op ed review 7/12
note: Business trip to China for two weeks, No OER until Aug 2
“Trump is Right: Illegal Alien Crime is Staggering in Scope and Savagery.” The problem no one wants to talk about….article
will leave you speechless. “….illegal aliens constitute 27% of the federal
prison population.”
Trump was also denounced by the media for saying:
´Infectious disease is pouring across the border´
But last year tens of thousands of Central Americans came
into the United States through the Mexican border and contagious diseases—many
considered to be eradicated in the U.S.—became a tremendous concern.
The influx prompted an official at the Center for Disease
Control to describe Barack Obama as “the worst president we have ever had.”
The five times deported illegal immigrant who confessed to
shooting Kathryn Steinle last Wednesday at Pier 14 in San Francisco said in a
new interview that he came to San Francisco because he knew the sanctuary city
would not hand him over to immigration officials.
Illegal immigrant deported four times confesses to
murdering wife with hammer in Texas
The list goes on and on….llegal Immigrant Deported 6 Times
Charged in Felony Hit-and-Run of Family that Injured Young Children
All Four Democratic Presidential Candidates Support ‘Sanctuary Cities’ which protect illegal
immigrants from deportation.
Hillary Clinton will
pander to the National Council of La Raza conference
Repopulating America:
At least 73,000 African immigrants call Minnesota home, according to the
2008-2012 American Community Survey, or 111,000 with children included.
Advocates say they wouldn't be surprised if the real number was double that
“Obama Moving to Force ‘Diversity’ on ‘Rich’ Neighborhoods
with Increased ‘Affordable Housing’ Plan.” Democrats hope new federal
“neighborhood engineering” will turn swing districts blue.
Republican mayor Rudy Giuliani cleaned up New York City, now
lefties are in charge and the problems return:
“surging numbers of homeless people who publicly urinate, harass
bystanders and demand free food as the city looks the other way.”
After seeing years of decline in violent crime, several
major American cities experienced a dramatic surge in homicides during the
first half of this year.
MTV will air a show later this month entitled “White People”
which shows young white Americans crying on camera over their “white privilege”
and publicly shaming them for “what they’ve done in America”.
New video out of Cincinnati shows a black mob viciously
beating and choking a white man, but police have distanced themselves from an
initial explanation that the incident was an “anti-white” attack.
Sanders-mania running wild as Clinton campaign sputters...
“Clinton Foundation Donor Violated Iran Sanctions, Tried to
Sell 747s to Iran”
Obama: Never mind Islam, “US Has ‘All Kinds’ Of Terrorism”
Oregon threatens to put a lien on the home of Christian bakers
who refused to make a gay wedding cake.
Health insurance companies around the country are seeking
rate increases of 20 percent to 40 percent or more, saying their new customers
under the Affordable Care Act turned out to be sicker than expected. Federal
officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back. So
how is it that the Affordable Care Act makes insurance more expensive?
Kenyan Leader: If Obama Brings ´Gay Agenda, We Will Tell Him to Shut Up and Go Home´
The Progressive Policies that Murdered Kate Steinle
Mathew Vadum 7/6
Left-wingers in San Francisco should be hanging their heads
in shame after their borderline seditious, destructive immigration policies
allowed an illegal alien felon to murder a young woman randomly
in broad daylight.
Nor did gun control laws prevent Juan Francisco
Lopez-Sanchez, a 45-year-old illegal alien deported five times to Mexico, from
allegedly firing one bullet into the upper body of medical device sales
representative Kate Steinle on busy Pier 14 last Wednesday, a popular
tourist destination. Steinle was cut down in front of her father and mother and
died later in hospital.
No motive has been established for the shooting but
Lopez-Sanchez is a five-time felon. An hour after the shooting, he was picked
up by police roughly a mile away. Although this violent thug pulled the
trigger, progressives, through the laws they have enacted, put this man on the
streets which allowed him to murder. Federal authorities had Lopez-Sanchez in
custody in March after he was set free from a federal prison. They transferred
him to San Francisco authorities because he was wanted by them on drug-related
charges. The feds filed what's called an "immigration detainer"
requesting that the local authorities notify them before releasing the man.
But San Francisco, home of the most militant leftists in
America, refused the request because local policy forbids it. The prisoner in
effect got a "get out of jail free card" from the left-wing
open-borders movement which argues that keeping illegals in jail violates their
constitutional rights.
This is how it works. Being wanted for violating immigration
laws isn't enough, in the eyes of progressives, so after they have served their
local jail time, illegals go straight from their holding cells to the streets
where they are free to murder, rape, and rob the citizens of this country.
Complain about this policy and risk being smeared as a racist.
San Francisco isn't the only so-called sanctuary city where
liberal-progressive compassion triumphs over federal immigration law and common
sense. The list of sanctuary cities is long and growing longer. A list compiled
by an activist shows there are at least 30 in California alone including
Oakland, San Bernardino, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Other major
sanctuary cities across the country are Albuquerque, Baltimore, Chicago,
Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Miami, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York,
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Providence, Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Washington
D.C. All these cities serve as magnets for illegals, drawing them from far and
wide. They know that in these cities they have to really make an effort to get
in trouble for immigration law violations….
Detainers are valid for up to two days and exhort jailers to
keep in custody illegal immigrants who are otherwise scheduled for release, so
ICE can claim them and process them for deportation…Local jailers "used to
think of immigration detainers as mandatory, but several key court decisions
have made clear to local law enforcement that the detainers are mere requests
by ICE." Local governments have been under pressure from left-wing open-borders
groups such as National Council of La Raza and National Day Laborers Organizing
Network (NDLON) to do everything in their power to not take illegals into
A growing number of local jurisdictions, including President
Obama's home turf of Cook County, Illinois, have enacted ordinances preventing
their law enforcement officials from honoring detainers. The consequences of
treating detainers as mere suggestions have been deadly as vicious criminals
who might otherwise face deportation are dumped back into communities to commit
more crimes. A left-wing think tank founded by John Podesta, now chairman of
Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, even produced model legislation
to assist jurisdictions in frustrating federal immigration detainers.
In October 2013 California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed
California's iteration of the TRUST Act into law. The state statute
"creates a statewide standard for how local agencies comply with the
federal Secure Communities program, which requires law enforcement to check the
immigration status of anyone who is arrested."
Translation: The state law raised the threshold for an
immigration arrest so high that hardly any illegals can be arrested in
California for immigration law violations. Not surprisingly, far fewer illegals
arrested by California police are being turned over to federal authorities
since the TRUST Act came into force.
Kate Steinle, who in her final moments futilely begged her
parents to help her, is merely a "bump in the road" as President
Obama might put it. Steinle is dead because of the damage the Left has done in
its crusade to dismantle what remains of U.S. immigration law.
Whatever discourages illegals from entering the country is
bad, and whatever encourages them to hop the fence is good in the eyes of the
progressives who are destroying America. Sanctuary cities and the growing
movement to frustrate federal immigration enforcement will get more innocent
U.S. citizens like Kate Steinle killed.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a
citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be
far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore
the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing
to have such a man for their president. "
“….even if white people were to become angels tomorrow, it
would do nothing for the problems plaguing a large segment of the black
community. Illegitimacy, family
breakdown, crime and fraudulent education are devastating problems, but they
are not civil rights problems. There is little or nothing that government or
white people can do to solve these problems. The solution lies with black
-Walter Williams
“Goldwater: The Man Who Made a Revolution” by Lee Edwards. “The most comprehensive biography of Barry
Goldwater ever written is back by popular demand with a new foreword by Phyllis
Schlafly and an updated introduction by the author.”
What’s wrong with this man? Pope calls unrestrained
capitalism ´the dung of the devil´.
President of Bolivia presents Pope with a cross made out of
a hammer and sickle.
“The Revenge Of The Lost Boys”
Young conservatives:
“Chicks on the Right:
Because conservatism needs a makeover”
“Our legislators are not sufficiently apprized of the
rightful limits of their power; that their true office is to declare and
enforce only our natural rights and duties, and to take none of them from us.”
-Thomas Jefferson
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