Saturday, August 9, 2014

op ed review 8/10

President Obama will head off to his two-week vacation at Martha´s Vineyard tomorrow regardless of the violence in Iraq and Gaza. Even as the first military airstrikes he authorized in northern Iraq were carried out Friday, Obama did not cancel the vacation.

The public's trust in government is at an all-time low, according to a new CNN poll.  Just 13% of Americans say the government can be trusted to do what is right always or most of the time, with just over three-quarters saying only some of the time and one in 10 saying they never trust the government, according to the poll.

The total federal debt of the U.S. government has now increased more than $7 trillion during the slightly more than five and a half years Barack Obama has been president. That is more than the debt increased under all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined, and it is more debt than was accumulated in the first 227 years of this nation's existence--from 1776 through 2003.

Obamacare plans have shrunk payments to physicians so much that some doctors say they won’t be able to afford to accept Obamacare coverage,
A new report from the Congressional Budget Office finds that the number of those who don’t have to pay fines to opt out of Obamacare — the exempted class — is going to hit 25 million by 2016.
Now even democrats admit it:  Barney Frank:  “But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. That wasn’t true. And you shouldn’t lie to people. And they just lied to people,”

Another poll has found that a majority of Americans want illegal immigrants to be "returned immediately" to their home countries
“Sheriff leading probe into murder of Border Patrol agent claims armed illegal immigrants in military fatigues have been spotted on Texas ranches.” A leaked intelligence analysis from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals the exact numbers of illegal immigrants entering and attempting to enter the U.S. from nearly every nation on Earth. Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, China, Pakistan and more.
Signs Posted For Illegals Increasingly Written In Chinese.  “Illegals From 75 Countries Caught...”
Two illegal immigrants from Mexico who had been deported many times, were charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of an off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent in front of his family in Texas.
Activists angered with unaccompanied minors swarming over the U.S.-Mexico border plan to invade town hall meetings House members are planning during the five-week congressional recess.

Islamic State jihadists who took over large areas of northern Iraq overnight have forced thousands of Christians to flee and occupied churches, removing crosses and destroying manuscripts.

Probably coming to Seattle:  Minnesota Restaurant Charging Customers Minimum Wage Fee

Vice President Joe Biden wants everyone to know that he has high hopes for the ´nation´ of Africa. Biden isn´t just a walking gaffe machine--he´s a walking gaffe top-ten list.
One day after Joe Biden said he wanted the “nation of Africa” to prosper, Nancy Pelosi appears to have deleted a tweet that called the continent a country.

Dozens of government watchdogs are sounding the alarm that the Obama administration is stonewalling them, in what is being described as an unprecedented challenge to the agencies they´re supposed to oversee. Forty-seven of the government´s 73 independent watchdogs known as inspectors general voiced their complaints in a letter to congressional leaders this week.

“Any party that allows its opponents to help pick its candidates in “open” primaries is a PPINO — a “political party in name only” — say many Republican officials at their annual summer meeting. Republican National Committee members and activists are still seething about reports that longtime Sen. Thad Cochran, Mississippi Republican, enlisted Democrats to help him win his tough primary contest this summer against state Sen. Chris McDaniel, who was backed by the tea party.

The federal government paid $2,007,358,200,000 in benefits and entitlements in fiscal year 2013 from government programs, according to data from the Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Monthly Treasury Statement.

“Mitt Romney is emerging as one of the Republican Party’s most in-demand campaign surrogates.”

Gay leaders are alarmed at the just-released numbers from the Center for Disease Control that place the percentage of Americans identifying as homosexual at only 1.6% of the adult population. “Most Americans believe the population of gays is exponentially larger.” (because they watch network television)

Thomas Sowell  8/4

Some have said that we are living in a post-industrial era, while others have said that we are living in a post-racial era. But growing evidence suggests that we are living in a post-thinking era.

Many people in Europe and the Western Hemisphere are staging angry protests against Israel’s military action in Gaza. One of the talking points against Israel is that far more Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israeli military attacks than the number of Israeli civilians killed by the Hamas rocket attacks on Israel that started this latest military conflict.

Are these protesters aware that vastly more German civilians were killed by American bombers attacking Nazi Germany during World War II than American civilians killed in the United States by Hitler’s forces?

Talk-show host Geraldo Rivera says that there is no way Israel is winning the battle for world opinion. But Israel is trying to win the battle for survival, while surrounded by enemies. Might that not be more important?

Has any other country, in any other war, been expected to keep the enemy’s civilian casualties no higher than its own civilian casualties? The idea that Israel should do so did not originate among the masses but among the educated intelligentsia.

In an age when scientists are creating artificial intelligence, too many of our educational institutions seem to be creating artificial stupidity.

It is much the same story in our domestic controversies. We have gotten so intimidated by political correctness that our major media outlets dare not call people who immigrate to this country illegally “illegal immigrants.”

Geraldo Rivera has denounced the Drudge Report for carrying news stories that show some of the negative consequences and dangers from allowing vast numbers of youngsters to enter the country illegally and be spread across the country by the Obama administration.

Some of these youngsters are already known to be carrying lice and suffering from disease. Since there have been no thorough medical examinations of most of them, we have no way of knowing whether, or how many, are carrying deadly diseases that will spread to American children when these unexamined young immigrants enter schools across the country.

The attack against Matt Drudge has been in the classic tradition of demagogues. It turns questions of fact into questions of motive. Geraldo accuses Drudge of trying to start a “civil war.”

Back when masses of immigrants from Europe were entering this country, those with dangerous diseases were turned back from Ellis Island. Nobody thought they had a legal or a moral “right” to be in America or that it was mean or racist not to want our children to catch their diseases.

Even on the less contentious issue of minimum wage laws, there are the same unthinking reactions.

Although liberals are usually gung ho for increasing the minimum wage, there was a sympathetic front-page story in the July 29 San Francisco Chronicle about the plight of a local nonprofit organization that will not be able to serve as many low-income minority youths if it has to pay a higher minimum wage. They are seeking some kind of exemption.

Does it not occur to these people that the very same thing happens when a minimum wage increase applies to profit-based employers? They, too, tend to hire fewer inexperienced young people when there is a minimum wage law.

This is not breaking news. This is what has been happening for generations in the United States and in other countries around the world.

One of the few countries without a minimum wage law is Switzerland, where the unemployment rate has been consistently less than 4 percent for years. Back in 2003, The Economist magazine reported that “Switzerland’s unemployment neared a five-year high of 3.9 percent in February.” The most recent issue shows the Swiss unemployment rate back to a more normal 3.2 percent.

Does anyone think that having minimum wage laws and high youth unemployment is better? In fact, does anyone think at all these days?


“What’s the GOP plan to increase take-home pay? Or to cut business taxes for large and small companies that would not only increase growth and jobs but throw 70 percent of the benefits to wage earners? And what happened to monetary reform that would boost King Dollar? House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan gets it right with his new state-sponsored anti-poverty program. But he’s often a lone GOP voice on issues like these. And then there’s ObamaCare. It’s a wet blanket over business hiring and the economy. And recent polls show that ObamaCare is even more unpopular today. But Republicans seem to have dropped the issue. Why aren’t they promising to end the much-disliked mandates? … They could play a hugely positive role today if they unveiled and campaigned on a clear economic-growth agenda. Markets want it. And America wants it. But will they?”
             -Larry Kudlow

Choosing politics over policy, the Obama administration ignored a willingness by the gun lobby to help in the fight against illegal guns and gun violence following the 2012 Newtown, Conn., school shooting.  In “The Future of the Gun,” New York Times bestselling author Frank Miniter reveals that two of the country’s leading gun lobbies stood ready to work with the White House, but instead were pushed away by an administration that wrongly thought the country was on their side in banning assault weapons.

A prominent CNN commentator, the top two political reporters for The Huffington Post, a Reuters reporter, the editor of The Nation magazine, a producer for Al Jazeera America television, a U.S. News & World Report columnist, and approximately two dozen Huffington Post contributors are among the more than 1,000 members of Gamechanger Salon. Founded by leftwing activist Billy Wimsatt, the group is a secretive digital gathering of writers, opinion leaders, activists and political hands who share information, ideas and strategy via a closed Google group.

Members of the Kennedy clan have been quietly wooing Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and encouraging her to challenge Hillary Clinton.

The UK’s top public doctor says the failure to find a cure for Ebola underscores “the moral bankruptcy of capitalism”. Does that mean we can expect an Ebola vaccine from a socialist country any day now?

Professor Danielle Allen, at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, has proposed a closer reading of the Declaration of Independence in order to prove that the country was “intended to be socialist all along.”

Hamas Posts Dead Jew Collage on Twitter

In ISIS controlled parts of Iraq, police cars have been repainted to say "Islamic police." Women are forbidden from wearing bright colors and prints. The homes of Shiites and others have signs stating they are property of the Islamic State. And everyone walks in fear amid a new reign of terror. That´s what life is like in Mosul, Tikrit and other cities in northern and western Iraq under the control of Islamic extremists after their lightning-fast military campaign that overwhelmed the Iraqi army in June. The new normal for these residents means daily decrees about attire and raids to root out religious minorities.

ISIS Threatens America: ‘We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House’

In a desperate effort to keep the global warming hoax alive even though it is now called “climate change”, the meteorologically challenged print and broadcast media is now declaring all weather “extreme” these days.

The Obama Endgame Emerges   The events of the past few weeks on America’s southern border bring into clearer focus the Obama pledge to fundamentally transform America. By opening our borders to illegal immigrants, and pardoning those illegals already here as he plans through executive order, Obama will create millions of new citizens within a few years to help him transform America into a multicultural vacationland for the world’s footloose homeless with free food, housing, education, entertainment, and healthcare as drawing cards. Who will pay for this paradise? The American Middle Class, mostly Republicans, of course, whom Obama despises as narrow-minded clingers. And why not? While Republicans and conservatives have been busily painting Obama as weak and indecisive internationally, Obama has in turn sized them up as even weaker. As it turns out Obama’s seeming impotence was only a head feint…..The Obama prize was always the southern border with its endless supply of faithful, dependent voters. With the open border drawing millions of loyal new voters into the Democratic Party, liberals will have no problem holding the White House and perhaps also sweeping the House and Senate in 2016. Obama could hand-pick his successor who would ram through radical redistributionist legislation and America’s transformation would be complete.  Who or what is there to stand in Obama’s way?

Another view:  The great fear among conservatives, stoked by the actual statements of the Obama White House and one of its chief sycophants, Congress Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, is that the president will step far beyond the constitutional limits of his power and grant amnesty through executive fiat to as many as six million illegal aliens. This would be political suicide for Obama. It would be an act of brazen stupidity and it would likely not only destroy any chance his party has to retain control of the Senate but could potentially fracture his own coalition for future elections.

Ross Douhat, New York Times:  “…..even as his team plays the impeachment card with gusto, the president is contemplating — indeed, all but promising — an extraordinary abuse of office: the granting of temporary legal status, by executive fiat, to up to half the country’s population of illegal immigrants……what the White House wants to do on immigration is……lawless, reckless, a leap into the antidemocratic dark.  And an American political class that lets this Rubicon be crossed without demurral will deserve to live with the consequences for the republic, in what remains of this presidency and in presidencies yet to come.”

A great deal of attention has been focused in recent months on the surge of illegal aliens, particularly unaccompanied alien children (UAC)……According to an HHS fact sheet, “Most [illegal aliens] are over 14 and approximately three quarters of them are boys.”

Max Boot:   “It has gotten pretty much zero press attention, but last week the congressionally mandated National Defense Panel issued what should have been seen as a bombshell review of American military readiness, or lack thereof.”
About 550 Army majors, including some serving in Afghanistan, will soon be told they have to leave the service by next spring as part of a budget-driven downsizing of the service. The decision to cut Army majors comes on the heels of a move to slash nearly 1,200 captains from the ranks. Some received the news while they were deployed to Afghanistan.

Time to change your passwords:  “A Russian crime ring has amassed the largest known collection of stolen Internet credentials, including 1.2 billion user name and password combinations and more than 500 million email addresses, security researchers say.”

Dr. Ben Carson, neurosurgeon and the author of six best-selling books.  “Well, it’s interesting that we sit around and call other ancient civilizations heathen because of human sacrifice but aren’t we actually guilty of the same thing?” said Dr. Carson in reference to a question about abortion. “The good thing is the American populace is moving closer and closer to understanding that abortion is murder. Every year we’re getting better on that regard.”

Religious mockery, blasphemy and extreme profanity, all directed at the Christian faith flooded the airwaves last night……Contact the companies who sponsored TBS's anti-Christian "Black Jesus." Unisom and Radio Shack were the major advertisers. Let these companies know that their advertising dollars are supporting bigotry and animosity toward people of faith.

John Kerry Pictured Riding Pink Girls’ Bicycle Last Weekend In Nantucket…

“I have been waiting intently for that catalogue of much vaunted accomplishments which Islam has bequeathed both to America and the world — benefits that have been chirped about ad nauseum by Barack Obama for years. But since this, like all his other promises, has been left dangling, I have decided to compile my own list for you and take the pressure off his wearied brow that best serves America on the links. I assure you that this list is far less than exhaustive”
A leaked copy of U.S. Senate Democrat candidate’s campaign plan. It rips the curtain away from the modern campaign. “Think of it as the Democrats' strategy to win friends and influence people.”

"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain."
                           -John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams, 1780

(Editor’s note: unfortunately the grandchildren who study painting, poetry and music don’t have an appreciation for the sacrifices of their forebears and don’t value their heritage…….the cycle eventually repeats….)


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