawant, 46, is a native of India, called for the overthrow of capitalism, including the seizure of Fortune 500 companies. In a tweet she declared her desire to ‘…overthrow the racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.’”

“Biden is running essentially as the harmless front man of the revolution. He promises to complete Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of the country, which aims to replace the Constitution with left-wing totalitarianism. He would try to accomplish this by stacking the courts with radicals. His conception of the judiciary is the same as Obama’s, as a means of enforcing “liberal rights” at the expense of the American people’s freedom.”

The American Psychological Association goes full-on woke—pledges to fight 'racism pandemic,' 'disease of capitalism'

Pernicious incitement to looting being pushed by National Public Radio

California passes bill to soften criminal penalty for LGBT adults who have sex with underage teens.

Seattle schools force racist and misogynist training on teachers and administrators

NFL to Write 'End Racism' and 'It Takes All of Us' in End Zones
GB Packers No Longer Sticking to Sports: Will Work on Voter Registration, Body Cams

USC Professor Suspended for Saying Chinese Word That Sounds Like English Racial Slur

Left Rattled by Anti-Communist Themes in Upcoming 'Call of Duty' video game.

“Here we are now with deaths and positive cases overstated by 90 plus percent, all to create fear and uncertainty ahead of a presidential election. How many excess deaths can be attributed to media gaslighting? How many people delayed necessary medical care or cancer screening, afraid to leave their homes over the daily barrage of fear porn from CNN and Fox News? This is information warfare, weaponizing medical data to influence an election, regardless of the cost in lives and economic damage.”

The Failed Experiment of Covid Lockdowns
Were the Lockdowns a Mistake? Increasingly, yes.
The Lockdown Has Gone From a Mistake to a Crime

Thanks To COVID Panic, 1 In 10 U.S. Families Is Now Home-Schooling

COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself

Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative

“There is a reasonable theory that the Chinese recognized the threat that President Trump poses to China's goal of world domination and that they unleashed the coronavirus intentionally, knowing full well the calamitous effect it would have on America economically and on President Trump politically.”

“Nice little country you got there, be a shame if anything happened to it”.....Joe promises more rioting if not elected.

It's union power that's determining which US schools reopen this fall

Lott: What Democrat Control of the Senate Means for Gun Control

Limbaugh: Democrats trying to spark a 'race war' in U.S.

Meet The Rioting Criminals Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Of Jail

The Politics of Envy Always Ends With the Guillotine

'We Black Women Are Ignored,' Says Multimillionaire Black Woman To Millions Of Adoring Fans

Rioters beginning to worry they can no longer loot safely.

Petition Spoofs California Racial Preferences Ballot Measure With Call for 15% Asians on NBA, NFL Teams

‘Mrs. Biden, Can Joe come out and debate?’ New pro-Trump video leaves Twitter in stitches

Attention GOP: This New Ad by Senator Tom Cotton Running in Wisconsin and Michigan is How Republicans Win Big in November

Tired of living in your blue state?


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