Sunday, December 20, 2020

op ed review 12/20


Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock frame themselves as moderate Democrats to appeal to the traditional red state of Georgia. But their true intentions are seen with their policies and their friends. Georgia voters deserve to know the truth.

Warnock described members of the U.S. Senate as "gangsters and thugs" whose votes for a 2017 tax cut exposed their willingness to "kill children."

Poll: Solid Majority of Georgians Side with Loeffler, Perdue Against Renaming Atlanta Braves

Perdue and Loeffler edge into lead in Georgia, ‘should’ win both.  But don’t discount more voter fraud.

Democrat Groups Caught Breaking Federal Law – Bribing Georgia Voters with Soros Money

Wait a Second—Who is That With Dan Crenshaw in Georgia Runoff Ad?


AG Barr resigns: Everyone (except Biden) wins


Sen. Cruz Blocks Democrat-Backed Bill that Would Open Migrant Pipeline from Hong Kong

Illegal immigration from Asia rises while Mexican population falls

Supreme Court Green-Lights Trump Removal of Illegal Aliens From Census Count


Peter Navarro releases 36-page report which “assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states” and concludes that “patterns of election irregularities ... are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, strategically game the election process in such a way as to ... unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.” “more than sufficient” to swing the outcome.

Antrim Michigan Forensics Report.  “We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

‘Arizona Certified Fraudulent Votes’ Data Scientists Claim

Herschel Walker Urges Republicans to Stand By Trump: 'Where Are You Now?'

Report Alleges Zuckerberg's $419 Million 'Improperly Influenced Election'

Georgia Poll Workers Who Raised Election Concerns Get Terminated

RINO Mitch McConnell Praises American Election 'Processes', Signals He Will Ignore Election Contests

Follow the money:  Dominion Lobbyists Paid McConnell Thousands Before He Crushed Election Integrity Bills, Ignored Election Contests


Redistricting gives GOP a built-in edge to win House majority in 2022


President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says 'Be There, Will Be Wild'


Police Finally Swarm Filthy Reincarnated Autonomous Zone in Seattle, It Doesn't End Well for Antifa


Bombshell Email Shows Hunter Biden Requesting $10 Million From China, "Best Wishes" From "Entire Biden Family"

It's Outrageous That Joe Biden Is Even Considering Disney's Bob Iger For Ambassador To China

Biden calls gun violence 'national health crisis'; Harris says 'past time' for new gun control

Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor's Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry Family


Rush Limbaugh Gives Heartbreaking Health Update: 'Every Day Remains A Gift'


This won’t make her popular in her party:  Democrat Tulsi Gabbard is making news on two fronts, introducing a ‘born alive’ amendment that protects infants who survive abortion, and legislation that would prevent biological males from competing in women’s sports.


Rising GOP star:  Moms Group Gives S.D. Gov. Kristi Noem Its ‘Mother of Influence' Award




Is the whole government in on this fraudulent election?

Robert Arvay  12/16


Every once in a while, most of us wind up in situations where we are completely baffled. It may be a simple situation, such as having looked literally everywhere for our reading glasses, and not having found them. Did they violate the laws of physics and just vanish? One knows that that cannot be true, and yet, as the old saying goes, once one has ruled out every logical possibility, only the illogical remains, no matter how unlikely it is.


Another situation is the one we are in now. Any informed person, with a modicum of sense, can see that the presidential election results, at best, are not to be trusted and at worst are rampantly fraudulent. Yet it seems that court after court, and investigative agencies one after the other, are turning a blind eye. Are they violating the laws of physics?


It turns out that the reading glasses did not disappear; they were in place, but pushed up, on one's forehead all along. There was a logical explanation after all. And sadly, it turns out that the courts and government agencies were not turning a blind eye. They have been, all along, part of the fraud. No matter how unlikely that seems, it is the only answer remaining. In other words, we lost this battle a long time ago. As soon as Trump was elected president in 2016, the dark state realized that it had blundered. Its members had underestimated the degree of fraud it would need to defeat him. This time, they removed all possibility of failure, and even then, they needed vastly more fraud than even they had anticipated. Stuffing the ballot boxes was not enough; they had to call time out, for a few hours, so they could print yet more ballots. Indeed, they printed so many more that the sheer number of them made it obvious that they were cheating.


One might think they overplayed their hand, that they had used a sledgehammer to swat a mosquito. In doing so, they removed all reasonable doubt — the election was clearly rigged. But the dark state was so desperate that its operatives cared nothing for how it seems to the informed observer. Nothing. They just had to make absolutely sure that there would be no way that Donald Trump would be declared the winner.


The culprits were not merely the usual suspects — the Adam Schiffs and Eric Swalwells and their ilk. As profoundly and obviously corrupt as they are, they are weak. They could not have pulled this off without some heavyweight criminals in high places, including the courts, the premier law enforcement agencies, the intelligence bureaus, and the private sector communications companies.


It is certain that President Trump has been a wrecking ball against the dark state. He came at it with courage, resolve, and a level of acumen that the left had dangerously underestimated.  The 2020 election was, as the establishment saw it, the last and final chance to remove the threat he poses to their power. Had the election been honest, Trump would have won so overwhelmingly that the Democrat Party, for one, would have become a thing of the past. Trillions of dollars were at stake worldwide, including in China. People go to war for that kind of money and that level of power. It is unsurprising, then, that there was nothing, literally nothing, from which the dark state would refrain, in its attack — not even if it destroys the republic. This was the final banzai charge. It was do or die.


There is only one remaining backstop that can defeat the dark state. It is we, the people, the heirs of 1776. In that year, the Founders declared their concerns not only for themselves, but for their as yet unborn "posterity." They cared about us. Will we care as much for our descendants?


“Republicans, Learn How to Fight Dirty or Keep Being Losers”


Glenn Reynolds:  “It's time for the 'Deplorables' to become the Unconquerables”


When Goldman speaks, people listen:  “Why China is winning the tech war”




Eulogy for Dad




Author Kathleen Brush visited 114 nations during the course of her “racism” research and has found what common sense informs us: The United States is among the least racist countries on Earth. Author of the book Racism and Anti-Racism in the World Before and After 1945, Brush appeared Thursday on Tucker Carlson Tonight to present her findings.




MSNBC Hack Steve Schmidt Compares Trump Supporters To ’20s Or 30s’ Nazi Germany


U.S. City (Seattle) May Pass “Duress Legislation” to Give Criminals “Poverty Defense”


U.S. Olympic Committee Will Allow American Athletes To Kneel In Protest, Raise Fists

NFL Honors Gunman Killed While Shooting at Cops


The Left Redefines Resistance as ‘Sedition’


Report: NYC Has Freed Thousands Of Gun Suspects This Year, Nearly 90% Of Those Arrested


Cartoon Network Schools Kids on Pronouns: “They Define You and Make You Feel Safe”


Twitter Changes Rules Back to What They Were Before Election Now That they Manipulated Election Results




CDC Says Elderly Shouldn't Get COVID Vaccine First Because They Aren't Diverse Enough:  “Older populations are whiter.”


Chinese Virus, Chinese Vaccine?: CCP Leak Confirms Pfizer, AstraZeneca Employed 123 Chinese Communist Party Members


American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order -- How Many People Died Because These Soulless Hacks Wanted to Hurt Trump?


Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in “Evil” Great Reset




Trump's End Game:  “Millions of Americans are persuaded there was widespread systemic fraud and corruption in the 2020 vote. But, a number of courts have seen heaps of evidence, affidavits etc. Yet, they've taken zero action favorable to Trump. That’s because the electoral system, as devised, makes it impossible to effectively challenge voting fraud. No court can process sufficiently and fairly all the evidence, claims and counterclaims, testimony, etc. in the time between election day and the day electors are chosen…..Cases this complicated take months, even years to be resolved in courts. The only hope now -- and it is as good, if not better, than any hope since voting ended -- lies in the alternate electors for Trump sent Monday by seven states. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is sure to ignore the Trump alternate electors, so Trump can’t win at this stage. But the Republican-controlled Senate also will consider electors, and if they choose Trump’s over Biden’s, it’s a standoff: the House for electing Biden, the Senate for electing Trump…..”

Might we have a Republican president — in 2023?


NeverTrumpers at National Review are disgraceful.  “Congratulations, National Review! You Got Your Wish!......The biological entity known as Joseph R. Biden will be inaugurated on January 20. Success has a thousand fathers—and one of them is a conservative publication where many principled conservatives spend their days tearing down the most conservative president in generations. I therefore would like to congratulate National Review and its principled conservers of conservatism on a job well done. At long last, your efforts to undermine Donald Trump and make yourselves irrelevant have borne fruit.”


“….the  good old days of subtle subjectivity or mild bias in the field of journalism are long gone. Instead, the legacy media have ushered in a new age of blatant and shameless narrative control with the expressed goal of achieving partisan political objectives.  For those who disagree, here is a list of stories from this past week alone which — had they received any attention — could be hugely damaging to the Democratic party and ““have been suppressed or even ignored by our supposedly “objective” media elite.”


Jill Biden: 'Doctor' Credential Unearned

Scrutiny of her doctoral dissertation will make ‘Dr. Jill Biden’ wish she had stuck with ‘Mrs. Biden’

Jill Biden’s Garbage Dissertation, Explained:   “To call Jill Biden’s dissertation thin gruel is an insult to gruel. Whatever meager substance puddled in Bob Cratchit’s miserable bowl at mealtime was a bountiful feast compared with this paper…..The dissertation….shimmers with the wan, term-papery feel of middle school, although in defense of today’s middle schoolers, they at least know how to use spell-checking software, unlike Mrs. Biden.”


Interesting nuggets from the Antrim Dominion machine forensic analysis




California Declares Christmas Caroling A Felony




President Trump Releases Video:  "FIGHT FOR TRUMP – SAVE AMERICA – SAVE THE WORLD":


Former CBS News reporter and anchor Sharyl Atkinson:  “What you’ve been asking for: A (fairly) complete list of (some of) the most significant claims of 2020 election miscounts, errors or fraud.”




“In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer…….I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.”

                  -Benjamin Franklin


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