op ed review 2/7
Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses because evangelicals turned
out in record numbers and broke his way in the final days.
Oscar-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss joined conservatives at
a rally for Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)in Ames,
Koch Brothers' Network Considering Anti-Trump Campaign
“Time for a Trump-Cruz Unity Ticket?”
“When Marco Rubio ran
for the Senate in Florida, I think I was the first one to endorse him,” said
Phyllis Schlafly. “I made a trip down to Florida in 2009 just for the purpose
of helping him.” But Schlafly, a legendary conservative activist, now says she
is bitterly disappointed by Rubio’s record.
Joe Arpaio endorses Trump.
House Speaker Paul Ryan begs conservatives, “Please don´t
revolt, at least not this year.” He promised to spend the next years preparing
to push a conservative agenda, including a politically risky plan for
entitlement reform, if a Republican wins the presidency in 2017.
“In a stunning admission, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager
predicts in an email that Donald Trump will become president if he wins the
Republican nomination.”
A member of the House Intelligence Committee said that he
has “never read anything that’s more sensitive” than the contents of the “Top
Secret” Hillary Clinton emails identified by the State Department last week.
Carly Fiorina: “Hillary Clinton Is ‘More Qualified For The
Big House’ Than The White House.”
But a former Inspector General for the State Department says
Hillary Clinton will never be indicted for her use of a private email server
because there are four powerful Democrat women standing in the way.
Hillary voters sign a petition to make Karl Marx Clinton’s
Vice President in the latest example of how clueless many Americans are when it
comes to basic politics. Here’s video.
Tim Allen Compares Clintons to Herpes... 'Just When You
Think Gone, They Show Up Again'...
Here comes the next great cause for “progressives”: Babies With Genes From 3 People Could Be
Ethical, Panel Says
Professional football players are arguably the most
Jesus-praising group in all of sports, but their bosses and sponsors -- the NFL
and advertisers -- fail big time in welcoming faith consumers, according to a
group that scores the Christian values of major brands.
Aetna Joins Growing Chorus Warning About ObamaCare Failing
Border agents ordered to stand down…"We might as well
abolish our immigration laws altogether," suggested agent Brandon Judd,
president of the National Border Patrol Council.
“Criminal networks with Latin American roots, such as MS-13
and the 18th Street gang, are using the administration's open-door policy at
the border to slip in recruits that are causing a huge spike in murder and
violence throughout the nation, according to an immigration expert.”
"Established gangs have been able to transfer an
unknown number of experienced foot soldiers from Central America to help
colonize new criminal territory in the United States."
Chicago Stock Exchange sold to the Chinese.
USA Falls From 6th Freest Economy to 11th Under Obama...
The percentage of American wage and salary workers who
belonged to a union was only 11.1 percent in 2015, but the percentage of union
members who worked for government was 48.9 percent, according to data released
today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Campus PC has come to this: The Student Union Board at the
University of Oregon seriously debated removing a Martin Luther King Jr. quote
from the rec center because the words weren’t “inclusive” enough.
Mark Steyn 2/1
(Bernie) would be the
oldest man ever elected president and 83 years old at the end of two terms -
which we won't have to worry about because the entire country will have slid
off the cliff long before then. But he's enthusing the base, and any base wants
to be enthused.
Hillary, by contrast, is in trouble not because she's a
sleazy, corrupt, cronyist, money-laundering, Saud-kissing liar. Democrats have
a strong stomach and boundless tolerance for all of that and wouldn't care were
it not for the fact that she's a dud and a bore. A "Hillary rally" is
a contradiction in terms: the thin, vetted crowd leave more demoralized and
depressed than when they went in. To vote for Bernie is to be part of a
romance, as it was with Obama. To vote for Hillary is to validate the Clintons'
indestructible sense of their own indispensability - and nothing else. Hillary
is a wooden charmless stiff who supposedly has enough money to be carefully
managed across the finish line. But that requires Democratic electors to agree
to be managed, too, and the Sanders surge is a strong sign that, while they're
relaxed about voting for an unprincipled arrogant phony marinated in ever more
malodorous and toxic corruption, they draw the line at such a tedious and
charisma-free specimen thereof.
The only personable Clinton stood behind Hillary looking
like an emaciated wraith of the Slick Willie of yore. Decades of interns appear
to have literally sucked all the life out of him, leaving only (one presumes
from friend Epstein's Lolita Express flight records) his distinguishing characteristics
with any flicker of vitality. Judging from her brief but disastrous
intervention in New Hampshire the other week, young Chelsea appears to have
inherited her mother's warmth and personal touch. That left Hillary barking
across the midnight hour like a malign Speak-Your-Weight Machine with a jammed
Bernie was close, but, as Bill would say, no cigar. Hillary
won by 24 delegates to 21 - and six of her delegates she got on a coin toss.
Seriously. Nevertheless, given the demographic difficulties he faces in South
Carolina and beyond, Sanders needed to inflict actual defeat on Hillary. He
needed headlines saying: "BERNIE WINS!" And he didn't get that. She
certainly felt the Bern, but it wasn't a third-degree Bern.
Insurgent-wise, the Bern took the high road and the Donald
took the low road. And, unlike Trump, Sanders outperformed the polls. If he
does that in New Hampshire, he'll utterly humiliate Hillary. And who knows what
happens then?
~A lot of the commentary on the Trump phenomenon in the days
before Iowa reiterated points I was making way back when, a month after he
entered the race. The retort that Trump is not a "real" Republican or
a "real" conservative would of course be a devastating criticism had
"real" Republicans and "real" conservatives" in
Washington managed actually to "conserve" anything during their time
in office. Fiscal prudence? Constrained welfare? Private health care? Religious
liberty? There's no point to a purity test for a party that folds more reliably
than the White House valet. As I've said, for the Republican establishment the
issue is Trump; for a large part of the base the issue is the Republican
So I have generally regarded Trump's presence in this race
as a good thing. And I believe (for reasons I'll expand on later this week)
that he would do better against Hillary than most other GOP candidates.
The results of the Iowa caucuses have shown us several
important things. 1) Everybody hates the establishment of both parties. 2) No
one trusts the media anymore. 3) Pollsters have no clue how to conduct polling
in the fast-paced world of smartphones and social media.
"In our view, Maryland (gun) law implicates the core
protection of the Second Amendment — 'the right of law-abiding responsible
citizens to use arms in defense of hearth and home..”
Circuit Court of Appeals
Three Christian high school students will stand trial for
blasphemy in Egypt Thursday on charges that they insulted Islam.
A man has been arrested at Disneyland Paris carrying two
handguns, ammunition, and a ´guide to the Koran´, but police are still hunting
his female companion.
The South Carolina House has passed a bill blocking Islamic
sharia law from being recognized or approved in the state, after years of
debate over similar legislation.
Hillary Clinton's campaign raised $112 million in 2015, and
top Democratic billionaire donor George Soros recently gave $6 million to her
super PAC,.
91% of Americans aren’t worried about global warming.
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has spent millions on ocean
conservation and backed programs to save endangered coral, but those reefs had
better not get in the way of his 300-foot megayacht. Allen’s $162 million
Tatoosh destroyed 13,800 square feet of coral reef in the Cayman Islands’
protected replenishment zone. Local officials said the massive anchor and chain
wiped out most of the coral in the area on the western coast of Grand Cayman on
Jan. 14.
Everyone is talking about what the recent caucuses in Iowa
means. Not who won, but what it signifies.
One interpretation is events show the establishments of both parties are
under siege. David Corn, writing in Mother Jones says "after Iowa, both
parties are facing hostile takeovers", the Democrats facing a challenge
from the left and the Republicans from what is called the conservative wing.
But there is more to it than that. Such triumphs can be Pyrrhic. Perhaps the
most prescient metaphor was contained in a prediction by former Rep. John
LeBoutillier (R-N.Y.). "We are
witnessing the end of the House of Clinton" adding that "the House of
Bush is also falling. So is the Establishment of both political parties."
More centrist candidates, like Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and
Chris Christie, have focused on coalescing the party’s more moderate, usually
white-collar elements. Marco Rubio has attempted to remain viable across all of
the party’s factions…….But Trump has disrupted all of these calculations by
assembling an unprecedented coalition that barrels through the party’s
traditional boundaries. “Everything was
through the prism of the olden days and Trump not being a creature of politics …
didn’t think like that,” said David Carney, a long-time New Hampshire based
Republican strategist, who is neutral in this race. “That has freed him up. He
is not trying to go after little segments; he is trying to go after everybody,
with a very general message.”
VDH: Trump is not my
preferred candidate. I hope he does not win the Republican nomination. But I
understand why millions seem to be mesmerized by his rhetoric.
A “defense of the GOP establishment” makes a few good
points: The best way to break the
gridlock is to stop angrily tilting at Establishment windmills and win the
White House in 2016 by focusing on the D.
It’s time to drop the anger and unite in the Grand -- as in big and
great -- Old Party, both “Establishment” and anti-Establishment, and win in
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only
those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws
make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve
rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be
attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
-Cesare Beccaria
"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is
dearness only that gives every thing its value."
Paine, 1776
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