op ed review 4/17
One of Every Six Workers in the United States is an
For the first time, classrooms in public schools are filled
mostly by nonwhite students.
Islamic terrorists and droves of illegal immigrants—mainly
youths—have slipped into the United States through Mexico recently, but the
deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) insists the “the
border is more secure now than it has been in many, many years.”
Colorado held its delegate convention last weekend. When the
sweet smelling smoke cleared from Colorado Springs, Ted Cruz walked away with
all 34 delegates.
The reason Senator Ted Cruz swept the Colorado delegate
count this past Saturday at the state assembly in Colorado Springs had nothing
to do with party malfeasance, establishment monkey business nor any “rigging of
the system.” Donald Trump lost the Colorado delegate race for one reason only –
he got out-worked.
Trump has a 43-point lead in the New York Republican
presidential primary.
Longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly has asked
her daughter and five others to resign from the board of Eagle Forum after
tension spread through the group over Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald Trump.
New York Post Endorses Donald Trump
Karl Rove-backed PAC warms to Trump: The strategist publicly questions Trump’s electability, but
privately his PAC tells donors Trump can win.
Former Scott Walker Campaign Manager, Joins Team Trump
Former Scott Walker Campaign Manager, Joins Team Trump
Hillary Clinton was booed at Thursday night’s Democratic
presidential debate after she defended raising money from Wall Street by
arguing that President Obama had done the same.
Hillary Clinton’s favorability has hit a new national low.
According to HuffPost Pollster, which monitors more than 392 polls from 42
national pollsters, Clinton is viewed unfavorably by 55 percent of the
electorate, a two-point jump from last month’s measure,
Newsroom coverage of a racially charged joke shared by
Hillary Clinton and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was soft-pedaled after the
story was initially ignored for three days.
Pay Gap Alert: Clinton Foundation Male Execs Earn 38% More
Than Women
Over the course of the 86 full months that President Barack
Obama has completed serving in the White House the U.S. Treasury has collected
approximately $18,764,164,000,000 in tax revenues. That equals approximately
$124,003 for each of the 151,320,000 persons who had either a full- or
part-time job.
Clinton admitted her tax proposals will increase taxes on the American people
by at least $1 trillion over the next ten years.
IRS chief admits agency encourages illegal immigrant theft
of SSNs to file tax returns
This is a bad sign:
The Citadel is considering a request from a student that she be allowed
to wear a hijab in keeping with her Muslim faith, a move that would be an
unprecedented exception to the school’s longstanding uniform requirements.
Signs that Europe is doomed:
The German government has approved a criminal inquiry into a comic who
mocked the Turkish president.
Health insurance companies are amplifying their warnings
about the financial sustainability of the ObamaCare marketplaces as they seek
approval for premium increases next year. Insurers say they are losing money on
their ObamaCare plans at a rapid rate, and some have begun to talk about
dropping out of the marketplaces altogether.
Facebook czar Mark Zuckerberg, who condemned "fearful
voices," like Donald Trump for pushing walls against immigrants, is facing
a backlash over his own efforts keep neighbors away from his homes.
Alicia Colon 4/13
one is enthusiastic about the candidates running for president in 2016 except
for the Democrats cheering for Hillary and Bernie and they are in deep denial.
The idea that the only ones their party have in the race is a corrupt,
indictable, incompetent former Secretary of State and an elderly communist
should be laughable yet both are still taken seriously. As for the Republicans,
they’ve managed to throw away excellent candidates and are spending all their
time trashing one another instead of getting real.
the nitty gritty that all are ignoring- any one of the original candidates
vying for the GOP nomination is more qualified than Hillary Clinton and Bernie
Sanders and that includes Donald Trump. The country will not fall apart if
Trump wins and those heralding a disaster are blowing smoke generated by the
establishment GOP and the statist RINOs who want to keep their jobs and power.
mainstream media hasn’t done its job in decades, opting instead to promote its
own agenda of attacking all things conservative. If it had it would have
reported that protesters at Trump and Cruz rallies are probably paid with funds
from the infamous megalomaniac George Soros. The average American voter doesn’t
have the time or the will to travel around the country waving manufactured
flags and chanting socialist demands.
time to look in the mirror at the real person hiding their head in the sand.
The hysteria at the possibility of a Trump presidency is nonsense. It is the
idea of a Clinton presidency that should scare us all so why hasn’t it?
the GOP candidates had any sense they would be targeting her instead of each
other. To do that they have to remind the young voters what she was like the
last time she was in the White House. Bill Clinton called her his co-president.
His presidency was the most classless since Grant but not as honorable. The
Clinton administration was riddled with staff that could not pass security
clearances yet managed to be hired anyway.
watched a Hillary television ad that listed all her achievements and I
shouted,” Lies, all lies,” at the screen. The idea that she’s for women’s
rights is a canard considering that she trashed any woman accusing her rapist
husband of sexual impropriety. Any young woman planning to support Hillary
needs to Google the so-called ‘bimbos’ that Hillary destroyed.
was my Senator and did absolutely nothing except name some government buildings
and throw taxpayer funds at cronies and Dem donors. Her attempt at health care
legislation (Hillarycare) ending up with litigation against her closed-door
tactics that cost the government $285,864 in legal fees for plaintiffs.
Although that award was overturned, her entire efforts to assume presidential
powers as First Lady were clouded by her arrogance and incompetence. She was
described by the Chief Counsel of the Watergate Committee in 1973, a Democrat,
Jerry Zeifman, as ‘unethical and dishonest’. Good call, Jerry.
myth of the Clinton administration’s success will one day be exposed when the
mainstream media finally grows a pair and admits that the only good thing Bill
Clinton did was step side and let Newt Gingrich’s Congress pass its Contract
With America. Let’s remind these young uninformed voters that while he was
impeached on a trumped up charge of perjury and inappropriate sexual activity
with an intern, he should have been impeached for treason involving accepting
reelection campaign funds from Communist China in exchange for releasing our
national data. Hillary’s email scandal is just part of a corruption pattern
that the Clintons have been using for decades.
I’ve read articles on billionaires funding anti-Trump campaigns but they should
really be flooding the airwaves with ads showing how the low class, vulgar,
drug-addled Clinton staff vandalized the White House when they left in 2000.
Ads should be informing the ill-informed, low info Democrat voter the truth of
the past of both Hillary’s real treatment of women and Sanders’ (who is not
even a Democrat) many years in office that produced nothing. I watched a
Sanders ad and again shouted at the screen, “Who’s going to pay for this,
don’t these billionaires offer free copies of Animal Farm and 1984 to this
burgeoning national idiocracy? These classics used to be required reading in
schools but the Marxist academia has made sure they no longer are.
am not a Trump supporter nor am I crazy about Ted Cruz. In fact, I really don’t
care personally for either but both have one quality that I find valuable-they
are anti-establishment. That is a very good thing and in November, I will vote
for any GOP nominee who has that same quality. If this man wins it is up to the
rest of us to see that he has a Congress that is against the status quo as
well. Then America has a very good chance to be great again.
“I'm enjoying the irony
of American Sanders supporters lecturing me, a former Soviet citizen, on the
glories of Socialism and what it really means! Socialism sounds great in speech
soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there. In practice, it corrodes
not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and
achievement that made modern capitalism possible and brought billions of people
out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was
paid for by the successes of capitalism.”
-Chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov
In its war for America, the left never rests, sometimes
falters but rarely allows itself to fail. It works tirelessly to “fundamentally
transform the nation” and smashes anyone and anything that gets in its way.
Consider the pitched battle it has waged against Supreme Court Justice Clarence
Thomas over the past quarter-century. Instead of celebrating and honoring a
black man who rose from grinding poverty in the segregated South to sit on the
nation’s highest court, the left sees an existential threat: a black pro-life,
pro-gun conservative who has spent his life crushing leftist orthodoxy. He
must, therefore, not simply be opposed, but destroyed, regardless of how long
it takes.
An unofficial surrogate of Hillary Clinton, the President of
the left-wing National Organization For Women (NOW) said on Monday that
abortion is a “necessary aspect” of “reproductive health care.” She also called
for repealing the First Amendment, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per
hour, and mandates for businesses to provide benefits to employees subsidizing
contraception and abortion.
ISIS threatens attack on India; vows to wipe out Hindus
Environmentalists backing a Big Tobacco-style government
probe of oil companies plotted their strategy for targeting companies like
ExxonMobil at a closed-door meeting in Manhattan earlier this year, according
to a Wall Street Journal report.
Professor calls for punishment for climate change deniers.
The governing narrative of the 2016 Presidential campaign so
far has been that GOP is imploding…..but Republicans aren’t the only party
facing an historic rift. Over the past two weeks, it’s become increasingly
obvious that grassroots liberals are thoroughly disgusted by their own party
“Fury as Colorado has no primary or caucus!” shrieked a
scandalized Drudge Report on Monday morning. That would be news to the roughly
60,000 Republicans who caucused across the state on March 1, many of whom
attended Saturday’s GOP State Assembly. Matt Drudge was channeling the phony
indignation of his chosen candidate as Donald Trump spent the evening on
Twitter and the morning on Fox News complaining that Colorado’s delegate
selection process was “a crooked deal.”
First they spent tens of millions trying to boost their
favorite presidential candidates, then they poured cash into ads attacking
Donald Trump, and now some of the biggest donors on the right are turning their
attention to the delegate fight. Anti-Trump billionaires are funding ground
operations in an increasing number of states to try to ensure the selection of
national convention delegates who oppose Trump. The strategy is being executed
by the anti-Trump Our Principles PAC, which has a stated goal of blocking the
bombastic billionaire from clinching the GOP presidential nomination before the
party’s convention in July. But the
“A car owned by Hillary Clinton is up for sale. Like Hillary,
the car has been hit from all sides and lately has been starting to stall.”
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every
one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but
downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”
Henry (1788)
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