op ed review 3/11
“The statement tonight by South Korean National Security
Adviser Chung Eui-yong is so jaw-dropping in significance it has left the
professional diplomatic apparatus stunned.”
Trump administration sues California over laws protecting illegal
To hear Never Trumpers (and a few Trumpkins) tell the story,
Donald Trump is the first president since Hoover to impose a tariff on imported
products. Actually, "The International Trade Commission lists over 12,000
specific tariffs on imports to America. Hundreds of agricultural, textile, and
manufacturing items are highly protected."
Household Net Worth Pushes Further Into Record Territory…..Household wealth
rose more than $2 trillion in the fourth quarter with help from rising stock
and home prices.
Nonfarm payrolls increase by 313,000 in February vs. 200,000
Trump's education budget puts students ahead of special
Delta Airlines officials are reeling from public reaction to
their virtue signaling when they ended discounts for National Rifle Association
members. 13 discounted tickets cost them a $50 million tax break.
Russian funding of U.S. environmental groups shows how real collusion
is done.
Violent criminals among illegal immigrants caught in
California raid derailed by Democrat mayor.
Mexican man (Living in Mexico) assumes American's identity
for 37 years, steals $361,000 in government benefits.
More Than 30,000 Callers Blast ABC over View Co-Host Joy
Behar’s ‘Anti-Christian Bigotry’
OF A CONGRESSIONAL STAFFER: “After Tariff Announcement Mueller Ordered To
Escalate Trump Investigation”
The Australian diplomat whose tip started the whole Russia-
probe has tie to Clintons.
Delay Trump’s Judicial Nominees by Running Out the Clock…..Led by Chuck
Schumer, Senate minority requires 30 hours of 'debate' for each nominee,
including those with near-unanimous support
ABC tries to get Dolly Parton to trash Trump and her answer
is brilliant: “(better to) keep your damn mouth shut (about politics)…”
Mark Levin´s New Fox News Show Raises the Bar with Rep.
Nunes Interview
Williams 3/3
liberal-created failure that goes entirely ignored is the left's harmful agenda
for society's most vulnerable people -- the mentally ill. Eastern State
Hospital, built in 1773 in Williamsburg, Virginia, was the first public
hospital in America for the care and treatment of the mentally ill. Many more
followed. Much of the motivation to build more mental institutions was to
provide a remedy for the maltreatment of mentally ill people in our prisons.
According to professor William Gronfein at Indiana University-Purdue University
Indianapolis, by 1955 there were nearly 560,000 patients housed in state mental
institutions across the nation. By 1977, the population of mental institutions
had dropped to about 160,000 patients.
Starting in the
1970s, advocates for closing mental hospitals argued that because of the
availability of new psychotropic drugs, people with mental illness could live
among the rest of the population in an unrestrained natural setting. According
to a 2013 Wall Street Journal article by Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, founder of the
Treatment Advocacy Center, titled "Fifty Years of Failing America's
Mentally Ill," shutting down
mental hospitals didn't turn out the way advocates promised. Several studies
summarized by the Treatment Advocacy Center show that untreated mentally ill
are responsible for 10 percent of homicides (and a higher percentage of the
mass killings). They are 20 percent of jail and prison inmates and more than 30
percent of the homeless.
We often encounter
these severely mentally ill individuals camped out in libraries, parks,
hospital emergency rooms and train stations and sleeping in cardboard boxes.
They annoy passers-by with their sometimes intimidating panhandling. The
disgusting quality of life of many of the mentally ill makes a mockery of the
lofty predictions made by the advocates of shutting down mental institutions
and transferring their function to community mental health centers, or CMHCs.
Torrey writes: "The evidence is overwhelming that this federal experiment
has failed, as seen most recently in the mass shootings by mentally ill
individuals in Newtown, Conn., Aurora, Colo., and Tucson, Ariz. It is time for
the federal government to get out of this business and return the
responsibility, and funds, to the states."
Getting the federal
government out of the mental health business may be easier said than done. A
1999 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of Olmstead v. L.C. held that under
the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with mental disabilities have
the right to live in an integrated community setting rather than in
institutions. The U.S. Department of Justice defined an integrated setting as
one "that enables individuals with disabilities to interact with
non-disabled persons to the fullest extent possible." Though some mentally
ill people may have benefited from this ruling, many others were harmed -- not
to mention the public, which must put up with the behavior of the mentally ill.
Torrey says it has
now become politically correct to claim that this federal program failed
because not enough centers were funded and not enough money was spent. But
that's not true. Torrey says: "Altogether, the annual total public funds
for the support and treatment of mentally ill individuals is now more than $140
billion. The equivalent expenditure in 1963 when President John F. Kennedy
proposed the CMHC program was $1 billion, or about $10 billion in today's
dollars. Even allowing for the increase in U.S. population, what we are getting
for this 14-fold increase in spending is a disgrace."
The dollar cost of
this liberal vision of deinstitutionalization of mentally ill people is a
relatively small part of the burden placed on society. Many innocent people
have been assaulted, robbed and murdered by mentally ill people. Businesspeople
and their customers have had to cope with the nuisance created by the mentally
ill. The police response to misbehavior and crime committed by the mentally ill
is to arrest them. Thus, they are put in jeopardy of mistreatment by hardened
criminals in the nation's jails and prisons. Worst of all is the fact that the
liberals who engineered the shutting down of mental institutions have never
been held accountable for their folly.
Forget Gun Control: Bring Back Mental Hospitals
“In the eternal search for perfect justice and equality, what
starts out as liberal can quickly end up as progressively absurd. The logic of
equality of result, rather than equality of opportunity, demands that there is
always one more group, one more grievance, one more complaint against the
shrinking and overwhelmed majority……..If we insist that the human experience is
not tragic and cyclical but instead must always bend on some predetermined arc
to absolute equality and fairness, then unfortunate results must follow. One,
what is welcomed as progressive on Monday is derided as intolerable on Tuesday.
… Second, when rules and regulations are always watered down as too
exclusionary, the descent to no rules is quite short. The ultimate destination
is nihilism and chaos. We see that now in Venezuela and Cuba — and increasingly
in California as well.”
-Victor Davis
Washington Post:
“It’s time to give socialism a try”
College student barred from class for claiming there are
only two genders.
Must see, powerful: Speech
on Guns by Virginia Senate Candidate Causes Democrat Walk-Out, Goes Massively
Viral Online
Trump is Reviving American Republicanism
In Texas, Democratic Blue Wave Surged But Did Not Look Like
a Tsunami
Five bright spots for Republicans after Texas
They love Trump, but will they vote in November if he's not
running? Control of Congress is at stake
Flippy The Burger-Flipping Robot Just Destroyed The Case For
Minimum-Wage Hikes
In Rejecting U.S. Immigration Law, California Has A Role
Model: The Confederacy
Before the blood had dried at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
School in Parkland, Florida, the left started its familiar blame game. They
moved fast to try gun culture, especially the AR-15 and the National Rifle
Association, in the court of public opinion, for they understood well that true
understanding of a tragedy takes time. And the more time that passed, the more
the facts would throw cold water on their anti-gun hysteria and attempts to
circumvent the law of the land
“A wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from
injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own
pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of
labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
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