Sunday, March 6, 2016

op ed review 3/6

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz got a split decision from Republican voters in four states Saturday that didn’t dramatically change the nomination race but did expose unrest among party conservatives who want an alternative to the celebrity real estate mogul as their presidential nominee.

Earlier in the week, Trump had a good Super Tuesday.
Trump continues to demonstrate a wide base of support, riding record turnouts to seven victories out of the 11 states where Republicans cast Super Tuesday ballots.

Confidential polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose the presidential election in heavily Democratic New York to Trump as the GOP front-runner’s support grows to the point of being “surprisingly strong,”

"Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud,” says Mitt Romney.  “His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He´s playing the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat.”
But four years ago Romney praised Trump:- "Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works and to create jobs….”
Senator McCain joined Romney in criticizing front-runner Donald Trump, particularly on foreign policy.
??? In order to defeat Donald Trump, The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol admits he is prepared to hand Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

“Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan”

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch argued that Republicans would be "mad" not to rally around Trump should the businessman become the GOP presidential nominee.
Pat Buchanan: 'Never Trump' strategy could bring about GOP's suicide

Donald Trump on Thursday named Sen. Jeff Sessions, as chairman of his national security advisory committee. Trump´s campaign said Sessions, a vocal advocate of tougher enforcement of the nation´s immigration laws, would counsel Trump on foreign policy and homeland security.
Sean Hannity railed against Marco Rubio for his intensifying attacks on Donald Trump. “To me, it seems like the establishment is putting all this in his head. He’s regurgitating it and being somebody that he’s not.” Hannity said Rubio’s onslaught is “turning into a suicide mission.”
Larry Kudlow: Trump Tax Plan Will Bring ‘Tremendous Movement of Capital and Labor Back to the United States’

Former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton, but he hasn’t ruled out casting his ballot for Donald Trump.

Is this legal?  Hillary Clinton paid Planned Parenthood thousands of dollars using campaign funds as reimbursements for “staff time” for volunteering and get out the vote efforts,
Hillary has even paid herself $250,000 from campaign funds

At the end of Fiscal Year 2015, the federal government’s liabilities exceeded its assets by more than $18 trillion, according to a GAO audit
A Chinese owned company is now the largest theater operator in America.
Candidates speak only in Somali at one Minnesota Democratic Caucus
So dangerous is Seattle’s biggest homeless camp, called the Jungle — three ragged miles stitched along the underbelly of Interstate 5 — that if a fire broke out there today, firefighters would not be allowed in without an armed police escort.

Top border chief (Gil Kerlikowske)  to agents who object to Obama amnesty: ‘Look for another job.’

Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag'

For all that the liberal media and politicians rake CEOs over the coals for being paid too much, it turns out there is a group of people getting paid even more. Turns out, the average college president is making $377,261 per year, more than twice the annual haul for the average CEO, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and

Mexican Finance Minister says a wall between the US and Mexico is “an idea based on ignorance and has no foundation in the reality of North American integration."

8 of 11 Remaining Obamacare Co-Ops on the Brink of collapse.

Only 75 people came out to hear Chelsea Clinton condemn the Republicans for being racist, homophobic, and sexist.

Pat Buchanan:  “Is a new GOP being born?”  3/1

As long ago as the early 1990s, populist conservatives were imploring George H. W. Bush to secure our Mexican border, as tens of thousands poured across in the San Diego-Tijuana corridor. Gov. Pete Wilson turned near-certain defeat into a stunning comeback victory in 1994 by promising to send the National Guard.

Why did the establishment not respond then to the electorate? Why, instead of trashing Wilson for imperiling future party prospects with Hispanics, did the establishment not do what the people had demanded and move decisively to secure our southern border?

What is conservative about uncontrolled borders?

Why, as trade deficits with China and the world rose from the tens of billions to hundreds of billions, did the establishment not wake up and see the shuttering factories, the lost jobs and the ghost towns arising across America – and react? Could they not see that, as we celebrated globalization, Beijing and Tokyo were practicing ruthless mercantilism and protectionism?

At the end of the Cold War in 1991, many Americans urged that, with the Soviet Empire dissolved and Soviet Union disintegrating, it was time to bring our troops home and let the rich fat nations that had been freeloading for half a century provide the soldiers and pay the cost of their own security.

Instead, the establishment opted for empire, for expanding old alliances, dumping over regimes, crusading for democracy, sending our soldiers out to remake Third World countries in the image of Iowa and Vermont. Who now thinks all these wars were worth the cost?

Whether Trump wins or loses the nomination, the immigration, trade and foreign policies pursued by the elites since the end of the Cold War are dead letters. The nation has declared them to be so in the primaries.

Who is campaigning, in either party today, for open borders, or passing The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or sending troops back to Iraq or into Syria?

The Bernie Sanders insurgency appears to have been turned back by the vested interests of his party. But like the George McGovern insurgency in ’72, which also relied heavily upon the enthusiasm of the young, Sanders’ socialism may be the ideological future of his party.

The same may be said of the Trump insurgency. Whatever happens at Cleveland, the returns from the primaries look like the passing of the old order, the death rattle of an establishment fighting for its life, and being laughed at and mocked as it goes down. As in 1964 and 1980, a new Republican Party is taking shape.

Defections are to be expected, and not altogether unwelcome.


A sure sign of global warmism in decline: Yale closing down its ‘Climate and Energy Institute’

Osama bin Laden was a global warming alarmist.  He wrote a letter calling on the American people to help President Obama fight “catastrophic” climate change and “save humanity.”

Liberal billionaire George Soros was at the White House late last year to meet with President Obama’s controversial top adviser on ISIS, according to the White House visitor log.

A British National Health Service (NHS) hospital trust has developed official hijabs which they call “multi-faith dignity gowns” to protect the “modesty” of patients, after local Muslims apparently complained about standard hospital gowns.

Who supports trump and why

Limbaugh on Trump: Much bigger upside than downside... Limbaugh also said he believes that the divide between the Republican establishment and conservatives is “longer, broader, wider than I have ever seen it." 

“If Trump wins the nomination -- which is more likely than not -- the Republican Party will stumble. If Trump wins the presidency, he will have enormous say in what the party looks like from top to bottom. The party will still have enough power to facilitate Senate, House, state and local races nationwide. But it will be an appendage of Trump. If Trump endorses a Herman Cain for Senate over a sitting representative who has worked his way through the system for two decades, what's the party going to do? The paths worn down over a century, paved with contributions from donors and with routes driven by endorsers, will be handed over to Trump. That's the party's fear. And it's a valid one.”

On Thursday the media told Trump former Grand Wizard David Duke had endorsed him. Trump disavowed the endorsement. On Friday at a press conference the media told Trump former Grand Wizard David Duke had endorsed him. Trump disavowed the endorsement.  On Sunday the media told Donald Trump former Grand Wizard David Duke had endorsed him. Trump told the media to send him the list and he would look it over. Then the media and GOP establishment really lost it. Mitt Romney slammed the GOP front-runner for coddling repugnant bigotry.


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