Saturday, January 17, 2015

op ed review 1/18

In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Conservative Group Targets Comcast/NBC over the issue of “the corruption of American journalism.” Comcast/NBC is accused of acting as a “leftist Super Pac sponsoring millions of dollars worth of attack ads disguised as ‘news’ that seek the political oblivion of conservatives and the Republican Party.
“A group of young men in Nebraska are fighting the stranglehold broadcast and print media have on political speech. Using a combination of programming wizardry and personal experience gained from navigating the legislative process, these men have constructed the “We Vote Project.”  It is a game-changer in every sense of the phrase.”

Arizona became the first state in the nation on Thursday to enact a law requiring high school students to pass the U.S. citizenship test on civics before graduation, giving a boost to a growing nationwide effort to boost civics education.

The Mexican government will start issuing birth certificates to its citizens at consulates in the United States, seeking to make it easier for them to apply for U.S. work permits, driver’s licenses and protection from deportation.

“Boehner slams Obama in brutal floor speech”....Cites 22 times the president said he couldn't create own law...

From the Military Times:  “Obama’s mark on the military:  A deeply unpopular commander in chief is forcing profound change inside the ranks.” According to a Military Times survey of almost 2,300 active-duty service members, Obama's popularity — never high to begin with — has crumbled, falling from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent this year,

It was one of the most powerful images of solidarity the world has seen since the end of World War II. A million and a half people marching through the streets of Paris, some crying, many cheering, others chanting ‘Je suis Charlie!’ or singing La Marseillaise – that most spine-tingling of all national anthems. At the head of the march were 50 world leaders; the Prime Ministers of France, Britain, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Turkey and Israel stood side-by-side, arm-in-arm with the German chancellor, the Palestinian president, and the Queen of Jordan. So where was the leader of the free world?  Home watching the NFL playoffs.
Mainstream Media ignores one of the most embarrassing moments in American diplomatic history:  John Kerry brings musician James Taylor to a belated press conference to sing "You´ve Got A Friend" to the French people.
Kerry said Monday that those criticizing the absence of top U.S. officials at the unity rally in Paris Sunday are "quibbling".
Has Obama checked out?

Sen. Ted Cruz believes the GOP has a track record of failure when the party nominates a presidential candidate from the “mushy middle.

The country is about to meet the Jeb Bush of 1994, courtesy of the mainstream media. Even as Mitt Romney sends the press signals that he kinda sorta wants to run again, Bush is no longer being treated as a mere potential candidate. That means journalists, rather than simply handicapping how he’d do against this or that challenger, are starting to dig into his record. Thus we have the “head-banging conservative,” which is how Jeb described himself when he first ran for Florida governor two decades ago.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is set to appoint a Muslim lawmaker to the Intelligence Committee, giving him access to some of America´s most closely held secrets in the war on terror. He once said US schools should be like Islamic madrassas and warned law enforcement that ´Allah will not allow you to stop us´

Cake maker who refused to bake for gay wedding labeled a ‘Nazi’ by Colo. civil rights officials

Obama amnesty to impose billions in costs on states, lawsuit alleges.

Students across the United States are getting a taste of progressivism. And it doesn’t seem to please their palates. The implementation of Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity lunch standards is encountering backlash from students and school administrators across the country. The program seems to have taught them a valuable lesson in the realities of progressivism -- that when American voters give up power to busy-body progressives, the result is more control over their lives and the loss of individual liberties.

Cal Thomas  12/30

As 2014 ends, the stock market is at record highs but our traditional institutions and self-confidence are in decline.

A Pew Research Center study confirms one trend that has been obvious over several years. The "typical" American family is no longer typical. Just 46 percent of American children now live in homes with their married, heterosexual parents. Five percent have no parents at home. They most likely are living with grandparents, says the study.

These startling figures about the decline of the American family contrast with the year 1960 when 73 percent of American children lived in traditional families.

A major contributor to this trend has been the assault on marriage and other institutions by the Baby Boom generation. It was that generation that promoted cohabitation, no-fault divorce, hatred of the police (they called them "pigs" then, too) and disdain for the military and America, spawned not just by the Vietnam War but a life of relative ease unknown to their parents.

The culture bomb dropped by the boomers created fallout still being felt today. The two-plus generations born since the Sixties have been infused with the notion of entitlement, victimhood, envy and greed. Since the elimination of the draft, young people are no longer expected to serve in the military and so most of them pursue whatever goals they wish with no expectation they should give something back to their country. It's one possible explanation for why we can no longer seem to win wars.

History warns us what happens when empires refuse to teach known values that strengthen societies and help protect them from enemies intent on their destruction.

The late British diplomat Sir John Glubb wrote a book called "The Fate of Empires and Search For Survival." Glubb noted the average age of empires since the time of ancient Assyria (859-612 B.C.) is 250 years. Only the Mameluke Empire in Egypt and the Levant (1250-1517) made it as far as 267 years. America is 238 years old and is exhibiting signs of decline.

All empires begin, writes Glubb, with the age of pioneers, followed by ages of conquest, commerce, affluence, intellect and decadence. America appears to have reached the age of decadence, which Glubb defines as marked by "defensiveness, pessimism, materialism, frivolity, an influx of foreigners, the welfare state, (and) a weakening of religion."

Decadence, he writes, "is due to: Too long a period of wealth and power, selfishness, love of money (and) the loss of a sense of duty."

Do these not define America at the end of 2014? Glubb says the 250-year average of empires has not varied in 3,000 years, but we don't learn from history because "our studies are brief and prejudiced." He means they are mostly about one's own country.

It will take more than a new Congress in 2015 and a new president in 2017 to save us from the fate of other empires. It will take a revival of the American spirit, and that can only come through changed attitudes towards our institutions and each other.


“CBS News gave an early report on the terrorist attacks in Paris. It included this telling sentence: ‘A reporter for Britain’s Telegraph newspaper in Paris told Sky News that the first two officers to arrive, who were apparently unarmed, fled after seeing gunmen armed with automatic weapons and possibly a grenade launcher.’ Every American, every citizen of a free country, needs to read, and re-read that sentence. Here is the answer of liberals and socialists to the problem of domestic security. Let the police do it. Let the state protect you. Give all weapons to the professionals who are trained and who can be trusted. … When John Kerry arrives in Paris, he doubtless knows that France lacks a Second Amendment. But France has a National Anthem, the Marseillaise. And a memorable line in that stirring song is: Aux armes, concitoyens! To arms, Fellow Citizens! Now is the time to put self-defense on the international agenda. If your government does not believe in the right to keep and bear arms as a human right, then it probably doesn’t believe in your right to life, either.”
           -Ken Blackwell

“Joe Biden flew to Brazil last week to try to mend relations with Brazil’s government that’s angry over NSA spying. He has a natural curiosity for the country. After Joe landed, he told reporters he was thrilled to be in the Amazon, because he always wanted to see where books come from.”
         -Argus Hamilton

There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets. Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros.

The global warming establishment and the media are crowing about 2010 being in a tie for the “hottest year” ever. Ignores Satellites showing 18 Year ‘Pause’ – ‘We are arguing over the significance of hundredths of a degree’'   “The NASA press release is highly of a record is scientifically and statistically meaningless.'”

The newest edition of Charlie Hebdo will include cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed, as the French satirical magazine continues to stand defiantly against Islamic extremism following an attack on its Paris offices that left 12 people dead.

“Muslim Call to Prayer to be Chanted from the belltower Every Friday at Duke University”
Whoops! Supposedly Duke University thought turning the majestically Gothic bell tower of famous Duke Chapel into an Islamic minaret for every Friday call to prayer, heralded as “interreligious reimagining of a university icon,” would be non-controversial. But the bow to campus multiculturalist ideology, thanks to nationwide publicity, barely lasted 24 hours.

Islamic State's Psychological War on U.S. Troops.  This week, Pentagon officials began calling up retired generals to let them know that their home addresses, private e-mails and other personal information had appeared in a document that was publicized globally by a group claiming to support Islamic State.

America Following France's Demographic Path To Terror.  Dearborn, Mich., is about 40% Muslim.   Would only a bigoted Islamophobe be disturbed upon hearing that stat?  Maybe, but a secret 2013 National Counterterrorism Center document, revealed by the online publication The Intercept, found Dearborn second only to New York in known or suspected terrorists and their associates.
The FBI Wednesday arrested an Ohio man for allegedly plotting an ISIS-inspired attack on the U.S. Capitol, where he hoped to set off a series of bombs aimed at lawmakers, whom he allegedly considered enemies.

A Saudi Arabian blogger was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes after he used his liberal blog to criticise Saudi Arabia's powerful clerics. The second round of his punishment had to be postponed “because his wounds from last week's flogging had not yet healed properly and he would not be able to withstand another round.”

A federal researcher points out that King George III couldn’t suspend laws — as many say Obama just did. A non-partisan branch of the Library of Congress tackled the question: What would George III do when faced with a law he didn’t like?Not even the King of England at the time of the American Revolution had the authority to suspend laws unilaterally…”

Republicans in Congress are nearly unanimous in opposing President Obama's unilateral executive action on immigration. Nearly all want Congress to overturn the president's edict. But how to do it? Republicans have two basic options, and as the time to act nears, it appears they are preparing to choose the one more likely to fail.

A terror attack on Europe by radical Islamists cannot be prevented, the head of the EU police agency has warned…..”the diffuse nature of the network, the scale of the people involved makes this extremely difficult for even very well-functioning counterterrorist agencies such as we have in France to stop every attack."
The Troubling Math of Muslim Migration   Preventing a Paris-style attack is, in part, a numbers game. Americans don’t seem to be paying attention.
The most common New York cab driver name is now Mohammed

Clint Eastwood’s Empty chair?  “It should be painfully clear by now that no one of authority is in charge at the White House, least of all President Obama. His government is running itself, without any serious, detailed direction from the West Wing in the day-to-day issues and troubles America faces at home and abroad.”

Wes Pruden, Washington Times:  “Why Hillary Clinton won’t run for president”
Peggy Noonan:  “Don’t Do It, Mr. Romney”

Jeff Sessions Pens 25-Page Roadmap for New Republican Majority

Christianity is under attack in America, and it’s losing. Meanwhile, the Church is, in general, sitting out the fight and hoping the problem goes away.

15 Statistics That Destroy Liberal Narratives

The late Martin Luther King Jr., and his “I have a dream” speech are being used in an effort to fight President Obama’s executive action to grant worker amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. At issue: Jobs taken by illegals that America’s minorities, specifically blacks and legal Hispanics, need.

“[T]he only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”
              -Dr. Benjamin Rush


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