Sunday, February 11, 2018

op ed review 2/11

U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low
Four million people dropped off the food stamp rolls in one month
President Trump plans to take the huge federal Civil Service off cruise control, ending automatic pay increases that go to 99.7 percent of the workforce, trimming fat benefit packages, and for the “worst,” rolling out his trademark phrase from The Apprentice, “You’re fired!”
Public Backs Trump, Not Democrats, On Immigration: IBD/TIPP Poll
President Trump’s Approval Rating Tops Barack Obama BY 4 POINTS at Same Time of His Presidency

Polls swing toward GOP, easing fears of midterm disaster

Super Bowl Draws 103.4M Viewers, Smallest Audience In Nine Years

Leftie billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer announced, on Thursday, that he has hired 50 full-time staffers as part of his Need to Impeach campaign,

WANT to win a war? Build a better gun. Now China appears to have taken a huge stride ahead of the United States with the first experimental deployment of a new ‘supergun’ aboard a warship.

Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact.

Nancy Pelosi publicly praises her grandson for wishing he was not white.

Bermuda becomes first jurisdiction in the world to repeal same-sex marriage

Study shows illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born.

Delaware Democratic Sen. Tom Carper says ‘dreamer’ illegal immigrants should be hired to replace millions of Americans who supposedly are too unskilled, uneducated, unethical or drugged up to work for companies.

Democratic congressman Adam Schiff is shilling more crackpot Russia conspiracy theories. This time, Schiff made a series of startling claims, the most bizarre of which is that Russians are secretly promoting the Second Amendment to subliminally influence Americans to kill each other.


Larry Elder:   “Take The 'Racist Xenophobe' Quiz: Who Said This About Illegal Immigration?”

Which alleged "racist xenophobe" made these statements about illegal immigration?
"Those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law, and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented (and) unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country." A) Adolf Hitler B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: Then-Sen. Obama, news conference, 2005

"Our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens." A) Josef Stalin B) Donald Trump C) Bill Clinton
Answer: President Clinton, State of the Union address, 1995

"If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn't enough, how about offering an award to be an illegal immigrant. No sane country would do that, right? Guess again." A) Jack the Ripper B) Donald Trump C) Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.
Answer: Reid, Senate floor, 1993

"In approaching immigration reform, I believe we must enact tough, practical reforms that ensure and promote the legal and orderly entry of immigrants into our country." A) Idi Amin B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: Sen. Obama, Senate floor, 2007

"We all agree on the need to better secure the border, and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants." A) Pol Pot B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: Sen. Obama, 2005

"All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public services they use impose burdens on our taxpayers." A) Michael Myers B) Donald Trump C) Bill Clinton
Answer: President Clinton, State of the Union address, 1995

"We will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace." A) Jeffrey Dahmer B) Donald Trump C) Bill Clinton
Answer: President Clinton, State of the Union address, 1995
"I continue to believe that we need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace. And that means a workable mandatory system that employers must use to verify the legality of their workers." A) Kim Jong Un B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: Sen. Obama, Senate floor, 2007

"If you break our laws by entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with U.S. citizenship and guarantee full access to all public and social services this society provides — and that's a lot of services. Is it any wonder that two-thirds of babies born at taxpayer expense (in) county-run hospitals in Los Angeles are born to illegal alien mothers?" A) Kim Kardashian B) Donald Trump C) Harry Reid
Answer: Sen. Reid, Senate floor, 1993

"We need to start by giving agencies charged with border security new technology, new facilities and more people to stop, process and deport illegal immigrants." A) Rasputin B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: Sen. Barack Obama, 2005

"Right now we've got millions of illegal immigrants who live and work here without knowing their identity or background." A) Freddy Krueger B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: Sen. Obama, 2005

"We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it." A) Vlad the Impaler B) Donald Trump
C) Bill Clinton
Answer: President Clinton, State of the Union address, 1995

"Let me repeat: We need strong border security at the borders." A) Hassan Nasrallah B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: Barack Obama, 2005

"If only everyone (in the Middle East) could be like Scandinavians, (achieving peace) would all be easy." A) Al Capone B) Donald Trump C) Barack Obama
Answer: President Obama, 2016

"There are too many (migrants) now. ... Europe, for example, Germany, cannot become an Arab country. Germany is Germany. ... From a moral point of view, too, I think refugees should only be admitted temporarily." A) Joseph Goebbels B) Donald Trump C) Dalai Llama
Answer: Dalai Llama, 2016
Not long ago, both Democrats and Republicans advocated safe, secure borders and an immigration policy of admitting immigrants who benefit, not burden, Americans. Que pasó?

Another good read, finally, an honest Democrat: Mark Penn, Democratic pollster:  “I have no idea what is in this memo, but it’s a memo. It’s speech. It’s from the very staff and people our Constitution assigns to oversee the Justice Department and the FBI. And the elected officials who wrote it think I should see it. The people who don’t want me to see it are the elected officials and leaders of the Democratic Party, the institutions and individuals whose actions are being reviewed, and several of the same newspapers that went to court to publish the “Pentagon Papers.”……For about a year, anyone who wanted to could read the secret “dossier” prepared by GPS Fusion and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party. I urge people to read it. It’s obvious nonsense. It’s not “unverified.” It’s been discredited. Its major allegations, aside from being preposterous, have no basis in fact.  And, despite crystal-clear federal election rulings that campaigns must identify the ultimate recipient of the funds for opposition research, the fact that Democrats paid for the dossier was stonewalled for a year — and we found out about the source of funds only after the very same House Intelligence Committee went to court and pried it out.”

“Indeed, it is clear that many senior members of the FBI, DOJ, and the intelligence community considered it their right to intervene in the election in order to prevent Trump’s election, and failing that, to kneecap his presidency. And virtually all of the political class in the US is on their side. This is the real Constitutional crisis.”
           -Clarice Feldman

“The purpose of a free press is for them to shed light on what's been going on in our government no matter which political party benefits...Apparently the Washington Post has already forgotten their Trump-era motto ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness.’”
           -Joseph Wulfsohn

“During Pelosi’s [marathon speech] … she was brought to tears talking about her young grandson’s birthday party. According to Pelosi, after her grandson blew out the candles on his cake, he said he wished for ‘brown skin and brown eyes like Antonio,’ his friend from Guatemala. … Given the Left’s eager embrace of cultural chaos, Pelosi’s grandson can choose to be a Guatemalan woman if he wants to!”
           -Gary Bauer

Think California politics is on the far-left fringe? Just wait for the next elections.

Progressive Texans burst into applause on Friday as Sen. Elizabeth Warren delivered a women’s rights speech with the following rallying cry: “We march with pink pussy hats!”

The mayor of Stockton, California, is leading an experiment with “universal basic income,” which is set to start by giving low-income residents $500 a month, no questions asked.

DC Episcopalians push open borders and a gender neutral God

Canadian Prime Minister interrupts woman to tell her to use 'peoplekind' instead of 'mankind' because 'it's more inclusive'

Denmark poised to ban Islamic full-face veils 'It is incompatible with the values of the Danish society', says country's justice minister

 “Mexico’s Immigration Law: Let’s Try It Here at Home”….Mexico, which annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does, has much to teach us about how it handles the immigration issue. Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico…..In fact the Mexican Constitution bars foreigners if their presence upsets “the equilibrium of the national demographics,” when foreigners are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when “they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy.”

When Family Values Pay:  The success of the Hallmark channels is a counter-narrative to Hollywood’s grim trend.

Biased FBI and DOJ Officials Broke The Law And Tried To Decide The Election - an Annotated Timeline

Former hippies across the United States have been put in the unbearable position of rooting for the F.B.I., hippies have confirmed. From Vermont to California, erstwhile hippies bemoaned a nightmare scenario that has forced them to side with a law-enforcement agency they have despised since the Summer of Love.

“The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the dispensation of the public moneys.”
             -Thomas Jefferson


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