op ed review 11/15
Thousands of Pro-Trump supporters descend on DC for 'Million MAGA March' near White House
Antifa mob assaults Trump supporters including children at MAGA March.
Hard to know where all this is going: Will Democrats get away with massive election fraud? Lots of suspicious circumstances, but hard to prove:
Michigan Election Observer Witnessed Drivers Bring in 50 Boxes of "Absentee Ballots" After Midnight Deadline into Detroit TCF Center at 3:30am.
Moment when Biden suddenly gained 138,000 votes in Michigan with no change in Trump votes.
About 10,000 dead people returned mail-in ballots to vote in Michigan.
How curious that “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”???
WSJ’s Post-Election Analysis of Bellwether Counties Shows a Clear Presidential Winner and It Wasn’t Biden.
Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans
Report: In 353 U.S. Counties, 1.8 Million More Voters Registered Than Eligible Citizens
Attorney Sidney Powell Drops Bomb: "We've Identified 450,000 Ballots That Miraculously Only Have a Vote For Joe Biden" (no other candidate)
PROOF OF FRAUD? Republicans Won 28 of 29 Most Competitive House Seats, Added 3 State Legislatures, Did Not Lose a Single House Seat -- But Joe Biden Won???
Based on Reports By Auditors, IT Specialists, Data Analysts, and Statisticians - The Number of Illegitimate Votes Identified In Four Swing States Are Enough to Overturn Election
Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost -- Using Dominion and Other Systems
Lord Mark Malloch Brown, a George Soros lieutenant, whose company Smartmatic, is intimately tied to Dominion Voting Systems who flipped votes from Trump to Biden. His machine was used in all the swing states.
Turns out the person in charge of Dominion software’s security, is an Antifa supporter and Trump hater. Wikipedia has deleted most of Dominion’s history. A few days ago Wikipedia noted its origins in Venezuela; that has now been removed.??
Hacker demonstrates how to gain full admin access to voting machines in under two minutes
Trump Attorney Says Dominion Worker Claims 100 Thousand Biden Ballots Brought in Back Door
Gang of Trump Supporting IT Specialists and Data Analysts Identify More Than 43,000 Ineligible Out of State Votes In Key Swing States
Milwaukee 'updates' voter registration portal data to hide cheating
“Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Wisconsin”
How Democrats Win: Signature Fraud in Nevada: Verification System "Basically Turned Off"
USPS Worker Placed on UNPAID LEAVE For Blowing Whistle on Backdating of Ballots
On election night in Georgia President Trump was running away with the Presidential election, then suddenly it was reported that vote counting had stopped in Fulton County due to a water main break in Atlanta. Records show no such water main break. ??
Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016
Oregon elections director fired after sharing security, spending concerns.
Tens of Thousands of PA Ballots Were Allegedly Returned Earlier Than They Were Sent
132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible
Nevada whistleblower tells of ‘Biden-Harris’ van unloading and stuffing ballots.
Brutal tweets from Venezuelans who've seen this stolen-election movie before
After the Ukraine election in 2004 experienced a wave of oddities that mirror exactly what happened during the 2020 election here in America, the State Department declared the election was “rigged”.
He should know: Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich: “Dems Stealing Elections a 'Time-Honored Tradition'”
Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush can’t wait to congratulate Biden for victory.
Gov. Kristi Noem Criticizes Romney for Conceding to Biden: 'DC Elites Are Eager to Return to Business as Usual'
Communist Chinese State Media Gushes Over Joe Biden After Election. He’s their man.
New Obama Memoir: Trashes Conservatives As Xenophobic Rubes Filled With ‘Racial Anxieties,’ Blames Palin
Palin: 'Kind of Pleasurable to Know I've Been Living Rent-Free' in Barack Obama's Head for 12 Years
Grassley To DOJ: Hunter and James Biden’s Actions Possible ‘Make Them Agents Of The Chinese Government’
This Is How The Left Is Planning To Destroy Trump If He Leaves Office
Republicans Pick Up Tenth House Seat With New York Victory, expected to gain 13 seats.
Former NFL Player Burgess Owens Knocks Off Pelosi Democrat - Wins US House Seat in Utah
Young Kim Flips Blue California Seat Red, Second CA GOP Pick-Up Of Election
Incoming congresswoman with Cuban mother tells AOC there's 'new anti-socialist squad' in town.
Trump flipped five overwhelmingly Hispanic border counties despite bipartisan claims his rhetoric would alienate them.
GOP Now Controls Majority of State Legislatures in Battleground States
A Montana Second Amendment referendum passed despite being massively outspent
California Prop 15 fails, leaving 1978's Prop 13 untouched, not raising property taxes.
Fox News Owner's Wife Tweeted 'We Did It' After Projected Biden Win
Fox News betrays its conservative base and is quickly becoming irrelevant
Fox News Fires Diamond and Silk Shortly After They Refuse $150k To Turn On Trump
Trump eyes starting his own digital media empire to take on Fox News
Refund the police? Minneapolis starts begging for outside resources after crime surges.
Georgia Democrat Senate candidate: ‘America Needs to Repent for Its Worship of Whiteness’
Georgia Dem Senate Candidate's Mentor: "There Will Be No Peace in America Until White People Begin to Hate their Whiteness"
"Wait a second — so you're saying that the Republicans will play the 'stupid party' in this script, stumble over their own feet, and lose to a dimwit?....No, all the Republicans will be big winners in the House, Senate, in the state legislatures across the board. Even their presidential candidate will receive almost ten million more votes than during his previous winning election. But our guy (Biden) is just such a compelling candidate that Americans in a handful of battleground states will be drawn to vote for him in numbers never seen before……Oh, and he'll have a coked-out son who's a national security nightmare, in the pockets of the Chinese communists, and forever losing his laptop in strip clubs overseas while in a blacked-out stupor." I can't decide whether the Democrats think we're all as stupid as Chris Wallace and will find the statistically impossible outcomes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania somehow believable if the Soviet-like press repeats the lie enough, or whether they're asserting their dominance by just strutting right out in the open with no fear, taking long drags on their cigarettes, and declaring: "That's right; we're not even gonna pretend anymore. No matter how mind-bogglingly many votes Trump receives, we'll just keep dumping anonymous, single-entry ballots for Biden right out on the table until you choke on the network narratives saluting our victory. When we promised 'hope and change,' we meant 'Pravda and gulag,' and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
“Washington State is a worrisome window into the future. The Pacific Northwest is a laboratory for crackpot progressive policies.”
A huge question is whether the shameful and shameless tactics deployed by the Establishment against Donald Trump in 2020—censoring online media, editorializing the news, covering up mass lawbreaking, blacklisting, threats of additional riots if Biden is not elected, and much more—will be dropped going forward as only having been justified by the once-in-a-lifetime Ends Justify the Means necessity to dump Trump. Or will By Any Means Necessary become the new normal?
American Coup Victims Will Not Go Quietly: “Trump has been a decent counterpuncher, but he’s a poor conspirator. He’s seldom been cynical enough about how low his foes would go against him. He doesn’t have the attention span to obsess enough over what his enemies are planning to do to him in the future. So he’s not often paranoid enough ahead of time about what his foes are up to. He’s just not cynical enough, expecting people to like him rather than to try to do him down. Unfortunately, in our new normal where the ends are felt to justify the means, the time for Trumpian optimism and naivete appears to be passing.”
This Is a Time for Fighting, Not for “Healing"
Of Course The Party Of Moral Authoritarianism Would Cheat On Elections
Went to Bed in America, Woke Up in a Banana Republic
Tucker Carlson rips Big Tech for protecting Joe Biden. "we have to end Silicon Valley's total control over information...we can't have free and fair electiona without doing that."
The Left Threatens GOP: 'We Have a List' and You'll Never Work Again if You Helped Trump
A Vengeful Jennifer Rubin Wants Republican Party to 'Burn Down' and 'No Survivors'
George Soros Looms Large Over Biden Transition (wants his money’s worth)
And Wall Street Assumes Command of Biden Transition Team
Did Fox News's premature Arizona call for Biden trigger the massive cheating operation?
Fox News has gone over to the darkside. “The Death of Fox News”
Law firm withdraws from representation of President Trump after “Leftist mobs descended upon some of the lawyers representing the President’s campaign and they buckled.”
San Francisco may rename 44 of the district's 125 schools. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and even Sen. Dianne Feinstein are insufficiently woke to have city schools named after them,
San Francisco bars natural gas in new building construction starting next year.
CNN's Amanpour slammed for comparing Trump's term to Nazis' Kristallnacht: 'Foul, even for CNN'
Libertarian billionaire Charles Koch switches sides, congratulates Biden and says he wants to work together on ‘as many issues as possible’
Electoral College is new target of Seattle BLM activists
“Poking God In The Eye: Kamala Harris Vows To Fund Israel's Enemies”
Network TV Cop Shows Push Black Lives Matter, Anti-Cop Messages
Almost 500 medics and academics have penned a letter to U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson - just hours after the U.S. election has been "decided" - informing him that official Covid data is being "exaggerated" and that talk of a second wave of Covid is "misleading".
Harvard Researchers: Nearly Half of Young Adults Showing Signs of Depression Amid Pandemic
The whole scam just fell apart: COVID test, overwhelming number of false positives.
Trump Administration Reaches Deal With Pharmacies to Make COVID-19 Vaccine Free
Joe Biden Coronavirus Adviser: Vaccine Should Be Distributed Globally, Not to America First
Liberals Suddenly Don't Care About COVID; Celebrate "Victory" By Gathering And Shouting In Large Groups
Jason Whitlock interesting read: “400 years ago, American bigots established black skin as the defining characteristic of black people and 400 years later, the ideological descendants of those bigots have worked to maintain skin color as the defining characteristic of black people. This year those ideological descendants decided to capitalize the “b” in Black as a written reminder that skin color places black people in a special category of humanity. This designation manipulates black people into approaching each day as a competition to prove their blackness rather than a competition to prove their intelligence, religious faith, patriotism, commitment to family or integrity. I call it the “Unapologetically Black Olympics.” The Olympic organizers are white liberals.”
5 Reasons Conservatives Should Have Hope For The Future
Media steals the election? A post-election poll conducted by the Media Research Center reveals that 36% of voters who chose Joe Biden were not aware of the evidence linking him “to corrupt financial dealings with China through his son Hunter Biden.” Thirteen percent of those said they would not have voted for him had they known.
The Oregonians who are fed up with living under the progressive boot.
Party Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia Elections Work
How Texas Republicans Kept the State Red
The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science
America’s Blue States Are Banana Republics
Trump's strong Hispanic support befuddles Democrats, activists
Pollster Frank Luntz urges pollsters to seek new profession after Trump outperforms polls: 'Sell real estate'
National academy paper on “Statistical detection of systematic election irregularities” (Vote fraud analytics)
Meet Joe Biden's missing grandchild: Navy Joan Roberts - the two-year-old Hunter tried to deny he had with a stripper - who was absent as the President-elect celebrated victory. And it doesn't look like she'll be meeting him anytime soon.
World's largest all-electric aircraft takes to the skies for the first time making a 30-minute flight over Moses Lake.
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