Saturday, August 23, 2014

op ed review 8/24

On Tuesday ISIS militants beheaded American journalist James Foley somewhere in Syria.
President Barack Obama reacted to the on-camera slaying for five minutes on Wednesday.  Then he hurried off to a five-hour round of golf at Farm Neck on Martha´s Vineyard for his seventh visit to the links, so far, during a vacation that began August 9. The decision brought a chorus of condemnation from TV commentators, journalists, conservative partisans and Twitter denizens – and even an unintentional slap from the left-leaning New York Times.

Hillary Rodham Clinton likes to travel in style. She insists on staying in the “presidential suite” of luxury hotels that she chooses anywhere in the world, including Las Vegas. She usually requires those who pay her six-figure fees for speeches to also provide a private jet for transportation — only a $39 million, 16-passenger Gulfstream G450 or larger will do.
The release of details of Hillary Clinton’s contract demands for speaking at UNLV, with incredible perks suitable for an empress, is deeply damaging her prospects for winning the presidency.
Hillary Clinton is no longer the inevitable next President of the United States, a summertime development that is not unexpected yet still surprises. Now the question is: Who will be the first to mount a challenge?

Cashill:  “Much too quickly after the death of big Mike Brown in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, the Trayvon Martin dream team -- ambulance chasers Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks, media hound Al Sharpton -- descended on his still warm body like so many turkey vultures. One would have hoped that their twisted performance in Florida during the previous two years would have taught America’s liberals something -- prudence, restraint, skepticism -- but it did not. Led by their media, liberals once again rushed in where wise men fear to tread. As expected, the media insisted on telling the same embarrassingly fraudulent story they had told in the Martin shooting: innocent teen, academically ambitious, minding his own business, profiled by racist white vigilante -- this time a cop -- and shot for no reason other than his race.”
Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered severe facial injuries, including an orbital (eye socket) fracture, and was nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source close to the department´s top brass told “The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his face all swollen on one side,” said the insider. “He was beaten very severely.”

The former head of the CIA’s Osama Bin Laden unit said Thursday that the best way to protect Americans from terrorists is to secure the border. “What we could have done after 9-11 if we really wanted to improve U.S. security … was to close the southern border and perhaps even spots on the northern border with Canada……At least you secure the continent in that way. Right now we’re exposed, not only internationally, but we don’t know who is in our country…”

The liberal billionaire that paid democrats $100M to stop the Keystone pipeline, explained this week that global warming skeptics are “not super sophisticated.”

Obama’s defense drawdown:  Almost 8,000 Navy chiefs face the ax.

Less than a week after Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) was indicted by a grand jury on two felony counts, he may be in an even stronger political position than he was before the charges hit.
A woman who disclosed to the Houston Chronicle that she was a member of the grand jury that indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry, was an active delegate to the Texas Democratic Party convention during grand jury proceedings.

Race-based hate crimes jumped in Washington, D.C., last year even as most other types of bias crimes decreased.  D.C. police say that of the 18 race-based hate crimes in 2013, the majority of victims were white and the majority of suspects black.
A high school student was allegedly suspended after breaking a class rule of saying “bless you” after a classmate sneezed. Kendra Turner, a senior at Dyer County High School, said bless you to her classmate who sneezed and the teacher told her that the term was for church.

Bill Clinton Now Enjoys $1,000 Cigars

Mark Alexander  8/20

When the Democrat Party is free-falling into political disfavor, as it now certainly is under the Barack Obama regime, its protagonists predictably revert to their default politics of disparity positions in a diversionary effort to "gin up" discontent and regain the allegiance of its base constituencies.

There are three deceptions in the Demos' disunity playbook that have proven politically profitable. First, the Left is promoting their spurious "war on women" rhetoric, which successfully lured majorities of female voters to elect and re-elect Obama, as they did his predecessor, Bill Clinton.

Second, they are pushing several classist themes projecting a "war on the poor," because everyone has less than someone, and Obama's "redistributive justice" is an easy sell. Indeed, as avowed socialist George Bernard Shaw smugly declared, "A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always depend on the support of Paul."

And third, in full bloom this week, Demos and their operatives are busy propagating the bygone notion of "racial inequality," as if it pervades every facet of society and is a gauntlet between black folks and success. Now, that's not an easy subterfuge when the twice-elected sitting president is, himself, half black, but this artifice has successfully co-opted the most loyal single constituency of any, black voters -- some 93 percent of whom are baited into voting for Democrats.

Obama has a dependable stable of surrogate "race hustlers," including Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and legions of lesser useful idiots, who are quick to promote hate crime hoaxes in order to foment discontent and rally black constituents.

The last national hate hoax coincided with the launch of Obama's 2012 re-election bid and centered on accusations that a "white Hispanic" racist murdered a black youth, though a jury ultimately determined that the defendant, George Zimmerman, shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense.

Of course, Obama interjected himself into that case for all the political gain he could bleed from it. He nationalized the case by sowing this seed: “This is a tragedy, uh ... uh and when I think about this boy, uh, I think about my own kids, uh ... I think that all of us need to do some soul searching to figure out how something like this happened. ... If I had a son he would look like Trayvon, and, uh, you know, I think [his parents] are right to expect that all of us as Americans, uh, are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves.”

Now, just ahead of the 2014 midterm elections, Democrats have seized on another “injustice,” the shooting of a black man, Michael Brown, by a white police officer, Darren Wilson, in Ferguson, Missouri, an urban borough of St. Louis.

It is not my intent to defend the actions of Wilson, or to condemn the actions of Brown, because we do not know, and may never know for certain, all of the circumstance of this incident. As my colleague Cal Thomas notes, “If jumping to conclusions were an Olympic sport, some of these loudmouths … would win gold medals.”

Of course, in the last month, there have been more than 40 murders on the streets of Obama’s hometown, Chicago – mostly black and mostly the result of black-on-black violence. But Obama has not offered a single word about those dead…….the real tragedy in Ferguson, as in urban centers nationwide, is the unintended consequence of the Democrat Party’s “Great Society” economic and social engineering policies, which have resulted in urban poverty plantations, effectively enslaving generations of blacks and, increasingly, Hispanics. The Imperial Wizards of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan could never have scripted such a successful, oppressive socio-economic segregation plan.


"The late media critic Edwin Diamond once notably quipped that to the American news media, '10,000 deaths in Nepal equals 100 deaths in Wales equals 10 deaths in West Virginia equals one death next door.' When it comes to race relations, a similar rule applies. 400,000 civilians have been murdered in Darfur, but one death of a black man in Missouri, allegedly due to white police brutality, is infinitely more newsworthy. The national media are currently obsessed with Michael Brown’s killing by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri, just as they obsessed over Trayvon Martin’s killing in Sanford, Florida. Our media aren’t in the news business. They’re in the narrative business, and one of their favorite narratives is that America is deeply racist (something that electing a black president twice in no way disproves). In this liberal view, Ferguson is not atypical, but the rule. It’s what white cops do to innocent black folks. ... We do not know if the cop was right to shoot Brown. The investigation should give us the answer. The news media have rendered their judgment. Ignorantly and maliciously."
                 -Brent Bozell

“A new survey finds that 75% of Americans don´t use up all of their vacation days. While the rest apparently loan them to President Obama. He´s on vacation again! “
               -Jimmy Fallon

ISIS has released a video showing how it enlightened hundreds of members of a religious minority by converting them to Islam.
“ISIS recruiting in Canada, local imam warns”
ISIS may be targeting Chicago for a terrorist attack.

In Raqqa, Syria, the Islamic State's "caliphate" has already become a reality. All women in the city are required to wear the niqab veil and pants are banned. Thieves have their hands hacked off and opponents are publicly crucified or beheaded, with the images of these horrific acts then posted on social networks. The few hair salons that are still open are required to black out the pictures of women on the packaging for hair dye solutions. Weddings are only permitted to take place without music. And at livestock markets, the hindquarters of goats and sheep must be covered in order to prevent men from viewing their genitalia and having uncomely thoughts. Any person caught out on the street during the five daily prayer times is risking his or her life.

 “It is likely that there are now more British Muslims fighting for the Islamic State than for Britain's military.

And then there’s our friends, the Saudis, who have beheaded 19 people since the beginning of August. Some confessions may have been gained under torture and one poor defendant was found guilty of sorcery.

The new EPA regulations intent on curbing greenhouse gases spewed from coal power plants will cost the nation's Gross Domestic Product $51 billion every year and 224,000 jobs……”all this regulation will result in a reduction of the planet's average temperature by 0.018 degrees Celsius by 2100.”

Environmental activist Deirdre Smith of left-wing pressure group blames the tensions in Ferguson, Missouri on global warming.

 “To the four clean-cut college freshman out on a double date, it had seemed like a typical McDonald´s: spanking clean, well-lighted, and safe. It was in a good neighborhood too, right next to Texas A&M University in College Station --a campus known for its friendly atmosphere and official down-home greeting: “howdy.” Before them, hundreds of young black males were loitering about, some without shirts. Other local residents -- the more cynical and world-weary, both whites and most blacks -- would have taken one look at the crowd and driven off, dismissing many of the young and posturing black males as thugs. But not them: innocent white kids from the suburbs. They presumed this was post-racial America -- and that they were in an easy-going college town. Twenty minutes later, two of them were dead……Incredibly, the race of the assailants wasn’t considered newsworthy by the local media…..In College Station, nobody dared to ask if a "hate crime" had possibly occurred…..”

“Another Dumb Idea from Los Angeles”. The city of Los Angeles is considering paying voters to encourage turnout. Needless to say, it´s a ridiculous idea that will reward low-information voting, foster political demagogues and breed corruption.

How absurd is the indictment of Texas Gov Rick Perry? He issued the threat of a veto, which is protected political speech under any reading of the First Amendment, and he carried out that threat per the power granted to him by the Texas Constitution. And for that reason, he’s being indicted. See the video of the drunken Travis County DA who arranged the indictment here.

Spam looks pretty good for 77! The iconic blue can's birthday just passed, and in honor, here are 16 things you probably didn't know about this porky classic.

"It is a principle incorporated into the settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute."
                       -James Madison


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