Saturday, November 21, 2020

op ed review 11/22


9 Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to Election Results

Sydney Powell:  "Dominion has a long history of rigging elections. That's what it was created to do to begin with." Powell told about her whistleblower, a former high-ranking Venezuelan military officer who worked with Hugo Chávez when developers in Venezuela first created the software. The whistleblower has signed an affidavit stating that the whole purpose behind the software's creation was to rig elections.

Shocking, must see, watch it before Youtube takes it down. Michelle Malkin interview with citizen activist who researched Eric Coomer, director of strategy and security for Dominion, supplier of the voting machines in 28 states.  “Don’t worry about the election, Trump is not going to win, I made effing sure of that, ha ha.”  Many unhinged, sociopathic, social media posts: “F*#%& USA, dead president,….”

Dominion Voting Systems ‘Lawyers Up,’ Abruptly Backs Out of PA State House Fact-Finding Hearing

Canada Elections Department Refuses To Use Dominion Voting Systems

30% of Democrats Believe Election Stolen from Trump -- 75% of Republicans Believe It Is Likely Election Was Stolen from Trump

Attorney Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won a 70% Plus Landslide Election - He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes

Ken Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

The numbers prove voter fraud:  Take a glance at past presidential voting totals and compare them to this year's:   2008: 129M, 2012: 127M, 2016: 129M, 2020: 152M ????

Wisconsin, Like MI, GA, PA and VA, Caught Doing the 'Drop and Roll' Too — Once Biden Gained Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Rest of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio – THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!

In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots as questionable.

Pair Charged With Voter Fraud Allegedly Submitted THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Applications on Behalf of Homeless People

Election Fraud Expert Files Affidavit Showing 'PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY' of Election Results in Michigan

Report Suggests Mainstream Media Silence On Hunter Biden Laptop Story Vital To Biden Success


National Democratic Party official suggests re-education for Trump supporters: 'How do you deprogram 75 million people?'

Zuckerberg and Feinstein Discuss The U.S. “Ministry of Truth” Program


In Massive Blow To Democrats, Republicans Won Almost Every House Race That's Key To Redistricting

To pull in more donations to Democrats, ‘Experts’ Listed 27 House Races As “Toss-Ups”.   Republicans Won All 27.

Another surprise: Hispanic, Democratic voters backed Trump immigration limits


Mexican Ambassador: With Biden in charge, Let's Restart Mass Migration into U.S.

Introducing the 'Great Reset,' world leaders' radical plan to transform the economy away from capitalism.

Delingpole: The Great Reset Is Trending. Here's Why...

Proposed Biden Gun Tax Could Top $34 Billion

'The Squad' pushes Biden to cancel student debt — here's how they'd personally benefit

Law professor and outspoken advocate for reparations joins Biden Treasury transition team


Mitt Romney, Who Avoided Military Service During Vietnam, Says 20 Years In Afghanistan Isn’t Long Enough.




11/18  “Are Pandemic Lockdowns A Dry Run For The ‘Climate Crisis’?”


The lockdown hammer landed hard on California and several other states Monday. At one time it seemed absurd to think government officials’ pandemic orders were a dry run for future attempts to confine and subjugate the country to mitigate global warming. It’s time we rethink that.


Observant and cunning politicians have gone to school since March and are now likely convinced they can use the pretext of a climate emergency to control Americans and break the back of capitalism. No, we’re not likely to see the open-ended lockdowns we’re enduring during the coronavirus outbreak. Those would be too obvious. Politicians can be sneaky sorts so we expect something more subtle and incremental.


For instance, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who clearly relishes having near absolute control over the most populous state in the country, could issue an executive order next summer which says, beginning in January 2022, all businesses except the few deemed essential must be closed every other Friday, and car travel on those days will be restricted solely to those who can demonstrate an absolute need to be on the roads.


Or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose pandemic lockdown rules have been among the most prohibitive, pointless and imbecilic (and have stoked efforts to impeach her), might decide she has the authority to limit the automobile miles driven each month by Michiganders, ration fuel, and dictate thermostat settings in private homes.


We can imagine Democratic governors limiting church attendance in the name of the environment. It’s inessential, according to the belief system of the political left, which places its faith in the god of government, and declares that it will have no other gods before it. And thus the transformation of America would begin.


Never mind that some researchers say the economic lockdowns have had little effect on global temperatures. Temperatures are not what the global warming scare is about. The objective of climate alarmism is to regulate a free people and take down capitalism and replace it with a collectivist economic system enforced by government.


Our fear is that through its experience with the pandemic lockdowns, the country will be conditioned to just take whatever is dished out by power-hungry officials, elected and unelected. The fact the Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, could say “now is the time to do what you’re told” with minimal condemnation and no demands that he be fired is worrisome. At least Dr. Scott Atlas, a Trump coronavirus adviser, said in response to Whitmer’s petty tyranny that “the only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept.”


Will we rise up when blue state governors rob of us of our liberties in the name of protecting the climate? Will we refuse to accept the decrees of the Biden-Harris administration when it imposes its version of the Green New Deal on the country; outlaws automobiles that run on fossil fuel; bans fracking, which has provided the country with clean, cheap energy; and traps the U.S. in an international climate agreement that’s expensive, obstructive and at the same time useless? We don’t want to be pessimists, but we’re unlikely to stand up then unless we stand up now.


If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself     This election represents the ultimate test of our system and its resilience in a partisan age. If partisans can seize levers of power that impact election results, and they’ve shown they’ll stop at nothing in their revanchism, why engage in elections at all?  And what other recourse, short of revolution, can right the situation?


Sidney Powell: the bravest, smartest, fiercest, patriot in America




Have too many people over for Thanksgiving in Oregon, go to jail, but no sweat if you riot.


GA Senate candidate Warnock (D): “Americans Can't Serve God and the Military”

From Phone Banking to Fundraising, Hollywood Celebs Go All in to Flip Georgia Senate Seats

To flip the Senate, Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Six Figures Into Georgia Runoff


ACLU lawyer calls for censorship of books that criticize the promotion of transgenderism in children.


National Education Assn. backs Biden court-packing and demands “repudiation of white supremacist culture”


Washington Post Editorial Board calls for end to Electoral College.


Billionaires Claim That Only Amnesty and Illegals Can Save America


'Racist' classics banned from schools: 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' 'Huckleberry Finn,' 'Of Mice and Men,' and others.


Obama Compares Trump to Dictator -- 'There Has Been a Sense' He Would 'Do Anything to Stay in Power'


Black Virginia police chief fired for charging prominent BLM vandals and public officials.


Cancel culture calls on Disney to fire Star Wars actress for wanting free and fair elections




COVID-19 Lockdowns Lead to a Failure to Thrive at senior homes.  “There once was a time, like any other time before the year 2020, when people would have been ashamed to openly boast about abandoning their aging parents during the holidays.”


New study: Lockdowns & masks are useless and might even increase COVID-19 spread


COVID-19 is getting less deadly


Seattle restaurateur: WA state ignores data that doesn't support shutdowns




Conservative websites deplatformed

The Deplatforming of the American Mind

Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to and Mailchimp


Mainstream Media Thinks Parler Is a "Threat to Democracy"

'Free speech' social media platform Parler is a hit among Trump supporters, but experts (hoping) it won't last.


Dems Now Call For 'Unity' But Here's Why There Won't Be Any with Trump's Supporters


“Something always struck me as odd about liberals – their love of high taxes. I always thought it had to do with their desire to punish successful people, something deeply rooted in jealousy. Over time, however, I came to realize it was something more, something deeper and deeply flawed in their understanding of the world and the idea of the concept of liberty. Democrats view government as the center of life and the giver of all good things. And that doesn’t come for free.”


The True Battleground Is Education

What American Schools Should Teach About Race, Racism and Slavery

K–12: Why John Saxon Is the Brightest Star in Math Education


Don’t ‘Californicate’ The Rest Of America


Trumpism won, despite election results: Devine


Donald Trump, the Loneliest Man on the Planet


Republicans Risk New Wave of Apathy in Future Races If Election Integrity Is Ignored




Every Legal Vote


Boeing 737 Max cleared to fly again after 20-month grounding


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