Saturday, August 30, 2014

op ed review 8/31

On ISIS: “We don't have a strategy yet”: Obama stuns Washington by admitting he is clueless about tackling ISIS
Krauthammer:  “I thought that the president could no longer surprise me,” Krauthammer said. “I was wrong.

The result of American weakness:  Russian troops roll into Ukraine:  Putin calls eastern Ukraine “New Russia”. 

California Gov Jerry Brown  "nodded to the immigrants in the room, saying it didn't matter if they had permission to be in the United States." "You're all welcome in California," Brown reportedly said. "This is the other Mexico," he said of the United States, which has about 11 million Mexican immigrants. Brown told the crowd at the event that they were welcome in the state regardless of their citizenship.
A Pew Research survey has found that one third of Mexico wants to move to America.

Too many government employees with not enough to do:  “Government publishes detailed instructions on how to safely roast marshmallows”

The Obama administration is working to forge a sweeping international climate change agreement to compel nations to cut their planet-warming fossil fuel emissions, but without ratification from Congress.

This is what Ferguson was really about:  “The racial unrest caused by tensions over the shooting of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., could be a rallying cry for Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts, according to the voter education committee chair for the Democratic Southern caucus.”
Obama Sends White House Aides To Attend Michael Brown’s Funeral
Michigan teacher compares Ferguson looting to the Boston Tea Party.
Rapper Common leads tributes to slain Missouri teen Michael Brown at MTV Video Music Awards.
Ferguson-like shooting in Utah escapes media notice; doesn’t fit the liberal narrative, not useful for democrat get-out-the-vote efforts.

“Obamacare Now Pays for Gender Reassignment”
And as soon as they get it done they can join the military.  “Having already lifted the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban on gays in the military, the Pentagon is poised to allow “transgendered Americans to serve openly in the military”.

“Except for a few well trained groupies in the front row throwing themselves about on cue, the American Legion remained rock silent during President Obama’s bewildering speech to the American Legion”.

In a unanimous 71-0 vote, with no debate or discussion, the California State Assembly passed a bill that would require the state´s board of education to teach students the racial "significance" of Barack Obama´s presidency as part of the standard history-social science curriculum in the Golden State.

If you ever doubted the direction France is headed, you need doubt no more. The headline reads: “One in six French people say they support ISIS” ???

President Obama’s favorite billionaire has thrown him under the Burger King bus. Warren Buffett stuck one of his big Midas thumbs in Obama’s eye Tuesday by agreeing to pony-up $3 billion so the hamburger chain can buy a Canadian doughnut outfit — and avoid paying millions in U.S. corporate taxes by moving part of its headquarters to Ontario.  (the US has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world.)

In the UK, a violent father-of-two escaped deportation moments before being put on a plane to Jamaica – by suddenly declaring he was homosexual. Alvin Brissett, 55, was ordered to be sent back to his Jamaican homeland after building up a long criminal record including thefts, drug possession, and assaults. Yet at the last moment, while he was in handcuffs in a van at the airport, he announced that he was gay and claimed he could not be sent to Jamaica because he could face discrimination there. This claim halted his deportation in its tracks.

In August 2012,  journalist James Foley retweeted a link to a CNN story asking “Right-wing extremist terrorism as deadly a threat as al Qaeda?” The article concluded that indeed it was. Two years later, a former branch of Al Qaeda chopped off his head.
Report: “Obama Delayed James Foley Rescue a Month, Fretting over His Image and Golfing…..Pentagon sources said Foley and the others might well have been rescued but Obama, concerned about the ramifications of US troops being killed or captured in Syria, took too long to authorize the mission."

The Department of Veterans Affairs depicted dissatisfied veterans as Oscar the Grouch in a recent internal training guide.  The cranky Sesame Street character who lives in a garbage can was used in reference to veterans who will attend town-hall events Wednesday in Philadelphia.

A Justice Department official admitted that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s apparently missing emails actually exist on a backup server, but the government doesn’t plan to retrieve them because “it would be too hard.”

Is Barack Obama Plotting a Coup?
John Hinderaker, Powerline Blog   8/3

That seems like an awfully strong word, but it is the term that distinguished law professor Glenn Reynolds, no hysteric, uses to describe the Obama administration’s oft-reported plan to issue executive amnesty to five or six million illegal immigrants in violation of federal law. Glenn’s characterization is a fair one. When a tyrant asserts the right to rule by decree in a state that has formerly been subject to the rule of law, he is commonly described as carrying out a coup d’etat.

That is just what the Obama administration has done, and reportedly will continue to do. When Obama changed the Affordable Care Act by decree–to name just one example, substituting “2014″ for “2013″ in a critical provision of the statute–he acted as a tyrant. In his refusal to enforce the immigration laws, contrary to the Constitution which requires him to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” he has acted like a tinpot dictator, asserting the right to change or ignore the law by fiat. If he now directly nullifies Section 274(a) of the Immigration and Nationalities Act by legalizing, and issuing work permits to, five or six million illegal immigrants, thereby repealing federal law by decree, how else can we describe his action but as a coup? The Obama administration openly takes the position that the rule of law no longer applies.

Can you imagine the furor that would have resulted if President Nixon, in the midst of the Watergate crisis, had asserted the right to repeal or amend federal statutes by decree? No, actually, you can’t. Forget impeachment; he would have been escorted out of the Oval Office by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. What, then, makes Barack Obama special? How can he claim the right to rule by decree without suffering the same condemnation? Well, the answer is obvious: he is a Democrat. But is that really enough? No president, Democrat or Republican, has ever dreamed of asserting such unconstitutional authority.

I am one of many who have ridiculed the Democrats’ seemingly weird obsession with impeachment. But perhaps there is method to the Democrats’ apparent madness. If they know that President Obama is about to do something that obviously warrants impeachment–asserting the right to rule by executive decree, and repealing the nation’s immigration laws by fiat–perhaps it is shrewd on their part to preemptively attack the idea of impeachment and commit Republicans to the fact that they have no thought of any such thing. Then, when Obama makes his move, it will be harder for Republicans to switch gears and start talking about removing him from office. That strikes me as the most logical explanation for the Democrats’ well-coordinated, but seemingly pointless, anti-impeachment campaign.

Today, the White House started backing off on plans to issue an executive amnesty. Maybe, as Glenn Reynolds says, this is a sign that someone in the White House is in touch with reality. Perhaps a coup has been averted, on this subject at least. But eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so let’s not let down our guard.


"[T]he majority of fast-food customers are probably less inclined than the petitioners of to mistake high tax rates for patriotism. This kind of distorted understanding of national loyalty may work in populist politics, but not so much in markets. Few reasonable humans will meditate on Burger King's corporate tax 'inversion' -- or even its Brazilian owners -- as they wait for the frozen french fries to be dropped into the deep-fryer. The four best-selling cars in America so far in 2014 are the Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, Honda Accord and Toyota Corolla. One of the best-selling cellphone brands is South Korean. And so on. Does a Whopper taste like a Whopper? That's all that matters. And it's all that should. Nothing really changes for the consumer. Even among those who do pay attention, there will very likely be many who don't believe that the purpose of a business is to placate the Obama administration or generate more revenue for government. The executive's charge is to grow and sustain a healthy business, which this deal almost unquestionably does."
                 -David Harsanyi

A shadowy network of wealthy liberal donors bankrolled an operation to pack one of America’s most powerful courts with progressive judges, according to documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Now the effort could prevent an Obamacare challenge from reaching the Supreme Court, legal experts say.

As the 2014 midterm elections approached, the media were quick to criticize conservative donors like the Koch brothers for backing issues important to them. But journalists largely ignored the incredible financial power being used to promote the liberal agenda. Five top donors – Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Pierre Omidyar, Tom Steyer and George Soros’s own son, Jonathan – are major funders of the left. Together, they have contributed at least $2.7 billion since 2000 to groups pushing abortion, gun control, climate change alarmism and liberal candidates. That’s not how major media depicted them.

Billionaire liberal activist Tom Steyer is dumping millions into campaign ads this year, attacking Republican lawmakers he deems unfriendly to the environment. But Steyer´s colorful and sometimes bizarre advertisements -- the latest of which shows Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst in the pocket of creepy cigar-chomping business tycoons -- are drawing mixed reviews. "

America may be ready for a conservative-leaning late night host, but the networks would never allow it, argues a longtime producer of “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno”. “I absolutely think America would welcome a conservative late night host with open arms,” Dave Berg, who worked on Leno’s “Tonight Show” for 18 of the 21 years it was on the air, told The Daily Caller in an interview about his new book, “Behind the Curtain: An Insider’s View of Jay Leno’s Tonight Show.” “The critics would despise it, which would give it even more credibility,” he continued. “However, you won’t see

The convicted shooter in the Fort Hood massacre has written a letter to the leader of the ISIS saying he wants to become a "citizen" of the caliphate, in the latest example of the terror group's reach inside the U.S.

How do some Muslim women show their support for ISIS?  “Women from Britain, Australia and Malaysia have reportedly travelled to Iraq and Syria to serve as 'comfort women' for Isis militants, a phenomenon which has become known as "sexual jihad."

ISIS may target Pope Francis.

The federal government believes a terrorist attack at the U.S.-Mexico border is imminent and has put out a bulletin on the matter
A laptop allegedly seized from an ISIS base in Syria contains plans to launch devastating terror attacks harnessing the bubonic plague.

Execution of seven people caps off a prayer service at a mosque in Gaza.  Friday's events began with the shooting of 11 alleged informants at the Gaza City police headquarters in the morning. Of the 11, two were women.

An Iranian Grand Ayatollah has said high speed internet is unethical and contrary to humanitarian principles.  “… third generation mobile communications technology — and broadband internet were morally wrong, and that there needed to be standards to prevent users from dangers such as “immoral and inhumane” videos and photos, rumors, and espionage.”

Jimmy Carter To Give Keynote Speech At Muslim Convention In Detroit

Sometimes a round of golf is just a round of golf. And sometimes it reveals the ­essence of a man. President Obama’s decision to hit the links and yuk it up with pals immediately after speaking about the beheading of James ­Foley was no ordinary mistake. Nor was it a simple gaffe. The decision continues to cause an uproar because, like an X-ray, there is no escaping the image. It shows there is no there there. With even his media praetorian guard appalled, the golf outing is sparking a wider understanding that Obama is hollow, empty of the routine qualities Americans expect from their president. Simple decency and respect for Foley’s horrified parents should have been enough to sober him. If that didn’t do it, the realization that the Islamic State had declared war on America in the most gruesome fashion imaginable should have sounded a call of duty in his head. Instead, Obama continued with his vacation and was photographed looking as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Suddenly, that megawatt smile that often charmed voters wasn’t so charming. It was vacuous. He looked like an empty-headed frat boy, numb to the world. Maybe that’s not just an appearance. Maybe it’s the truth. Maybe that’s all there is.

At last, we know the reason why comedy writers don’t make fun of President Obama. It turns out the man is completely unmockable……..Says retired Saturday Night Live jokewriter:   “It’s like being a rock climber looking up at a thousand-foot-high face of solid obsidian, polished and oiled…..There’s not a single thing to grab onto — certainly not a flaw or hook that you can caricature……”     Got that? The charter Choom Ganger, confessed eater of dog and snorter of coke. The doofus who thinks the language spoken by Austrians is “Austrian,” that you pronounce the p in “corpsman” and that ATMs are the reason why job growth is sluggish. The egomaniac who gave the queen of England an iPod loaded with his own speeches and said he was better at everything than the people who work for him. The empty suit with so little real-world knowledge that he referred to his brief stint working for an ordinary profit-seeking company as time “behind enemy lines.” The phony who tells everyone he’s from Chicago, though he didn’t live there until his 20s, and lets you know that he’s talking to people he believes to be stupid by droppin’ his g’s. The world-saving Kal-El from a distant solar system who told us he’d heal the planet and cause the oceans to stop rising. The guy who shared a middle name with one of the most hated dictators on earth……Nope, nothing there to mock. No way to get a grip on this polished, oiled obsidian. So comedy writers didn’t and mostly still don’t.

Karl Rove is at it once again. The so-called “strategist” is again confusing strategy with tactics, and is about to blow easy Senate pickups in Arkansas and North Carolina. This is not merely snatching defeat from the jaws of victory -- this is snatching defeat from the bowels of victory -- in astonishing tone-deaf fashion. There is absolutely no excuse for not winning these two races. So how is the one-time “boy genius” doing this? By running ads attacking Senators Mark Pryor and Kay Hagan from the left. Yes, you heard that right.

Debate about Ferguson between the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Dr. Ben Carson, who may decide to run for president. You can see from this conversation why Carson would be such a compelling candidate. And oh, how nice it would be if African Americans would listen to him instead of people like Jackson and Al Sharpton.

In Washington State,  we know all about the blue-state Diaspora:  “Over the last few decades, residents of many traditionally liberal states have moved to states that were once more conservative. And this pattern has played an important role in helping the Democratic Party win the last two presidential elections and four of the last six.”

The National Republican Senatorial Campaign has developed a multi-level online computer game. The game, called "Mission Majority," is programmed to look like an 8-bit-era video game and features an elephant named Giopi (sounds like "GOP") as a playable character. The player runs and jumps, collecting "keys" to Republican victory and vanquishing bad guys like "taxers" and "mudslingers." A successfully destroyed baddie emits an embarrassing audio clip from Democrats like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes."
                      -Judge Learned Hand

“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition."
                           -Thomas Jefferson


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