Saturday, November 20, 2021

op ed review 11/21




Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted on all charges, America’s political left explodes, says acquittal is “white supremacy in action.”


House PASSES Biden's $1.75T social and climate package during his colonoscopy with just ONE Democrat voting no: Republicans walk off in protest and Nancy celebrates as huge bill heads to Senate

“….will add millions of new immigrants to the U.S. population in the first 10 years, on top of an amnesty for roughly 6.5 million people, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).”

Democrats tell illegal aliens “help is on the way.”

Steers billions of dollars to unions.

Majority Say Democrats’ Build Back Better Act ‘Hurtful’ to Economic Recovery


OSHA suspends Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate after court challenge

Biden's FCC Nominee says Fox News Must Be Regulated to Death.

Left leaning Quinnipiac poll warns: - Joe Biden Approval Sinks to 36%, GOP Up 8 on Generic Ballot

Biden plotting with the House to give Kamala the boot??

Long knives come out for Kamala

White House Now Blaming Unvaccinated Children for High Inflation

Biden Blames Energy Prices on Oil Companies, Calls for Investigation

Biden's spending bill opens door to billions in payouts to illegal immigrants.

I&I/TIPP Poll: Public Has Also Lost Faith In Biden As Commander In Chief


Hillary Clinton Says "Voter Fraud Is A Myth" Despite 4 Years Of Saying 2016 Election Was Rigged

Kamala’s niece Meena tells parents to teach their children that US was founded by white supremacists.


Devastating New Numbers for Democrats Point to a Red Tsunami Building

GOP up by 13 points, 51%-38%, on the generic Congressional ballot, among likely voters. Republicans lead by 22 points among independents. Also notable is that 30% of blacks say they would vote Republican if the election were held today.


Iowa poll: Trump leads Biden by 11 points in potential 2024 matchup

Trump Dossier Coverage 'One of the Most Egregious Journalistic Errors' in History, Admits Corporate Media.


Biden admin preparing 'welcome packet' of free stuff for illegals… free quality hotel rooms, plane tickets and transportation to the airport, travel maps, and instructions to TSA to bypass photo ID requirements,

Federally Funded Non-Profits Are Running Illegal Immigrant Processing Centers in Nice Hotels, Helping Migrants Avoid Arrest


All FIFTY Senate Republicans launch bid to strike down Biden's vaccine mandate on private companies

Florida Gov. DeSantis: ‘We Chose Freedom Over Fauci-ism’

Winsome Sears Proves Again Why She Terrifies the Democrat Party

Squad of Navy SEALs running for Congress blast Biden on Afghanistan, call for 'mandate' to 'rescue our citizens'

Wyoming Republican Party: Liz Cheney No Longer Recognized as Republican


Down the slippery slope to the next progressive milestone:  University professor claims sexual attraction to children isn't always immoral.


GOP Sen. Braun: Dems Appropriating Money to Tear Down Trump's Border Wall


Whistleblower documents reveal FBI using counterterrorism division to investigate parents


Something very peculiar is happening with our Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  “So why now, of all times, is the Biden administration selling off America's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to Asia?”




The Unvaccinated: An Inconvenient Control Group in a Sinister Social Experiment

William Sullivan 11/15


Back when the experts didn’t know if the new vaccines would even be “effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections,” the government, media, corporations, and public health intelligentsia still relentlessly pushed the stuff on Americans while proclaiming that they were 90-percent effective, and Dr. Anthony Fauci openly presumed that we’d “really need for 75-to-85-percent of the population to get vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.”


Today, we’ve hit Dr. Fauci’s once-supposed sweet spot for vaccination rates (among adults, at least), thanks to a propaganda campaign that neglected to publicize any potential risks while promoting benefits that have proven to be impossible to attain.


There was never any proven evidence that the vaccines were effective in staving off COVID infections.  Yet we now know what was unknown then, even as they pushed for four-in-five Americans to become vaccinated, and that is that the vaccines are not at all effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections.  That’s right.  Get the vaccine, or don’t get the vaccine, and you can still get symptomatic infections while presenting the risk of infection to others.


How likely you are to go to the hospital and/or die from infection is still greatly dependent upon your age and health preconditions.  If you’re older or happen to be unhealthy, you’re more likely to die from COVID infection, even if vaccinated.  If you’re younger and healthy, you are extremely unlikely to experience hospitalization or death, vaccinated or not.


These are all undeniable facts.  And so, just like that, we’ve come full-circle to where we began, when Dr. David Katz told us all in the New York Times on March 20, 2020 (before it had become clear that the media was conspiring to hide any opinions or evidence contrary to public health status quo), that the very best we could do is to protect the elderly and those predisposed to harm from infection while the rest of us went about our lives by gaining herd immunity in a natural way….


It worked for Sweden.  Current observations suggest that it’s worked for Florida.  Nonetheless, the government, media, corporations, and public health officials aren’t interesting in honestly informing the public of risks and benefits, or letting individuals make informed decisions.  No, they’re interested in promoting the cudgel of federal government power to demand that the one-in-five who’ve yet to get the vaccine become vaccinated in order to end the pandemic.


Let’s take a moment to appraise two very simple facts. First, the vast majority of those who are yet to be vaccinated are young and healthy people, and who very often would have been at little risk of harm from COVID in the first place. Second, since four-in-five American adults are “fully-vaccinated,” the believability of the story about outbreaks of COVID stemming only from the one-in-five who are unvaccinated is waning fast, even among the most gullible of Fauci’s flock.  


There is a distinct danger in the government’s allowing the continued existence of that disobedient one-in-five who’ve bucked the state-approved guidance.  They stand as evidence, you see, of the government health intelligentsia’s fallibility.


Imagine, if you will, a hypothetical scenario in the not-so-distant future.  It’s January 2022.  Hospitals are overwhelmed, despite substantial adult rates of vaccination of 80-percent or so.  But strangely, hospitalizations are notably among the vaccinated, not the young and healthy unvaccinated who chose, based upon their logical appraisal of personal risk, to not get a new vaccine which was rushed to market and which the government seemed all-too-eager to force into their bodies…..


What would that mean?  Would it mean that vaccination didn’t make people as safe as they were promised by the government, the media, corporations, or the public health intelligentsia? At the very least, it would mean that.  And right now, we should not be stupid enough to imagine that what is taking place is anything less than damage control by our political tormentors who are desperate to hide the evidence of their lies to the American people.  If the Biden administration can get nearer to 95-percent of Americans to be vaccinated at any cost, even at the cost of an executive edict that contradicts every foundational principle that the Constitution exists to protect, it is worth it for them.


The “unvaccinated” are now the target of the government because they represent an uncontrolled minority that can be blamed for the ills of society, sure.  But most importantly, there is now a desperate push to vaccinate this last one-fifth of American adults.  The unvaccinated are an inconvenient control group to set against the variable of the vaccinated population -- especially since any honest appraisal of this social experiment we’ve undertaken this past year would clearly undermine the government’s hypothesis that was once presented about the vaccines’ efficacy.




Tucker Carlson Described The 'Whole Point' Of The Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecution, And It's Horrifying


Tons of good content on Fox nation streaming service.  Must see Patriot Awards, Tucker interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.




You could see this coming:  Blaring automatic 'trigger warning' siren used in classrooms and universities sounds alarm when it detects 'offensive' language


More slippery slope:  “Colorado Considers Dropping The Term ‘Sex Offender’ Because Of ‘Negative Effects’ on rehabilitation.


And you could see this coming too:  Progressive Cities Give Paid Leave to Employees Who Get Abortions, covers women who experience “pregnancy loss”.


Report claims coordinated teacher recruiting, spying and targeting of middle schoolers for LGBT clubs


Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Case Reveals what liberals think about BLM rioters; 'That Crowd Was Full of Heroes'


MSNBC host says trucking industry full of 'aggressive' white men who 'overwhelmingly voted for Trump'


CBS Whistleblower Reveals Local Stations Being Instructed to Not Be Objective by Diversity Officers


Connecticut School Teaches Kindergarteners About Transgenderism as Part of Its 'Social Justice' Lessons


Marines Go All-In On Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Training


VDH: Why The Left Always Projects




On January 6, D.C. Metro and Capitol police assaulted nonviolent protesters with explosive devices, rubber bullets, tear gas, and in some cases, their own fists and batons. A tunnel on the lower west side of the Capitol building became a dangerous—and, likely for at least one protester, deadly—battle scene as police viciously attacked American citizens on the “hallowed” grounds of the U.S. Congress.




The Real Climate Crisis.  Argument that we need MORE CO2 in atmosphere, not less.


Nancy Pelosi says for her, climate spending is a “religious thing”.




Fauci finally admits vaccines don’t protect against serious covid or death.


NIH Director Calls for ‘Misinformation’ Spreaders to Be ‘Brought to Justice’.


Norfolk doctor sues hospital over ban on administering ivermectin, other medicines to COVID-19 patients


Vaccine Update: Why ‘The Party of Science’ Disdains Natural Immunity


COVID Lockdowns Gave Climate Extremists The Tools To Crush Freedom


CDC: No Record of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19




Mark Meadows floats idea which has liberal heads exploding:  “House Speaker Donald Trump”.


“Gov. Desantis has Trump’s courage without Trump’s baggage.”


Merrick Garland Must Go


Steyn:  A Bridge Too Farcical


Coming Soon: A Police State Near You




Kenosha:  MSNBC Reporter Seen Hanging 'The Jurors Are Here' Sign On Their Hotel


Biden Sends Mounted Border Patrol To Wisconsin To Prevent People From Crossing State Lines



The Op-Ed Review is a compilation of the week’s news and opinions of interest to the conservative activist. I follow a variety of news sources and note what I think are the important events of the week that may be underreported in the mainstream dia. I also read about 50 syndicated op-ed columns each week and reprint part of what I think is the best one. The goal is to help the reader be a more effective activist for the conservative cause. If you would like to receive this as an e-mail each weekend, click here to drop  a note. mailto:garyfoss3@comcast.netGary Foss 47th District Republicans


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