op ed review 2/14
New Hampshire:
Decisive Trump Victory Sends GOP Establishment Reeling
GOP Establishment In Chaos
Donald Trump’s massive and massively consequential New
Hampshire victory cost the billionaire businessman a mere $40 per vote,
according to a study done by Morning Consult. To come in a distant fourth
place, Jeb Bush spent a mind-boggling $1200 per vote. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)97%
did the best; he landed in a surprising third place by spending only $18 per
vote. No one, though, wasted their money more than Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)79%,
who spend $508 per vote to belly-flop into fifth place.
Republicans set a new turnout record Tuesday in New
Hampshire’s primary, attracting more than a quarter of a million voters to the
polls and offering evidence that most of the energy in the 2016 presidential
race continues to be on the GOP side.
“Latinos for Trump? Oh yeah, that’s a thing.”
Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton among nearly every
demographic group in the Democratic New Hampshire primary, according to exit
Rumors of Clinton Campaign
Clinton allies grapple with crushing loss
Victorious Bernie Sanders woos the black vote as he tells
The View he wants cops put on trial and has breakfast in Harlem with Al
Clinton is struggling to connect with young women voters, so
she has brought in… Madeleine Albright? Enlisting the 78-year-old to chase
millennials may seem far-fetched, but it’s a gift to voters and to the GOP.
Losing New Hampshire by 22 points to an avowed socialist was
bad enough for Hillary Clinton. But then came the news that the State
Department had opened a inquiry regarding the activities of the Bill, Hillary
and Chelsea Clinton Foundation during her time time as secretary of state
Not a good sign: A
new survey from YouGov finds that millennials have more favorable views of
socialism than of capitalism. As Santayana said, those who do not remember the
past are condemned to repeat it. Less than two decades after socialism seemed
to have been confined to the dust-heap of history, another generation may have
to learn hard lessons.
Government employee union president: “God help us all” if
the GOP wins
President Obama on Tuesday proposed the first $4 trillion
federal budget in history.
Twitter ‘Embarking on a War Against Conservative Points of
Last week it was Aetna, Now Humana Says It Might Bail On
New California Law Forces Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to
Advertise Abortions
Bernie Sanders says he wants a path towards citizenship for
11 million illegal immigrants. “If Congress doesn´t do the right thing, we use
the executive orders of the president."
Democrat socialist Bernie Sanders’ campaign has evidently
roused the satanic electorate. In a highly popular pro-Sanders meme group
created on Facebook, a post with an image stating, “Satanists for Bernie 2016,”
has received over 1,100 likes and over 200 shares.
In another blow to the Obama administration’s regulatory
agenda, the U.S. Supreme Court halted the EPA’s regulations limiting carbon
City workers in San Diego have been warned not to use the phrase
"Founding Fathers." because it’s considered gender biased.
NARAL denounces the Super Bowl Doritos ad for “humanizing
fetuses”, The ad showed an
about-to-be-born child reacting, in the womb, to his dad´s bag of Doritos. The
ad was cute and funny, and it got the point across that everybody loves
Hillary Clinton’s campaign has hired a new staffer who has
previously written that those accused of sexual assault should automatically be
treated as guilty, regardless of the actual evidence brought against them.
California spends $141 million to hire 1,000 new employees
to process 1.5 million driver’s license applications for 1.5 million illegal
Senate report: Illegal immigrants benefited from up to $750M
in ObamaCare
Newly uncovered internal memos reveal the Obama
administration knowingly exaggerated charges of racial discrimination in probes
of Ally Bank and other defendants in the $900 billion car-lending business as
part of a “racial justice” campaign that’s looking more like a massive
government extortion and shakedown operation.
Huh? Secretary John Kerry
Says ISIS Members Aren’t Muslims
The most disappointing moment of Saturday night’s debate
came when Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio each embraced the idea that
women should register with the selective service, making it possible for
America to draft women into ground combat. The argument for registration is
based on the new Pentagon policy opening up all combat jobs to women. Women
have served in non-combat roles for decades without any serious push for
selective-service registration ensuing. In fact, the Supreme Court, in Rostker v.
Goldberg (1981), has used the fact that men and women have different roles as
justification for rejecting constitutional objections to the all-male
draft……Ground combat is barbaric……It is not a video game. It is not a movie,
where young Hollywood starlets karate-kick their way through masses of inept
thugs and goons. When we order women into ground combat, we are ordering them
into situations where men larger and stronger than they will show no mercy…….
This is what Ted Cruz was rightly arguing when he called the
idea of drafting women into combat “nuts.” The idea that we would force women
into combat against “a 220-pound psychopath trying to kill them” — to use
Cruz’s memorable phrase — is immoral. Women would die terrible deaths, and when
they did, the ripple effects on morale would likely be extreme. Why would Bush,
Rubio, and Christie seem to so eagerly surrender to the prevailing winds of
political correctness? Part of the problem, no doubt, is that none of them
served in the military. They’re simply not familiar with the grueling demands
not only of combat but also of training for battle. Part of it may well be pure
political fear. After all, the “war on women” narrative harmed Republicans in
2012, so it appears that at least three GOP candidates are willing to court an
actual war on women to avoid even the appearance of discrimination.
Military service should not be a prerequisite for
understanding morality, common sense, and natural law. Cruz hasn’t served, yet
he understood the stakes. He was right, while Bush, Rubio, and Christie were
wrong. But the issue’s importance goes beyond who wins the nomination contest.
If America chooses not just to permit women to join the infantry but now
prepares to force them into ground combat, it will take a step toward
Ted Cruz: “It’s Nuts, Wrong, Dangerous and Immoral to Draft
Women and Put Them In Close Combat”
The push to put women into combat is driven by an extreme,
reality-challenged form of feminism. Unfortunately, its influence in the media,
the entertainment industry, our universities, and politics has given it a
tremendous base of political power that extends into the heart of the military.
Jude Eden notes: “In my experience, feminism and political correctness are so
prevalent in the military that men trip over themselves trying to ensure they
do not offend. Military leaders cannot afford to even think the truth: Women
are not as strong and athletic as strong, athletic men are.” Officers in the
military understand that speaking honestly about the problems of women in
combat can be a career-ender, while putting gender-diversity goals ahead of
everything else can be a career-accelerator.
What we have is a modern-day case of the emperor’s new
clothes. But over the decades, so many compromises to the truth have been made
and careers advanced by hiding or glossing over gender-integration issues in
the military that it will take more than one small voice standing athwart the
road yelling “stop!” It will take concerted opposition from a range of
politicians who have the courage to look beyond the latest headline in the New
York Times or on CNN.
“That our Congress is accepting this change without any
debate isn’t progress,” Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker has written.
“It is a dereliction of duty and, one is tempted to say, suggestive of
The silence on this issue by the Republican-controlled
Congress is deafening. Mountains of evidence exists, providing an excellent
basis for congressional hearings about this misguided crusade. Undoubtedly,
these hearings will inflame the media and academia, but not holding these
hearings, not speaking out on this issue, puts politics before the lives of our
young women and men.
Islamic State video shows British boy known as 'Junior
Jihadi' blowing up three prisoners
Iraqi militia groups supported by Iran have been seizing
Christian property in Baghdad, including homes, businesses, and churches, in a
process described as “ethnic cleansing” by Iraqi Christian community leaders.
“Sex: The Only Thing ´Infidel´ Women Are Worth”
Lefties turn on Hillary:
“Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote”
In the United States of 2016 the occupant of the White House
is someone steeped in and aggressively implementing statist ideology. And one
of the two major political parties has as its only candidates for the
presidency a dedicated lifelong socialist in Bernie Sanders and a newly
declared socialist in Hillary Clinton. In recent polls nearly 59% of Democrats
say they would vote for a socialist candidate as well as nearly 50% of
independents and even more frightening nearly 70% of those between the ages of
18 and 29 in the country claim they would vote for a socialist.
Hillary and Bill Clinton were prepared to lose, but there’s
a loss and then there’s a shellacking. After barely winning Iowa, with its coin
tosses and independent calls for a public recount of the secret ballots,
getting trounced by Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire by 20 points suggests
tissue-rejection of the Clinton candidacy. It’s likely some of those voters
weren’t even pro-Sanders, just turned off by Clinton. The Republican race is
starting to look tame by comparison. The rejection went to her character. Among
Democrats who say they care most about honesty and trustworthiness, she lost by
86 points.
LEWIS: The left and
its media are pathogenic: they try obsessively to crush our self-confidence as
a nation. Compulsive self-hatred is bad
for individuals, and it's bad for nations.
But talk to any American liberal about this country, and you'll hear the
whine of national self-loathing. Donald Trump would not start his presidency
with an apology tour. He does not
apologize for himself or his country. He
is not a policy wonk, but he can probably tell the difference between sense and
nonsense. Trump won't be mentally stuck
in some fantasy ideology, like Obama and Hillary. After eight years of Obama,
we need a period of healing. I still
like Ted Cruz, but Donald Trump is a lot better than the Other Party.
Rush Limbaugh: Ted Cruz is the closest we’ve gotten to
Ronald Reagan in our lifetimes
Here’s What Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want You To Know About
College Costs Combined with state aid, the government is pouring more than $239
billion a year into programs designed to make college less expensive. What the
authors found is that all this aid money has simply let college administrators
spend more and jack up tuition to pay for it, without hurting enrollment. The
result is there to see for anyone who visits a college campus these days —
gourmet kitchens, luxurious dorms, shiny new administrative buildings,
beautiful landscapes, state of the art workout facilities, etc. The authors
call this the “Bennett hypothesis,” after former Education Secretary William
Bennett, who wrote in 1987 that “increases in financial aid in recent years
have enabled college and universities blithely to raise their tuitions.”
"The people of the U.S. owe their Independence &
their liberty, to the wisdom of descrying in the minute tax of 3 pence on tea,
the magnitude of the evil comprised in the precedent. Let them exert the same
wisdom, in watching against every evil lurking under plausible disguises, and
growing up from small beginnings."
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