Saturday, January 2, 2021

op ed review 1/3


President Trump Confirms Support for January 6th MAGA Assembly in Washington DC

Trump calls for ‘new & energetic Republican leadership’, fed up with “pathetic” Republican leaders who “only know how to lose.”

Federal Court: President Trump Has Right to Bar Uninsured Migrants


Media Ignore 'Most Admired Man' Poll After Trump Edges Obama for #1

72% of Republicans See Trump As Model for Party’s Future

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Republicans Believe Voter Fraud Helped Biden Win


Witnesses in GA say Democrats altered military ballots.

Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties???

The strange story of Georgia’s pallets of ballots

On Dec. 28, Pennsylvania lawmakers concluded that "Numbers Don't Add Up, Certification Of Presidential Results Premature and In Error."

Mathematician Bobby Piton Finds More Than 500,000 Unique Last Names in Pennsylvania: 'Sophisticated State Actor Was Able to Optimize Desired Outcome'

If enough Senators challenge the election results, Trump wins.

Democrats Have Objected To Electoral Certification The Last Three Times A Republican Won

Arizona Patriots Identify Between 160,000 to 400,000 'Phantom' Ballots

5 Reasons You're Not Crazy to Question the Election

Bold billionaire offers million dollar bounty for any irrefutable evidence that the Dominion Voting Systems produced fraudulent votes during the 2020 election.


Poll:  Democrat Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are leading GOP incumbent Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) in battleground Georgia less than a week from the January 5 runoff elections.

Ossoff, Warnock bankrolled by donors in New York and California

Facebook Censors Ad Highlighting Warnock's Praise of Jeremiah Wright

Ossoff says Police Must NOT Cooperate with ICE

Camper Recounts Abuse at Church Camp run by Warnock.

Betting markets see Republican win in Georgia's runoffs, while polls give edge to Democrats

Stacey Abrams' Federal Judge Sister Blocks Purge of Inaccurate Voter Rolls in Georgia


Portland police declare riot as city’s unrest carries into new year

Protesters vandalize St. Patrick's Cathedral New Year's Day

Over 4,100 People Shot in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago in 2020…..Mostly black lives; where’s the outrage?

Antifa strikes Pelosi’s home in San Francisco, vandalized with pig’s head, fake blood; “Cancel rent! We want everything (free)!”


The incoming chair of the House Appropriations Committee, has indicated that it's her duty to repeal the Hyde Amendment next term, a measure that for over 40 years has banned the taxpayer funding of abortions.

Proposed House Rules Seek to Erase Gendered Terms Such as ‘Father, Mother, Son, Daughter’


A host of corporate media outlets including CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC have participated in private dinners and sponsored trips with the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a Chinese Communist Party-funded group seeking to garner “favorable coverage” and “disseminate positive messages” regarding China.

Leaked Chinese Communist Party Member List Shows 70-member Strong Unit at NYU Shanghai

China doing just fine:  China GDP to grow 8.2% in 2021, the most in 10 years: Nikkei survey (Was COVID An accident?)

Chinese government wipes out public religious references in traditionally Catholic village…”The erasure of authentic Catholic expression is part of a crackdown that has intensified since the secret Vatican-China deal.”


It’s a cold day in hell when leftist CNN concedes that President Donald Trump actually “won” anything. But a recent CNN story was literally headlined, “How Trump won the economic message battle…If the economy were the only thing that mattered, [Trump] probably would have won reelection.”

The New York Times Helps a Vindictive Teen Destroy a Classmate Who Uttered a Racial Slur When She Was 15.  The teen saved the 3 second video for years, then posted it:  the girl lost her spot on Univ of Tennessee’s cheerleading squad. Then the university pressured her to withdraw from the school entirely.

The New York Times Using Its Reporting Resources To Weaponize Teen Drama Is A Scary Trend


Joe Biden refers to “President-elect Harris” again.


2020’s Big Winners: Billionaires, Silicon Valley Tech Lords, and Communist China




Newt Gingrich  12/21

A smart friend of mine who is a moderate liberal asked why I was not recognizing Joe Biden’s victory. The friend made the case that Mr. Biden had gotten more votes, and historically we recognize the person with the most votes. Normally, we accept the outcome of elections just as we accept the outcomes of sporting events. So, my friend asked why was 2020 different?


Having spent more than four years watching the left #Resist President Donald Trump and focus entirely on undoing and undermining the 2016 election, it took me several days to understand the depth of my own feelings.


As I thought about it, I realized my anger and fear were not narrowly focused on votes. My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs. The challenge is that I — and other conservatives — are not disagreeing with the left within a commonly understood world. We live in alternative worlds. The left’s world is mostly the established world of the forces who have been dominant for most of my life.


My world is the populist rebellion which believes we are being destroyed, our liberties are being cancelled and our religions are under assault. (Note the new Human Rights Campaign to decertify any religious school which does not accept secular sexual values — and that many Democrat governors have kept casinos open while closing churches though the COVID-19 pandemic.) We also believe other Democrat-led COVID-19 policies have enriched the wealthy while crushing middle class small business owners (some 160,000 restaurants may close). In this context, let’s talk first about the recent past and the presidency.


In 2016, I supported an outsider candidate, who was rough around the edges and in the Andrew Jackson school of controversial assaults on the old order. When my candidate won, it was blamed on the Russians. We now know (four years later) Hillary Clinton’s own team financed the total lie that fueled this attack.


Members of the FBI twice engaged in criminal acts to help it along — once in avoiding prosecution of someone who had deleted 33,000 emails and had a subordinate use a hammer to physically destroy hard drives, and a second time by lying to FISA judges to destroy Gen. Michael Flynn and spy on then-candidate Donald Trump and his team. The national liberal media aided and abetted every step of the way. All this was purely an attempt to cripple the new president and lead to the appointment of a special counsel — who ultimately produced nothing.


Now, people in my world are told it is time to stop resisting and cooperate with the new president. But we remember that the Democrats wanted to cooperate with Mr. Trump so much that they began talking about his impeachment before he even took office. The Washington Post ran a story on Democrat impeachment plots the day of the inauguration. In fact, nearly 70 Democratic lawmakers boycotted his inauguration. A massive left-wing demonstration was staged in Washington the day after, where Madonna announced she dreamed of blowing up the White House to widespread applause. These same forces want me to cooperate with their new president. I find myself adopting the Nancy Pelosi model of constant resistance. Nothing I have seen from Mr. Biden since the election offers me any hope that he will reach out to the more than 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump.


So, I am not reacting to the votes so much as to the whole election environment.


When Twitter and Facebook censored the oldest and fourth largest newspaper (founded by Alexander Hamilton) because it accurately reported news that could hurt Mr. Biden’s chances — where were The New York Times and The Washington Post? The truth of the Hunter Biden story is now becoming impossible to avoid or conceal. The family of the Democrat nominee for president received at least $5 million from an entity controlled by our greatest adversary. It was a blatant payoff, and most Americans who voted for Mr. Biden never heard of it — or were told before the election it was Russian disinformation. Once they did hear of it, 17% said they would have switched their votes, according to a poll by the Media Research Center. That’s the entire election. The censorship worked exactly as intended.


Typically, newspapers and media outlets band together when press freedom is threatened by censorship. Where was the sanctimonious “democracy dies in darkness?” Tragically, The Washington Post is now part of the darkness.


But this is just a start. When Twitter censors four of five Rush Limbaugh tweets in one day, I fear for the country. When these monolithic Internet giants censor the president of the United States, I fear for the country. When I see elite billionaires like Mark Zuckerburg are able to spend $400 million to hire city governments to maximize turnout in specifically Democratic districts — without any regard to election spending laws or good governance standards — I fear for the country. When I read that Apple has a firm rule of never irritating China — and I watch the NBA kowtow to Beijing, I fear for our country. When I watch story after story about election fraud being spiked — without even the appearance of journalistic due diligence or curiosity — I know something is sick.


The election process itself was the final straw in creating the crisis of confidence which is accelerating and deepening for many millions of Americans. Aside from a constant stream of allegations of outright fraud, there are some specific outrages — any one of which was likely enough to swing the entire election. Officials in virtually every swing state broke their states’ own laws to send out millions of ballots or ballot applications to every registered voter. It was all clearly documented in the Texas lawsuit, which was declined by the U.S. Supreme Court based on Texas’ procedural standing — not the merits of the case. That’s the election.


In addition, it’s clear that virtually every swing state essentially suspended normal requirements for verifying absentee ballots. Rejection rates were an order of magnitude lower than in a normal year. In Georgia, rejection rates dropped from 6.5% in 2016 to 0.2% in 2020. In Pennsylvania, it went from 1% in 2016 to .003% in 2020. Nevada fell from 1.6% to .75%. There is no plausible explanation other than that they were counting a huge number of ballots — disproportionately for Mr. Biden — that normally would not have passed muster. That’s the election.


The entire elite liberal media lied about the timeline of the COVID-19 vaccine. They blamed President Trump for the global pandemic even as he did literally everything top scientists instructed. In multiple debates, the moderators outright stated that he was lying about the U.S. having a vaccine before the end of the year.  If Americans had known the pandemic was almost over, that too was likely the difference in the election. The unanimously never-Trump debate commission spiked the second debate at a critical time in order to hurt President Trump. If there had been one more debate like the final one, it likely would have been pivotal. This is just the beginning. But any one of those things alone is enough for Trump supporters to think we have been robbed by a ruthless establishment — which is likely to only get more corrupt and aggressive if it gets away with these blatant acts.


For more than four years, the entire establishment mobilized against the elected president of the United States as though they were an immune system trying to kill a virus. Now, they are telling us we are undermining democracy.


You have more than 74 million voters who supported President Trump despite everything — and given the election mess, the number could easily be significantly higher. The truth is tens of millions of Americans are deeply alienated and angry. If Mr. Biden governs from the left — and he will almost certainly be forced to — that number will grow rapidly, and we will win a massive election in 2022.  Given this environment, I have no interest in legitimizing the father of a son who Chinese Communist Party members boast about buying. Nor do I have any interest in pretending that the current result is legitimate or honorable. It is simply the final stroke of a four-year establishment-media power grab. It has been perpetrated by people who have broken the law, cheated the country of information, and smeared those of us who believe in America over China, history over revisionism, and the liberal ideal of free expression over cancel culture.


I write this in genuine sorrow, because I think we are headed toward a serious, bitter struggle in America. This extraordinary, coordinated four-year power grab threatens the fabric of our country and the freedom of every American.


Here’s the crux of the matter in proving election fraud:    “In a typical election contest lawsuit brought by the losing candidate, that individual must come into Court with evidence showing the fraudulent process, and how many invalid votes were included as a result.  To overturn the outcome of the election requires the challenger to prove that a specific number of invalid votes were included in the reported results, and removing those invalid votes from the vote totals would change the outcome of the contest. As we saw played out in a number of lawsuits filed in the aftermath of the election, the Trump campaign was not able to marshall that kind of specific, ballot-level evidentiary record to invalidate a discrete set of cast ballots that would reverse the numerical result.  They had significant anecdotal evidence of irregular and highly suspicious behavior, as well as some expert testimony regard insecure and vulnerable voting processes, but that expert testimony did not provide an answer to the question “Which specific ballots cast by which identified voters were invalid and why?” And that is what the Democrats have always counted on when shoving through invalid votes by any means necessary.  The vote for President is unique because of the extraordinarily compressed timeframe regarding the vote of the Electoral College, making the procedural hurdles of a meaningful election contest insurmountable.”


Dr. Joondeph:  “GOP: This is Your Do or Die Moment……Republicans are oblivious to the obvious, that this is their last stand. It's do or die, sink or swim. The opportunity with orange hair and a Queen’s accent won’t be coming around again. In 2016, he easily dispatched the cream of the Republican crop, a gang of 16, all of whom would have lost badly to Hillary Clinton without him. Are there any heirs apparent? I don’t see any. It’s Trump or a long walk in the wilderness for the GOP…”


Anonymous “suburban lawyer”:   “The Republican Party has been labeled the "stupid party" in the past. The failure to fight pro-fraud changes in election systems around the country demonstrated that. Now leaders like Mitch McConnell are proving that too many in the party are cowards in addition to being stupid……What should we do? Until January 20 we should support all attempts to undo the fraudulent selection of Democrat electors in battleground states. If we fail, thereafter, we should repeatedly deny the legitimacy of El Presidente Joe Biden. He had a banana republic election, and he deserves the title.  I am not mad about the massive election fraud. I am furious with the white-hot fury of a thousand suns. This Republic cannot long endure if its electoral system is thoroughly discredited by the widespread and successful fraudulent schemes of big-city political machines in six swing states. It's all out there in plain sight, no matter how hard the DemMedia try to hide it.”


Walsh:  “As 2021 dawns, the war on our culture moves into high gear. The opportunistic intersection of the resistance to the Trump presidency, the rise of the monopolistic tech giants, the spurious panic over the psychologically weaponized CCP virus in the form of COVID-19 and its concomitant loss of personal freedom, the neo-Marxist hijacking and worsening of race relations, and the legalistic undermining of U.S. laws and institutions have all evolved into a perfect storm of destruction that not only threatens the future of the United States, but actively seeks its destruction….”




“The French writer Jean Raspail died this summer. It was somehow fitting that the man whose dark novel The Camp of the Saints foretold the end of western civilization should pass at a time when everything seemed to be falling apart.”  “Day by day, month by month, doubt by doubt, law and order became fascism; education, constraint; work, alienation; revolution, mere sport; leisure, a privilege of class; marijuana, a harmless weed; family, a stifling hothouse; affluence, oppression; success, a social disease; sex, an innocent pastime; youth, a permanent tribunal; maturity, the new senility; discipline, an attack on personality.”




‘National Teacher Of The Year’ calls for violence against Sen. McConnell.


Former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann Demands Prison Time For President Trump, Ivanka And Don Jr. In Deranged Rant


Virginia To Offer Illegal Immigrants Legal Driving Permits Starting Jan. 1


A woman described as a “far-left” journalist and three other activists are charged in the August firebombings of multiple police cars. The alleged arson attacks took place during Black Lives Matter protests in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Massachusetts just overrode its Republican governor’s veto of a bill that allows 16-year-old girls to obtain abortions without parental consent.


Soviet-Style Media Propaganda in America




A British journalist has been targeted by an angry online mob after pointing out that only a relatively small amount of healthy people have died from COVID, and suggesting that the complete destruction of our way of life is not an adequate response.


Kooky CNN Doctor: Only 'Regime Change' Will Get Pandemic Under Control


Follow the money:  COVID-19 pandemic turns 50 doctors, scientists and healthcare entrepreneurs into billionaires


There’s almost no seasonal influenza showing up this year because their outbreaks are called Covid.  Overall worldwide, seasonal influenza is around 98% lower this year than in earlier flu seasons.


The Real Reason Why Your Kids Can’t Go Back To School (Hint: It’s Not COVID-19)


COVID "Mutation" Stories Show That The Lockdowns Are Designed To Last Forever


An obituary that speaks to many people in America:  “On Nov. 16, after 35 weeks of being imprisoned in a long term care facility under the pretense of "keeping him safe," Lloyd contracted the very thing they were supposed to be keeping him safe from - facility acquired COVID-19. He battled through another two weeks of fear, isolation, and illness before his body finally surrendered and released his soul to go be with his Jesus. This process stole his freedom, his dignity, and his health, but it was unable to steal his beautiful spirit and his handsome smile which he hung unto until the very end. As a society, what we have allowed to happen to Lloyd and all those in long term care is despicable. It robs the residents and their families of the most fundamental of needs-freedom, love, and affection-and makes the working conditions for their caregivers unbearable. If anyone thinks we are doing the right thing, they have not lived our nightmare of a journey for the past nine months. And, if you think this doesn't affect you, you are wrong-it just hasn't affected you yet.”




January 6 and the right to protest.


10 worst mayors:  “#5 Not only does our third Coastie entry, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, win the mid-slot prize, but she is fighting with Frey and our No. 4 entry for the award of Stupidest Mayor on the Planet.”


Rev. Graham: 'Pray That God' Will 'Spare Our Nation From the Evil That is Before Us'


Trump's Top 10 Accomplishments of 2020


“Follow the Science” has become a frequently heard rallying cry from the Left and their media in recent months…..Anyone paying attention understands that those of us who disagree with our friends on the Left on matters of science tend to do so not based on any aversion to science, but rather the political nature and behavior of individuals within the scientific community. The issue isn’t science at all.  The problem is scientists, and to be more accurate, scientists who lie to us and are politically motivated while pretending to be otherwise.”


Hispanic, Asian vote shifted sharply to the right in 2020 presidential election


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