Saturday, February 3, 2018

op ed review 2/4

Memo release:  Shocking memo reveals how Comey disgraced an honorable FBI……discredited dossier was key to FBI’s FISA warrant to surveil members of Team Trump.
What it says 1. The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page. 2.Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information. 3.The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications. 4.DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president.
Worse than Watergate:   “What The MSM Is Hoping YOU Ignore About FISA MEMO”
The Onion:  “FBI Warns Republican Memo Could Undermine Faith In Massive, Unaccountable Secret Government Agencies”

“Tonight’s State of the Union speech was a triumph for President Trump. The speech was excellent, and Trump knew it cold and delivered it effectively. The president began with a recitation of his administration’s achievements that was truly impressive. Trump emphasized, appropriately, the remarkable gains our economy has made in just one year…..For the Democrats, the optics were very bad. They ostentatiously refused to stand or even applaud…”
To ABC News, the speech was ‘Divisive,’ ‘Gloomy,’ ‘Sad’ ‘Stoking...Racial Tensions’
NBC Trashes ‘Subdued,’ ‘Tired’ SOTU Speech Full of ‘Hyperbole’, talks about Russia probe as speech began.
Whoops! CBS embarrassed that its own poll showed viewers approve of Trump's first State of the Union address by 75%
Black Dems' Stonefaced Reaction to News of Historically Low Black Unemployment...

SOTU address smashed the record for Twitter activity with 4.5 million tweets by users about the speech, according to Twitter.
Zogby: Trump boosted GOP 2018 chances, 2020 re-election
“New Poll Looks Grim for Democrats”

Americans are split 49-49 on Trump's job approval, his best showing in the Rasmussen Reports poll since last June That number beats his popular-vote election performance in 2016  Big bump comes after well-received State of the Union Address President Trump’s job approval on the economy has soared to 51 percent…..”After more than a year of fake news-frenzies pushing conspiracy theories about Russian collusion/obstruction,  the American people are finally tuning out the media’s neurotic white noise to turn their focus on what President Trump has actually accomplished.”

U.S. Oil Production Tops 10 Million Barrels A Day for First Time Since 1970
Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter, Atlanta Fed tracker shows
Due To Trump Tax Cuts Iowa Utility Customers To Get $147 Million Refund!
Private payrolls grow by 234,000 in January, vs 185,000 expected:
Exxon Mobil announced it will invest an extra $50 billion in the American economy, citing Republican’s recently passed tax reform.
Americans' Compensation Rise At Fastest Pace Since 2008

Former NFL running back Herschel Walker accused the NFL of essentially giving out "hush money" to stop players from kneeling for the national anthem. The 1982 Heisman Trophy winner highlighted the fact that the NFL in late November offered $100 million to social justice organizations favored by players. The move was widely viewed as an attempt by the league to end the controversy surrounding the anthem protests. "The league gave the players a large sum of money toward their cause. That´s hush money," he said, adding that players never should have been kneeling in the first place.

The Associated Press wages a daily battle against the Trump administration on behalf of the Democratic Party. Its bias is manifest and unconcealed, but rarely do we see a hit job as outrageous as this one……

Leftist fantasies expressed?  ‘Law & Order: SVU’ Depicts Brutal Rape of Female Conservative Commentator

Harvard-Harris Poll:  Black Americans are the most supportive group in the United States of dramatically lower legal immigration levels

To Protect Illegals from Deportation, Denver Decriminalizes Pooping on the Pavement

Investors Business Daily 
President Trump, defying expectations that he would give a speech filled with concessions to the bitterly angry Democrats, gave a full-throated, detailed (and long) defense of his first year in office and offered a vision for the future. It was a bravura performance, one of the best in recent history….the first-time politician Trump pushed all the right buttons, and probably reminded a lot of people why they voted for him instead of his supposedly invincible opponent.

After hearing Trump demonized and vilified in the media for the better part of a year, average Americans were no doubt surprised to hear a confident president with an extensive resume of successes express his love, admiration and, yes, devotion to the country he plainly loves a great deal. "Over the last year, we have made incredible progress and achieved extraordinary success.  We have faced challenges we expected, and others we could never have imagined," Trump said, very early in his speech. "We have shared in the heights of victory and the pains of hardship.  We endured floods and fires and storms.  But through it all, we have seen the beauty of America's soul, and the steel in America's spine."

We don't know for sure how average Americans viewed his speech. But we do know that it was the kind of speech that Americans like. It was clear and plain-spoken. His ideas were based on common sense and normal American decency, not weird ideologies that bear no relevance to every-day American life.

In nearly every instance, whether talking about: North Korea's nuclear threat and its inhumanity to its own people; Or the daily indignity suffered by American veterans served by an often-incompetent and uncaring VA; Or the thrill of having tax cuts passed that would put $4,000 back in each household's pockets for saving, spending or investing; Or proposing more spending on vocational training for young people; Or the $8 trillion increase in stock market value since he was  elected, which, he noted, is "great news for Americans' 401k, retirement, pension, and college savings accounts"; Or "leveraging" $200 billion in federal money to create $1.5 trillion in infrastructure improvements; Or pointing out the every-day heroes of the shootings in Washington, the hurricanes in Texas and Louisiana, or the fires in California; Or talking about repealing the Obamacare individual mandate, a "cruel tax" that hits those earning less than $50,000 a year hardest;  In almost all these cases, Trump focused on average Americans, real people. He seemed genuinely touched by their sense of duty and sacrifice. And by the possibility that their lives might be made better.

Pollster Frank Luntz, a frequent Trump critic who did not support him in 2016 —and who, as a numbers guy, is not known for his mawkish sentimentality — even tweeted the following: "Tonight, I owe Donald Trump an apology. Tonight, I was moved and inspired. Tonight, I have hope and faith in America again. It may go away tomorrow… But tonight, America is great again."

This is probably not what Washington inside-the-beltway types and leftist media elites wanted to hear. It's definitely the last thing the far-left that has captured the Democratic Party wants to hear. As we noted, the media in recent weeks repeatedly called on Trump to "reach out" to angry Democrats. And, to a degree, Trump did just that. "Tonight, I call upon all of us to set aside our differences, to seek out common ground, and to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people we were elected to serve," Trump said, reaching of his hand across the aisle to the Democrats.

But, based on the Democrats sour reaction even when Trump announced initiatives, such as infrastructure rebuilding, that are at the core of Democratic politics, it didn't really matter. The assembled Democratic politicians looked like they had just bitten into a lemon. They, apparently, have decided not to cooperate with Trump on anything — and signaled it loudly on Tuesday. During Trump's speech, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and her No. 2, Steny Hoyer, mostly sat stone-faced, occasionally passing comments to one another.

Even when Trump told America what most of the liberal media hadn't reported, or had buried in their pages and on their  web sites — that Hispanic and African-American unemployment rates were at their lowest ever under Trump — Black and Hispanic Democratic congressional representatives sat looking grim, mostly without clapping.

Such stunning economic success should be celebrated. That it isn't, especially by those who pretend to represent the African-American and Hispanic communities, only shows how poisoned the Democratic Party has become by its own extreme ideology. Chicago Democrat and Rep. Luis Gutierrez even stormed out of the room after chants of "U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A," rose up, mostly among Republicans. His angry march out of the room perfectly summed up why average Americans increasingly feel alienated from the Democratic Party, which seems no longer capable of even simple patriotism.

In any case a lot of Americans were probably surprised by what they saw and heard after a year of nonstop Trump demonization: A man in full, flawed but street-smart, full of love of country, ready to defend it, full of ideas, and eager to go forward. An American.

Of course, it is possible to oppose policies by any president. Our country was built on that. But we would hope that the shrill, non-stop, outrageously venomous vilification of Trump by the media and his political foes would stop. It's damaging the country by dividing us along political lines, something that hasn't happened to this extent in 150 years.

The perpetual calls for Trump's "impeachment" by constitutional illiterates in the Democratic Party have become boringly routine. It's the only response of a party that can't answer a foe's obvious policy success, or his popular pragmatic conservatism. It's the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a theater when you don't like the movie.

So, did President Trump win over Democrats on Tuesday? No. Contrary to the media's desires, he was really speaking to moderates and independents, not Democrats. But any Americans who were listening with an open heart and open mind no doubt heard much to like, and even more to deeply admire: A president who loves his country, is avidly fixing its problems, and wants the continued help and support of the American people to do so. It's been quite a while since we've had a president like that.


“The New American Moment laid out a ‘clear vision and a righteous mission — to make America great again for all Americans.’ But not everyone who happens to live in America wants it to be great.”
            -Daniel Greenfield

“People who came here in the 19th century and most of the 20th century came here to learn our language, learn our customs and become Americans. Years ago, there was a guarantee that immigrants came here to work, because there was no welfare system; they worked, begged or starved. Today, there is no such assurance. Because of our welfare state, immigrants can come here and live off taxpaying Americans. There is another difference between today and yesteryear. Today, Americans are taught multiculturalism throughout their primary, secondary and college education. They are taught that one culture is no better or worse than another….”
      -Walter Williams

California professor encourages 'abolition of white democracy'

ACLU Complains that Trump Used the Word 'America' too much in his State of the Union speech.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid denounces SOTU references to “Church ... family ... police ... military ... the national anthem ... Trump trying to call on all the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism.”

Luis Gutierrez, the illegal alien-loving congressman from Illinois, appeared to be triggered during President Trump’s soaring rhetoric during the State of the Union address and fled the House chamber. Trump praised the Capitol building, calling it a monument to the American people. As applause broke out, so did chants of “USA! USA! USA!” Gutierrez left his seat as several Democrats patted him on the arm as he retreated to a safe space.

In a celebrity counter-event to the State of the Union speech, one comedian spoke about the "ugly underbelly" of Trump supporters who voted him into office.

Tehran police have arrested 29 women for appearing in public without a headscarf as protests against the dress code in force since the Islamic revolution of 1979 intensify, Iranian media reported Friday.

Donald Trump is teaching Republicans how to fight

Frank Luntz, former Trump hater: ‘I owe Donald Trump an apology’

There is a lot of competition for the most inane commentary on the triumphant State of the Union Address that President Trump delivered last night.

Just minutes before entering the House chamber for his first State of the Union address to the nation, President Trump signed an executive order reversing President Obama´s decision to close Guantanamo Bay Prison. "Terrorists who do things like place bombs in civilian hospitals are evil. When possible, we annihilate them. When necessary, we must be able to detain and question them. But we must be clear: Terrorists are not merely criminals. They are unlawful enemy combatants. And when captured overseas, they should be treated like the terrorists they are,"

“To cherish and stimulate the activity of the human mind, by multiplying the objects of enterprise, is not among the least considerable of the expedients, by which the wealth of a nation may be promoted.”
              -Alexander Hamilton


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