op ed review 12/13
U.S. Supreme Court throws out Texas lawsuit contesting election results, saying “Texas lacked standing.” To their credit, Thomas and Alito were willing to hear it.
There are a lot of theories for this decision, but Dick Morris said the unsayable: The Supreme Court was intimidated by the Democrats’ promised court-packing scheme.
Video Footage From Georgia Shows Suitcases Filled with Ballots Pulled From Under Table AFTER Supervisor Told GOP Poll Workers to Leave Tabulation Center
A freelance IT worker who was contracted to assist Dominion Voting Systems at the TCF Center in downtown Detroit on Election Day testified Tuesday that everything she witnessed there pointed to fraud. “What I witnessed at that TCF Center was complete fraud,” she told the Michigan state senators. “The whole 27 hours I was there, there were batches of ballots being rammed through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted 8 to 10 times,” Carone said. “I watched this with my own eyes. I was there to assist with IT.”
Michigan witness testifies that military ballots looked like photocopies with ZERO votes for Trump
Biden Won 477 Counties vs Obama Who Won 689 in 2012 - Yet Biden Magically Gained 13 Million More Votes Than Obama
Sidney Powell: Election fraud witness in Hospital After Beating
A scientist in the fields of pattern recognition in mathematical analysis, testified that Biden may have received a weighted 130 percent of Democrat votes in Maricopa County, Arizona, to help him win the state.
The election was a month ago, yet President Trump seems no closer to pulling this out than he was the day after the election. There have been numerous credible allegations of electoral fraud, from late-night ballot dumps to statistical impossibilities in votes and turnout, as well as hundreds of sworn affidavits, but it is looking more and more like a fool’s errand. The Trump team of attorneys is smart and tenacious but will any of this work? Has the fix been in all along? Are the Kraken and Storm wishful thinking? How did we get here?
Ware County tested Dominion tabulators: Equal number of votes yielded 26% ‘lead’ for Joe Biden
Will A Small County In Northern Michigan Be The Key To Overturning The Nation’s Election Results? America Should Find Out On Monday
Never Trumpers Go All in for Democrats Against Republicans in Georgia
“Republicans Are Blowing It in Georgia, and We May All Pay the Price”
Newt Gingrich urges GA Republicans to vote in such high numbers that Democrats cannot pull off the heist again.
Fidel Castro received standing ovation at the church of Democratic Georgia senate candidate Raphael Warnock
Only good news: House Democrats are going to be working with their smallest majority in over one hundred years.
Hunter Biden raked in $6m over nine months from his Chinese business dealings
The second of this week's two biggest stories: the clear gaslighting the media and former intelligence officials carried out on the Hunter Biden story, hiding the fact that he’s been under criminal investigation since 2018 for bribery, tax evasion, and money laundering from, among other sources, China.
Hunter Biden Email Names Kamala Harris, Others as Key Contacts for 'Joint Venture' With China Energy Co.
New Hunter Biden Email Further Implicates Joe Biden
Joe Biden Already Planning Executive Orders On Gun Control
Joe Biden Would Permit Gun Manufacturers to Be Sued When 'Criminals' Use Guns To Commit Crimes
Nearly two dozen House Republicans urge Trump to demand special counsel investigate 2020 election integrity
After 4 Years of Stonewalling Corrupt FBI Finally Admits They're Holding Seth Rich's Laptop
YouTube Announces New Censorship Rules - Will Take Down Videos Alleging Fraud and Disputing 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Results
President Trump tweeted video of a Chinese professor suggesting that China has managed to influence U.S. policy for decades thanks to a special network of relationships with people at the upper echelons of American power.
DNI Ratcliffe highlights China as the top threat to the United States
CNN Anchors And Biden Advisers Attended A Major Chinese Communist Conference With Xi Jinping
"Chinese Sociologist Dr. Li Yi: We Are Driving America to Its Death; COVID-19 Has Been Beneficial for China, North Korea; There Will Be No U.S.-China War, But We Will Take Over Taiwan”
New group 'Freedom Force' vows to be GOP answer to AOC's 'Squad'
Seattle homicides highest in over a decade as council cuts police budget
“The poverty defense.” If someone trespasses by pitching a tent on private property or walks out with a handful groceries from the corner market or steals power tools with the intent of reselling them online in order to pay for a basic need like food or rent, the city of Seattle may be OK with that.
Jason Rantz: Seattle is about to go unthinkably left as liberal mayor announces she won't seek reelection
Happy Ending For Young Boy Traumatized By “Woke” Liberal Santa
Minnesota resident's Christmas light display shamed for 'harmful impact' to community in anonymous letter
“Like many of Europe's tired denizens, sick to death of their continent's humanist treasures, preferring brutalist modern art instead as proof they are all about 'progress,' so we have the 2020 Vatican nativity scene.”
The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election
J Christian Adams 12/2
Indeed, something profoundly fishy happened in the 2020 election, but it wasn’t the Kraken or Venezuelan communists running remote software when they can’t even make the red lights work in their own country. Those shiny objects will play out with time and examination of evidence. What happened in 2020 is something more fundamental and profound. What happened in 2020 is cultural and systemic, and sadly, generally legal. Until Republicans, and more importantly Trump supporters, understand what happened to them this year, it will happen again….
Two things happened in 2020. First, COVID led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president – the state legislatures. Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.
If you are focused on goblins in the voting machines but don’t know anything about the CTCL and what they did to defeat Donald Trump, it’s time to up your game. The Center for Technology and Civic Life and allied groups are responsible for building an urban get-out-the-vote-machine of the sort that Democrats could only dream up on a bender fueled by jugs of Merlot and all the legalized pot they could smoke. The Capital Research Center has this deep dive into what the Center for Technology and Civil Life did in just Georgia. It starts with this:
“This year, left-leaning donors Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan gave $350 million to an allegedly “nonpartisan” nonprofit, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which in turn re-granted the funds to thousands of governmental election officials around the country to “help” them conduct the 2020 election.” “Help.” That’s a good one.
What these grants did was build structural bias into the 2020 election where structural bias matters most – in densely populated urban cores. It converted election offices in key jurisdictions with deep reservoirs of Biden votes into Formula One turnout machines. The hundreds of millions of dollars built systems, hired employees from activist groups, bought equipment and radio advertisements. It did everything that street activists could ever dream up to turn out Biden votes if only they had unlimited funding.
In 2020, they had unlimited funding because billionaires made cash payments to 501(c)(3) charities that in turn made cash payments to government election offices. Flush with hundreds of millions in new cash, government election offices turned those donations into manpower, new equipment, and street muscle to turn often sluggish and incompetent urban election offices into massive Biden turnout machines across the country – in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Lansing, Philadelphia, and Atlanta among dozens of others.
Philadelphia’s election office budget was normally $9.8 million. The CLTC gave Philadelphia $10 million, more than doubling the city budget. Those millions were used to hire local activists as city employees to drive around and collect ballots. The millions bought new printers and scanners to accommodate mail ballots. Philadelphia established brand new satellite election offices across the most Biden-friendly neighborhoods in the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The millions bought scores of convenient drop boxes across the same neighborhoods where mail ballots could be conveniently dropped. Even though laws limited third parties from collecting and dropping off multiple ballots, people were photographed dropping off bundles of ballots at the boxes.
If voters couldn’t muster the initiative to travel a few blocks to the drop-off boxes or new satellite offices, the city went to them to collect their ballot. CLTC dollars flowed through Philadelphia election officials to the pricey public relations firm Aloysius Butler & Clark. They designed billboards, posters, bus advertisements, and print ads. Radio advertisements and street marketing all added to the blitz. In Philadelphia and the surrounding urban counties that received millions of dollars in CLTC grants, turnout exploded. The plan worked.
In case you still don’t follow: Hundreds of millions of private charitable dollars flowed into key urban county election offices in battleground states. The same private philanthropic largess did not reach red counties. Urban counties were able to revolutionize government election offices into Joe Biden turnout machines.
Here’s the best part — All of this is legal. Do not allow your shock and confusion about what happened in 2020 lead you to mislabel all of this as “voter fraud” or “quasi-legal.” The Left excels at making the unprecedented real and the seemingly illegal, legal.
Yet none of this should be a surprise. Last April, I warned on these pages:
“On one recent teleconference call, leaders of this effort even considered giving state election officials direct payments to do what the progressives want them to do. In other words, they are researching the possibility of privately funding state and local elections offices in such a way that it doesn’t appear to be a bribe. This could include paying for expansive vote-by-mail, providing ballot design, and manpower help to run the elections. It could include things that those of us in the real America probably couldn’t even make up.”
The hundreds of millions poured into urban election offices by the CTLC and affiliated charities also explains how Trump dramatically increased his share of the black and Hispanic vote and still lost. Hadn’t we been told that if Trump could increase his share of the black vote by only a few percentage points that he would win? Well, he did, and he lost.
Even if Trump increased his share of the black and Hispanic vote, the opening of the urban turnout floodgates through private donations to government election offices easily swamped Trump statewide in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan. It doesn’t matter if Trump has 15 percent of the black vote in Detroit if turnout there soared by 92,891 Detroit votes, which it did. It doesn’t matter if Trump has even 20 percent of the black vote in Atlanta if turnout in DeKalb soared by 54,550 votes, which it did.
This also explains how the GOP was so successful everywhere… except at the top of the ticket. A flood of blue votes gushing out of deep blue urban areas has a statewide effect only for statewide candidates. It doesn’t affect legislative races outside of the cities.
But what about fraud, you might wonder. Sure enough, fraud was a problem. There is a long list of things being reported as fraud that are not fraud that will need to wait for another day to address, but the singular fact is the rush to mail balloting created weaknesses all across the system. Mail ballots went to dead people. Mail ballots went to abandoned mines in Nevada. Mail ballots went to vacant lots in Pittsburgh. Mail ballots went in the garbage. Mail ballots were voted by people other than the voter.
I successfully argued in court that Virginia election officials violated Virginia statute when they issued rules that ballots can arrive late and without a postmark. But sadly, that case was one of the few instances of success at blocking the Democrats’ frenzy to throw out election integrity laws. By and large, the Democrats succeeded in tossing out state laws related to absentee ballot verification, deadlines and a whole range of laws all in the name of COVID. By and large, GOP efforts in court failed. It was a courtroom bloodbath that created vulnerabilities across the system.
The important point to understand is that elections are messy, and in 2020 hundreds of millions of dollars thrown at lawsuits and at election officials made the 2020 elections the messiest ever. Elections are also complicated, and you don’t always need outright fraud or communist hackers to craft a scheme to defeat Donald Trump. Why take that risk when you can do it all mostly legally by simply fundamentally transforming the entire process? There’s the word we need to think more about. Process. It’s what the Left has been doing better than us for decades.
“Then, suddenly, the counting stopped. Late at night, five decisive states announced at the same time that they stopped counting. Has the counting of votes ever stopped on election night in any election, let alone a presidential election? It’s as if, with a couple of minutes left to play in a basketball game, one team is way ahead and “running away with it,” and the other team is down and dejected, staring defeat in the face; and all of a sudden, the referees stop the game for the first time ever, and for no stated reason. Then they send the team that’s winning, home, blindfold them, and tie their hands; leave the trailing team on the court by itself, with control of the scoreboard and the keys; and ask them to send in the final score, whenever they want. If there were fans in the stands, they’d yell, “How much they payin’ you, ref?” In hindsight, though, maybe we should have seen this coming because a “perfect storm” of major forces and trends came together to make sure that Joe Biden and the Deep State would not lose….”
“A six-minute video sums up 2020’s impossible election paradoxes. “remarkably lucid explanation for the peculiarities surrounding the election. He did not focus specifically on the allegations of election fraud. Instead, he explained that traditional markers associated with an incumbent's almost inevitable victory were all lined up to result in an overwhelming Trump win. That Trump did not, in fact, win simply makes no sense….”
“In 2020, we are seeing the exact same operational execution around COVID-19. This time the crisis is a virus and the planned primary beneficiaries are the Blue Team states and their collapsing and unstable financial mechanisms. The American electorate (writ large) would never support targeted taxpayer funded bailouts to Blue State beneficiaries. As a consequence, the crisis needs to hit Main Street so that public support for massive bailouts can be accepted. Nancy Pelosi sets up the proposal, takes the accounting of the Blue Team needs, and sits down with inside party club members to organize the funding mechanisms. Obviously, all of this big picture outcome is contingent upon successful execution of President Trump’s removal… hence, the firm-reliance on election fraud.
Larry Elder: Remembering Walter Williams, friend and mentor
Walter Williams, R.I.P. | National Review
Radical Son, Then and Now
Now progressives are coming after the pioneers. “The American Left has learned Stalin's tactic well. Delegitimize the American past as incurably evil, convince people that there was nothing admirable in American system, fill the textbooks and lectures with the pathological dishonesty of Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, and any defense of contemporary American institutions and practices becomes next to impossible for those who don't know better.”
‘Make Them Pay’: Michigan Democratic State Rep. Cynthia Jones Threatens Trump Supporters
Soros-Funded Los Angeles DA to Help Criminal Illegals Avoid Deportation
Report: Joe Biden to Name Neera Tanden, Head of Soros-Funded Center for American Progress, to OMB
George Soros Appoints Chair of Parent Company to Smartmatic Voting Software to Lead His Foundations
Nasdaq Erases Women, Requires Director Who 'Self-Identifies as Female'
U. N. Chief Guterres Demands World Reset To Forestall A Climate Apocalypse
Texas A&M Threatens Student with Investigation, Possible Discipline for Posting Trump Signs
Antifa Stockpiles Weapons at Portland Autonomous Zone
Man throws explosive at Trump supporter's Michigan home
American High Schools Go Woke
Thanks mainstream media! Nearly half of all voters overestimate number of additional U.S. deaths amid COVID pandemic, poll.
The Usefulness of COVID-19 Fear
Southern California Braces for Lockdown, Except for ‘Essential’ Entertainment Industry
Study Finds Asymptomatic Spread Not a Significant Source of the CCP Virus Pandemic
Cornell vaccine mandate only applies to white students
“After nine months of near meaningless measures by leftist authoritarians and those duped by their fear-mongering, time has made it clear that the Wuhan virus is simply going to do what most viruses do: run its course, have exposure to the vast majority of us, and have little to no impact on the vast majority of us. It is past time for the decision-makers in our society to heed this mountain of information and end the cancelations, mandates, shutdowns, and lockdowns.”
Switzerland is emerging as a model for how the coronavirus can be contained without a national lockdown, after daily new infections halved since the start of November despite pubs, restaurants, gyms and sports remaining open in much of the country.
Is the Democrats’ Election Heist ‘Too Big to Fail’?
Feder: The Media Stole the 2020 Election Before a Single Vote Was Cast
No Politician Is More Popular or Unpopular Than Trump
If you’re on the left, you believe that the traditional idea that humans come in two sexes (male and female) is not only outdated but evil. Instead, leftism insists that human sex identification is an infinitely malleable matter of personal choice, untethered to genetics. Conservatives respond that it’s not a matter of choice. Instead, people who claim to be transgendered almost invariably have complex mental issues, often stemming from their upbringing. A recently recovered 1991 study supports conservatives.
Secret Service Puts Finishing Touches On Biden's New Presidential Mobility Scooter
A guide to election fraud.
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