op ed review 9/7
Record 92,269,000 Able Bodied Americans Not in Labor Force;
Participation Rate Matches 36-Year Low
The number of foreign-born individuals holding jobs in the
United States hit a recorded high of 24,639,000 in August.
Show this to your “progressive” friends: Under President Obama, the richest 10 percent
were the only income group of Americans to see their median incomes rise,
according to a survey released this week by the Federal Reserve.
Military commanders are “apoplectic” over President Barack
Obama’s dithering on ISIS and admission that “we don’t have a strategy yet” to
deal with them.
Was he even listening?
President Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the
rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year
before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer, a former
Pentagon official told Fox News.
Obama “notably absent” for start of NATO meeting.
CBS News Political Director John Dickerson had some harsh
words for Democrats as the 2014 midterm election kicks into high gear.
Appearing on CBS This Morning on Tuesday, September 2, Dickerson insisted that
for the 2014 Senate races “there are three races in West Virginia, South
Dakota, Montana that are gone. Those are basically going to go to the
Dozens of public schools across New York City failed to pass
even a single black or Hispanic student on this year’s state math or reading
exams, a new analysis shows. Pro-charter school group Families for Excellent Schools
found no black or Hispanic kids passed the standardized tests — based on the
more stringent Common Core standards — at 90 schools with diverse student
bodies. At 31 city schools with a
combined enrollment of 1,065 black students, none passed the state math exam.
At another 28 schools, zero out of 613 Hispanic students passed the math test.
On Monday, as millions of American workers gathered with
family and friends to celebrate and mark the end of summer, the nation´s union
bosses were preparing to inject tens of millions of dollars from their members´
paychecks into the midterm elections in November. Unions have already spent $70
million to protect the Democrat majority in the Senate. Even this amount is
likely to be dwarfed by a flood of money and manpower in the final weeks of the
The @#%& is about to hit the fan. No, not ISIS moving to
attack the West, not Russia invading Ukraine, not Ebola coming to America, not
the Middle East, not Libya (where al Qaeda — surprise — now rules), not even
Ferguson. Health care costs are about to explode — again — and just in time for
the 2014 midterm elections.
Terror experts fear Libyan fanatics are planning a 9/11
copycat attack after 11 commercial planes were stolen from Tripoli airport.
They believe the jets were taken by Islamic militant groups who seized control
of the war-torn capital city´s international hub. Analysts say there is
"credible intelligence" that they will use next Thursday´s
anniversary to fly the planes into high-profile targets.
The Islamic State has claimed on social media that it is
utilizing captured Syrian pilots to learn how to fly stolen jets, according to
a CNN Arabic report over the weekend.
The Department of Homeland Security has lost track of more
than 6,000 foreign nationals who entered the United States on student visas,
overstayed their welcome, and essentially vanished -- exploiting a security gap
that was supposed to be fixed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
The business group that has been pushing for amnesty but
that has often backed Republican candidates is throwing its support behind
Democrats in several key House races this cycle. According to reports in Roll
Call, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will have endorsed four Democratic
candidates in the House races by the end of the week.
More Senate Democrats urge Obama to delay immigration order
(until after the election).
“VA Investigation
Reveals Poor Care, Fake Reports and
‘Nationwide Systemic Problem’”
Ferguson: After an
autopsy commissioned by Michael Brown's family found that all of the shots
entered Brown from the front, Attorney General Eric Holder also commissioned an
autopsy, which reportedly confirmed the results of the previous two. It took
the Washington Post 2,017 words and 59 paragraphs in a feature about
Dorian Johnson, who initially said that his friend Michael Brown was shot in
the back, to reveal that the federal government's autopsy also reportedly did
not find that to be the case.
INTERPOL arrests parents for disobeying doctors.
A whopping 95 percent of respondents to a BBC straw poll
have said that they think multiculturalism in Britain is a failure.
Feds to Advertise Settlement Inviting Deported Illegals to
Your tax dollars at work: The federal government is still seeking
answers as to why the majority of lesbians are obese and U.S. taxpayers are
footing the bill, which now totals $2.87 million. The National Institutes of
Health study is now in its fourth year, receiving an additional $670,567 for
fiscal year 2014. The project seeks to determine why “nearly three-quarters of
adult lesbians overweight or obese,” and why gay males are not.
Warren Warning: That Other ‘Dead Broke’ Democrat 7/23
The most despised
political constituents in America are rich liberals, the self-anointed
"intelligentsia" who lord over the Leftist proletariat, and are
tolerated only for the graft they dispense to all manner of liberal causes and
campaigns. Though they imagine themselves held in high esteem by the recipients
of their largess, they are utterly loathed by the populist 99 Percenter
Demo-Party base. Of course, they are equally reviled by conservatives, who object
to their smugness and their abject hypocrisy among other traits.
If there is one
generalization that approaches a universal truth about the Left Elite, it is
that they are chronic hypocrites. And there is no better example of this than
B. Obama, who constantly rebukes "the rich," "the wealthy,"
"millionaires," "fat cats," ad infinitum, all in the name
of "redistributive change," while he basks in the profligate
lifestyle of the most rich and famous. For example, recall if you will Obama's
incessant vilification of "fat cats in their corporate jets." Despite
a slew of policy meltdowns, both domestic and foreign, Obama spends most of his
waking hours jet-setting around the countryside for political stump speeches
and fundraisers. Indeed, even the liberal Washington Post has taken notice,
criticizing Obama for attending more than 400 fundraisers since taking office
-- nearly double the amount attended by George W. Bush at this stage of his
Thus, Obama is
racking up hours on the most expensive luxury jet on the planet in order to
hang with his Left Elite benefactors -- all at taxpayers expense. And when he's
not flying off to hobnob with one percenters in places like the Hamptons last
week, he's off on vacations at wealthy playgrounds like Martha's Vineyard, or
taking his entourage on $100 million "family" trips to Africa. To
paraphrase Mark Twain, "Suppose you were a liberal, and suppose you were a
hypocrite. But I repeat myself."
Fact is, most rich
liberals are "upstairs people" -- the Dukes, Earls and Barons of
Downton Abbey, Lords pretending to identify with Commoners, but washing their
hands twice after contact with any of them. They only drop down from their
exclusive clubs and gated communities to toss larded pork at the masses in
order to ensure that the commissars who do their bidding will protect their
estates. Of course, the 99 percenters suspend their deeply held
prejudicial classist convictions when rich liberals are on ballots. They
tolerate them in order to form Faustian bargains necessary to advance their
statist "dependency" agenda.
Thus, while the
nation languishes through the sixth year of economic stagnation, the
fulfillment of Obama's promise of "fundamentally transforming the United
States of America," and as the population numbers of his urban poverty
plantations set new records, there is also another record set under his watch. There
are now 268 millionaires in Congress, and as you might have surmised the net
worth of Democrats exceeds the net worth of Republicans... But I digress.
Like most rich
liberals, those with presidential aspirations make every effort to cast their
identity as card-carrying proletariats, who are thoroughly in touch with the
"struggling middle classes." The most ridiculous example of this charade
was Hillary Clinton's recent effort to portray herself as "dead
broke," when in fact she and her serial sex-offender husband converted
their White House tenure into wealth that now ranks them among the tiniest
fraction of the richest One-Percenters.
Now, it appears
Hillary has an equally disingenuous contender for the 2016 Democrat
presidential nomination who may well send her packing in the primary: Sen.
Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). So, just who is Elizabeth Warren? Well, for starters,
she's another limo-liberal hypocrite. Like Clinton, she recently attempted to
deceive her supporters into believing what she isn't: "I realize there are
some wealthy individuals," she said. "I'm not one of
them..." But according to her
Personal Financial Disclosures filed in advance of her 2012 Senate campaign,
she has something in excess of $14.5 million in accumulated wealth, had income
in excess of $700,000 in her last year before being elected, and lives in a
house valued at more than $5 million. But as for the wealthy, she's "not
one of them."
Recently, lamenting
the plight of the poor, Warren noted, "My brother lives on his Social
Security. That's about $1,100 a month. $13,200 a year." Well, perhaps she
should split her income with her brother, and donate the rest of her assets to
charity. In another fine example of deceptive rhetoric, Warren regurgitated her
own version of Obama's "You didn't build that" insult to entrepreneurs
across the nation. According to Warren, "There is nobody in this country
who got rich on their own. Nobody. You built a factory out there -- good for
you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on roads the rest
of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe
in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us
paid for. Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific
or a great idea -- God bless! Keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying
social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who
comes along."
Of course Warren,
like Clinton and Obama, has never built anything but her investment portfolio,
and refuses to acknowledge that successful entrepreneurs already pay 80% of
federal and state taxes -- a violation of "the underlying social
contract" which should imply flat taxation. Additionally, America's
corporations pay the highest tax rates among the 33 industrialized nations. But
Democrats never let facts get in the way of their classist political agenda,
because their only real power is the ability to redistribute wealth to their
constituents. And look what their so-called "Great Society" has
gotten them. So, why does it matter that Warren is as hypocritical about her
wealth as Clinton?
Because she is a far
smarter and more articulate Leftist than Clinton, and her policy positions
mirror those of Obama, falling well to the left of Clinton. She is the
ideological heir apparent to Obama's "Imperial Presidency," and like
Obama, she is a certifiable socialist -- a rising star among the New Democratic
Party statists, who have infested the once-noble Democrat Party. Obama ran to
the left of Clinton in the 2008 Democrat presidential primary, and Warren will
do the same in the 2016 primary…..her performance at the "Nutroots
Nation" convention last week certainly resembled the launch of a
presidential bid, as she laid out her 11 Commandments of Progressivism. If
Warren runs, she would be a more formidable general election opponent than
Clinton. She would also do a better job of rallying female voters -- and female
voters have elected every Democrat president since Kennedy.
In 1797, John Adams
wrote, "If an election is to be determined by a majority ... procured by a
party through artifice or corruption, the Government may be the choice of a
party for its own ends, not of the nation for the national good." And that
describes the Democratic Party today.
"The clearest expression of a foreign policy doctrine President
Obama has articulated came in 2012 when he announced that the 'tide of war in
Afghanistan' had 'turned' and that this was lucky because it was 'now time to
focus on nation building here at home.' Al-Qaida, defined so narrowly as to
exclude everyone save Osama bin Laden and his closest friends, was declared
'defeated,' and a satisfied commander in chief confidently turned to domestic
matters. ...…One of the aphorisms attributed to Lenin to excuse the massive
crimes he committed on the way to building a socialist paradise was: 'In order
to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs.' Human rights activist Vladimir
Bukovsky noted with bitterness that while he had seen many broken eggs, 'I have
not met anyone who tasted the omelet.' Obama has turned his back on an
explosive world to focus on nation building here at home. Where's the
Carefully following Alinsky’s Thirteenth Rule, DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
said that Republican Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has “given women the back
of his hand” and is “grabbing us by the hair.” Walker apparently earned this
invective for opposing a minimum wage hike and blocking a 2012 employment
discrimination bill that would have benefited plaintiffs’ attorneys.
Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:
Bureaucracy on steroids:
Plans to eradicate high-powered vacuum cleaners sparked panic buying by
consumers, now hairdryers are the EU´s latest target for bans on electronics.
Bosses in Brussels have made a provisional list of 30 household appliances
which could be restricted next year. They want to cut the power of hairdryers
by nearly a third in a bid to be a greener Europe, with other every day
household items facing the cull including kettles, toasters and lawnmowers.
And in the US, Obama pushes green standards for everything but the kitchen sink.
No global warming in the last 19 years.
“After Nearly Two Decades, We´re Still Waiting for the Climate to Change”
Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show
summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2
years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now
“Why Renewable Energy is Hopeless”
In an attempt to polish Islam's image, Muslim activists
usually quote verses from the Quran that were written in the early days of the
Islamic movement while Mohammed lived in Mecca. Those passages make Islam
appear loving and harmless because they call for love, peace and patience. Such
is a deception. The activists fail to tell gullible people that such verses,
though still in the Quran, were nullified, abrogated, rendered void by later
passages that incite killing, decapitations, maiming, terrorism and religious
intolerance. The latter verses were penned while Mohammed’s headquarters was
based in Medina…….In practice, Quranic abrogation results in a known doctrinal
footprint that subordinates the milder, more moderate verses of the Quran from
the Meccan period of revelation, to the later and violent verses of the Medina
Example: The Old Koran, “Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (Q
New Koran: "I will cast terror into the hearts of those
who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip
of them" (Q 8:12)
Forced to watch crucifixions, stonings and beheadings and
taught to fire machine guns as big as they are: How Islamic State training
camps for children are swelling its ranks with junior jihadis
President Obama may not have a strategy for defeating the
Islamic State, but the Islamic State has a strategy for the U.S. In fact, that
strategy is set out, in part, in an al-Qaeda manual recently translated for the
benefit of the U.S. military.
Top Egyptian Politician Says Egypt And U.S. Relationship Strained Because President Obama Demands Muslim Brotherhood Be Supported…
Didn’t President Obama say Al Qaeda was “decimated”? Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri announces
the formation of a new chapter intended to ”raise the flag of jihad” in India
and South Asia.
Multiculturalism is a very specific political philosophy which could
scarcely be further removed from the idea that we should live in one big,
happy, multi-ethnic melting pot and all just get along. That's because it means
the exact opposite. It's about separatism, not integration. It…is essentially a
manifestation of the cultural guilt and self-hatred that afflicts the left-wing
chattering classes. Rather than accept the truth which to most of us is
glaringly obvious - that some cultures are manifestly superior to others - it
urges us all to celebrate our differences and to accept values that we may
personally find alien or even abhorrent in the name of creating a fairer, more
tolerant and inclusive society. So, for example, we in liberal Western culture
generally take a dim view of marrying members of your own family, female
genital mutilation, forced or arranged marriages, second-class status for
women, voter fraud, systematic political corruption, honour killings, the
organised grooming, trafficking and rape of underage girls, and so on. In some
of our immigrant communities, though, such practices are considered more or
less acceptable.
Schadenfreude, taking pleasure in others’ suffering, is a nasty emotion,
one I take no pride in confessing as I watch Democrats attempting to dodge
responsibility for foisting Barack Obama upon us. Nevertheless, it is certainly
satisfying to see Dems scurry away from Obama as he visits their states.
“In July, after Germany trounced Brazil 7–1 in the semifinal
match of the World Cup—including a first-half stretch in which the Brazilian
soccer squad gave up an astonishing five goals in 19 minutes—a sports
commentator wrote: “This was not a team losing. It was a dream dying.” These
words could equally describe what has become of Barack Obama’s foreign policy
since his second inauguration.……As I write, the foreign policy of the United
States is in a state of unprecedented disarray.”
´You are not up to this job……Your cowardly lack of
leadership has left a gaping hole' Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action
call for President Obama´s resignation.
Ted Cruz: “The Russian bear is encountering the Obama
kitty cat.”
Mitt Romney:
“Russia invades, China bullies, Iran spins centrifuges, the
Islamic State (a terrorist threat “beyond anything that we’ve seen,” according
to the defense secretary ) threatens — and Washington slashes the military.
Reason stares. Several arguments are advanced to justify the decimation of our
defense. All of them are wrong. The president asserts that we must move to “a
new order that’s based on a different set of principles, that’s based on a
sense of common humanity.” The old order, he is saying, where America’s
disproportionate strength holds tyrants in check and preserves the sovereignty
of nations, is to be replaced.”
Five feminist myths that will not die:
The Joan Rivers you may not know:
Fascinating photos, people on beaches:
"A wise man neither suffers
himself to be governed, nor attempts to govern others."
-Jean de la Bruyere
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