Saturday, August 20, 2016

op ed review 8/21

Trump campaign undergoes major overhaul.   Manafort out at top, Brietbart exec named senior executive and Kellyanne Conway in as campaign manager.
LA Times daily tracking poll:  race too close to call.
Rassmussen:  2 point race.
Political analyst Pat Caddell: ‘This Election Will Change Amazingly’ if Trump Makes the Issue ‘Who Runs America?’

David Horowitz:  “Today in Dimondale Michigan Donald Trump gave what was not only the best speech of his campaign but a speech that will one day be seen as a landmark in the emergence of a new Republican Party – a party finally returning to its roots as the party of Lincoln. If this sounds like hyperbole ask yourself what other Republican leader in recent memory has addressed America’s African American communities in this voice:  The African-American community has given so much to this country.  They’ve fought and died in every war since the Revolution.  They’ve lifted up the conscience of our nation in the long march for Civil Rights.  They’ve sacrificed so much for the national good.  Yet, nearly 4 in 10 African-American children still live in poverty, and 58% of young African-Americans are not working. We must do better as a country.  I refuse to believe that the future must be like the past…..”

Trump Plays the Role of President in Louisiana.  Acting like a leader who is there for average Americans is exactly what propelled Trump to the Republican nomination.  Obama, the actual president, has responded absurdly, refusing to budge from the Martha’s Vineyard golf courses where he is playing nearly daily with celebrities and wealthy friends — even to issue a public statement, let alone visit the unfolding tragedy.
Flashback:  11 years ago President Obama ripped former President Bush when Bush was seen as slow to react to Hurricane Katrina's crash into New Orleans.

Board-certified medicine specialist and TV personality Dr. Drew Pinsky was invited on a TV show to debunk claims that Hillary Clinton has health issues. To the shock of the host, he said he is “gravely concerned” about Hillary Clinton’s health noting she may have suffered “brain damage”.

Donald Trump calls for a new ideological test for admission to the United States, vetting applicants on their stance on issues like religious freedom. Trump also calls for "foreign policy realism" and an end to nation-building if elected president.
Most Americans who immigrated to the U.S. support Trump’s call for a temporary immigration ban from some countries, along with other proposals that appear to view foreigners with suspicion, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

According to poll results from Public Policy Polling released Tuesday, three out of five Texans who support Trump said they would support seceding from America if Hillary Clinton becomes president. 

The State Department concedes that US basically paid $400 million in ransom to Iran for four American hostages.

Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones, both of whom have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, are standing up for Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick.

When offered jobs, asylum seekers in Germany refuse to work, insisting ´We are Merkel´s GUESTS´

Former Governor Rick Perry leads controversial Senator Ted Cruz in the latest poll for the Texas Senate race.

Hillary is launching a new effort to mobilize young, illegal immigrants.

Hillary Clinton’s comment assuring rape victims that they deserved to be believed has been quietly deleted from her website.

Alicia Colon  8/15
I was never in the Trump camp and like many thought it was absurd that he ever thought he had a chance against the Republican thoroughbreds he would run against. I believe and still believe that Rick Perry was the most qualified of them all to be president. Best laid plans and all that, however, Trump's team worked hard and defeated them all….

Ever since Donald Trump became the GOP nominee, I have listened to the outrage of those dissenters who claim to be conservatives denounce Mr. Trump as an immoral philandering racist while failing to ignore the devastation of a Hillary Clinton win. What is astonishing is that many of the "I will never vote for Trump" crowds are intelligent and respectable pillars in a world I don't belong to. How can they claim any principle that allows the Clintons back in the White House? Bill Clinton was one of the most disgraceful leaders in America's history and Hillary was his self-serving enabler. His immorality and lack of character makes Donald Trump look like an altar boy. I am not speaking of his despicable behavior with intern Monica Lewinsky and the despoiling of the Oval office. Sadly, many Americans dismissed his behavior as human and even rakish. I find treason an even more damning reason to keep the Clintons as far away from controlling the government as possible.
In 1996, Communist China was not an ally but still considered our enemy. Clinton took money from the People's Republic of China to fund his reelection campaign in exchange for the transfer of sensitive missive technology. The NY Times reported in 1998 that the Clinton Administration notified Congress that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket. Lo and behold, China now has the ability to launch a missile at the United States. Bye, Bye, California. Thanks, Bill.

Meanwhile, Al Gore was busy making sure that Illegals would be able to vote for the reelection of Clinton/Gore in 1995 by speeding up the naturalization process for 600, 000 immigrants and promised new applicants naturalization in 90 days. One result of the intensive effort was that thousands of immigrants were naturalized even though they had criminal records for such crimes as murder and armed robbery that should have either disqualified them for citizenship or forced them to undergo closer questioning.

As for the prospect of Hillary vs. Trump, the media has made sure we know all we can about Mr. Trump but is very negligent in pointing out the unbelievable corruption of Hillary's reign as Secretary of State. Just as her husband sold out the country's secrets to the People's Republic of China, Secretary Hillary has used the State to enrich the Clinton Foundation with donations from the vilest regimes imaginable. Obviously, those who promise to vote for Hillary have not viewed the excellent, incredibly researched documentary, Clinton Cash which is available online for free.

Donald Trump is not an ideal candidate but he has one very positive asset and that is why he is drawing huge crowds to his rallies. He is not a politician. Americans are sick and tired of putting them in office only to see them betray their promises. Congress is broken and has been for a long time. The James Stewart film, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is more than relevant today than it was in 1939…..

Another thing going for Trump is that he is street smart. He knows that elections can be rigged. Every effort to ensure that only citizens can vote by passing voter ID laws have been stymied by the Democrats who charge ‘racism' at the GOP. One needs id to check into a hotel, get a credit card, open a bank account, rent a car, play in a casino and numerous other venues but liberals think anyone should be able to vote for who runs our government. Trump knows that without voter fraud, Democrats couldn't ever get elected so he is marshaling forces to monitor the polls and he has the troops to do this. Bikers, military, veterans, patriots all want a change but who is supporting Hillary?- Wall Street, Billionaires like George Soros, brain dead Celebs, the Communistic Party and RINOs who all want the status quo in place for their profiteering. I could expose so many other facts about Hillary's corruption but the truth is out there so please seek it out.

I am a grandmother in the twilight of my life and may not live long enough to see the damage that a Hillary win would do to the Supreme Court but my fear is for my children and grandchildren who will live under a system that denies religious freedom, respect for the unborn, and the right to protect themselves from a tyrannical government.  So I will gladly vote for Donald Trump who has surrounded himself with strong conservative advisers. Hey Donald, when you win, how about Rick Santorum to replace Scalia?

"The real outrage isn't that insurers like Aetna are abandoning Obamacare, but that companies like Aetna likely participated in Obamacare for cronyistic reasons to begin with."
                -David Harsanyi

"Everything Obama has done is fairly and necessarily imputable to Clinton because she participated in and ratified his policies and actions and promises to do worse. In a number of areas, she already has done worse. On top of all this, Clinton is the most opportunistically ambitious, double-dealing, corrupt fraud in the modern era."
               -David Limbaugh

"Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not, I regret it. And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues."
                    -Donald Trump

"So to recap, in contravention of federal criminal law that prohibits Americans from transferring things of value to Iran, whether directly or indirectly (including through third countries), President Obama transferred Iran $400 million by laundering American assets into foreign currency and then delivering it — as a ransom for hostages, in violation of American policy — to agents of the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, so it could be transported to Tehran by an airline previously sanctioned for abetting terrorism and weapons shipments."
                    -Andrew McCarthy

Conservative icon and legend Phyllis Schlafly has an upcoming book The Conservative Case for Trump. In it, the 92-year-old lawyer, bestselling author, and “sweetheart of the Silent Majority” makes her case why every conservative should vote for Donald Trump.

Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel will debut at #1 on the New York Times graphic novel bestsellers list, according to data released by the Times’ book review. Like the New York Times bestselling book and documentary film that inspired it, Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel, adapted by Chuck Dixon and Brett R. Smith, follows the shady connections and dealings between the Clinton Foundation donors, paid speeches given by Bill Clinton, and actions approved by the U.S. State Department while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

“Black Lives Matter is becoming increasingly funded by far-left organizations. The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy announced that they have formed the Black-Led Movement Fund, which aims to raise $100 million for BLM over the next six years. Add to this amount the already donated $33 million from George Soros and BLM is really starting to rake in the cash. It seems that racist victimhood really sells.”

Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives ‘New Opportunities’ For Global Influence
Hillary’s running mate dines with George Soros’ Son as Donald Trump’s rise terrifies world elite

As the economic crisis in Venezuela continues to worsen, starving citizens broke into a zoo and slaughtered a horse to eat it.
Venezuela crushes 2,000 guns in public, plans registry of bullets

Oregon State University to force ‘social justice’ training on freshmen
The Princeton University HR department has largely wiped the word “man” from its vocabulary…..the word is “not inclusive enough”  Other guidelines? Instead of “man and wife” use spouses or partners. Switch out “man made” with artificial, handmade or manufactured. Don’t use the verb “to man,” as in to work something, instead use to operate or to staff. Throw out workmanlike and replace it with skillful.

Is man-made global warming to blame for the heavy rainfall and flooding in Louisiana? Former Vice President Al Gore sure thinks so. And The New York Times ran a story with the title “Flooding in the South Looks a Lot Like Climate Change.” But the climate research suggests otherwise.

A physicist who foresees a 30-year period of global cooling says other climatologists have tried to “silence” her latest research on solar cycles.

Comic books aren’t what they used to be. They’ve become cesspools of “social justice” and political correctness — and now apparently graphic violence against Republican presidential candidates. Published today by Image Comics, “Spawn Kills Everyone!” features Republican nominee Donald Trump being beheaded, Bleeding Cool reports.
An online feminist magazine features an article that excused former President Bill Clinton’s alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick. A Wonkette article titled “Let’s Talk About Juanita Broaddrick” claimed that even if Clinton had raped Broaddrick in 1978, it does not necessarily mean he’s “an evil man.”

Moronic Millennials Think Karl Marx is 3rd Party Presidential Candidate Challenging Hillary & Trump

"I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
                  -Benjamin Franklin


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