op ed review 6/19
shooter who killed 50 and wounded 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando was a
registered Democrat who has voted in at least 3 recent general elections,
according to voters.findthedata.com. Why bother noting this? Because if he
had been a Christian Republican, you can bet everything you own that the media
would be trumpeting it from the rooftops. And if he had owned any Trump
paraphenalia, it would be the biggest story in the world.
age 14, he said he could shoot an AK-47 and mimicked an airplane flying into
the World Trade Center. At 26, he bragged to courthouse co-workers of terrorist
ties. Weeks ago, at 29, Mateen sought to buy heavy-duty body armor and
bulk ammunition. Many of his violent
outbursts aped or celebrated Islamic terrorism and he repeatedly claimed
connections to known terrorists, including the Boston Marathon bombers. He cheered the 9/11 attacks on the day
they happened and once threatened to shoot partygoers at a barbecue when pork,
which is forbidden to Muslims, touched his hamburger.
CIA warns: ISIS using
immigration to infiltrate US.
Obama imported 1 million Muslims during
his presidency.
CIA Chief:
Obama’s ISIS Strategy Has Done Nothing To Reduce Terrorist Threat
America has suffered a terror attack
every year under Obama
Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico
have apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman in possession of the
region’s gas pipeline plans
In January, Obama’s Homeland Security Director said that 'right
wing extremists' pose as much of a threat to the county as Islamic extremists.
A report by the Homeland Security Advisory
Council released days before the Islamic terror attack in Orlando, Florida,
stressed the importance of combating extremism by avoiding terms that might
offend Muslims.
days after the massacre, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson
declared that gun control is now a critical element of protecting the U.S.
homeland and keeping Americans safe.
nightclub terrorist worked for major DHS contractor that secures “90 percent of
U.S. nuclear facilities.”
“(Obama) was more angry at me than he was at the shooter!'”
?? House Speaker Paul Ryan drove another
wedge between himself and Donald Trump with a stinging rebuke of Trump’s proposed
pause on non-citizen Muslim immigration – saying ´Muslims are our partners´ in
the war on terror.
The Clinton Foundation has taken almost
$100M from countries with the worst LGBT records in the world.
Hillary Clinton’s Muslim connections date back to the 1990s
Trump blasts US Muslim communities for concealing ´bad
“Look, We Shrunk the Presidency” Larry Thornberry 6/15
No, no, no, you tiny little person. We
don’t want you to just use the term radical Islam. We want you to close with
radical Islam and destroy it. That’s the only way to make Americans safe. We
have the military resources to do this. It would cost a lot to do it. It will
cost more, in blood and gold, not to. And if you’d bother to read your job
description, your Smallness, you would see that protecting America and
Americans from threats, wherever they come from, is your first responsibility.
A responsibility you are abdicating.
Though the competition for the
distinction is stiff, I’d have to say that this afternoon’s pathetic exercise
in excuse making and whining, when resolve and action are called for, is the
most dishonest speech Barack Obama has made in all his years at 1600. And the
most cringe-inducing.
Obama trotted out all the non sequiturs
and intentional misdirections that he and his party have used for years for
refusing to defend America from the most serious threat we’ve faced since World
War II and the Cold War. Not the least being the transparent straw-man that we
can’t resist radical Islam too vigorously or everyone will think we are
fighting a war against all of Islam. How stupid does he think Americans —
Muslim and otherwise — are?
Show of hands — how many reading this
have ever heard anyone suggest all Muslims are America’s problem? I
hang around with some folks so far right of center that if they took a half
step further to the right they would fall off the Earth. I’ve never heard any
these folks say we should engage in a war against all of Islam. Or that all
Muslims are our enemies. Not one. And I’m sure the congenial Muslim who runs
the dry cleaning shop on the corner is nimble enough to know the difference
between himself and Omar Mateen, and to know that he is not the target of our
justifiable wrath.
But we do need to engage in the war
radical Islam has been fighting against us for years. A war that we can’t win
on defense alone. No matter how many of these nutters we ferret out and stop —
and we have stopped many of them — more will get through. More Americans will
die. We need to locate, close with, and kill all the snakes where they’re doing
business. Nothing less will do. Obama told us one more time this afternoon that
he’s not going to do this.
Obama’s delusion that his
administration has presided over a peaceful world trumps everything with him,
including American lives. No pun intended in that last sentence, but it’s clear
enough which presidential candidate this butt-headed refusal to defend America
vigorously helps.
who call the Islamic State un-Islamic are typically, as the Princeton scholar
Bernard Haykel, the leading expert on the group's theology, told me,
'embarrassed and politically correct, with a cotton-candy view of their own
religion' that neglects 'what their religion has historically and legally
required.' Many denials of the Islamic State's religious nature, he said, are
rooted in an 'interfaith-Christian-nonsense tradition……..The reality is that
the Islamic state is Islamic. Very Islamic."
Steyn: “A Muslim of Afghan heritage guns down 49
gays in a nightclub, and the ACLU tells us it´s the fault of the Christian
right. We are being told up is down, the sky is the earth, black is white...”
Spain’s once mighty socialists succumb
to populist rage….”With few exceptions
the European centre-left finds itself in the midst of a long and painful
ROLLING STONE magazine: “Why It's Time to Repeal the Second Amendment….[It]
needs to be repealed because it is outdated, a threat to liberty and a suicide
Dem Congressmen: “First Amendment
Doesn’t Protect Global Warming Skeptics”
?? Former President Bill Clinton said
Tuesday that more people would have died at the terrorist attack at a nightclub
in Orlando over the weekend if club-goers had been armed and shot back at the
lone gunman.
Islamist imam who preached that it was merciful to murder homosexuals came to Orlando in April of this year. After the attack,
the shooter’s father posted a video message noting that his son should have
refrained because "God himself will punish those involved in
A Turklish Muslim Youth Association
called for an “intervention” this week against the upcoming gay rights parade
in Istanbul. The youth group said either the authorities call off the parade or
they will “perform their duties” against the gays.
ISIS Praises Orlando shooter as 'Lion
of Caliphate,' Urges Attacks at Theaters, Hospitals, Amusement Parks...
51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of
young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.
Norwegian Islamic leader: “….contrary to media claims that it
is only “radicals” and “extremists” who support barbaric punishments for those
who violate sharia, regular Muslims support such things, including the
“death penalty for homosexuals” and “stoning for adultery.”
London’s Muslim mayor bans
sexy women in advertisements.
“You would think by now—post Orlando
and San Bernardino—that Barack Obama´s refusal to name "radical
Islam" or even "Islamism" as the enemy has reached the level of
a cognitive disorder. But it is not that. It remains quite deliberate. But I
don´t believe for a minute his (and Hillary Clinton´s) professed
explanation—that naming our adversaries would only inflame them. How much more
inflamed could they get? This weekend´s horrific event in Orlando is only the tip
of a global iceberg.”
Transcript: Donald Trump´s national
security speech 6/13 “We have a dysfunctional immigration system which does not
permit us to know who we let into our country, and it does not permit us to
protect our citizens.”
"[A]rms….discourage and keep the
invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as
property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would
be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but
since some will not, others dare not lay them aside."
-Thomas Paine (1775)
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