op ed review 9/11
unhinged: Hillary Clinton said Friday
that 50 percent of Donald Trump supporters are nothing more than a “basket of
deplorables……irredeemable…..Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic,
Islamaphobic, you name it…..not America..”
Hillary claims ISIS is praying for a Trump victory.
Bill Clinton says Donald Trump’s “Make America great again”
slogan is racist: “ “If you’re a white
southerner, you know exactly what it means,” He indicated that Trump’s campaign
slogan signaled that he would make white people more culturally [dominant] over
other races in the country.
But Clinton must have forgotten that he used the same phrase
in the past. He used it repeatedly while running for president in 1991 and
1992, declaring at one Little Rock, Ark., event, "Together, we can make
America great again."
“What is it about traveling abroad that seems to encourage
President Obama to unload all manner of grievances on the United States? For
whatever reason, traveling abroad appears to help crystallize everything wrong
he sees in America. During his recent trip to Cuba and Argentina, for example, we counted 18
separate times he talked down his employer, the United States of America. Here’s the list.
Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly passed away one day
before her the release of her last book, “The Conservative Case for Trump.”
Schlafly, who was 92 years old when she died on Monday afternoon, founded the
Eagle Forum in 1972.
Schlafly: “Voters
finally have the opportunity to choose a president who will make America first
by securing our border and ending one-sided trade deals that favor foreign
workers rather than our own. Trump’s strong stance in his meeting with the
Mexican president demonstrates that Donald Trump is the “choice, not an echo.””
Must read: Ann Coulter’s summary of Phyllis’s amazing
Hillary apparently gets stealth coaching using a wireless
Flashback: Eight
years ago the media was outraged that former President George W. Bush allegedly
wore a listening device during a 2004 debate with John Kerry.
88 retired U.S. generals and admirals, including four 4-star
and fourteen 3-star flag officers, signed an open letter endorsing Donald Trump
for president.
Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 19 points among voters
who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. military,
according to the latest NBC News
Navy SEALS Forced to Abort Hostage Rescue Mission While
Obama Vacationed
Trump rips media for mocking Christians
Pew Research Center:
57 million Hispanics now in U.S., 17% of population, 54% of total population
growth. “….a huge change that is sure to shift electoral politics and
government programs.”
Donald Trump notes that if he doesn't win in November,
Republicans will never win another election because Hillary Clinton will make
sure illegal immigrants get citizenship.
Months after the Obama administration spent $19 million to register new immigrant voters that will
likely support Democrats in November, it’s dedicating an additional $10 million
in a final push as the presidential election approaches.
When Secretary of State, Hillary bought “burner phones” on
eBay. After use she had them destroyed with a hammer
French migrant couple demands mansion: with
eight children, turned down a five-bedroom home on the taxpayer – insisting
they needed a bigger house.
An illegal alien and convicted child rapist was able to
shoot two California corrections officers on Saturday because Hillary Clinton’s
State Department refused to enforce the law and take actions that would have
forced his home country to repatriate him.
The numbers are in and after seven years of
Obamanomics the economic climate in America is “worse than the
depression.” One in six working age
males has no job.
“Millennials more conservative than you may think..”
Obama Kept One Promise:
83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
Tampons coming to men's rooms at Brown University to “set a
tone of trans-inclusivity..”
Deroy Murdock
9/10 National Review
Democrats will stop at nothing to slime the Republican
nominee. Donald J. Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is racist.
What seemed like an inclusive, inspiring call to national renewal really is a
cry for Caucasian power. How do we know this? Bill Clinton said so.
“If you’re a white Southerner, you know exactly what it
means, don’t you?” Clinton told voters in Orlando, Fla., on Wednesday. “What it
means is, ‘I’ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago, and I’ll move you
back up on the social totem pole, and other people down.”
But wait. On Friday morning, Fox & Friends excavated
several examples of when this divisive, cruel, ugly motto was deployed to whip
up white hate by none other than . . . William Jefferson Clinton. “I believe
that, together, we can make America great again,” Bill Clinton said in Little
Rock, Ark., in 1991. Standing before a flapping American flag, with his
appropriately white shirt sleeves rolled up, Bill Clinton addressed voters in
1992. He promised “to secure a better future for your children and your grandchildren
and to make America great again.” Clinton also looked straight into a camera
that year and said, “I want to attack these problems and make America great
again.” “It’s time for another comeback,” Bill Clinton said in a radio ad for
his wife’s 2008 U.S. Senate campaign. “Time to make America great again.”
Now that my Fox News Channel colleagues have hog-tied Bill
Clinton with archived video and audio tape, perhaps he will dump his utterly
absurd and disgusting charge that there is anything even microscopically
racist, biased, or even snooty about the words “Make America Great Again.” This
phrase is perfectly innocuous, and Trump is just the latest of many candidates
to use it. While Clinton, his wife, and their Democratic surrogates may drop
this one foolish argument, they most assuredly will not stop trying to split
the country with grotesque ethnic appeals and ludicrous “updates” on how Trump
and the GOP are itching to advance white supremacy, if not reinstate
segregation. The Democrats play the race card, again and again, since it’s the
last one left in their deck.
The Democrats cannot run on the Obama-Clinton economy, which
is growing at an annual rate of 0.95 percent. The Democratic recovery is the
weakest in 67 years. That is, since 1949.
The Democrats cannot run on Obamacare, which Hillary Clinton
calls “one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama, of the
Democratic party, and of our country.” Premiums have soared 26.4 percent, on
average, in the 14 states that have approved next year’s prices. Among 23
state-level Obamacare co-ops, 16 have collapsed, from Oregon to South Carolina.
Health insurers are stampeding out of Obama’s vaunted exchanges, leaving
Obamacare consumers with a choice of exactly one carrier in 31 percent of U.S.
counties. Miles from its stated destination, the Obamacare jalopy is careening
into a ravine.
The Democrats cannot run on peace and stability while the
Middle East is in flames. Early Friday morning, North Korea tested its
brawniest atomic bomb yet, unleashing a 5.3-magnitude earthquake in the
process. Iran’s ayatollahs count the $1.7 billion in Swiss francs and other
currencies in cold, hard cash that Obama laundered and then delivered to them
by jet. Tehran returned the favor by deploying naval vessels to menace U.S.
warships in the Persian Gulf. American prestige is so in tatters, thanks to the
Obama-Clinton “Lead from Behind” doctrine, that the president of the
Philippines this week publicly called the president of the United States “a son
of a wh***.”….
The Democrats cannot run on competence as veterans literally
drop dead waiting for medical treatment in the heartless VA system. Also,
federal bureaucrats literally have been caught watching pornography on their
computers. They kept their jobs, as did Drug Enforcement Agency staffers who
cavorted with prostitutes in Colombia — paid for by the drug cartels. Such
abuses and unaccountability reflect the same contempt for the taxpayers that
Obama has shown since he took office. As Hillary Clinton cheered, Obama
turbocharged the national debt from $10.6 trillion to $19.5 trillion — up 84
And the Democrats cannot run on honesty and transparency as
Hillary Clinton now faces investigations for perjury and obstruction of
justice, thanks to her abuse of state secrets through her outlaw, unsecure,
private e-mail server. The Democrats’ bandwagon now runs on just one cylinder.
So, rather than bring Americans together, expect the party that launched the Ku
Klux Klan to scream “Racism!” non-stop between now and Election Day.
“Many, perhaps most
people who vote Republican don’t do so because of tax rates or trade agreements
or Kelo or Ex-Im or even abortion or guns. Rather, it is
nationalism — understood as the political expression of the emotion of
patriotism — that’s the substructure of support for the Right, the policy
specifics about taxes and the rest being the superstructure. Voters who don’t
particularly care about the three-legged stool of conservatism voted Republican
anyway because they were one-nation patriots and the Democrats had become the
party of post-Americanism and balkanization. This is the real source of the
revulsion at Obama — it’s not his father’s race and it’s not really even
Obamacare and the other outrages of this administration, outrageous as they
are. It’s his post-Americanism, which combines his citizen-of-the-world
pretensions with an aggressive campaign of deconstructing the American people.”
-Mark Krikorian
“For months Americans wondered whether the FBI, led by
Director James Comey, would take down the most corrupt woman in the history of
American politics, Hillary Clinton. As it turns out, Hillary Clinton took down
the FBI.”
Socialist Venezuela is on the verge of
economic collapse…here comes a new wave of refugees.
John Hindraker “Is the debate over catastrophic
anthropogenic global warming over? In one sense, it is. One thing we know for
sure is that the models that are the sole support for alarmism are wrong. The
substantial heating they projected has failed to materialize. Having been
falsified by observation, we know that they are no good. The alarmists will
have to come up with something better than these discredited models if they
want to convince the rest of us. Meanwhile, any comprehensive understanding of
the Earth’s climate is very far off.”
Phyllis Schlafly’s last column
Dick and Liz Cheney, WSJ, “Dangers Rise as America Retreats: Fifteen years after 9/11, the next president
will face greater risks and a weaker military to combat them.”
Jed Babbin: “It’s a matter or record. Americans now
populate the largest, wealthiest and most powerful banana republic in the
world. The differences between Obama’s America and Maduro’s Venezuela are
defined only by degree.”
It’s clear now the FBI conducted a sweetheart investigation
into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail shenanigans that appears to have been fixed from
the start to go nowhere. Far from exonerating Clinton, the nearly 60 pages of
documents expose both the systematic destruction of subpoenaed evidence by
Clinton’s aides and the curious lack of interest by investigators in recovering
it. Agents also failed to resolve unanswered questions, reconcile contradictory
testimony or sweat uncooperative witnesses.
Stunning photos, must see.
Jeff Williams tweets incredible panoramic video showing
boats sailing down New York's Hudson River - as seen on a sunny day from space
“When we assumed the soldier, we did not lay aside the
citizen; and we shall most sincerely rejoice with you in the happy hour when
the establishment of American Liberty, upon the most firm and solid foundations
shall enable us to return to our private stations in the bosom of a free,
peacefully and happy country.”
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