Saturday, August 2, 2014

op ed review 8/3

“It Wasn´t Pretty, But It Worked: How the Right Won the Summer Immigration Skirmish”
Earlier in the week:  ”The GOP leadership’s new immigration bill shows that top Republicans won’t fight against the Democrats’ unpopular immigration policies, even when the public overwhelmingly agrees with the GOP……The GOP leaders’ bill is so favorable to President Barack Obama that it is the political equivalent of “catching your opponent’s Hail Mary pass and running it into your own end zone for them.”
Feds have run out of beds:  The federal government is in dire need of U.S. citizens willing to house the thousands of illegal immigrants who enter the country each week, and they are willing to pay them to do so. You can “Collect More Than $7,000 Per Month for 'Fostering' Adult Illegal Aliens”
A huge majority of Americans, 81 percent, believe the new immigration crisis of unaccompanied children streaming over the U.S.-Mexico border is serious, and almost as many want them gone -- some even if it's not safe to return, according to a new poll.
The American people have risen up in response to a rallying cry from Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), overloading the phone lines on Capitol Hill to pressure their members of Congress to fight against President Obama’s planned executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
Illegal immigrant demonstrators protest outside the White House without fear of deportation. 
New immigrant detention center , has cartoon wall murals, stuffed animals, playgrounds, flat screen TVs, snacks and a hair salon at a South Texas facility that will house women and their children who crossed the border illegally.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to spend $659 million so that unattended minors crossing the border will have legal representation in the immigration court process.  Pelosi said that “we cannot have deportation without representation.”
“Inspector general said border agents have contracted everything from scabies and lice to chickenpox, including bringing the disease home to their own children, as they care for the unaccompanied minors………some illegal immigrants’ ‘unfamiliarity with bathroom facilities’ resulted in unsanitary conditions…in some of the facilities.”
American kids and teenagers will be sharing their already-crowded classrooms with tens of thousands of ill-educated Central American migrants this fall, because President Obama is distributing perhaps 100,000 Central American migrants across the country.

House Republicans voted to proceed with a lawsuit against President Obama on Wednesday, saying that his executive actions are so extreme that they violate the Constitution.
The next day, President Obama followed through with a threat to issue more executive actions, not fewer.

Emails reveal IRS official Lois Lerner called conservatives 'crazies' and 'a**holes' as Eric Holder comes under new pressure to investigate
“Obama military downsizing leaves U.S. too weak to counter global threats, panel finds.”
11.4 million Americans age 16 and over have left the workforce since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to data released today from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
More than 35 percent of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collection agencies, according to a study released Tuesday by the Urban Institute.

California’s experience with ObamaCare portends a dubious future for the nation. “Californians endured premium rate increases ranging from 22 percent to 88 percent from last year to this year.

Huh?  On Sunday, President Obama and First Lady Michelle released a statement thanking Muslim Americans for “..building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

Officials at some Denver homeless shelters say the legalization of marijuana has contributed to an increase in the number of younger people living on the city's streets.
But the New York Times’ editorial board called on the federal government to legalize marijuana.

An Iowa race that was pegged just a couple of weeks ago as leaning Democratic is now considered to be at the epicenter of the GOP battle to reclaim power in the U.S. Senate. Just 100 days out from election day, national prognosticators say Democrat Tom Harkin´s seat seems an even bet to fall into Republican hands.

“Skinny-Dipping Joe Biden Offends Female Secret Service Agents”

“Oregon school district halts condom giveaway to 6th graders amid community uproar.” Sign on the condom jar:  “Condoms for students only, 3 per day”

Atheists in Oregon are warning parents that a Christian organization will damage their children through its summer “Good News” program in the Portland area.  Portland atheists paid for a full-page newspaper ad to oppose the outreach. "They claim that we have a damaging message to the children.”

Investor’s Business Daily   7/22  “The Obama Promise Of Amnesty Drives The Border Surge”

As the great wave of illegals continues to wash over our border, Sen. Ted Cruz puts his finger on the magnet: President Obama's promise of amnesty — an incentive unlike any other.

'The cause of this crisis is the promise of amnesty," the Texas Republican said over the weekend. "In 2011, there were roughly 6,000 children apprehended coming in illegally. Then in 2012, President Obama unilaterally granted amnesty to some 800,000 people who were here illegally, who entered as children. The direct foreseeable consequence of that was the number of unaccompanied children skyrocketed." His summary of the problem is indisputable.

Obama not only triggered this crisis by failing to protect the border and faithfully execute immigration laws, he has actively dangled incentives to ensure more illegal immigrants. This is why we now have 90,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador at our Texas border for this year, with estimates for next year at 160,000.

To be fair, the amnesty idea didn't start with Obama. Central Americans have been recipients of amnesties for decades after various wars and natural disasters, no fewer than six since 1986. This has made amnesty expectations a way of life for the past generation. And it's why one-third of the population of El Salvador already lives in the U.S., and the government is structurally dependent on immigrant remittances for roughly one-sixth of the nation's GDP.

But there's zero doubt that Obama has turbocharged the amnesty promises as Democratic party operatives have talked up amnesty as a surefire winner for votes since at least the 2008 Democratic Convention. The results are in, and there's a litany of amnesties that's led to expectations of more amnesty. To wit:

• Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals began in 2012. It's an end-run around Congress, which had rejected Obama's DREAM Act, and provides the same benefits to 800,000 illegals brought here as children that the rejected law would have provided.

• The 2013 Family Interest Directive, first brought to light by Tara Servatius in the American Thinker. The little-known policy directive prohibits the Immigration and Customs Enforcement from deporting, arresting or even detaining any illegal immigrant who is the caretaker of a child, related or not. Any question as to why there are women and children at the border?

• A new executive order in the works to legalize about half of the 11 million current illegal immigrants in the U.S. before the midterm elections, as reported in the National Journal. Amnesty, anyone?

• And whether Obama says he has anything to do with it or not, federal judges are now granting asylum to roughly two-thirds of illegals seeking it.

That's amnesty once more. Give credit to Ted Cruz.

“While cynical politicians prattle on about protecting the American Dream, they’re working together to destroy it. If these elected officials care so much about reducing poverty, why are they working so hard to import more of it from around the world? Leaders in both political parties have thrown struggling Americans under the bus to feed the cheap illegal alien labor machine. … The real crisis is not at the border. It’s being fomented inside our nation’s capital. The ‘border crisis’ is a bipartisan D.C. catastrophe of craven politicians abandoning their constitutional duties to defend our sovereignty and put American workers first.”
                  -Michelle Malkin

“The National Security Council met in the White House Monday to discuss the Palestinian and Israeli conflict raging into its third week. We may get involved at the highest level. President Obama is keen to fly to Israel and play the new two-thousand-hole golf course in Gaza.”
                -Argus Hamilton

Mediatracker, a website that tracks media stories and works for transparency in government, has uncovered a heretofore unknown group made up of some of the most powerful and influential leftists in the country. The private Google group known as "Gamechanger Salon" features a veritable who´s who of far left heavy hitting political activists….the advantage of a group like this is that talking points and political attacks can be highly coordinated.

A pro-pot activist claims he arranged for the planting of the notorious white flags on the Brooklyn Bridge. “It’s a political statement … Like, wiping your a** with the American flag,” he said.

A California labor union wants a school district to teach children that cop killer Abu-Jamal is a civil rights hero, comparing him to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Left-wing anti-Semitism is anything but a new phenomenon.  “How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-Semite?” Adolf Hitler asked his party members in 1920. No one thought it an odd question. Anti-Semitism was at that time widely understood to be part of the wider revolutionary movement against markets, property and capital. The man who coined the term “socialism,” the nineteenth-century French revolutionary, Pierre Leroux, had told his comrades: “When we speak of the Jews, we mean the Jewish spirit--the spirit of profit, of lucre, of gain, of speculation; in a word, the banker’s spirit.”

Word came Tuesday that now a third UN school in Gaza was housing rockets for Hamas.
Hillary Clinton excuses the hiding of rockets in schools:  "Gaza is small……I´m not a military planner but Hamas puts it´s missiles, it´s rockets in civilian areas, part of it is Gaza is pretty small and it’s densely populated.”
Over eighty kilograms of explosives were built right into the UN-funded hospital´s walls in Gaza, revealing that the clinic itself was built to get blown up intentionally so Israel could be blamed.
Hamas killed hundreds of children in the construction of its extensive tunnel network, built partly to carry out attacks on children across the Gaza border in Israel. That report--confirmed by Hamas itself--emerged in 2012, not from the Israeli government, but the sympathetic Journal of Palestine Studies.

Al Qaeda has secretly collected at least $125 million in kidnapping ransoms from European governments looking to buy back hostages from Africa and the Middle East, a report claimed Tuesday.

Maylasian politicians and religious leaders have attacked the use of Scottie dogs during the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony, claiming it was disrespectful to Muslims.  Around 40 Scottie dogs were used in the opening ceremony in Glasgow last Wednesday to lead teams around Celtic Park.  The dogs, which all wore tartan dog coats with the name of each team on them, were widely praised on social media, with many people stating they thought they had "stolen the show".  Many Muslims refuse to have direct contact with dogs, which are considered by some to be "unclean" in Islamic culture. Some overseas Muslim groups have reportedly called for a “jihad on dogs.”

Coolest Summer On Record In The US.  The only other year which came close was 1992, and that was due to dust in the atmosphere from Mt Pinatubo.

This is what Obama is using the Department of Homeland Security for:  a recent federal raid of a South Carolinian’s home to confiscate a Land Rover…..she was told the agents seized the vehicle because they thought it violated the Clean Air Act — “though at the time, they weren’t completely sure.”  She also said her vehicle was just one of 40 that feds seized in various locations that same day for the same reason. “I’m sad because I owned the car. It’s just an iconic car. I’m in disbelief … and surprised that somebody can come in and take your property,” she told Fox News. “It’s scary, it’s scary when it happens to you.” WBTV reported that she had invested more than $60,000 in to the vehicle, which she bought online last year.

The weird U.S. politics of 2014: Democrats dream of Obama´s impeachment
Talk of impeaching President Barack Obama, which gained steam when Sarah Palin gave voice to it three weeks ago, has started reaping dividends for the Democrats. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Steve Israel (D-NY) said Tuesday that Republican musing about impeachment and House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) planned lawsuit against Obama over the delaying of the ACA individual mandate had compelled Democratic voters to donate.

“A good friend of mine apologized to me today. You see, he voted for Barack Hussein Obama in the 2008 election and he lives in a so-called “swing state.” He told me that he had not voted for Obama in the 2012 election, but that he realized that by supporting him in 2008, he had help unleash a deadly virus onto the American scene. He simply said he was sorry.”

 “Barack Obama has already checked out of his job.  The degree to which Barack Obama is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term, amid golf rounds and dinner parties – is astonishing “

Growing Up American: Small-Town Dog

Kremlin mocks Obama by tweeting ‘unmanly’ photo of president. Deputy prime minister posts a picture on his Twitter account of President Vladimir Putin petting a leopard next to one of Mr Obama holding a fluffy poodle, with the caption “we have different values and allies.”

If you’re starting to think America is all narcissistic selfies and contentious Internet comments, there’s a cure for that. Pack up the family, slip on your cowboy boots, and head on down to the county or state fair. You’ll see that there are plenty of people who still know how to work hard, make things, and have fun. Here are 26 steps to get your very own injection of American exceptionalism.

Scorched earth: Over a HUNDRED homes burned to the ground as huge Washington wildfire burns.

“It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow.”
                        –James Madison


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